Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th May 2003

Arrivals and Departures

During May we had a welcome visit from MBCL former President, Dr Len Warren and his wife Val who is part of a group involved in fighting high rise development on the Swan River, Perth.

In addition to Verity Hayler who flew off to Ecuador, two more MBCL jet-setters will be missing from one or two meetings. Penny is now in Canada and Brian is in Vienna visiting his family.

Any aspiring broadcasters available to present environmental matters on Southern Radio?

We really should utilise this medium to inform listeners about Melbourne 2030 and the likely impact on their residential amenity, channel deepening, the importance of dune stabilisation, etc.

Members Activities

Production of this newsletter funded through Melbourne Water’s Community Grants Scheme
Watch Out for the Blue Wedges Coalition Meeting Coming Soon!
It has been a busy month for MBCL members with Penny participating in a Coastal Native Planting Day on the foreshore at Mentone. This was organised by NRA’s Tony Collins. Thirty people turned up on the 4th May to plant and enjoy a sausage sizzle. Penny and Shirley have alerted Tony to the bank erosion below the Parkdale LSC. The erosion is exacerbated by children sliding down the bank while the mothers are sipping lattes in the cafe. Shirley and Penny are members of the Friends of Mentone Railway Station. The group hopes to prevent the gardens and significant trees being removed to make way for a bus interchange which could be sited on the eastern side of the station. Thanks to Joan, Nina, Brian, Frank and Stephen for their submissions to the Draft Master Plans for the Scullin Reserve and Attenborough Park

Draft Master Plan for the Peter Scullin Reserve and Attenborough Park

A meeting with responsible officers and councillors was requested to present additional views and seek clarification about the Reserve and Park before councillors voted on the Masterplan. There appears to be an odd reluctance to consult on this and other environmental issues, certainly at senior management level where decisions are made. Planning News, the Planning Institutes Magazine has an article this month about the importance of providing safe walking paths to encourage people to walk more. They recommend that the project should begin by consulting local residents before plans are drawn up. Similarly it could be asked why the councils own staff, who work on the foreshore and parks, were not consulted about the zarre suggestion that Moreton Bay Figs be planted in Attenborough Park when the report, Landscape Guidelines for the Mordialloc Creek Precinct, state that indigenous trees help to create wildlife corridors. Moreton Bay Figs require massive amounts of water, roots create damage, nothing will grow under them and flying foxes love the fruit.

Port Phillip & Westernport Calp

CALP have published a Regional Weed Action Plan. This is a useful document if anyone wants a copy let us know. Stephen intended to contact CALP with further suggestions for weeds which may have been overlooked. The latest CMA mail out from Doug contains a Spring Planting form for anyone interested in helping.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

At the General Meeting of PPCC Beach Box policy was passed with acceptance of the 2000 boxes around the Bay provided that the boxes are well maintained. Protection of Brighton vegetation is now an issue with tree vandals poisoning street trees to provide potential buyers with a view. Meanwhile 100 year Monterey Cypress on the Chelsea Reserve are to be destroyed because they are too close to a development built right under the canopy of the trees! The trees were there first, councillors! Roof decks are again under consideration at Bayside Council because f the inappropriate behaviour of the occupants on the roof decks. Question of the Artist’s ail signage on the foreshore which needs to be less intrusive in this sensitive area. Sand is being pumped under the collapsing balcony of Carrum Motor Yacht Club helping to stop further storm damage. Sand fences help prevent erosion at some sites south of the Creek.

Foreshore Commercial Activities Policy

A copy of the policy for commercial activities on the foreshore has been sent to submitters High Intensity Zone and therefore non- for comment. The policy designates Mordialloc as a water related activities like pony and miniature train rides are crammed into this area as well as hiring of windsurfers, catamarans & kite surfing tackle. These three craft would be dangerous for anyone not experienced in using them because of their speed. Bathers could also be endangered unless the zone to be used was south of Mordialloc pier. Jet ski hire “would only be considered in junction with a festival or similar event”. Imagine the racket if jet skis were hired out during a Wine & Food event with over amplified ‘music’!! Pony and train rides could occupy a site such as the Scullin oval for six months precluding activities There are more large parks in Kingston where such use for other purposes could be sited. This would benefit residents in those areas. Remember you can only cram so many crystal glasses into a box before they are all smashed. Mordialloc Foreshore has almost reached saturation point.

Drill’s Land

Still waiting for Tony Brindley, Name still to be decided. A third of the plants have died due to the drought.


What is happening? Brian to investigate.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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