Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd April 2019

Mordialloc Masonic Hall

Mordialloc Masonic Hall has been approved for youth services on the ground floor while the upper level may be used for Ward meetings or other Council activities Unfortunately the hat will not be available for community use.

New Policy for Meetings

Council has stipulated that meetings such the Faith group and others must have 21 members per meeting. Each member will be paid $250 a year. However the Public Spaces and Environment Committee (PEAC) normally had a regular attendance with 12 members and is scheduled to meet 30th May. Will this be its swan song.?

Council Motion on Poker Machines

Pleasing to note that Cr Staikos had proposed a motion concerning the addictive nature of poker machines and harm that is done to society. Kingston is one of the ten suburbs in the metropolitan area with the highest number of machines and monetary losses. It was moved that MBCL write to Cr Staikos congratulating him on his motion.

Dent’s Paddock

Local member. Tim Richardson, is organising joint funding to purchase the whole of the land to compensate for lack of open space in the Chelsea/ Edithvale area. It is intended to emphasise former Aboriginal occupation. food and hunting activity on the land pre-European occupation.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 2018

Pocket Parks

Pocket parks for marginal seats were part of the Labor Government’s pre-election enticement. While City of Kingston missed out on the offer, despite Edithvale and Chelsea lacking in open space, there may be an opportunity to gain funding as a result of an appeal to the local member and/or Council’s developer’s fund in lieu of open space.

Heritage Listing of Pompei Site

Heritage listing of the Pompei site was refused. State listing may be acceptable for local heritage listing. Mordialloc Creek was an important means of early settlers gaining access to the Mornington Peninsula by horse and carriage or wagon. Boat building and fishing soon became important means of earning a living around the creek, therefore why not include the creek and environs in a local heritage listing? D. Murray’s well researched book of maps of the local area is an interesting and useful guide to changes of land use over the years -and is still changing. Apparently DEWLP is surveying vacant land throughout the State and evidently considers the Pompei site and Attenborough Park to be vacant land!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2016

Aboriginal Artefacts at First Avenue Edithvale

Cr West moved a motion in Council as to why the discovery of 16 Aboriginal stone artefacts discovered on this significant heritage site were not presented to councillors in the officer report and whether the Council could preserve the artefacts for display.

Masonic Hall

Masonic Hall has had two groups expressing an interest in this building – one an art House Cinema and the other a theatre group.Unfortunately any group interested in the hall will have to fund the complete renovation of the building. Meanwhile the Council is spending generously on sporting fields and the Moorabbin Reserve for the St Kilda Football Club.

Mordialloc Creek and Environs

Boats moored in the creek at Pompei’s Landing have had a disastrous time, first of all with vandalism that set fire to two boats and then, during the recent gales, a tree branch from the Monterey Cypresses crashing onto two more boats. It was suggested, 5th October, that MBCL become a Committee of Management for this section of the creek. Council will be trying to develop the site as soon as the difficult problem of ownership of sections of land is settled. Of concern is the fact that the Mordialloc Structure Plan has a photo of a two story café/restaurant on the water’s edge of the creek. A little unwise surely given that the area is flood prone.

MBCL supports the proposal in the Structure Plan that small boat owners be provided with a building suitable for maintenance of boats during repairs. This building could be sited alongside the Vic Track fence line. Research into COMs reveals that it would require significant funding to prepare a business plan for a three year stint with Government approval.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th September 2016

Inland Rail Line

Wal and J.Warfe have produced a detailed 26 page document outlining the advantages of building a freight line inland from Melbourne to Brisbane. This would reduce truck traffic using the highways at present.The report will be sent to politicians.

Mordialloc Creek

Further to the saga of Pompei’s Landing enquiries were made with Melbourne Water as to what would be required should Kingston Council proceed with the Mordialloc Structure Plan for this area. These plans included a two-storey restaurant on the water’s edge of the creek bank –a narrow strip of land used for boat maintenance and launching. Advice given was that because one of Melbourne Water’s roles is flood control and drainage a 30 metre buffer would be required for this land from the creek bank inland. The intensive development outlined in the planning document for this small piece of Crown land would destroy the fishing village atmosphere that has attracted so many artists and visitors to Mordialloc over the decades.

