Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th December 2022

Kingston Council Update

Key points

  • Launch of ‘Talking Kingston’  – a year-round consultation that invites the community to provide feedback and ideas on projects and initiatives to feed into future Council budgets. Talking Kingston will provide the community with early input and a greater level of influence over Council decisions. It will also promote increased transparency, with Council regularly reporting back to the community on where their feedback has impacted key outcomes.  Access Talking Kingston via the Your Kingston Your Say Page
  • ‘Integrated Water Strategy adopted’ – Conserving drinking water, increasing the use of alternative water, improving our flood management (including prevention and response) and improving the quality of stormwater runoff that flows into our watercourses and into Port Phillip Bay are the major objectives of Kingston’s new Integrated Water Strategy. The strategy and supporting documents received strong support during public consultation held across July, August and September this year and will guide our water management for the next decade
  • Community consultation on Urban Forest Strategy – Consultation is set to kick off on the draft Urban Forest Strategy. Kingston’s canopy cover is currently low at just 12.3% and projections show that without intervention, it will decrease by 2030. The strategy establishes the direction and actions to increase canopy cover across Kingston to 20% by 2050
  • Peri-urban Weed Management Partnership funding from DELWP. Council, in partnership with the Bunurong Land Council are successful in obtaining $400K funding over 4 years to set up an indigenous ranger team and work on weeds and ‘return to country’ projects.

Updates for bushland team

  • Recruiting for two new rangers now and an apprentice early in new year.
  • Update on weed contract,  Seeds are doing a good job during a very wet spring.
  • Habitat hectare assessment being undertaken by Practical Ecology, council is meeting up with consultant prior to Christmas break to review how they are tracking. Report due March next year.
  • National Standards – Council staff undertook some training recently and will be incorporating the National Standards principles into maintenance programs early in new year.
  • Bradshaw Victorian Environment Friends Network grant. Lee met with fauna consultant to look at appropriate species habitat boxes and their monitoring. Awaiting quote.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 13th July 2022


Grange Newsletter.
Brad Lewis Report (Adrian Hyland).
Port Phillip Conservation Council.

Green Wedge

Green Wedge Coalition met with Greens. Waiting for Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedge and Agricultural land to be released. It is 12 months overdue.

Pompei Development site

Hearing on July 19th. To determine what the developers will need to do to retain some heritage of the site.

Peter Scullin & Hazel Pierce Reserves

The Rainbow Sculpture has had mixed responses from the community.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd March 2022


Summer Edition of Kingston Residents Association, Brad Lewis report received.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

Consumer Affairs have been contacted and KCEC is dormant at the moment and as Stephen is retiring as the Treasurer it was suggested that KCEC funds be transferred to MBCL and the money used for donations to other groups. This is allowable if donating to a similar group and under $10,000 There was no decision made.

Peter Scullin Reserve

Plans have been altered but unavailable. Will ask Tristan Smith Senior Landscape Architect to bring them to the April Meeting.

Mentone Lifesaving Club

Letter to Age/local paper regarding removal of cliff and extension of footprint.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd February 2022

Guest Speaker – Brad Lewis

Brad explained his role as Team Leader of the two branches of Foreshore and Bushland.
Main points –

  • Coastal & Marine Management Plan was endorsed by Council in December. Council has an advocacy role regarding water area (eg water catchment, boating, jet skis).
  • Peter Scullin Reserve. Check out January 31st Council Meeting Minutes. It features in the Enbloc resolutions.
  • Proposed wetlands that were to be created are under review.
  • Eel Race Rd – Habitat hectare survey held every 10 years is underway soon. Remnant vegetation has been found.
  • Dent’s Paddock – Work will commence, once permit has been granted.
  • Aspendale Life Saving Club has been demolished and will be rebuilt before next Summer.
  • Mentone Life Saving Club. Plan to plant 3 plants to every 1 lost.
  • Friends Groups are restarting.

We thanked Brad for his attendance and invited him back on a quarterly basis. He has offered to send us a monthly report.

Peter Scullin Reserve

Plans have been passed. Susannah Kenny Council Officer informed Judy that a Electronic Vehicle charging station is planned for Peter Scullin Reserve Carpark. Concerned about solar panel recycling and Raid Antigen Test packaging waste.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st April 2021


Out – Letter to Minister R. Wynne regarding the protection of Green Wedge.

Pompei Site development.

Second Hearing VCAT. Amenity, noise and vibration concerned not addressed by the developers .
Amended plans rejected.
Concern about an open storm water drain that has been damaged by developers. It is now a Council managed easement.

Peter Scullin Park Plan and Playspace renewal.

Concerns about the vegetation and preservation of understory. And as for the new toilet block to be located near the end of the pier!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd March 2021


Tony Collins report
KRA notice of AGM March 13 Alan McLean Hall 2pm
Need to fine tune communication between members
Continue to forward on eg Tony Collins report and Mordialloc Creek Community meeting notes

Pompeii Site Development

Amended plans have been submitted and commented on. Back in VCAT’s hands.

The Sporting Globe

Until Council have made a decision on extended hours you can still lodge objections.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd February 2021

Bike Trail

There was concern about the choke point as bike riders emerge from under Nepean Hwy to Pompeii’s landing. Contacted Tony Collins who has maps of area showing the Authority responsible for various areas.

Pompeii Site

VCAT member ruled against developers as there was a lack of amenity such as windows not opening and that noise and vibration issues that needed to be addressed. Amended plans are to be submitted early February.

The Sporting Globe

Objections were sent to Council regarding the application to extend opening hours from 10pm to midnight. Also concerns about large crowds on pavement behaving badly. Purpose of parklets taking up parking places?

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th May 2009


Submission has been sent to the Federal Government’s National Biodiversity Strategy Review Task Group. Letters sent local papers and printed include praise for Kingston’s Mayor and Local Member of Parliament supporting the Chain of Parks Concept in the northern section of Kingston’s green wedge, and the importance of trees and green roof tops as a means of combating the heat island effect caused by climate change. Letters to Julia Gillard and Mark Dreyfus asking that a population summit be convened .There is an urgent need to reduce the migrant intake because of the dire state of Victoria’s water resources.

Meetings Attended

Nina attended Bradshaw Park working bee 18 April and the Friends of Mordialloc Creek working bee 2 May. Mary attended KRAMMED meeting 27 May and Walter and Mary attended Sustainable Population Australia AGM 16 May. MBCL will be represented at the New Residential Zones Advisory Committee Panel Hearing Monday 1st June. City of Kingston will be presenting their NRZ submission 16th June at Level 1, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne.

Meetings to be Attended!!

A Coalition of Concerned Councillors has been formed to voice strong opposition to Brumby’s takeover of Planning and Development. Steps of Parliament House Wednesday June 10th at 1pm. It is important to attend this meeting if our suburbs are to be protected from 4-8 storeys in our suburban streets.

National Climate Emergency Rally /13 June 2009 1pm at the State Library.

A meeting of the Public Transport Users Association 15 June 4th Floor Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne

KRAMMED’s next meeting 24th June @ 1 Montgomery Street, Mordialloc 7.30pm

Peter Scullin Reserve / Parks and Sports Grounds

Report was presented by two welcome guests to the May meeting – Tony and Stephen from Kingston Parks & Urban Design. Discussion about paths to the renovated toilet block at the reserve resulted in a decision that one concrete would be sufficient. The band Rotunda is to have seats and fencing to prevent Windows customers parking on the grassed area.. Stephen reported that the concrete barbecues and seating have now been painted all over in a sand colour thereby considerably reducing their bulky appearance. Possibility of trees being planted on the Hazel Pierce reserve to prevent parking on the grassed area.. Tony reported on methods of providing sufficient water for the parks and Kingston’s fifty sports grounds. Tanks holding 45,000 litres of water from the Eastern Treatment Plant will be available. The NRA team and Green Corp have embarked a re-veg program for the foreshore . Planting will include replacing Banksias and when they have died Program based on Jeff Yugovich’s density EVCs.Kingston Heath’s Botanical Gardens have been restored and are well worth a visit.Although St Kilda FC still have a lease o Moorabbin Oval the NRA team is continuing re-veg work with Greg’s Friends group.Street tree planting has begun again. Tony and Stepphen were thanked for making time available to keep us informed of projects along the foreshore and creek – MBCL’s major area of interest.

