Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th December 2022

Kingston Council Update

Key points

  • Launch of ‘Talking Kingston’  – a year-round consultation that invites the community to provide feedback and ideas on projects and initiatives to feed into future Council budgets. Talking Kingston will provide the community with early input and a greater level of influence over Council decisions. It will also promote increased transparency, with Council regularly reporting back to the community on where their feedback has impacted key outcomes.  Access Talking Kingston via the Your Kingston Your Say Page
  • ‘Integrated Water Strategy adopted’ – Conserving drinking water, increasing the use of alternative water, improving our flood management (including prevention and response) and improving the quality of stormwater runoff that flows into our watercourses and into Port Phillip Bay are the major objectives of Kingston’s new Integrated Water Strategy. The strategy and supporting documents received strong support during public consultation held across July, August and September this year and will guide our water management for the next decade
  • Community consultation on Urban Forest Strategy – Consultation is set to kick off on the draft Urban Forest Strategy. Kingston’s canopy cover is currently low at just 12.3% and projections show that without intervention, it will decrease by 2030. The strategy establishes the direction and actions to increase canopy cover across Kingston to 20% by 2050
  • Peri-urban Weed Management Partnership funding from DELWP. Council, in partnership with the Bunurong Land Council are successful in obtaining $400K funding over 4 years to set up an indigenous ranger team and work on weeds and ‘return to country’ projects.

Updates for bushland team

  • Recruiting for two new rangers now and an apprentice early in new year.
  • Update on weed contract,  Seeds are doing a good job during a very wet spring.
  • Habitat hectare assessment being undertaken by Practical Ecology, council is meeting up with consultant prior to Christmas break to review how they are tracking. Report due March next year.
  • National Standards – Council staff undertook some training recently and will be incorporating the National Standards principles into maintenance programs early in new year.
  • Bradshaw Victorian Environment Friends Network grant. Lee met with fauna consultant to look at appropriate species habitat boxes and their monitoring. Awaiting quote.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd November 2022


Wayne Imlach, Member of Mordialloc Creek community and author of Mordialloc Creek to Lambert Island. Wayne gave an interesting talk about his history and his work monitoring the Creek.
He donated five books to MBCL, which will be on sale for $15.
Wayne has offered to have a meeting at his home in 2023, where he would be happy to share a digital presentation of the Creek.

Kingston Heath Reserve

No outcomes since submissions, re synthetic hockey pitch.

State Elections

Kingston Residents Association and Move The Train Yard are holding an Election Forum and have invited candidates to speak.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2022


Adrian from Kingston Council
Grange newsletter
Mordialloc Creek Community update
Dredging of Creek is being called for

Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Meeting with Level Crossing Removal Project for Parkdale in October.

Dents Reserve

Park naming postponed.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Concerns over Jet skis.
Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 17th at 7pm at the Chelsea Community Centre. Kathleen McKinnis will speak on Port Phillip tidal movements and erosion.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 8th September 2022

Pompei Development Site

The original sign “BOAT BUILDING WORKS” is intended to be placed at the rear carpark of new development. An A3  plaque will be placed on site to recognize the history. Only indigenous planting to be used.

Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

There has been a meeting with Council and Level Crossing Removal Authority (29.8) concerning the protection of the remnant vegetation on the East side of railway line and vegetation within the reserve  . They have been sent a list of remnant vegetation provided by the Ranger and to be updated by David Bainbridge. Level Crossing Removal Authority are recommending a shared path to go on the other side of railway. So a very heartening meeting.

Environment and Open Spaces Strategic Advisory Committee

Open Space Strategy is to be updated. Hopefully the existing document and it’s many fine points will not be ignored.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 10th August 2022

Kingston Council Update

Care of Bushland coming under National Standards.
Tendering out to bushland management.
Changes to staffing structure will see benefits with foreshore management.
Interesting discussion on ecosystems/ restoration of to improve connectivity.