Masonic Hall

The partly renovated hall was open for interested parties to inspect on the 8th September. Nina attended and advised that although few people attended, there was keen interest from one group. The hall would be ideal for them should their bid be accepted. However, the $400,000 that council set aside to complete the renovations, was diverted by Cr Gledhill for use on sporting ovals. Now whoever’s offer is accepted will be responsible for the remainder of the renovations.

Council Elections

Bronwen once again organised an aspiring candidates questionnaire and meeting. Twenty five people attended with some young people planning to stand. Former and present councillors also attended and will stand again. Council business is now held over until a new council is elected.

Green Wedge

Cr West asked that Council strengthen Enforcement Laws for the South East Green Wedge and submitted a list of uses and infringements that have not been checked by council enforcement officers.

It is depressing to realise, that despite Minister Richard Wynne claiming in his letter to Council that he has no intention of changing the Urban Growth Boundaries, a change of Government, or influx of pro-development councillors in future means that pressure for development in the Green Wedge could still occur.

Invasive Animals on Crown Land

Nina has written a comprehensive paper on the Terms of Reference for this inquiry. Deers, horses, foxes,rabbits,feral pigs and goats. Deers do cause havoc in the forested areas around Melbourne. Protected species also cause problems as residential development encroaches on the outskirts of Melbourne. A wombat has taken up residence under a relative’s house in Healesville and feasts off the keen gardener’s plants while a flock of twenty kangaroos can be seen leaping gracefully over paddock fences to enjoy the crop on the other side. Meanwhile in established suburbs residents experiment with methods of deterring possums who virtually kill healthy, mature tea-trees and other trees planted for environmental reasons, one being shade and shelter in the increasingly hot summers we will be facing in the not to distant future.

Gambling Increase in Kingston

due to two forthcoming developments. The proposed lease of Council land- Moorabbin Reserve to the St Kilda football club- will include in the new sporting facilities, 83 poker machines. Approval of gaming machines contravenes Council Gaming Policy which states “ Additional EGM’s or new venues should not be located in areas where activities are focused on children or young people.” It is estimated that 15,000 young people (18-24 year olds) will access this development. This sporting venue will create enormous traffic problems in the narrow streets and for local residents living close-by.

The other gambling facility likely to eventuate in Mordialloc, replacing a useful discount shop, is a Sporting Club Bar and Grill providing a “family friendly restaurant.” The main purpose of this club is sale of alcohol and gambling. Open from 7am to 2am.

Aboriginal Artefacts at Development Site

Cr West asked council officers to provide a report about whether this is a significant site, what council can do to preserve this important heritage site from the approved development, why no information about the discovery of these artefacts was provided in the officer report to councillors and whether these artefacts could be preserved for display?

Bay Trail

BIOSIS has completed yet another survey of the significant section of the Bay Trail from the Mentone Lifesaving Club to the Edgewater Hotel. Four options were presented. The fourth option claimed that the back of kerb trail for that section would create less destruction of the significant vegetation. As work continues from Mentone Parade to Mordialloc Creek much of the vegetation along side Beach Road will be destroyed. A public survey found that 80% of respondents wanted a back of kerb route so that the cliff top tracks could used by pedestrians without bicycle traffic.A back-of-kerb trail similar to the Bayside Bay Trail, was always MBCL’s preferred option although a mix of trails in this last section would have preserved more vegetation.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th July 2016

Mordialloc Life Saving Club Substation

Solar panels have been offered to four Lifesaving Clubs in the City of Kingston but Mordialloc LSC seems to have missed out. The excuse being given is that building hasn’t been completed at Mordialloc – “maybe when completed solar panels may be added.” (Bruce Rendall KCC) Why were panels not part of the initial plans which would have removed the need for a sub-station on the foreshore? United Energy now plans to install a second large unsightly pole in Epsom Road.

Pompei’s Landing

In April 2016 Council received advice that the Crown had revoked the Grant and Purpose issued in relation to the Mordialloc Boating and Angling (MBAC) as a result of uncertainty on the location and status of the various parcels of Crown Land that make up Pompei’s Landing. As a result the previous licence is not being pursued and a new licence and grant and purpose process is required.

