Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd May 2017

Bay Trail

As a result of the Member for Mordialloc’s complaint that there had been insufficient consultation about the trail, two MBCL members had a meeting with the member who could not be convinced that there had been sufficient consultation. Council organised two more drop in meetings about the Bay Trail in May. Meanwhile inflammatory misinformation about lane narrowing was still being disseminated by certain residents.
Latest plans for the Bay Trail were presented at the Public Places and Environment meeting in May and were impressive. The bicycle lane, back of kerb, will only be 2.5m wide, similar to the Bayside Bay Trail. VicRoads have approved narrowing the road lane where necessary such at bus stops.

Stormwater Management

Kingston Council has prepared Amendment C152 to introduce a policy for developments that deals with stormwater – residential or non-residential. This may be necessary because an article in The AGE 23 May, reports that climate change flood risks has doubled in new modelling which states that “Coastal council are at the forefront of dealing with the impacts especially councils such as Seaford, Carrum, Bonbeach and Aspendale”.

Level Crossing Removal

Edithvale rail under road. This option has been approved. Residents opposed to elevated rail option. Unfortunately the high water table will have to be dealt with. A Preliminary Impact Assessment: Groundwater-Rail Under Road AECOM-GHD has identified potential groundwater impacts on the Ramsar listed Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands as a result of the rail under road approach adopted for Edithvale and Bonbeach level crossing removals.

Some of these imparts are:

  • Long term groundwater level impacts (drawdown, mounding, and water logging)
  • Subsidence impacts
  • ASS acid sulphate activation
  • Saline intrusion

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th April 2017

Coast and Creek Booklet

Mordialloc Creek features in the Coast and Creek booklet which is developing in an interesting manner. It is hoped that the graphic artist will be able to attend the May meeting of MBCL. Furthermore an attendee at the April meeting is a keen bird watcher so he might be able to add further info in that area.

Level Crossing Removal

There is an official report around which claims that the Edithvale-Seaford Wetland’s groundwater will be badly affected if the trench method of removing rail crossings is adopted for the Frankston line south of Aspendale. This would mean trenches for Edithvale and Bonbeach stations and a bridge over Patterson River for Carrum plus a relocation of the Carrum Station further along the line.

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Edithvale Wetlands at Risk

The Edithvale Wetlands may be at risk according to two consultants report. Chosen to review the Government’s preferred option in the level crossing removal programme the report states that trenching required for the rail line may cause groundwater to build up. This will have to be disposed of, by Melbourne Water pumping water to the Ramsar listed wetlands, or elsewhere, which in turn could alter water levels causing detriment to vegetation used by birds for nesting or if the water becomes acidic or saline this could also harm bird life.

Report: Groundwater Preliminary Impacts – Ecological Assessment – Rail Under Road – Edithvale & Bonbeach (PDF, 3.8MB)

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st February 2017

Mordialloc Creek

Interestingly after heavy rain beaches around Port Phillip Bay were polluted particularly Mentone beach and not so much Mordialloc beach – the usual culprit. Mordialloc creek carries drainage from industrial areas in Braeside and the old tipping sites from which leachates can enter the drainage system and flow into the creek. On this occasion perhaps the large Melbourne Water drain outlet at Mentone Parade may have contributed to beach pollution with drainage entering the Bay at this point and flowing northwards to Mentone beach.

Mordialloc Lifesaving Club

Had a quick inspection of the new LSC and found that there is more concrete surrounding the building than expected. Apparently this is to provide entry and parking for the large surf boats that will be stored in the building- one of the main reasons for the size of the building occupying limited foreshore open space. The large rusty looking iron ramp construction will require removal of more foreshore vegetation early in the New Year when it is to be delivered and placed in position. Fortunately the south end of the building has been left unconcreted and hopefully will remain a pleasant grassed area for public use. The nicest aspect of the inspection was seeing a little family of blue wrens hopping around in the dry grassy area!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th July 2016

Mordialloc Life Saving Club Substation

Solar panels have been offered to four Lifesaving Clubs in the City of Kingston but Mordialloc LSC seems to have missed out. The excuse being given is that building hasn’t been completed at Mordialloc – “maybe when completed solar panels may be added.” (Bruce Rendall KCC) Why were panels not part of the initial plans which would have removed the need for a sub-station on the foreshore? United Energy now plans to install a second large unsightly pole in Epsom Road.

