Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th July 2016

Mordialloc Life Saving Club Substation

Solar panels have been offered to four Lifesaving Clubs in the City of Kingston but Mordialloc LSC seems to have missed out. The excuse being given is that building hasn’t been completed at Mordialloc – “maybe when completed solar panels may be added.” (Bruce Rendall KCC) Why were panels not part of the initial plans which would have removed the need for a sub-station on the foreshore? United Energy now plans to install a second large unsightly pole in Epsom Road.

Pompei’s Landing

In April 2016 Council received advice that the Crown had revoked the Grant and Purpose issued in relation to the Mordialloc Boating and Angling (MBAC) as a result of uncertainty on the location and status of the various parcels of Crown Land that make up Pompei’s Landing. As a result the previous licence is not being pursued and a new licence and grant and purpose process is required.

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Have revised their newsletter, letterhead and brochure and produced very professional material including coloured photos of various plants and trees in the Reserve. It would be great to see the artwork of the boys from Sandringham Technical College back on the fence at the White Street corner.

Mordialloc Creek 

National Tree Day Council Staff, Friends of Mordialloc Creek and volunteers planted trees on the north bank of the creek in the Jack Grut Reserve. This should enhance feeling of being quite some way from the city when walking along the banks of the creek and noticing the bird life.

Tree Protection Policy

Reason for a review of the Council’s Tree Protection Policy was the dispute over the removal of a mature Lemon Scented Gum located in the road reserve outside Bradina Court, Chelsea Heights. This tree was assessed on the 24th June 2016 and was considered a healthy tree with no major structural defects observed . The perceived risk from the tree was estimated as low. Despite this a resident wanted the tree removed on safety grounds. Cr Gledhill resolved at its ordinary Council Meeting 27th June, 2016 “That officers immediately conduct a review of the KCC Tree Protection Policy and Street Tree Policy in relation to the adequacy of its provisions for public safety and risk of property damage.” One of the main objectives of the Tree Management Policy is “To protect, enhance and maintain a safe urban forest.” and in future that Council will “Place public safety as a priority.”

Green Wedge

Dandenong Council is seeking to reduce the lot size of theme park land to enable residential development to go ahead on Springvale Road opposite the Waterways Residential Estate. However the Planning Minister has said absolutely no change to the UGB with regard to the Green Wedge in the City of Dandenong.

Kingston Council Mayor has written to the Planning Minister , Richard Wynne asking that land on Springvale Road be made available for development. Despite on 23 September 2015,it was stated that “ the Minister is not looking to support schemes that seek to rezone green wedge land.”

Masonic Hall

Council Officers have prepared an expression of interest calling for community based organisations to submit proposals for the use of the former Masonic Hall. Certain activities which may appeal to young people or musical /dance groups won’t be considered because of the noise problem affecting the units which have been built next to the hall.

Mordialloc Bypass

If it is to be built, will require a four lane elevated flyover over Governor Road, industrial land, and Mordialloc Creek. It will also be adjacent to the Waterways residential estate and housing on the south side of Mordialloc Creek. The skyrail providing for rail crossing removals will only require two lines.

Level Cross Removals

Penny reports that consultation has resulted in one council officer from each local council attending but is then sworn to secrecy so is unable to enlighten the community!

Toxic problem of Electronic Waste

According to an Age report Councils claim that they have insufficient funds to clean up old tip sites. The article stated that Kingston Council has eleven (11) legacy landfill sites. As we know these sites leach contaminants into water flowing into Port Phillip Bay.

MBCL Constitution

The PPCC recently decided to adopt the Model Rules revised by Consumer Affairs in 2012 . MBCL members thought that it might be an idea to check our Constitution also. After some discussion with members it was decided to discuss this matter further at the August meeting. The Model Rules are designed for ease of use particularly for small Associations.

COAST AND CREEK also requires upgrading so that there is plenty of work to be undertaken . Lets hope when the weather warm up we will all feel like leaving the home fires and get active!

The Sporting Globe

The Sporting Globe at the corner of Centreway and Main Street, is coming up for mediation at Kingston Council Offices August 2nd.   A Moorabbin Police Inspector manages a Liquor Accord dealing with local liquor outlets and Casey Council is part of the South East Region Councils who have organised research into the impact of bottle shops on local communities.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc

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