Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th May 2021


Response Letter from Minister R. Wynne’s office regarding the protection of Green Wedge.

Pompei Site.

The developers damaged a Council-managed open drain in an easement at the rear of this site, after notification by a resident a Council engineer is to inspect the drain.
A meeting with Councilor Tim Cochrane is being organized to discuss the future of the site.
Need stakeholder input and support. G.Vines from KCC excellent heritage report on the site should be bought to the attention of T. Cochrane.
DELWP are now landlords of Pompei’s Landing, excluding the former boat shed site.
Plan to contact Mr Pel regarding the blind corner as bikes emerge from under Pompei’s bridge.

Kington City Council Coastal Management Plan.

Refer Council Meeting Minutes 26.4.21 Agenda item 2 regarding toilet facility

Parkdale Yacht Club.

Suggested a letter be sent to DELWP questioning why the plans were passed and voicing our disapproval.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2016

Aboriginal Artefacts at First Avenue Edithvale

Cr West moved a motion in Council as to why the discovery of 16 Aboriginal stone artefacts discovered on this significant heritage site were not presented to councillors in the officer report and whether the Council could preserve the artefacts for display.

Masonic Hall

Masonic Hall has had two groups expressing an interest in this building – one an art House Cinema and the other a theatre group.Unfortunately any group interested in the hall will have to fund the complete renovation of the building. Meanwhile the Council is spending generously on sporting fields and the Moorabbin Reserve for the St Kilda Football Club.

Mordialloc Creek and Environs

Boats moored in the creek at Pompei’s Landing have had a disastrous time, first of all with vandalism that set fire to two boats and then, during the recent gales, a tree branch from the Monterey Cypresses crashing onto two more boats. It was suggested, 5th October, that MBCL become a Committee of Management for this section of the creek. Council will be trying to develop the site as soon as the difficult problem of ownership of sections of land is settled. Of concern is the fact that the Mordialloc Structure Plan has a photo of a two story café/restaurant on the water’s edge of the creek. A little unwise surely given that the area is flood prone.

MBCL supports the proposal in the Structure Plan that small boat owners be provided with a building suitable for maintenance of boats during repairs. This building could be sited alongside the Vic Track fence line. Research into COMs reveals that it would require significant funding to prepare a business plan for a three year stint with Government approval.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th September 2016

Inland Rail Line

Wal and J.Warfe have produced a detailed 26 page document outlining the advantages of building a freight line inland from Melbourne to Brisbane. This would reduce truck traffic using the highways at present.The report will be sent to politicians.

Mordialloc Creek

Further to the saga of Pompei’s Landing enquiries were made with Melbourne Water as to what would be required should Kingston Council proceed with the Mordialloc Structure Plan for this area. These plans included a two-storey restaurant on the water’s edge of the creek bank –a narrow strip of land used for boat maintenance and launching. Advice given was that because one of Melbourne Water’s roles is flood control and drainage a 30 metre buffer would be required for this land from the creek bank inland. The intensive development outlined in the planning document for this small piece of Crown land would destroy the fishing village atmosphere that has attracted so many artists and visitors to Mordialloc over the decades.

Masonic Hall

The partly renovated hall was open for interested parties to inspect on the 8th September. Nina attended and advised that although few people attended, there was keen interest from one group. The hall would be ideal for them should their bid be accepted. However, the $400,000 that council set aside to complete the renovations, was diverted by Cr Gledhill for use on sporting ovals. Now whoever’s offer is accepted will be responsible for the remainder of the renovations.

Council Elections

Bronwen once again organised an aspiring candidates questionnaire and meeting. Twenty five people attended with some young people planning to stand. Former and present councillors also attended and will stand again. Council business is now held over until a new council is elected.

Green Wedge

Cr West asked that Council strengthen Enforcement Laws for the South East Green Wedge and submitted a list of uses and infringements that have not been checked by council enforcement officers.

It is depressing to realise, that despite Minister Richard Wynne claiming in his letter to Council that he has no intention of changing the Urban Growth Boundaries, a change of Government, or influx of pro-development councillors in future means that pressure for development in the Green Wedge could still occur.

Invasive Animals on Crown Land

Nina has written a comprehensive paper on the Terms of Reference for this inquiry. Deers, horses, foxes,rabbits,feral pigs and goats. Deers do cause havoc in the forested areas around Melbourne. Protected species also cause problems as residential development encroaches on the outskirts of Melbourne. A wombat has taken up residence under a relative’s house in Healesville and feasts off the keen gardener’s plants while a flock of twenty kangaroos can be seen leaping gracefully over paddock fences to enjoy the crop on the other side. Meanwhile in established suburbs residents experiment with methods of deterring possums who virtually kill healthy, mature tea-trees and other trees planted for environmental reasons, one being shade and shelter in the increasingly hot summers we will be facing in the not to distant future.