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Have revised their newsletter, letterhead and brochure and produced very professional material including coloured photos of various plants and trees in the Reserve. It would be great to see the artwork of the boys from Sandringham Technical College back on the fence at the White Street corner.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th August 2014


Nina, Stephen, Mary – Objections to deviation of Bay Trail off the gravel verge onto foreshore Crown land at Mentone Lifesaving club to provide parking for MLSC patrons.

Wal and Megan – letters to the Chelsea, Mordialloc Mentone News re proposal to have land rezoned land for residential development in Kingston’s Green Wedge. The Government may not deliver a decision until after the State Election.

Meetings Galore

With an election in 100 days groups have been formed to highlight important environmental issues. Frankston rail line will be severely disadvantaged if the Liberal Govt’s Metro plan is approved. Trains will run from South Yarra to Spencer Street rather than around the loop.STOP, Victoria First, Get Up and Environment Victoria have all been active in the South East electorates.

Mordialloc Masonic Hall

Lengthy discussion about possible profitable uses for the hall . The upper level could be divided into smaller spaces for meeting rooms, leaving the ground floor for more displays, craft markets, U3A or musical activities.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th May 2014


Letters written during May:

Walter to Dr Ian Chubb CSIRO re Coalition Govt lack of Minister for Science, reduction in CSIRO budget.

Letter of thanks from Dr Chubb to Walter. PPCC Secretary J. Warfe to Kingston Council re ‘no tree planting on the foreshore.

Stephen to Murray Thompson MP re Kingston Bay Trail to be routed onto foreshore Crown land for a width of 1.8 metres for 130 metres along Beach Road from Mentone LSC to Plummer Road.

Mary to Ryan Smith, Minister for Environment and c.c to Angela Charles, DEPI, re ‘KCC ‘no trees to be planted on the foreshore.”

Incoming: – material from JE re KCC planting Malea street trees and subsequently suckers emerging under trees.

Planning Melbourne Panel

Planning Melbourne Panel held at Kingston Council 12-16th May. Nina and Mary attended and presented submissions to the panel. Developers and consultants also attended objecting to middlering councils designating areas of Neighburhood Residential Zones(NRZ) by many middle ring councils in order to retain a diversity of housing and family homes with backyards.

Friends of Bradshaw Park

Friends of Bradshaw Park are requesting a name change to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve. The request is with the Victorian Geographic place names Committee.

History of Mordialloc

Kingston historian, Grahame Whitehead , has produced a book on Mordialloc similar to his book on Cheltenham history. The book is at the publishers.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st May 2013

Beaumaris Cliff Fossil Site

The opportunity presented itself during the Beaumaris Conversation Society’s 60th birthday party recently to seek support from Bayside Mayor, Stephen Hartney, for MBCL’s nomination of the fossil site. MBCL president invited Dr Erich Fitzgerald to the well attended May KCEC meeting to report on his work at the Beaumaris fossil site and sea ledges. The importance of protecting the site to enable research to continue in future was stressed. Attendees found the lecture absorbing and are grateful to Judy for inviting Dr Fitzgerald along. Well done!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th July 2012

Mordialloc Bypass

The extension is being actively canvassed by certain residents who think the extension may remove traffic from Wells Road. The MPFE is opposed by those who will be most affected by a proposed flyover – namely Waterways, Palm Grove, Royal Palms and Dingley Village residential estates. MBCL was asked to supply flyers to alert residents. MBCL has had a long standing opposition to the MPFE believing that freeways don’t reduce traffic but encourage greater use of motor vehicles.

George Woods Reserve Playground

Plans to discuss with the kindergarten parents’ committee an alternative location of the proposed regional playground. Kinder parents are claiming they need a larger car park and an extension of the kinder building all of which will mean an encroachment into the Arboretum. The committee also claims that drug taking and vandalism takes place behind the kinder building so lights and cameras are required – and no doubt toilets and barbecues. The corner of Parks and Governor Road is dangerous as B-doubles and other commercial traffic travel at speed at that corner frequently causing accidents. Council has taken a survey of traffic density and speed. MBCL have advocated relocating to the existing playground opposite Bertram Street where there is a toilet and barbecues, clear visibility from road and the car park and housing opposite. A bust stop is nearby. Goodbye Arboretum!

