Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 13th July 2022


Grange Newsletter.
Brad Lewis Report (Adrian Hyland).
Port Phillip Conservation Council.

Green Wedge

Green Wedge Coalition met with Greens. Waiting for Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedge and Agricultural land to be released. It is 12 months overdue.

Pompei Development site

Hearing on July 19th. To determine what the developers will need to do to retain some heritage of the site.

Peter Scullin & Hazel Pierce Reserves

The Rainbow Sculpture has had mixed responses from the community.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st August 2012

Beaumaris Cliffs National Estate Register

The important Beaumaris Red Bluff Sand Cliffs were removed from the National Estate Register (along with hundreds of other significant sites in 2004) leaving the cliffs without legal protection. Correspondence with Mark Dreyfus and Tony Burke, Minister fro Environment, advised that we could apply for the cliffs inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register. However Geoffrey Goode,(PPCC) found after discussion with the Victorian Geological Society, that it is almost impossible to have any site accepted for listing in Victoria. Documents provided would require an astute legal eagle to deal with them.

Canary Island Date Palms Hazel Pierce Reserve

A letter from DSE A/Manager Environmental Planning Port Phillip Region, advises that the DSE prefers that all re-vegetation on coastal Crown land utilize indigenous species. DSE does not support the planting of Canary Island Palms on coastal Crown land and will advise City of Kingston of this. Canary Island Palms are listed in DSE’s “Advisory list of Environmental weeds of coastal plains and healthy forests bioregions of Victoria.” Letters were sent to Kingston CEO.

Meetings Attended

Wal attended a Beyond Zero Emissions meeting dealing mining emissions as a result of coal exports to China, India. 400 people attended. He also attended a meeting at Beaumaris Yacht Club attended by groups from around the Bay. issues affecting foreshore and waters of the Bay. Beaumaris Bay .


Dredging work on the section of Moridalloc creek between the rail and road bridges is proceeding on time and on budget. Melbourne Water is planning to begin construction of wetlands on industrial land above Wells Road bridge. This work will connect with Waterways wetlands and may further help in improving water quality.

Green Wedge Management Plan

The plan was approved by Council 27th August with compromises that did not suit all land owners nor the Southeast Greenwedge Coalition. Nor was Lady Hamer happy with the Baillieu Government ignoring Premier Hamer’s plan to prevent development in the green wedges the lungs and green spaces of Melbourne. 6000 hectares of former green wedge land will be subject to plans for development including shops, sawmills, schools and petrol stations. Special thanks to Cr West who has valiantly fought to preserve Kingston’s green wedge for future generations – with able support from Crs Shewin and Staikos.

Council Pre-Election Survey

A meeting organized to meet council candidates was attended by four women who, if elected, will be a much needed antidote to Kingston’s present testosterone posturing at meetings.

The Collins Report

The NRA sites and foreshore were audited in July. We look forward to results as promised at the September meeting. The Horticulture crew assessed approximately 20% of sites managed by the crew to check on plant survival, mulch depth, weed cover, litter and quality pruning. The crew achieved 97% successful result. Rock wall at Carrum built to prevent beach erosion is nearly completed. Yammerbook Reserve has received draft detailed designs from Jeavons Landscapes but need to confirm flood levels with information provided by Melbourne Water prior to obtaining final approval and signing a licence agreement. National Tree Day proved to be very successful for council’s team with 80 people from a wide spectrum of volunteers and public and private schools planting along Mordialloc Creek, Kingston foreshore and reserves. An Interfaith Group planted 600 plants in an hour at Carrum foreshore on Saturday 28th July during National Tree Day.

Bay Trail

We understand the Vicroads plans to narrow Beach Road to Australian standards as a safety measure claiming that a wide road encourages speed whereas a standard width road would discourage speed. Should the narrowing eventuate it would simplify the locations of Kingston’s section of the Bay Trail on the verge of Beach Road to conform with the successful Bayside bike trail.

Barkly Street

Three storey 24 unit development may go to VCAT 19th November. Matthew Guy’s New Planning Zones will replace Res Zones 1,2,3 with zones allowing three to four storey’s in suburban streets and a a mixture of business activities in Activity Zones. (i.e our suburban shopping strips and housing on the fringe.) Third party objection will no longer apply where a development conforms with the new zones.

Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM

Will be held at 7.30pm Monday 22nd October at Long Beach Place Chelsea Community Center, 15 Chelsea Road. Guest Speaker will be Dr Graeme Pearman. Should not be missed. Dr Pearman, former head of CSIRO Aspendale Atmospheric Center was warning of climate change three decades ago – as were many other scientists such as Barry Pittock also a scientist at Aspendale.

