Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th July 2004

Important Forthcoming Events!!

August 10 Mordialloc Village Committee Meeting at Doyles 6.30pm. to hear a presentation of the long awaited Mordialloc Structure Plan which is proposing four storey apartment developments on several environmentally significant sites abutting the creek and in central Mordialloc. The public is welcome at this meeting.

KRAMMED AGM August 25 7.30pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. It is hoped to have a Guest Speaker from Boroondara Residents Action Group (BRAG) fighting to defend Camberwell from inappropriate development. Please try and attend these meetings because our residential amenity is under extreme threat.
Also under threat are the rights of third parties (us) to object to developments in Activity Centres.

Another busy year for MBCL members who not only attend an ever increasing number of meetings dealing with environment matters but still find time for hands on revegetation work in natural resource area parks Mordialloc Creek banks and foreshore. Well done, all!

In addition to other pressing issues, the Channel deepening proposal for the Bay is of concern to our members not only because of potential damage to the marine ecosystem and habitat but also the impact which even a “imperceptible” rise in tide levels may have on the most vulnerable eastern side of the Bay already suffering from some of worst erosion for years caused by gale force winds. Submissions are due August before 5pm Monday 16th August 2004.

Next Meeting of the Blue Wedge Coalition August 4, 2004, 7.30pm at St Andrews Uniting Church cnr High & Bay Streets, Frankston

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

Water quality is still an issue with a recommendation that stormwater should be monitored at the entrance of Waterways wetlands and again as it re-enters Mordialloc Main to check whether the wetlands are in fact actually improving water quality. Settlement, Dunlops and Heatherton Drain are the other major contributors to creek pollution. Council has begun to check industrial areas through which the drains flow, and to install litter traps. Concern expressed in some quarters about the phragmites growth in the creek. As a result a letter explaining the value of the common reed in improving water quality, slowing flood flows and providing habitat was sent to that committee.

Bay Trail Bicycle Path Charman Road to Mordialloc

Penny reported on the meeting to discuss principles for the establishment of the bike path along Beach Road Mentone to Mordialloc. Unfortunately Kingston is third or fourth on the funding list so the path may not eventuate for some time

Tennis Court Car Park and Peter Scullin Reserve Revamp

Work is proceeding in the creation of a carpark on the former tennis court. Part of the existing parking leading off Pier Road is to be closed and retuned to park land. Some concern as to how the linkage can be accomplished without removing vegetation, especially the under storey which provides a wind break for the Scullin Reserve. MBCL members have met with Sophie to discuss this problem.
The proposed reorganization of the creek car park plans has been subjected to intense scrutiny by Brian and Nina as there appears to be an increase in car park spaces above the no net gain criteria which we thought applied to all car parks on the foreshore. This matter is still to be sorted. Nina pointed out the need for a pedestrian crossing from the Pier to the kiosk for safety reasons.

Mordialloc Structure Plan

The Structure Plan or ‘Pride of the Bay’ is finally to be released for public comment. It will be a hotly debated topic. Members debated the need to retain the original concept of a Maritime Precinct at the Pompei Boat building site. It is essential that facilities are retained for small boat owners to maintain and launch their boats. Developers are eager to acquire the site for four storey apartments as well as in central Mordialloc shopping precinct.

Native Vegetation Management Framework

Cr West reported on a presentation made to Councillors on this topic. Environment Victoria have some concerns about the loopholes in the Framework which allows vegetation removal in rural areas especially when spray irrigation is to be installed where large cleared areas are required. MBCL responded to a request by EV to write to the Minister about this matter.

Parks Reports

Chicquita Park has been fenced off by the developer preventing residents using the park. However the developer is not permitted to remove any of the vegetation. The VCAT hearing has been postponed until October.
Nina advised that Friends of Mordialloc Creek were having a planting day from 10am-1pm on National tree Day.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Doug Miller attended the PPCCs 131st meeting and outlined the many application for marinas and residential apartment developments being considered by the Central Coastal Board. He advised that eastern shorelines was under pressure from developers. Don’t we know it!!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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