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Baffles are being installed near the mouth of the creek. Dredging is proceeding in Attenborough Park between the road and rail bridges with dredge spoil de-watered and loaded onto trucks and transported to Geelong.


No report on Mordialloc Creek this month but Waterwatch reports that Dandenong creek, which feeds into Patterson River, is undergoing a $1.6 million upgrade. Unfortunately this is hampered by excessive illegal dumping of mattresses, building materials, waste from meat and fish purveyors and panel beaters. Fortunately Dandenong Creek is diverted down Patterson River at Pillars Crossing so that Mordialloc Creek should be spared this pollution.

Green Wedge Management Plan

The plan in draft form is available now but the final report is being kept under wraps while plans are being devised within house to allow more development in Kingston’s Green Wedge. Council meeting to release the plan is held over until the August meeting.

Pre-Election Survey

A survey and forum have been organised to be held prior to council elections. Council has organised a meeting to advise candidates of their responsibilities if elected.

MBCL and Mordialloc Village Committee

Both groups have expressed our concern at the removal of trees in the median strip in Nepean Highway from Mordialloc to Moorabin. Trees are to be replaced with grasses such as Lamandra or similar and possibly a few trees. The usual reasons are given for removal of indigenous is that “they have passed their used by date, they are dangerous, etc.” The type of post and wire fence now lining the median strip is called the “shredder” by motorcyclists.

Masonic Hall

The Masonic Hall was open to community members, Councillors for inspection. The building has interesting features such as a Baltic pine ceiling to lower hall and steel beams made by a UK company who built Sydney Harbour Bridge and is still operating. Both upper and lower halls have hard wood paneling, staircase and a unique flue ventilation system. Hall is grand in an understated way. Well worth preserving. A reference group of KCC, community members will be formed. An MBCL member has applied.

The Collins Report

NRA Sites and Foreshore Reserves are due to be audited in July. Assessment includes weed over, indigenous cover and number of plants installed, minimum target is 92%. Horticulture audits also taking place with an assessment of 20% of sites looking at plant survival, weed cover and pruning, target 90%.

Upgrade of Long Beach Trail which is heavily used by community and cyclists. Track requires constant resurfacing. parks will look at all gravel paths in open space areas to ensure that they are regularly maintained. Bushfire Mitigation discussion paper by energy Safe Victoria. ESV has requested councils to comment on key issues within the document such as High Bushfire Risk Areas and responsibility of pruning trees in locations that are identified as having a high bushfire risk.

Friends of Heatherton Park and students from Westall Secondary College and Sprint Parks West Campus planted 600 plants 29th June. Following recent rains a number of reserves are so wet that vehicles are encouraged to remain off site until further notice. Friends of the Grange AGM was held 11th July. Guest Speaker – Tony Collins.

Bottle Shops and Poker Machines

Traders in railway Parade, Dandenong have had a victory in opposing a bottle shop in their area and close to a primary school on the grounds of density of bottle shops. 12 extra poker machines were approved by KCC after conducting a survey of residents, 75% of whom said that there were too many EGM’s in Kingston. Council sent out a further survey to residents – for what reason?

Bay Trail

Two residents living on Beach Road are taking an interesting in the Bay Trail but unfortunately not totally in support of back of kerb. Seemed to have been swayed by the tired old argument – there will be a loss of parking. There has been no loss of parking where vehicles have parked kerbside in Mordialloc from the reek to Rennison Street since 1984 occupying one lane without accident or complaint by the same Councillors who are now bleating about “loss of parking.”

55-57 Barkly Street

Went to Practice Day Friday 27th July. Planning Minister Guy’s changes to planning regulations will not provide security from high density development in our suburbs.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th June 2012

Living Kingston 2035

The meetings were well attended by MBCL / KCEC members – much to the chagrin of certain councillors who commented that attendees were mostly environmentalists! It was comforting to hear others expressing the same concerns about inappropriate development in suburban streets and increasing traffic congestion as a result. Encouraging also to have a staff member at our table who was passionate about water sustainability. Kingston has been recognised as being in the vanguard with ground breaking initiatives in that field.