Pompei Site

The site appears to be under threat according to an Age article 30th August “Local Legend’s son in deep water over family’s creek lease.” According to Mordialloc Structure plan no matter what development was planned for the area boating repairs, launching and possibly apprenticeship courses for boat builders were to be retained on site as part of the attraction of Mordialloc Creek and environs. Without boating activity and character Mordialloc would lose the “timeless unsophisticated quality which is perhaps one of its greatest assets.” This is according to Mordialloc Foreshore & Environs Strategy Plan for Mordialloc City Council November 1987 by Tract Consultants. Mordialloc Structure Plan endorsed the proposal to retain structures that would enable small boat owners to repair and launch their boats and if possible to have a museum of wooden boat building.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th April 2012

Project Proposals

Discussion re use of MBCL funds to assist with school projects or environmental group work. Judy and Bronwen to liaise with local schools and/or council staff. Recent possibility of -finally- an upgrade of MBCL web site! This could also mean saving important forty year old historical records of MBCL’s involvement with conservation work on the foreshore as well as current issues and submissions.

Melbourne Water Workshop

Where : Living Legends, Oaklands Road, Greenvale 3059. When Thursday 31 May from 10.00am -1.30pm. RSVP 24 May . Draft Strategies witll be available online from 14 May. Feedback closes 30 June 2012. The Healthy Waterways Strategy will replace the current Regional River Health Strategy for the Port Phillip and Westernport region when it expires in 2013.


Letter sent to Hon Murray Thompson MP re Kingston council decision to approve the dangerous, costly and environmentally damaging bike track along the Mentone promenade. No response. Media release sent to the Leader regarding the FOI O’Brien Traffic consultant report which states that “In my view, the existing promenade is not an appropriate route for the Bay Trail nor could it be made so….It is highly exposed to strong winds and any cyclist colliding with the seawall could go over it. Windblown sand build up could also be an issue for cyclists. ….There is just too great an element of unpredictability in terms of behaviour of various users(of the promenade) for this path to operate safely.”

Beach Renourishment

Meeting held 18 April to discuss renourishment of Mentone beach possibly with sand trucked from Mordialloc beach. Mentone LSC entrance undermined during a severe storm recently. The EES for Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club marina is currently under consideration. If this development is approved there will be damage to the eroding Beaumaris cliffs which unfortunately are no longer protected by the National Estate Register. Mentone beach sand movement may also be affected.

George Woods Reserve

Unfortunately the council has approved a large regional playground in the Arboretum in the George Woods Reserve . This will mean enlarging a car park, removing mature trees, installing toilets, barbecues and seating. The site is secluded and the manager of the kindergarten has referred to the unsociable behaviour occuring at the rear of the kindergarten and scout hall. She is calling for cameras and lighting .The preferred large alternative site is the existing playground at Bertram Street which is visible from Governor Road and the car park, is close to toilets and already has a barbecue in place. Bronwen volunteered to speak to /meet with the manager of the kindergarten.

Green Wedge Report

Patsy Martin from the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) claims that the State Government does not want green wedge boundaries moved and would prefer Springvale Road development area returned to the green wedge. Council discussion in camera raises issues of deals with land owners by some councillors.

The Collins Report

Yammerbook Melbourne Water has reviewed the consultant’s plan for the reserve and will then contact the Committee.

Foreshore Coordinator , Jarrod Megans has conducted information sessions about beach renourishment.

Ecological controlled burns at The Grange .

Clean up at Wells Road and Jack Grut Reserve construction site. Removal of dead trees and establishment of a Rain Garden plus revegetation work.

Council has released its Integration Water Cycle Strategy. The focus is to look at an integrated approach while considering alternative options for water use. Water is stored in tanks both above and underground for use on sport grounds.

Bus Tour

Bus tour for six MBCL/KCEC members ,conducted by Tony and Jarrod, along Kingston foreshore from Carrum to Mentone, April 17. Work carried out by the NRA team  in the section Carrum to Aspendale North was impressive especially regeneration of Banksias. Sand bag retaining walls at North Aspendale appears successful as the bags are almost completely covered by the sand dune. Weed growth on cliffs at Charman Road ,Mentone is a problem. Siting the bike track along the cliff top, Charman Road to Mundy Street, and then down the cliff face to the Mentone Promenade will require removal of much vegetation to try to provide a 400 metre zig zag path down the steep cliff face. ( Refer to consultant’s report Page 1)

Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Notice of Investigation : Marine Investigation.

The purpose of the marine investigation is to provide an assessment of management of existing marine protected areas in meeting the purpose for which they were established. Submission period closes Monday 25 June. 2012.

Victorian Environmental Assessment Council, Level 6, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne. 3002.

Palm Tree Hazel Pierce Reserve

Council has approved an avenue of Canary Island Date palms on Beach Road adjacent to the reserve.In 2006 Council removed the existing 12 date palms from the creek bank of the reserve as part of Kingston’s Coastal Management policy to plant locally indigenous species in the reserve.Banksias and she-oaks   provide shade and shelter and retains Mordialloc’s unique fishing village character. The cost of planting date palms will cost approx. $250,000 and will not only contravene council’s management plan for the creek and foreshore but ignores the fact that DSE’s advisory list of environmental weeds of coastal plains and heathy forests bioregions of Victoria classifies Canary Island Date Palms as environmental weeds.

