Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th February 1995

Bradshaw Park

Work is proceeding with Council personnel and volunteers carrying out weed removal in the Park.

Braeside Park

A BIOSIS report has been completed on the effect of the clay quarry on the 16 hectare stand of river red gums on the Woodlands Industrial Estate. Advice has been received that the Stage 6 development on Governor Road will not commence until extensive filling of the area is completed.

The Agnew Report

The internet System provides valuable information re the coast and ocean environment.
Copies of the CSIRO journal ECOS may be obtained by ringing 06 246 5039. C & N.R officers have apprehended abalone poachers at Ricketts Point.
There has been a significant loss of seagrass at Cerebus and Ricketts Point. Chem Watch will provide Glen with a CD-ROM chemical data bank.
Glen organised a tour of the local coast line and Mordialloc Creek for four Fifth Year Monash Law students.

Mentone Stormwater Drain

Unfortunately the EPA has withdrawn its objection to the large stormwater drain to be constructed opposite Mentone Parade. The need for this drain arises in part due to higher density residential development and the use of flood retarding basins for housing. Re-establishing surge basins would alleviate some of the local flooding problems which occur during heavy rainfall events.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th December 1994

Bradshaw Park

A small fire broke out in the Park but in the wrong place as regards a re-vegetation burn-off!
Elimination of foxes is the Council’s role and can be accomplished with traps as is the practice in the Edithvale Wetlands.
S.Calvert-Smith manned a stall at the Parkdale Shopping centre as part of the Parkdale Traders Promotion.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club Lease

A further meeting was held to discuss Hon. M. Birrell’s refusal to reject the DCNR proposal to “regularise” the lease of the yacht club.

Heritage Listing for Beaumaris Park

Work on the submission is proceeding. Beaumaris Park is now in the City of Bayside and raises the issue of which group or organisation will be involved or prepared to monitor re-vegetation work in the Park.

Mentone Stormwater Drain Opposite Mentone Parade

C. King presented a Melbourne Water’s plan for a large outfall drain to cross the beach opposite Mentone Parade. There are 15 drains entering the Bay from Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek, and as this latest proposal will be the largest to carry stormwater to the Bay it raises questions about Melbourne Waters “quick fix ” solution to flooding problems in the Mentone area.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th October 1994

Bradshaw Park

The $3000 grant has now been spent and reports sent to Melbourne Water, City Engineer Mr Tony Rijs and Mr J.Edwards. Photos and a report of the work carried out by the Friends of Bradshaw Park have appeared in the Melbourne Parks and Waterways Newsletter.
New people attended the Spring Planting on the 2nd October and hopefully will continue to assist with the work.
A burn was planned for the north west corner of the park to re-generate vegetation but the Town Planning Department refused to allow the burn to take, place!

The Agnew Report

Glenn has “acquired” a 3 metre fibre glass boat which will help greatly with research work. 3 CD ROMS are providing useful reference material. The dive- gear is undergoing maintenance.
An alert has been put out asking people to watch out for star fish which are multiplying in the Bay. There is a question mark over the artificial tyre “reef” at Carrum since the original amateur fishing body no longer exists.
We are grateful to Glen for continuing to represent MBCL at the PPCC meetings.

Mordialloc Creek / Wetlands

We are awaiting a response to Chris’s letter to the Premier and Liberal politicians regarding the proposed linear wetland along the banks of Mordialloc Creek.

Mentone Lifesaving club / Tearooms / Pier

The Minister for Planning, R. McLellan has approved the construction of tearooms on the top of Mentone lifesaving Club. There is a query about the toilet blocks at this location and along the foreshore. Are they connected to existing sewage or are septic tanks used?

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th September 1994

Our sympathy is extended to members who were suffering personal or family illness at the time of our last meeting – Glen, Mara, Frank and Diane.

We are delighted to welcome two new League members — Liz Richards and Sonia Toneatto and hope that their time with us will be a worthwhile experience.

Mordialloc Creek / Wetlands

Following the Leagues decision to campaign strongly for the development of a linear wetland along the bank of Mordialloc Creek as a means of treating waste- water, C. King prepared letters to be sent to relevant Ministers and authorities seeking an assurance that the Melbourne Water Draft Plan would be implemented as soon as possible.
Evidence continues to mount which advocates the use of wetlands to filter and clean stormwater. Articles in the Adelaide Advertiser June 16 1994 entitled “MFP wetland tourism boost”, National LG Engineering Conference Adelaide 1993 “Stormwater Management in Adelaide” and Vol 36 No 3. September 1994 Trees and Natural Resources devotes most of the periodical to wetlands as habitat protection and water treatment resources

Heritage Listing for Beaumaris Park

C. King is finalising the submission for Heritage listing of Beaumaris Park. Maps, photos and historical records are required to complete the submission which has been a time consuming task for Chris.

Mordialloc Foreshore

Light poles which are no longer required on Mordialloc Foreshore have been partially dismantled. One pole still needs to be relocated to a less obvious position.

Two signs will be removed for the Horse Paddock car park in order to reduce the excessive signage.

Bus shelters will be re-located to a less obtrusive position on Beach Road.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd August 1994

Mordialloc Creek

Following the the diversion of the D.S.W.B. water to Carrum for treatment, Mordialloc Creek has reverted to a tidal estuarine waterway with extremely shallow water at low tide. This is a problem for boats moored in and using the creek. EPA is monitoring the before and after effects of the diversion.

Braeside Park and Adjoining Industrial Estate

Melbourne Water have shown some concern at the extent of the clay quarrying in the Industrial Estate. A newspaper report outlines the extensive development planned of the site.

Future directions for Braeside Park include greater emphasis on money making activities for Park maintenance.

Heritage Listing BIOSIS report Beaumaris Park

Letter boxing by Council of the Beaumaris area designed to encourage people to form a Friends Group to assist with reclamation work in the park have met with
no success.

BIOSIS recommended the formation of a Friends Group as an important component in the reclamation work in the park. How can the work be carried out without people to assist Council staff in this task?

How was the leaflet worded? Was this responsible for lack of response? Which area was letter boxed? Was Beach Road the only area to be letter boxed or did the hinterland also receive this information ?

Should Council attempt to get publicity for the project through an article in the local paper?

Community Streamwatch

Chelsea Council’s Conservation Officer, Doug Evans has invited MBCL to join the Community Streamwatch program which is designed to monitor water quality in Mordialloc Creek. Other groups invited to participate include Bay Rescue, CRAG, and Mordialloc Chelsea High School. Chris will write to the City Engineer asking that an LCSP be prepared as instructed in the Mordialloc Creek Action Plan

Mentone Pier

A report in the local paper states that a report has been completed which examines the costs and beach impact if the pier is reconstructed. It is proposed to ask the City Engineer for a copy of the report.

It is thought that a detailed Environment Effects Statement and hydrological study would be required before a permit was granted for this work.

Meeting Closed: 9.30pm.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th July 1994

Bradshaw Park

Grant money is now totally expended and the project is completed. Two new signs have been acquired. One of these has been attached to the workshed and advises the public of the work of the Friends of Bradshaw Park.

Mordialloc Creek

The Dandenong and Springvale Sewage water was diverted to the Carrum plant on July 3rd. EPA personnel were observed taking samples shortly after…. Samples will be taken to check on the state of the water after the diversion of the sewage. The creek is once again tidal and therefore the water level is at times very low.

Braeside Park

The developers of the Braeside Industrial Estate have been quarrying clay from a section of the park to use for filling in another area. The deep hole is supposed to become an artificial lake but will need to be filled to a depth of three metres if this is to happen. 16.52 hectares of manna and red gums will be retained on the southern end of the estate.

Beaumaris Park Heritage Listing

C. King continues with the preparation of the submission for the listing of the park.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th June 1994

Bradshaw Park

Foxes are still a problem in the park. The re-generation area has a new sign. A representative from Melbourne Water has inspected the work undertaken with Grant money. The report is due in August. There will be meeting of the Friends Group to finalise the spending of the remaining grant money.

Carrum Edithvale Wetlands Mordialloc Creek

Scott Seymour of Melbourne Water believes that the linear wetlands along the North bank of the creek should go ahead. Geoff Leigh MLA, claims that if the Keysborough housing proceeds land must be set aside for a linear wetland. It may be necessary to lobby State and Councils reps to ensure that this plan does proceed.


It is possible that the Council’s BIOSIS Report on Beaumaris Park may reflect the terms of reference originally given to J. Yugovic. It is also felt that the report does not go far enough in its aims and that there must be sufficient human resources to carry out the program with one person responsible for the area especially if a Friends Group is also to be involved.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris Park

It was moved that:- MBCL prepare a submission for Beaumaris cliffs to be included in the National Estate listing.

C. King will consult with Simon Molesworth and Geoffrey Goode re the listing of the park which will include the Sandringham section of the Beaumaris cliffs. It was felt that the BIOSIS report will support the MBCL submission.

Ask Council to replant the trees which were chopped down at Deauville Street.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd May 1994

Bradshaw Park

$300.00 is left from the Grant. This money must be spent before June, 1994

Braeside Park

An education night will be held May 18th at Braeside to discuss leachates entering the park’s wetlands from the tips. G.Agnew has been invited to speak at this meeting.
The industrial estate to the west of Braeside is proceeding but the River Red Gums will be preserved.

Mordialloc Creek

Letters have been received from the EPA/ Birrell/ Leigh/David May with regard to Glen’s research work. It is obvious that heavy metal levels are high between the Horse Paddock Reef and the beach and at the mouth of Mordialloc Creek. The Melbourne Water’s Environmental Research Vessel has been sampling between Mentone Beach and the Horse Paddock Reef. Significant amounts of red algae are causing concern to the researchers.
This work is part of the Port Phillip Bay Study. The study is also examining the effect on Mordialloc Creek of the imminent diversion of DSWB water to the Carrum Treatment plant. 60% of DSWB water presently flows into Mordialloc Creek.

Carrum / Edithvale / Mordialloc Creek / Wetlands

D.Allen has received a BIOSIS report which analyses the Edithvale Wetlands.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 12th April 1994

Bradshaw Park

Scouts from the 8th Mordialloc Troop were involved in planting 280 items including trees, shrubs and grasses in Bradshaw Park in March. The scouts will return for further planting on the 23rd May.

Braeside Park

A successful planting day 10-4-94 saw 200 trees planted between Governor Road and the bird hide.
17-4-94 will be a planting day for Girl Guides from the Dingley area. Scouts will be also involved in establishing trees in the difficult clay/peat type soil.
The wetlands in the park now contain stinking water-a mixture of leachates/and detergents. State Government Ministers and Springvale Council are still debating who should be responsible for the clean-up of the leachates flowing into the park and then into Mordialloc Creek.

Driven by the “user pays” policy of the State Government, Park rangers are introducing donkey rides as a means of earning finance despite a ruling banning horses from the Park because of the danger of introducing non- native plants to the area. Presumably donkeys would fall into the same category!

Carrum Edithvale Wetlands Lowlands Comittee

Scott Seymour has forwarded the League a report of bird sightings in the area.
It was moved at the CEWLC meeting by Cr Williams that the League write to Mordialloc Council asking that a member of Staff or councillor attend the meetings because of the planning initiatives involving Mordialloc Creek.

A letter was duly forwarded to the Council suggesting that Mordialloc Council be represented at the meetings. As there had been no response after three weeks and as the next meeting was on the 21-4-94, enquiries elicited the response that the person written to had not sighted the letter! For whatever reason it would appear that Mordialloc Council does not want to be involved, or perhaps be reminded, of the problems associated with the creek.

David Allen will attend the next meeting of the CEWLC at Braeside 21-4-94.

Beaumaris Park

We are still awaiting the BIOSIS report on Beaumaris Park and hope that it will emphasise the significance of the park especially as a submission is being prepared asking that this area be accepted for Heritage listing.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st March 1994

Mayor’s Community Day

The Mayor’s Community Day, 27-3-94, concentrated on highlighting the sediment accumulating on the Horse Paddock Reef. Special thanks to Glen and Mara who organised jars and labels for sticky, black sludge collected from the reef by Glen. The jars proved to be the feature of the day with 346 people signing the petition to be forwarded to Geoff Leigh to present to State Parliament. New trestles and table worked well. Thanks to members of the Home Environment group for their assistance on the day also all League members involved.

The Agnew Report

Glen reported on the follow up of the politicians dive on the Horse Paddock Reef There has been no response from Geoff Leigh or the Minister for Conservation, Mark Birrell apart from forwarding the League an EPA report seeking to play down heavy metal content in the sediment which the CSIRO claims has risen by a factor of 4.
Mara volunteered to contact Swinburne or RMIT film making school to see if they would be interested in making a film for Glen.

Bradshaw Park

Non-endemic trees have now been cut down and will be mulched. The Friends group have until June to spend the remainder of the Grant money.

Braeside Park

The League has learned that freeway will not be moved despite Mark Birrell’s assurances when he was Shadow Minister for Conservation. If the freeway is built adjacent to Braeside Park the wetlands will be affected.
Authorities have at last acknowledged publicly that leachates from the Rowan Road tip have polluted the wetlands and are entering the drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek. At present the State Government and Springvale Council are denying responsibility for cleaning up the mess.

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