Out – Letter to Minister R. Wynne regarding the protection of Green Wedge.
Pompei Site development.
Second Hearing VCAT. Amenity, noise and vibration concerned not addressed by the developers .
Amended plans rejected.
Concern about an open storm water drain that has been damaged by developers. It is now a Council managed easement.
Peter Scullin Park Plan and Playspace renewal.
Concerns about the vegetation and preservation of understory. And as for the new toilet block to be located near the end of the pier!
Mordialloc Sailing Club
Managed by Council. Refurbishment Plans are modest and footprint not increased
Sea Scouts
Scout Hall on Lambert Island to be demolished. No plans revealed so far.
Scout Hall in George Woods Reserve will increase the footprint.
PFAS testing of Mordialloc Creek
Melbourne Water report to be released on May 28th at Mordialloc Creek Community meeting
Yarra River Keeper
Andrew Kelly been contacted and requested to speak to us.
Governor Rd Boat Ramp upgrade
Original plans by DLWP to change the carpark and pedestrian walkway appear to have been abandoned.
There will be dredging opposite ramp and there may be an issue with contaminants.
Delegates Reports
PPCC. Beach renourishment at Mt Martha. Portsea Beach erosion. See Website for further details.
KRA. AGM attended and Committee elected with Trevor Shewan taking on role of President for 6 months with Vice President Dylan Styles taking over the role then.
Guest Speakers were Sonya Kilkenny MP for the Seat of Carrum & Mark Dreyfus Shadow Attorney General and Federal Member for Isaacs.
Mordialloc Catchment Commitee. Brewery event did have a permit to hold event on George Woods Res.
Grange. Extra water has created a new lot of indigenous seeds to grow. These have been fenced off