Mordialloc Rail Siding

Mordialloc Rail Siding looks like an industrial site with lights on all night probably for security reasons. However this may detract from the attraction of proposed 94 unit development next to the rail line!

Grange Heathland Reserve

The Grange has bought a camera to record plant development in the reserve.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th March 2009


There is still time to make a submission to New Residential Zones for Victoria due April 9. Council will hold an information session April 2 designed to explain the NRZs. A limit of 40 persons so need to book. To be held Chelt Council Offices. 6pm – 7.30pm.

VEAC is also calling for submissions for an investigation of remnant vegetation on Crown land and public authority land (greater than 20,000 ha for public authority land ) Sub due 4th May.

Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2020. Dept of Environment, Water and Heritage is seeking comment if you are interested in shaping the future of Australia’s biodiversity management. Sub due 29 may 2009.

Forthcoming Events

Living Links Community Workshop April 2 . 6pm -8pm at Springvale Community centre 397- 405 Springvale Road. To develop a master plan of living parks, wetlands, pathways and open spaces .

Macrobiotic Workshop At Briars park April 4th 9.30am -12.30pm . A Melbourne Water initiative

Council’s Failure to Communicate

Despite being assured that council acknowledged receipt of correspondence within ten days it took three phone calls and a four month wait to get a response to four letters sent in Nov, Dec, Jan and February to the CEO, Mayor and Planning Manager. Finally in March a letter arrived responding to two of the issues.


Brian and Nina, in consultation with Melanie, have decided to carry out water quality tests in Mordialloc Creek bi-monthly upstream from Wells Road bridge. This site may have to be moved due to construction of wetlands on industrial land on the north side of the creek.

Meeting with Local Member

Meeting to ascertain whether there was still support for the back of kerb option for the Kingston section of the Round the Bay bike track. Adrian attended to give a report on Bayside Council’s decision to reject the cliff top option for their section of the path and continue to lobby VicRoads for a back of kerb track. Other issues discussed included Urban Growth Boundaries. It seems that Kingston Council was given three opportunities by the Minister to present a plan to retain green wedge boundaries but never made a submission. AGRA is concerned that council may be considering changes to the southern section of Kingston’s green wedge. MBCL supports AGRA’s request for early consultation on this matter.

Concrete Crusher

Kingston Council withdrew from Supreme Court action to stop Alex Fraser’s concrete crusher setting up on Kingston Road opposite a large school.Alex Fraser has withdrawn their application for the Tootal Road site. Apparently DSE is not impressed with Kingston Council’s plans for the northern Non-Urban Framework Plan. Working groups have been set up to sort out this problematic planning issue.Chain of Parks should be considered.

Parking on the Hazel Pierce Reserve

This was the subject of one of the four letters sent to council and not responded to! The issue was raised with a council officer also but was informed that he didn’t want posts around the reserve to stop cars parking on the grass claiming that ‘it didn’t happen very often’. It was pointed out that posts/fencing have been placed right along Beach Road and in front of the Epsom Road shelter to stop cars parking there. To no avail. Nina has requested that bollards be replaced around ATTENBOROUGH PARK now that bridge work has been completed. This is to prevent Doyles patrons parking on re-seeded areas and under trees.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Stage 2 of the Master Plan to create an island habitat and dog pond is on hold because COK is developing a regional plan for habitat and recreation links as well as environmental improvements. The concept may include Waterways, the Secondary Drain (Centre Swamp Drain), Mordialloc Creek, Yammerbook, Epsom Grassland.

Committee annoyed because Stage 2 funding was obtained for 2008/9 financial year but the regional concept was not conveyed to the committee.Is the Living Links Workshop April 2 the beginning of the regional concept plan??


Melbourne Water will remain responsible for water flow through Waterways wetlands but want the Waterways Steering Committee to take responsibility for vegetation maintenance. The Committee is negotiating with COK re cost of maintenance.

Eastern Treatment Plant

Possibility of Class C recycled water used for sports grounds, parks, gardens and environmental flows. Water would contain nutrients and low salinity levels. Water may be suitable for Yammerbook saline wetlands but how would this water affect Mordialloc Creek? Surrounding councils may be involved.

Epsom Wetlands

NRA rangers removing parrot feathers weed from the wetlands possibly as a result of someone emptying an aquarium into the water! Exotic trees have been removed from the grasslands by NRA .Result of a phantom planter.?

Bradshaw Park

Despite drought and hot weather the park is in fair condition. Friends had a propagation session in February at council Bonbeach nursery.

Frankston Marina

Frankston Marina seems set to go ahead despite very real doubts about the viability of the project and environmental damage caused by inevitable beach erosion . Parks Victoria is responsible for promoting safe boat harbours around the Bay. However this is causing small boat owners considerable angst because of cost of mooring fees likely to accrue. A proposal for a large marina at Queenscliff is another case of where only wealthy yacht owners will be able to afford to use the facilities.A ‘safe shelter from inclement weather conditions’ is a fallacious argument. As G.Goode Eaq says, “ They shouldn’t be out on the Bay in bad weather!”

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.