In –
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Report Booklet
Newspaper article (CMM News). Council address effects of rising sea levels.
Out –
MBCL letter to Council stating we want 3 for 1 replacement of trees removed.
Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)
Bushland & Foreshore Team:
- 19 Tarella Rd – permit has been granted, neighbour fencing has been completed, house demolition will commence on the week of 11th July and all things going well the park fencing will be installed early August. The Bushland crew will also be out in force in the coming weeks to start works on the path network and preparing the site for opening.
- Wilson Grove Bioswale on the Aspendale foreshore has been completed, with the foreshore crew erecting two new fenced walkways and planting 2300 plants to start dune stabilisation.
- The free tree giveaway was a fantastic success with just under 5000 tube stock collected by Kingston residents.
- The western boardwalk through the Epsom Grasslands which was scheduled for removal in May/June has been delayed due to wet weather, but will get underway as soon as the ground dries up a little bit.
- The foreshore crew is set to expand in the coming months with the addition of two crew members. This will allow two teams to operate along the foreshore and increase focus on conservation works in priority sites.
Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve
LXRP have heard our concerns about flora, fauna and works in meetings and emails:
- BBR itself is unlikely to be impacted by works;
- landscaping species will be consistent with BBR vegetation types (from viewing them and lists);
- rail corridor flora identified and rescued;
- significant trees north of BBR to remain;
- will coordinate with BBR on fauna habitat boxes;
- shared path on west side of railway (avoid remnant vegetation beside BBR on eastern side), to continue across the railway to White St;
- have met twice with the Construction Liaison Community Group on equipment storage, works, water table unaffected, grounding of cables, etc.
Kingston Housing Strategy
Rosemary will bring 1854 map of Carrum Carrum Swamp, and Nina has a map of 1864 flooding. It was discussed that there should be no more housing in Carrum swamp area, due to Melbourne Water predictions. Rosemary suggested there should be a meeting with Jonathan Guttman, about Housing Policy and future flooding. Maybe Kingston Residents Association should hold this.
Send an invitation to the Mayor Hadi Saab to attend our meeting regarding Housing Policy & Tree Planting Policy.
Kingston Aquatic & Leisure Centre
Nina Earl on the Community Reference Group for Friends of Mordialloc Catchment:
- Bunurong involvement in design and works
- carpark and cafe at the front off Governor Rd, to reduce impacts on creek reserve;
- landscaping consistent with riparian vegetation, Friends of Mordialloc Catchment to be consulted on species;
- Australia Height Datum flood level is 3m at site, excavations for 4 pool depths ‘unlikely’ to impact water table, 2-level building, gym/public space upper level, undercroft landscaping at ground level;
- building to ‘blend’ with environment;
- Friends of Mordialloc Catchment advocate for no external lighting over creek reserve & shared path connections to front on Governor Rd.
- SCOPE should be included in this centre
Mordialloc Catchment
Epsom Conservation Reserve: During May and June, two Holmesglen environmental science students gathered information and investigated Epsom grassy wetland flora for an assignment. I provided some of my records of the social and environmental history of the Epsom site, referred them to Lee James and they also met with the Bushland crew.
I scanned some Epsom files and sent them to Lee for the Bushland team’s own historical records (more to do).
Mordialloc Railway Precinct
Water tower has heritage listing. The Station building has not as it has been slightly refurbished. Discussion about how we could retain the building. Nina has been to the LXRP meeting in the forecourt of the station. We agreed that the building should be retained as in Mentone as it is in the area of the Mordialloc area that has an historical overlay.
Parkdale Level Crossing Removal
Lee James arranged for the Bushland crew to rescue indigenous plants/seeds on the Parkdale rail reserve (10 species so far), which are being propagated at KCC nursery for genetic stock to live on in local reserves. Mordialloc Creek Sat 1 July, planted rescued Lomandra sedge from Parkdale rail reserve, propagated by Susan at KCC.
LXRP rescued removable trees along the Parkdale rail reserve, including Coast Banksias, to hold them at a Dingley nursery and return them in landscaping of the new elevated rail corridor.
Prior to tree removal along the Parkdale rail corridor, LXRP ecologists/contractors surveyed and rescued native wildlife. Habitat boxes for a variety of wildlife will be installed in landscaping along the new railway.
Reports from Groups
Green Wedge
The Green Wedge Coalition met with the Minister for Planning S. Kilkenny. Topics of discussion were the Heatherton Train Yard and the Chain of Parks. Also other buildings such as Churches and schools should not continue to be allowed in the Green Wedge. Another meeting should take place.
Environment and Open Spaces Advisory Committee
2 extra spaces have been filled
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Jenny Warfe has attended 2 separate VCAT sessions, about the Great Wall of Frankston. Sonja Kilkenny has stepped in and is to have a meeting with Frankston Council.