Pompei’s Landing

In April 2016 Council received advice that the Crown had revoked the Grant and Purpose issued in relation to the Mordialloc Boating and Angling (MBAC) as a result of uncertainty on the location and status of the various parcels of Crown Land that make up Pompei’s Landing. As a result the previous licence is not being pursued and a new licence and grant and purpose process is required.

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Have revised their newsletter, letterhead and brochure and produced very professional material including coloured photos of various plants and trees in the Reserve. It would be great to see the artwork of the boys from Sandringham Technical College back on the fence at the White Street corner.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th May 2016

Best Wishes

Best wishes to Cr West , one of the hardest working Kingston Councillors, who is seriously ill in St Vincent’ hospitals. She has always been a stalwart defender of the environment and is sadly missed in that capacity in Council.

Level Cross Removals

Walter has been sounding out local politicians about sky rail for the Frankston Line and has been told that there is “no set policy as yet”, This seems to be borne out by the Premier on John Faine’s program 24 May when he acknowledged that there was a water problem on this line but there would be consultation and that there could be different solutions for different section of the line.

Walter was also relieved after speaking to the Minister for Transport, Luke Donellan that he supports an inland rail freight line. PPCC have compiled and presented a report on this project.

Panel Hearing New Residential Zones

Bruce Duffy, Vice President KRA, M.Rimington MBCL and Dorothy Booth, Mentone Station Gardens spoke at the NRZ Panel Hearings for the Kingston region on May 5th. Mary Drost dropped in briefly and said that all community presenters were presenting the same arguments opposing over development of the suburbs.

Mordialloc Bypass

Walter will visit local politicians re the MPF. A news item in the Age claimed that this freeway will not be built for many years. Low on the list of priorities with so many other projects underway.

Landfills Sites

Something we may have thought we’d heard the last of-old tipping sites have come back to haunt us! 8th May in the Age, Mark Wakeham of Environment Victoria, believes that the EPA should spend some of the $400 collected from the landfill levy should be spent on cleaning up creeks and rivers and stop decommissioned rubbish tips polluting water ways including Mordialloc Creek. The Age, 23 May, states that City of Kingston has 11 legacy landfill sites that are capable of leaching into the creek and Port Phillip Bay.

Canterbury Road

Saltview development went to VCAT over removal of Plains Grassy Wetland remnants. Case was lost and the remnant vegetation is to be moved -and if it survives, planted in Mordialloc Creek catchment. Revegetation project is continuing by contractors at Yammerbook.

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

The members of this group are pleased that Kingston General Manager has an arrangement with rail authorities to care for remnant vegetation on the rail line outside the reserve’s fence. Unfortunately vandals have created trail bike jumps in the reserve’s prime ecological area. Local laws have been alerted. The Reserve brochure has been revised.

Timber Yard Development

The Timber Yard development in Albert Street (68 townhouses) has been refused by Council for design, surveillance faults, car parking and roof deck modification.

30 three storey units in Barkly Street will put enormous pressure on parking with a school, two churches and a funeral parlour abutting this development.

Kingston Coastal Management Plan

2014 has been released and is a great improvement on the draft document which contained a proposal to prevent trees being planted on the foreshore. The 2014 Plan is built on the 2009 model, also a fine example which quotes at 3.3 “Objectives and actions for protection of coastal vegetation and biodiversity outlined in several state and local strategies and policies ” and “it is important to retain vegetation for future generations to enjoy and provide habitat and food sources for local and migration of fauna to enjoy.”

Kingston Historic Tree Register

Clare wanted to know why certain councillors claimed “that there isn’t a need for an increase in the number of historic trees. The only historic trees should be on a golf course.” Members suggested that Clare ask that question at a council meeting. Clare also believes that there should be a 3000square metre vegetation audit prior to building in Trewella Road where there could be significant vegetation at risk.