Living Links

Talks are continuing between Melbourne Water, the Catchment Management Authority and Council’s NRA team.A five year has been presented.The plan will cover the area from the mouth of the Mordialloc Creek, Attenborough Park , Pompei’s land, George Woods Reserve up as far as Wells Road. Living Link were sent info about our interests and concerns For the project area.

Airport Master Plan

Cr West reported on the plans for airport development. This will mean loss of the golf club which is part of Kingston’s Green Wedge. There are 500,000 flights per annum in small planes. Most of these are training flights for Indian and Chinese trainee pilots.

Dingley News

Janice Munt announced that the Brumby Government willinvest $80 million to build a new 3,5 km section of the Dingley Arterial linking Perry Road with Westall Road and South Road extension. Interestingly a report by Simon Cropper into Herb-rich Grassy Wetlands found remnants of this rare species on the site of the extension. Info has been passed onto Brian. Brian also lodged an objection to 28 double storey dwellings in Tootals Road. A typical over development of the site which seems to be occurring throughout Kingston in Incremental Change zones. KRAMMED have been to VCAT to a similar over-development in Chelsea with twelve two storey dwellings on block with lack of open space and inadequate parking. This design was modified somewhat.

Channel Deepening

Judy attended the PPCC meeting and gave us a copy of report on channel deepening which PPCC secretary Jenny Warfe had prepared. The EPA admits that high tides have risen 1cm claiming that this was ‘consistent with predictions. Storms on Anzac day created havoc on foreshore infrastructure around the bay – and will continue to dos as the sea levels rise. POMC are patting themselves on the back about the glowing auditor’s report into their activities but as Michael Morehead lawyer for Blue Wedge, said “The report is premature. And the need for bigger ships now seems dubious” as shipping companies realize that smaller ships are more economical after all.

Pace Developments Mentone / Mordialloc

Krammed member, Carmel, attended a mediation meeting re the Le Gym Mentone development now minus an Aldi supermarket and probably four storey’s instead of five, but still with a hotel, gym, conference centre and apartments. Uncertain future of NQR on the development site at Mordialloc. Claims that units are selling at $695,000 for a corner unit.St Nicholas Hall, corner Bear and Albert Street has been sold for $1,5 million according to the Age -for ‘low rise residential development.’

Signage Spotlights Pompei’s Landing

Nina has been trying to alert council to the fact that these lights have been burning day and night. Environment Officers claim that there is no law preventing this unless residents complain. CEO will request light sensors be installed.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd April 2008

Forthcoming Events

Land & biodiversity at a time of Climate Change workshop Melbourne Friday 30 May. Details DSE Website. Important to send a submission . Refer to annexure with MBCL newsletter. Planting on the Scullin Reserve 9am -1pm May 10th


Letters have been sent to Mayor & Councillors City of Dandenong and the Environmental Defenders Office regarding a sculpture on Eastlink known as ‘Hotel’ . querying the need for a permit for 20 metre structure. Submissions have been sent to Moorabbin to Mordialloc Integrated Framework Plan.

MBCL Web Site

Thanks to Johanna who worked innumerable hours to upgrade the web site

You may access it @ Thanks also to Paul who dealt with the secretary’s printer problems! You may however notice a change in layout which your secretary has not yet mastered!!!

Mordialloc Creek

Letters to be written to ARCUE re concerns at some councillors claims that Phragmites (reeds)should be removed from Mordialloc Creek to provide watercraft access. Suggestions that the island, currently a wildlife refuge, should also be removed for the same reason. The creek is to be dredged to 1.5 metres below sea level to allow salt water to flow upstream. Will this effect the ecology of the proposed freshwater wetlands?

Attenborough Park

Bollards have been placed in Attenborough Park to prevent Doyles customers parking in the park on the grassed areas under the Monterey Cypresses. A metre of the park has been taken for road works after the Mordialloc Creek bridge work is completed. Groves Reserve future use is uncertain at this time.BRADSHAW PARK March working bee Friends cleared hut gutters,bagged litter, weeded, lined walking tracks with logs and branches to confine visitors to tracks. A memorial plaque to Peter Bunning has been prepared.

Bay Trail

Stages 1a and 1b have been completed up to Parkdale Yacht Club car park.Because the car park is so narrow it would make sense to continue the bike track back- of- kerb on the road verge offered by VicRoads. Vegetation along the foreshore has been affected by the drought so council’s excuse that too much vegetation would be removed if the back- of- kerb option was adopted is no longer valid.

