Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th June 2023


Australian Conservation Foundation, Wilderness Society, Bushtracks, Stop Rogue Logging,
Stop the Great Wall of Frankston, Sustainable Population Australia, Kingston Your City, Beacon, Birdlife Australia

Heritage Council have determined that the Mordialloc Water Tower be on the Heritage list.
Port Phillip CC – August 16th at Convention Centre. Forum held by DEECA to showcase the activities delivered under the Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017 -2027 and projects being funded through the Port Phillip Bay Fund. J Warfe will send link to book.
Wayne Imlach reported that the area around Sailing Club had been cleaned up around the lone Casuarina at their working bee.

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Brad Lewis has taken over Emily Boucher’s role temporarily. Lee James will take over in the mean time.
Planting on the northern side at the mouth of the creek was done by Council. Yet to know who will be planting on the southern side.
There will be an update on the 2018 Biodiversity Strategy.

Kingston Housing Strategy

Submitters – 53% no increase in development 7% more development 40% inbetweeners.
The Panel report will likely be considered at the June Council Meeting. If adopted it will go to the Minister for Planning for the final decision.


SCOPE were at Don Tatnell pool, and should be included in the New Aquatic Centre.

Mentone Life Saving Club

Planting Plans deferred for another month by Council.

Mordialloc Creek Community

Who is going to manage Pompei’s Landing? Parks Vic? DEECA? Melbourne Water?

Green Wedge

The Green Wedge Coalition to meet with the Minister for Planning S. Kilkenny on the 15th November. Six in person and 10 on Zoom.
Topics for discussion – The Heatherton Train Yard and the Chain of Parks. Also other buildings such as Churches and schools should not continue to be allowed. Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedge and Agricultural land.

Kingston Residents Association

Letter of support regarding the Kingston Housing Strategy. Rosemary to assist.

The Grange

Lots of Coral fungi and early wattle to be seen.

Environment and Open Spaces Advisory Committee

2 extra spaces are being advertised for each of the 3 Advisory Committees. Apply by 16th June.

Other Business

Way finding Signs draft strategy to be released

Bridge Hotel
Plans for expansion? If the proposed development goes ahead there will have to be a 4.5 m setback from water’s edge. The Café will have to go.
Rossdale Golf Course
To be discussed next Month’s meeting. Tim Richardson’s Survey
Walter’s Letter
Discussed and decided that Walter needs to summarize and type up if possible. To be sent to Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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