Gambling Increase in Kingston

due to two forthcoming developments. The proposed lease of Council land- Moorabbin Reserve to the St Kilda football club- will include in the new sporting facilities, 83 poker machines. Approval of gaming machines contravenes Council Gaming Policy which states “ Additional EGM’s or new venues should not be located in areas where activities are focused on children or young people.” It is estimated that 15,000 young people (18-24 year olds) will access this development. This sporting venue will create enormous traffic problems in the narrow streets and for local residents living close-by.

The other gambling facility likely to eventuate in Mordialloc, replacing a useful discount shop, is a Sporting Club Bar and Grill providing a “family friendly restaurant.” The main purpose of this club is sale of alcohol and gambling. Open from 7am to 2am.

Aboriginal Artefacts at Development Site

Cr West asked council officers to provide a report about whether this is a significant site, what council can do to preserve this important heritage site from the approved development, why no information about the discovery of these artefacts was provided in the officer report to councillors and whether these artefacts could be preserved for display?

Bay Trail

BIOSIS has completed yet another survey of the significant section of the Bay Trail from the Mentone Lifesaving Club to the Edgewater Hotel. Four options were presented. The fourth option claimed that the back of kerb trail for that section would create less destruction of the significant vegetation. As work continues from Mentone Parade to Mordialloc Creek much of the vegetation along side Beach Road will be destroyed. A public survey found that 80% of respondents wanted a back of kerb route so that the cliff top tracks could used by pedestrians without bicycle traffic.A back-of-kerb trail similar to the Bayside Bay Trail, was always MBCL’s preferred option although a mix of trails in this last section would have preserved more vegetation.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd August 2016

Pompei Landing

DM gave a report on negotiations undertaken by Council in order to gain control as Committee of Management of the strip of land on Mordialloc Creek Bank now occupied for boat hire and maintenance. Regional Director of DWELP had issued instructions that the licence issued by Council was invalid and a new licence would be required. A survey by the Surveyor General was also to be carried out. This wasn’t done but the State Government has now given the Council Committee of Management of the site. To add drama to the situation, on the 26 August two boats moored at the site were set alight at 4.30am. Investigations are continuing.

Mordialloc Bypass

A search for VicRoads plans for this project was undertaken because of the freeways impact on the Green Wedge should it go ahead. However the plans reveal that this freeway is not considered necessary according to Nigel Smith, Planning Studies Manager.

At most an arterial road may be thought necessary sometime in the future but this will depend on the volume of traffic using the Dingley bypass which may remove the need for any further road building.

Rubber Tree

Unfortunately relocated into George Woods Playground site although plans for the playground clearly shows that locally indigenous species would be planted around this area. It seems that the rubber tree was in the way of drainage works at Edithvale and the engineers decided to save the tree by relocating it. However there are many other local parks which would benefit from more trees and are not restricted to locally indigenous species in revegetation programs,

Statewide Assessment of Public Land

Draft Proposals. VEAC is inviting comments on their recommendations. It is pleasing to note that Climate Change and its impact on coastal areas around Port Phillip Bay is on the list as is the importance of groundwater protection , National Parks and Crown Land.

Supporting community based committees of management are encouraging recommendations contained in this document. Legislation is being reviewed and in some cases may be consolidated or simplified for improved administration purposes. Submissions invited until Nov 7th

Chain of Parks

Victory Road landfill is due to close in 2018 and there is a draft masterplan for an impressive new park on the site in the Green Wedge. However the operators want to raise the height of the contours to save themselves the trouble of moving solid inert material and this is causing some concern about the height and the dust problem as material is being relocated.

Tree Removal

As a result of residents requesting the removal of healthy, significant trees from their backyard or nature strip, Cr Gledhill moved that council review the street tree management policy and Local Law for trees on private land to make it easier for council to permit tree removal. It is reassuring to find that the majority of residents would like council to plant more trees.

Better Apartments Draft Design Standards

The Planning Minister has released this document for public consultation. The standards respond to key issues raised by the community about the size, design and poor workmanship of units in tower blocks but also in unit developments in our middle ring suburbs. The aim of this project is to “deliver liveable housing options that meet the long-term need of Victorians, enhance Victoria’s liveability and leave a positive legacy for future generations”. Not before time!

Open for public submissions until 5pm Monday 19 September.

How Regional Rail Re-Balance Population Groth & Create a State of Cities in Victoria

Guest Speaker The Hon Tim Fischer, RMIT, University Storey Hall Green Brain, Building 16, Level 7, 336-348 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Monday, 5 September 4.30pm-6.30pm.