Union of Australian Women

The UAW invited a speaker from The Climate Institute to explain the impact of Australia’s carbon price on sections of the community e.g. low income family, single parent, middle income family, single person, pensioner couple, etc. The case was made that the impact would not be as severe as it is portrayed by some politicians. The Institute is willing to speak to any groups interested to learn more about carbon pricing.

Bay Trail

The Leader has finally printed Stephen’s article based on the FOI report about the unsuitability of the promenade as a section of the Bay Trail. Kingston CEO stated that “the cost to upgrade the entire promenade was far beyond the scope of the council”. Rod’s DVD about the back of kerb favoured route for the Bay Trail is now up on Youtube. We have discovered other supporters of the back of kerb option and hope to liaise with them soon.


Bronwen reports no change in water quality tests. The large brown plume from Mordialloc creek after steady rain recently was clearly visible as it moved, as usual, towards Mentone due to south westerly wind. Sat June 2nd Mordialloc Creek Working Bee was a productive session removing weeds on the north bank near Jack Grut reserve.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Wal reported on the dredging work in the creek. All small boats between the rail and road bridges will have to be moved while dredging is occurring. A 50 by 20 metre concrete slab has been placed in Attenborough Park to provide a stable base for the dredge and trucks removing dredge spoil. It is hoped to finished the work in October when vegetation will be replanted to replace that which has been removed.

Mornington Freeway Extension

This issue has reared its ugly head again after lying dormant for many years. The Resurrection is due to AGRA continually agitating for the freeway believing that it would relieve traffic on Wells Road. Since this road was first mooted by VicRoads in 1985, four residential developments had been built adjacent to the proposed route of the freeway and will therefore be affected by noise and air pollution. Flyovers over Governor Road and Mordialloc Creek will destroy the tranquility of the creek, wetlands and Braeside Park. Submissions can be forwarded to VicRoads until July 13.

The Collins Report

Changes to the draft plans for Yammerbook are currently being considered by the committee before being sent to Melbourne Water. Quotes will then be obtained for paths and viewing platforms.

Floods. SES/MW have developed a partnership in building a community flood response in the Central Region. This includes community education and consultation.

Friends of the Grange AGM July 11th at the Clarinda Centre at 7.30pm. Speaker and showing a DVD of the control burn.

Recent audit of Kingston’s Street Management  by Energy Safe Victoria. ESV  intends to check on all Councils to ensure compliance with regulations.

Bradshaw Park is proposing a name change to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve.

A new Cyclone fence along the railway line is needed. Sharing cost of some will be investigated.

FESW Wetland Plant and Weed ID with Dr. Graeme Lorimer (Biosphere Discovery Centre) discussed role of Phragmites australis’s (Common Reed) role in removing nutrients in the creek and waterways. The reeds are important in preventing bank erosion and providing habitat for ducks and indigenous water rats.

Carrum Foreshore Precinct

MBCL / KCEC were impressed at planting and reveg work after our successful escorted tour of the precinct. However we question the need for a toilet at the northern end when there are toilets nearby at the Life Saving Club. The toilet would be across the road form houses which already suffer from anti-social behaviours especially at night in summer time.

Further Loo Blues

Cr Dundas wants the heritage listed toilet at Mundy Street car park demolished and a unisex disabled persons toilet installed instead. It seems the recently renovated heritage building will remain but the unisex toilets will be installed somewhere along the foreshore at Mordialloc, Mentone and Carrum.

Wind Turbines

The Leader interviewed MBCL secretary re: Kingston’s green energy program. While use of solar panels was praised it was also stated that there might be a role for a single turbine in selected areas. This provoked a heated reaction from a resident which in turn was rebutted by a Mentone resident! (Leader 25 June)


An excellent article on The Age June 9, re: children’s playgrounds. The city reporter claims that children should be able to play in the dirt, ride bikes, build cubby houses and splash around in the creek. That is how children yearns to play according to a unique program that asked young people what kind of outdoor spaces they desire. They want challenging bike paths, lots of hills they could roll down, rocks they could scramble around, places to hide and branches and leaves to build treehouse and cubbies. The ideal place for this type of playground will be the George Woods Reserve wouldn’t it?

Masonic Hall

Necessary repairs have been done. Rear courtyard wall has been demolished for unknown reasons and before the community has been able to view the building.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.