Green Wedge

The State Government have announced they are going ahead with the Heatherton Train stabling yard. The Move the Train Yard group are continuing their battle

Pompei Development Site

The use of the Pompei sign as a condition of permit is still unresolved. VCAT on August 16th. If still unresolved, the matter will go to a Compulsory Hearing

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 13th July 2022


Grange Newsletter.
Brad Lewis Report (Adrian Hyland).
Port Phillip Conservation Council.

Green Wedge

Green Wedge Coalition met with Greens. Waiting for Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedge and Agricultural land to be released. It is 12 months overdue.

Pompei Development site

Hearing on July 19th. To determine what the developers will need to do to retain some heritage of the site.

Peter Scullin & Hazel Pierce Reserves

The Rainbow Sculpture has had mixed responses from the community.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st June 2022

Kingston Council Update

  • Dent Paddock. Barbara Dent took them on a tour and suggested the area be given an Aboriginal name with information to include information on the family. Works have begun clearing the area for fencing, then demolition of buildings and then the paths.
    Kingston are asking for opinions on Dog Policy. Hopefully a no dog policy will flow onto similar reserves.
  • Epsom boardwalk demolition has be delayed due to weather. No plan to replace.
  • Elder Street Reserve (Clayton South) trial of seeding native grasses over a hectare.
  • Applying for a DELWP for a Peri Urban grant to employ the Bunurong Land Team.
  • Habitat Hectare survey to commence soon This will help plan the next Biodiversity Strategy.
  • Mentone Life Saving Club – foundations are being done for new boardwalk.
  • Parkdale Yacht Club – carpark and ramp will start next year. There will be 3 formalised car spots but no net gain so within code.
  • Disabled Discrimination Act. Six carparks north of Mordialloc will be worked on to provide better accessibility for all. Vegetation will be lost.
  • Coastal Marine Management Plan has not yet been passed by DELWP.
  • Heights Park (Chelsea Heights) – pre planning is on the cards for an upgrade **** Look out for a walking excursion
  • The Grange. Interpretive audio signs(4) coming soon.
    Penny suggested the Friends Groups get together.

Vegetation behind the new toilet block at end of pier?
A. Will be a formal garden bed with native vegetation.
Hazel Pierce Rainbow sculpture?
A. Being installed tomorrow. DELWP said no to Baytrail at Parkdale an yes to Hazel Pierce Reserve. No consultation!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th May 2022

Kingston Council Update

Unable to attend due to illness.
Business arising.
The proposed sale of the Bonbeach Indigenous Nursery by Council to make way for a new YCA pavilion. It would be merged with the Carrum Nursery.
Meetings & Hearings…..

Green Wedge

The Suburban Rail Loop Panel Hearing. Rosemary West reported that those who presented against the proposed stabling yard did an excellent job particularly the residents.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th April 2022

Guest Speaker – Tristan Smith (Senior Landscape Architect Kingston Council).

Tristan spoke to us about ACTIVE Kingston.
Peter Scullin plans have been passed by Council as is. There was generally positive feedback. In fact there were requests for more built structures. Supplied us with plans.
Future plans – there will be a Master Plan for Peter Scullin & Hazel Pierce Park between the bridge and pier. Plan will be released and we will be able to comment.
Other topics discussed were the positioning of the Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Peter Scullin carpark, palm trees and the use of plants of local provenance plans in future projects, the placement of 1,000 picnic tables around Kingston and the need for BMX trails and appropriate skate parks.

Mentone Life Saving Club

We have copies of images of the cliffs before they were removed (thanks to Stephen and Google). Continue reading »

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd March 2022


Summer Edition of Kingston Residents Association, Brad Lewis report received.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

Consumer Affairs have been contacted and KCEC is dormant at the moment and as Stephen is retiring as the Treasurer it was suggested that KCEC funds be transferred to MBCL and the money used for donations to other groups. This is allowable if donating to a similar group and under $10,000 There was no decision made.

Peter Scullin Reserve

Plans have been altered but unavailable. Will ask Tristan Smith Senior Landscape Architect to bring them to the April Meeting.

Mentone Lifesaving Club

Letter to Age/local paper regarding removal of cliff and extension of footprint.

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