Inland Rail Line

The rail freight line may be receiving more favourable treatment from State Government Ministers according to a reliable source who has been working assiduously on a report on this important matter. Should the line go ahead it may remove the need for increasing the size of Victoria’s ports.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st June 2016

Mordialloc Life Saving Club Substation

Sub-Station on foreshore to supply electricity for the gigantic new Mordialloc surf lifesaving club . Interestingly the local paper, the Leader, 29 June,announces that four Bayside lifesaving clubs are being provided with solar panels. Why not the Mordialloc LSC? Letters were sent to Council from MBCL and Nina suggesting that option rather than having unsightly electric light poles on Beach or Epsom Roads or industrialising the foreshore with a sub station.

George Woods Playground

Disappointingly the Council is going ahead with a large playground on the arboretum site in George Woods Reserve behind the kindergarten despite local families preferring an upgrade of the existing playground in close proximity to toilets. No toilets are planned for the new playground because of difficulty in providing infrastructure. There is a trend amongst some councils to adopt the European idea of introducing children to the natural environment by allowing kids to play in the open with leaves, branches, sand and small amounts of water. Rope bridges and flying foxes are featured in some ceases. While this idea formed part of MBCL’s submission to Council but not accepted we were impressed that Andrew Wright took the trouble to reply to the sub with a letter explaining why he felt the idea wouldn’t work in this case!!! Has there been a revolution up at 1230 Nepean Highway???

Coast and Creek Booklet

Discussion about how this project could be

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd February 2016

Canterbury Industrial Site

Work has commenced on this site but unfortunately Melbourne Water is no longer interested in incorporating a small remnant of Plains Grassy Wetlands into a waterway to be constructed to purify drainage water before it flows into Mordialloc Creek. The remnant Grassy Wetlands is one of two remnants of this species growing in the forrmer Carrum Carrum Swamp . The other remnant is 4 hectares remaining in the former Epsom training track. A stand of Melalucas is also under threat from the industrial development. Kingston Council is going to VCAT over this issue and Nina plans to present also.

David Bainbridges Foreshore Survey

Bronwen advises that David’s survey has been placed on MBCL’s web site so that members can access it. David said his survey reveals a decline in indigenous species in the Natural Resource Area on the foreshore.

Non-Indigenous Species

Non-indigenous species are still being planted for example -sterile Gazanias close to the Edithvale wetlands. Other non -indigenous species are planted in planter boxes in Edithvale shopping street and at the Child Care Centre. We have remarked on this problem previously. Why are’nt the staff involved planting locally indigenous species and by so doing educating the public to the value of vegetation indigenous to the sand belt suburbs ?

Non indigenous species such as the Banana Passion Vine is causing aggro in Nina’s garden and is an example of the problems that can be caused when nuisance plants are introduced. Megan reports on a virulent stand of blackberries in the industrial site on Canterbury Road.

Removal of Vegetation

Alarming to receive a letter from Council planning department advising of possible removal of vegetation from the site of the proposed Mordialloc Lifesaving Club monolith after we had had a good outcome from our meeting with some of the landscaping staff on site. It appears that a botanist is to be engaged to assess the state of the two historic Monterey Cypresses. One in particular is popular with picnickers who like to sit under its spreading branches.

Level Crossing Removals

Discussion is commencing along the Frankston line as residents try to envisage a two or three line train track on concrete pillars racing overhead every ten minutes during peak hour. Cut and cover method has been employed to remove crossings at Ormond, Bentleigh and McKinnon stations. Mordialloc hasn’t been mentioned yet although Mentone may be in the firing line.

Green Wedge

Whether the Memorial Park is still to be located in the SE Green Wedge is uncertain however a Memorial Park in Gisborne is for sale and according to the owner is juts the place for weddings and picnics. The SE Green Wedge Committee have a new member to assist them. An ex-planner Alan Thatcher is clearly delineating property boundaries in the Green Wedge.

Inland Rail Route Report for PPCC

Walter, Jenny and Len Warfe have presented a case for the inland rail freight route at the Parliamentary Committee hearing last month. If built this rail freight line may do away with the need for a second port in Victoria and would also do away with so many container trucks on the road.

Environment Victoria

Environment Victoria has asked Port Phillip Conservation Council if they would be responsibile for Port Phillip Bay protection . Also monitoring the impact of the sale of Port Melbourne and future dredging that the sale of the Port may entail.

Managing Residential Development Advisory Committee

Residents have until March 14th to make a submission to the committee. It is difficult to find what is the true state of affairs – which areas will be protected from height increases, will there compensatory open space provided- what rights will third parties have to make an objection if they find a loud noisy entertainment centre opening next door in an Activity centre? Etc,etc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.