Looking Forward
As this exceptionally busy financial year draws to a close we are faced with three or four major projects still to be resolved:- the route of Kingston’s section of the Round the Bay bike trail, replanting the Peter Scullin Reserve after the disastrous “ecological thinning” carried out with DSE permission, and Mordialloc’s Structure Plan to go to a Panel hearing due to pressure from developers for increased building heights in some sections of the activity centre. MBCL and members will be presenting submissions.
Mystery of the Disappearing Submissions
On three occasions recently MBCL members have hand- delivered or faxed submissions to Council on the due date, or the day before, to be later informed and/or reported in Council Minutes that “No submissions were received” or that the subs arrived too late! This matter was raised at the Village Committee meeting and will be investigated we were told.
Mordialloc U3A
Mordialloc U3A invited MBCL to speak to the group about Kingston’s open space and parkland. Heatherton Park and Beazley Reserve was part of the presentation but much interest was shown in loss of parkland as well as the Chain of Parks concept. Melbourne Water’s plan to utilise holes left after sand mining for water storage and/or flood retarding basins also created interest.
Waste Transfer Station
Waste Transfer Station, Malcolm Road, Braeside was approved by VCAT despite objections from abutting premises. Southeast Water, Melbourne Water and the EPA did not object despite a triple interceptor being required to trap water used to wash trucks. The interceptor won’t prevent clay sediment or toxic materials flowing into drains, the creek and Bay. VCAT claimed the waste station was an appropriate operation in an Industrial 1 Zone.
Peter Scullin Reserve
No evidence of revegetation of the Reserve. Salt bush and two she-oaks have been vandalised to provide views. Palm seedlings are sprouting. Could they be Monterey Cypresses??
Paintball Facility Aspendale Gardens
This activity will occupy Green Wedge land abutting Mordialloc Creek levee bank and Hain’s wetlands. Entry will be from Springvale Road. The area will be cycloned fenced to a height of 3.5 metres, a car park for 87 cars, a 52 seat restaurant, inflatable simulated buildings and relocatables. The facility will operate seven days a week from 8.30am-5.30pm – possibly longer in summer. Environmental values in and around Smythes Drain with amphibian species, plus Carax and Janucs, are noted plus stands of River red Gums. DSEGW, MBCL and AGRA have lodged objections because of noise disturbing bird life on the wetlands and possibly residents nearby.
Bay Trail Bicycle Road
Survey sampling of nine streets from Bay Street, Mordialloc to Mundy Street, Mentone resulted in a finding that between 70%-80% of residents in streets close to the foreshore do not want the proposed bike trail routed through the foreshore reserve, and support the alternative proposal which is to adopt the successful Bayside bike trail model. KCEC & MBCL members have sought legal advice from the EDO and met with local polit- also icians. It is intended to consult the Aboriginal community about listed middens and VicRoad about the possibility of narrowing the four Beach Road lanes to accommodate the bike trail using the verge plus a small section of the outside traffic lane. This would minimise vegetation loss. Stephen’s study found that people prefer to walk on soft surface grassed areas and the sandy tracks under trees on both Kingston and Bayside foreshore and cliff areas. Brian and Mary have photographed sections of Stage 1 to use in the presentation to Council as the viable alternative to the Council’ plan. A Parkdale resident reports sightings of blue wrens on the “goat tracks” under tea-trees on the cliff tops. He also important also for Beach points out the importance of trees to provide shelter from gales Road residents one would think.
Yammerbook Nature Reserve (Drill’s Land)
Contractors finish mid-August then City of Kingston manage the reserve for Melbourne Water. A Launch is planned for September. Aspendale Gardens Primary school, Grades 4 & 5, will monitor wildlife, plant growth and water quality. Some students will write a history booklet. One of the great, but all too few, environmental success stories in the City of Kingston!
Bradshaw Park
Disappointingly the leaflet boxes in the park have been vandalised. A rare daisy, Wiry Buttons, requires protection. Members have cut back shrubs to help plant Survival.
Mordialloc Creek
Vandalism of vegetation has largely ceased since major revegetation works. Involved were Mordialloc College and Yarrabah School and of course City of Kingston. The next working bee will be 31st July from 10-1pm.
Weeds Along Rail Lines
Nina reports the need to remove or poison gorse, mirror bush, box thorn, pampas grass near Bradshaw Park, Pompei’s and rail sidings. Recently weeds were thinned above the pedestrian underpass but the debris was left to wash or blow into the creek. Self seeded Canary Island Palms are crowding out native vegetation around Mordialloc Station. Connex has been contacted.
Sadly David Digby, is leaving Kingston Council to work for Whitehorse He must be pleased with Council Parks and Gardens. We wish him luck and will miss him. the outcome of the Drill’s Land project. Had we known he was leaving perhaps that reserve could have been called the Digby Reserve!
IAN LOWE ACF President is speaking at Melbourne Town Hall 1st September. RSVP essential, 1800 223 669 Respond by 25 August. Topic; Nuclear Energy: not the solution to climate change.