Coast and Creek Booklet
The coast and creek booklet may finally be at the printers thanks to the terrific work of Mick and eagle-eyed editors! There was some discussion about asking for a gold coin donation for the booklet. There were differing opinions but on some occasions such as street stalls or community events this might be appropriate.
Bay Trail
The new newspaper on the block, the Mordialloc Chronicle, features tree pages of “advertisements” of the disinformation about the next section of the Bay Trail from the Mentone Lifesaving Club to Peter Scullin Reserve. For example the ad claims that Beach Road will be narrowed from Renninson Street to the Scullin Reserve. Not True.
Level Crossing Removal
There will be 8 community sessions to decide on work to remove the rail crossings, Edithvale to Seaford. Seaford residents are angry about the closure of Ell Race Road when it is claimed that there are feasible alternatives to the closure. There is also the threat to groundwater and the wetlands should the trench method be adopted for this section of the Frankston line.
Mordialloc Bypass
This freeway invariably surfaces when there is a State election in the offing usually raised by conservative inclined voters lving in Aspendale Gardens. What is proposed by these people is that traffic using Wells Road will be encouraged to use the proposed freeway which will impact severely instead on Aspendale Gardens residents to the south east of Mordialloc Creek, Waterways residential estate and destroy the most important wetlands in the southwest corner of Braeside Park. Noise, unsightly power lines, elevated roadway and garish advertisements will destroy the ambience of the park and wetlands which in 1978 Metropolitan Melbourne Board of Works was determined to preserve for future generations.
Dents Paddock
This matter will be going to VAT on the 20th September with a hearing for three days. The bush reserve is the last coastal bush in Chelsea. Nina is hoping to get a professional assessment of the vegetation.
Kingswood Golf Course
Dingley residents are angry that this green open space has been sold to a developer when it was expected to be retained as parkland.
Street Tree Strategy Consultation
Should this policy be mandatory? Some residents don’t want trees planted in their nature strip or blocking “their view” if on Beach Road. An excellent article in last Saturday’s Good Weekend (26 Sep, 2017) on methods and importance of tree planting in de-forested parts of the world should be required reading for all tree-haters, developers and climate claim sceptics in Parliament. I can vouch for the claim in the article that trees and greenery around lower the temp – and therefore the air-conditioning bill – if you have such a device!
Volunteers Medical Treatment
Nina raised the matter of coverage by Council of medical treatment for volenteers. A volunteer must use own medicare if injured while volunteering in a Council Park or Foreshore. It would seem that one must be super careful if one is keen to help in or on any Council property.
Adani Mine
Regrettably the Adani mine is about to start work having received Supreme Court Approval.