Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd March 2021


Tony Collins report
KRA notice of AGM March 13 Alan McLean Hall 2pm
Need to fine tune communication between members
Continue to forward on eg Tony Collins report and Mordialloc Creek Community meeting notes

Pompeii Site Development

Amended plans have been submitted and commented on. Back in VCAT’s hands.

The Sporting Globe

Until Council have made a decision on extended hours you can still lodge objections.

Peter Scullin Park Plan and Playspace renewal.

Council will come up with a plan based on our suggestions.

New Parkdale Yacht Club.

The control tower has been painted a light grey making it less obtrusive to the eye.

Green Wedge

Alex Frasier (Concrete crushing Facility) has been granted a 10 year extension to operate.
Move the Train Stabling Yard campaign has been receiving a lot of media cover and are mounting a strong battle with backing from KRA. The Minister is insisting the Delta Site is the preferred location.
A brief letter to the State Planning Minister R.Wynne MP in defence of the Green Wedge would be an excellent idea.

Grant Applications / donations

Melbourne Water give grants of $1000 for administration purposes eg. Funding and maintaining websites.
Liveable Communities, liveable Waterways Program?
City of Kingston Community Grants can also be applied for.
Donation/membership Port Phillip Conservation Council
Suggestions – Green Wedge Coalition. Defenders SE Green Wedge.

Delegates Reports

PPCC. A large number of issues were discussed. Check out their website for details
KRA. AGM see correspondence
Mordialloc Catchment Commitee. There is a problem generally with ‘Friends’ groups. They need to be promoted by Council to improve community involvement. Approach local Secondary Schools?

Save Westernport
Save Westernport No AGL Gas
Beautiful Woolleys beach has been saved from Chlorine and Gas.
Thank you to the wonderful community who fought hard and STOPPED AGL.
Thanks to Environment Victoria for showing us how it’s done, and to our Shire Council.
Thank you to Minister Wynne for making the right decision and restoring our faith in environment protection laws and common sense in Victoria…..

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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