Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th May 2009


Submission has been sent to the Federal Government’s National Biodiversity Strategy Review Task Group. Letters sent local papers and printed include praise for Kingston’s Mayor and Local Member of Parliament supporting the Chain of Parks Concept in the northern section of Kingston’s green wedge, and the importance of trees and green roof tops as a means of combating the heat island effect caused by climate change. Letters to Julia Gillard and Mark Dreyfus asking that a population summit be convened .There is an urgent need to reduce the migrant intake because of the dire state of Victoria’s water resources.

Meetings Attended

Nina attended Bradshaw Park working bee 18 April and the Friends of Mordialloc Creek working bee 2 May. Mary attended KRAMMED meeting 27 May and Walter and Mary attended Sustainable Population Australia AGM 16 May. MBCL will be represented at the New Residential Zones Advisory Committee Panel Hearing Monday 1st June. City of Kingston will be presenting their NRZ submission 16th June at Level 1, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne.

Meetings to be Attended!!

A Coalition of Concerned Councillors has been formed to voice strong opposition to Brumby’s takeover of Planning and Development. Steps of Parliament House Wednesday June 10th at 1pm. It is important to attend this meeting if our suburbs are to be protected from 4-8 storeys in our suburban streets.

National Climate Emergency Rally /13 June 2009 1pm at the State Library.

A meeting of the Public Transport Users Association 15 June 4th Floor Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne

KRAMMED’s next meeting 24th June @ 1 Montgomery Street, Mordialloc 7.30pm

Peter Scullin Reserve / Parks and Sports Grounds

Report was presented by two welcome guests to the May meeting – Tony and Stephen from Kingston Parks & Urban Design. Discussion about paths to the renovated toilet block at the reserve resulted in a decision that one concrete would be sufficient. The band Rotunda is to have seats and fencing to prevent Windows customers parking on the grassed area.. Stephen reported that the concrete barbecues and seating have now been painted all over in a sand colour thereby considerably reducing their bulky appearance. Possibility of trees being planted on the Hazel Pierce reserve to prevent parking on the grassed area.. Tony reported on methods of providing sufficient water for the parks and Kingston’s fifty sports grounds. Tanks holding 45,000 litres of water from the Eastern Treatment Plant will be available. The NRA team and Green Corp have embarked a re-veg program for the foreshore . Planting will include replacing Banksias and when they have died Program based on Jeff Yugovich’s density EVCs.Kingston Heath’s Botanical Gardens have been restored and are well worth a visit.Although St Kilda FC still have a lease o Moorabbin Oval the NRA team is continuing re-veg work with Greg’s Friends group.Street tree planting has begun again. Tony and Stepphen were thanked for making time available to keep us informed of projects along the foreshore and creek – MBCL’s major area of interest.

Living Links

Talks are continuing between Melbourne Water, the Catchment Management Authority and Council’s NRA team.A five year has been presented.The plan will cover the area from the mouth of the Mordialloc Creek, Attenborough Park , Pompei’s land, George Woods Reserve up as far as Wells Road. Living Link were sent info about our interests and concerns For the project area.

Airport Master Plan

Cr West reported on the plans for airport development. This will mean loss of the golf club which is part of Kingston’s Green Wedge. There are 500,000 flights per annum in small planes. Most of these are training flights for Indian and Chinese trainee pilots.

Dingley News

Janice Munt announced that the Brumby Government willinvest $80 million to build a new 3,5 km section of the Dingley Arterial linking Perry Road with Westall Road and South Road extension. Interestingly a report by Simon Cropper into Herb-rich Grassy Wetlands found remnants of this rare species on the site of the extension. Info has been passed onto Brian. Brian also lodged an objection to 28 double storey dwellings in Tootals Road. A typical over development of the site which seems to be occurring throughout Kingston in Incremental Change zones. KRAMMED have been to VCAT to a similar over-development in Chelsea with twelve two storey dwellings on block with lack of open space and inadequate parking. This design was modified somewhat.

Channel Deepening

Judy attended the PPCC meeting and gave us a copy of report on channel deepening which PPCC secretary Jenny Warfe had prepared. The EPA admits that high tides have risen 1cm claiming that this was ‘consistent with predictions. Storms on Anzac day created havoc on foreshore infrastructure around the bay – and will continue to dos as the sea levels rise. POMC are patting themselves on the back about the glowing auditor’s report into their activities but as Michael Morehead lawyer for Blue Wedge, said “The report is premature. And the need for bigger ships now seems dubious” as shipping companies realize that smaller ships are more economical after all.

Pace Developments Mentone / Mordialloc

Krammed member, Carmel, attended a mediation meeting re the Le Gym Mentone development now minus an Aldi supermarket and probably four storey’s instead of five, but still with a hotel, gym, conference centre and apartments. Uncertain future of NQR on the development site at Mordialloc. Claims that units are selling at $695,000 for a corner unit.St Nicholas Hall, corner Bear and Albert Street has been sold for $1,5 million according to the Age -for ‘low rise residential development.’

Signage Spotlights Pompei’s Landing

Nina has been trying to alert council to the fact that these lights have been burning day and night. Environment Officers claim that there is no law preventing this unless residents complain. CEO will request light sensors be installed.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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