Mordialloc Life Saving Club

This monstrosity now has its concrete slabs towering above the tree line of the foreshore – something that is frowned upon by the Port Phillip Authority report “Siting & Guidelines for Structures on the Port Phillip Coast.” where it states “when built form,colour and texture do not relate to surrounding natural character” redesign the building. Apparently this blot on the landscape will require so much electricity that United Energy proposes to install two tall poles and wires with a box attached either in Epsom Road (where there is already a similar pole) or in Beach Road where the wires would distract attention from views to the Bay. The third alternative is to plant a 5metre/5metre substation on the foreshore between High Street and Epsom Road. While it is claimed that vegetation won’t have to be removed for the substation, it is yet another built structure on the foreshore that could be placed elsewhere – for example why not within the building itself since it will be using the electricity – or on a corner of the tennis court car park which would be much closer to the building than the site on the Beach Road foreshore.

Playground on George Woods Reserve

The playground has also re-emerged. Watch this space.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd February 2016

Canterbury Industrial Site

Work has commenced on this site but unfortunately Melbourne Water is no longer interested in incorporating a small remnant of Plains Grassy Wetlands into a waterway to be constructed to purify drainage water before it flows into Mordialloc Creek. The remnant Grassy Wetlands is one of two remnants of this species growing in the forrmer Carrum Carrum Swamp . The other remnant is 4 hectares remaining in the former Epsom training track. A stand of Melalucas is also under threat from the industrial development. Kingston Council is going to VCAT over this issue and Nina plans to present also.

David Bainbridges Foreshore Survey

Bronwen advises that David’s survey has been placed on MBCL’s web site so that members can access it. David said his survey reveals a decline in indigenous species in the Natural Resource Area on the foreshore.

Non-Indigenous Species

Non-indigenous species are still being planted for example -sterile Gazanias close to the Edithvale wetlands. Other non -indigenous species are planted in planter boxes in Edithvale shopping street and at the Child Care Centre. We have remarked on this problem previously. Why are’nt the staff involved planting locally indigenous species and by so doing educating the public to the value of vegetation indigenous to the sand belt suburbs ?

Non indigenous species such as the Banana Passion Vine is causing aggro in Nina’s garden and is an example of the problems that can be caused when nuisance plants are introduced. Megan reports on a virulent stand of blackberries in the industrial site on Canterbury Road.

Removal of Vegetation

Alarming to receive a letter from Council planning department advising of possible removal of vegetation from the site of the proposed Mordialloc Lifesaving Club monolith after we had had a good outcome from our meeting with some of the landscaping staff on site. It appears that a botanist is to be engaged to assess the state of the two historic Monterey Cypresses. One in particular is popular with picnickers who like to sit under its spreading branches.

Level Crossing Removals

Discussion is commencing along the Frankston line as residents try to envisage a two or three line train track on concrete pillars racing overhead every ten minutes during peak hour. Cut and cover method has been employed to remove crossings at Ormond, Bentleigh and McKinnon stations. Mordialloc hasn’t been mentioned yet although Mentone may be in the firing line.

Green Wedge

Whether the Memorial Park is still to be located in the SE Green Wedge is uncertain however a Memorial Park in Gisborne is for sale and according to the owner is juts the place for weddings and picnics. The SE Green Wedge Committee have a new member to assist them. An ex-planner Alan Thatcher is clearly delineating property boundaries in the Green Wedge.

Inland Rail Route Report for PPCC

Walter, Jenny and Len Warfe have presented a case for the inland rail freight route at the Parliamentary Committee hearing last month. If built this rail freight line may do away with the need for a second port in Victoria and would also do away with so many container trucks on the road.

Environment Victoria

Environment Victoria has asked Port Phillip Conservation Council if they would be responsibile for Port Phillip Bay protection . Also monitoring the impact of the sale of Port Melbourne and future dredging that the sale of the Port may entail.