Peter Scullin Reserve

The barbecues on the reserve have been painted a sand colour which has softened the harsh concrete blocks so out of character with the 1920/30s buildings. Council’s previous policy was that all structures should conform to that character.

Judy raised these issues with Stephen at the Village Committee meeting and was given a copy of the planting list for the Reserve (Note the planting day May 10th 9am to 1pm)

Once again the tea-trees are surviving drought conditions better than she-oaks, Banksias and eucalypts.

Waterwatch Project

A date is still to be decided to commence the water quality monitoring . Middle of May now looks promising for initial testing upstream of Wells road bridge. Mary has volunteered to assist Judy if support is required while others are away.

NQR Mediation Meeting

was held 8th April attended by 20 people. Residents were appalled by the plan to have exit/entry only from Epsom Road. This would include delivery trucks, resident vehicles, customers, rubbish removal and staff vehicles. Semi trailers delivering to NQR have trouble backing into the site at present. Vehicles travel at speed down Epsom Road after negotiating the roundabout making this a heavily trafficked dangerous corner. Johanna presented some excellent modifications to the proposal which is planning 40 units on two of the three storey development plus an Aldi supermarket.

New Residential Zones for Victoria

KRAMMED president has prepared an scathing critique of the State Government’s latest scheme to cram a million more people into Melbourne. This involves three and four storey developments in existing low rise suburban streets. Pressure for higher density development in our suburbs overlooks overloaded drainage systems, flood prone land, sea level rise affecting development on low -lying foreshore areas and loss of open space and parkland. Lack of water resources should give cause for politicians to consider a reduction in population increase. Dr Katherine Betts, Australian Population Sociologist will be speaking at the North Melbourne Library Saturday 10th May at 2pm. Dr Betts will look at Statistics and Politics-Changes in collection and definition of Australian immigration statistics over the past 10 years.

Channel Deepening

As you are probably aware dredging is soon to commence in the Yarra River. Toxic dredge sludge will be dumped in the specially constructed bund 16 kms off Mordialloc. The Greens have gained the support of Independent and Liberal State Government politicians to convene a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration to inquire into the contract between Boskalis, the dredging company and POMC.The Brumby Labor Government has extended the time for submissions to the Inquiry until May 7th . Blue Wedges are recommending The story of STUFF : This is about STUFF –where it comes from, why we buy it, and where it ends up.

Land and Biodiversity 

Please find time to read fill in the proforma included . The Victorian Government has given up without ever having invested enough money into ensuring the survival of our species.Please note also the Age article about a developer operating locally.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 10th October 2007

Forthcoming Events

Public information session will be held at Clarinda Community Centre on Thursday November 8th from 7pm to give landowners, residents and community groups the opportunity to learn more about the importance of the Green Wedge and retention of open space- especially the Chain of Parks concept. Submissions due Nov.30th.

Candidates Forum in the Seat of ISAACS

Greens and Democrat candidates are available to discuss their parties policies at the Parkdale Uniting Church Hall, Parkers Road, 15th November at 7.30 pm. The minor parties may play an important role whichever party wins the forthcoming election.

Channel Deeping Panel Report

Channel Deeping Panel Report was finally released this week. No surprises! The Panel relied on POMC’s expert witnesses and the Independent Expert Group’s submissions to approve deepening the shipping channels .Cross examination of witnesses was not permitted at the hearing which limited information available to the Panel.The Chairman, Alan Hawke commented on this flaw, unusual in hearings of this type and recommended this procedure was not used in future hearings.Tide levels will be higher than originally stated, the Entrance will be dredged to a greater depth of possibly 22 metres allowing for an increased flow into the Bay.
If the Minister for Roads and Ports decides to proceed with the proposal, the Port of Melbourne Corporation will apply to the Victorian Minister for the Environment, for his approval under Coastal Management Act 1995.
The assessment will also be provided to the Federal Minister for Environment, for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Copies of the Minister for Planning’s Assessment can be found at

Another Bike Path ??

Why not a path along the south levee bank of the creek to Springvale Road to connect with the Dandenong Trail, the proposed Keysborough supermarket on Hutton Road and through the Waterways to Braeside? Apparently it is a good idea to build a path on a levee bank above flood level and also because it helps to compress the levee bank.

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