Managing Residential Development Advisory Committee

Residents have until March 14th to make a submission to the committee. It is difficult to find what is the true state of affairs – which areas will be protected from height increases, will there compensatory open space provided- what rights will third parties have to make an objection if they find a loud noisy entertainment centre opening next door in an Activity centre? Etc,etc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd December 2015

Floral Survey of Indigenous Plants

David gave a comprehensive coverage of the survey which he has completed regarding indigenous plants on Kingston Foreshore. Unfortunately he found that there has been a decline in plants in some areas possibly due to drought and the increasing use of the foreshore by the public. Bronwen suggested that the survey be placed on individual websites. Lewis suggested that this important information would make a good press release. Nina, Liz and Bronwen to liaise to produce a media release in February.


Incoming letter concerning the application for a Memorial Park in Kingston’s Green Wedge. A planning permit will be required before this project can go-ahead however the Planning Minister can make a decision resulting in compulsory acquisition if the application is approved.

Mordialloc Creek

Mordialloc Boat Owners and Fishermen will be delighted now that the Andrew’s Labor Government has agreed to provide funds for the installation of new wave baffles at the mouth of Mordialloc Creek. The announcement was made at a meeting on site in December to which MBCL was invited.

An impressive line up of politicians were present as well as Parks Victoria and Mordialloc Motor Yacht Club people. Politicians present were Mark Dreyfus, Opposition Attorney General, Tim Richardson, Mordialloc MP and Ports Minister, Luke Donnellan. Wave baffles are timber structures placed on both sides of the creek to reduce wave energy flowing upstream during severe storms and thus preventing wreckage of boats moored in the creek.

Green Wedge

The Green Wedge Coalition Metting at RMIT in December was attended by Cr West , W.Grahame and M.Rimington. Incursions into Green Wedges in the western areas especially is concerning as valuable farmland is being covered in concrete as residential development expands. Fortunately the GW Coalition has gained a new member with years of planning experience who is prepared to advise on planning issues when required.

It is now being realised that urban sprawl could eat up Melbourne’s foodbowl and see future generations starved of local produce if governments do not protect agricultural land on the cities fringes and outer suburbs according to an independent report by Foodprint Melboourne, a collaboration between Melbourne University and Victorian Eco Innovation Lab. The report warns that 16% of the farmland in Melbourne’s foodbowl may be lost “if current trends are maintained, including up to 77% in the inner foodbowl.” (Melbourne’s Foodbowl: Now and at seven million)

Timber Yard Development

Nina reports that the development of 68 units has some sustainable features and is an improvement on the original plan which had many more dwellings. Penny reported seeing the latest development on Channel 72 at 11pm. However latest report is that Kingston Council has refused the application which now probably goes to VCAT.

Beaumaris Cliffs and Fossil Site

Another ancient artifact, dating back more than five million years ,has been found at this site. This extremely rare fossil was found adjacent to the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron and will be placed in the Museum Victoria’s invertebrate collection. The committee involved in reviewing our original submission to have the Beaumaris Cliffs listed as a Heritage site, has completed the review and sent the submission to the appropriate authorities.

Level Cross Removals

Consultation will be required to decide which method is to be used to dispense with boom gates on the Frankston line so that motorists no longer have a long wait at crossings especially at peak hours. Under consideration are two storey high double or triple rail lines from Aspendale to Frankston, or a cut-and-cover method such as at present being constructed at Bentleigh, Ormond and McKinnon stations and has been successfully completed at Nunawading station on the Lilydale line.

While it is claimed that the elevated line is cheaper to build it is likely to be noisier and more obtrusive the cut and cover method. Problems such as access for disabled, elderly ,wheel chairs and prams in the elevated model would surely require large, fast lifts as well as escalators for peak hour public transport users especially.

Mordialloc Life Saving Club Landscaping

At a meeting with council officers in December landscaping when the construction of the LSC is finished was discussed.One issue was the removal, or not, of the pleasant, well-used little path from Beach Road(opposite Owen Street) to the foreshore. If this path is removed to allow re-vegetation it means that pedestrians would have to use the Centreway to Foreshore path through the Scullin Reserve, or a path through the car park at the new LSC, or the path opposite Epsom Road to the foreshore . The existing little path is the most convenient access also for cars parking along Beach Road at that point.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc