Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd April 2019

Mordialloc Masonic Hall

Mordialloc Masonic Hall has been approved for youth services on the ground floor while the upper level may be used for Ward meetings or other Council activities Unfortunately the hat will not be available for community use.

New Policy for Meetings

Council has stipulated that meetings such the Faith group and others must have 21 members per meeting. Each member will be paid $250 a year. However the Public Spaces and Environment Committee (PEAC) normally had a regular attendance with 12 members and is scheduled to meet 30th May. Will this be its swan song.?

Council Motion on Poker Machines

Pleasing to note that Cr Staikos had proposed a motion concerning the addictive nature of poker machines and harm that is done to society. Kingston is one of the ten suburbs in the metropolitan area with the highest number of machines and monetary losses. It was moved that MBCL write to Cr Staikos congratulating him on his motion.

Dent’s Paddock

Local member. Tim Richardson, is organising joint funding to purchase the whole of the land to compensate for lack of open space in the Chelsea/ Edithvale area. It is intended to emphasise former Aboriginal occupation. food and hunting activity on the land pre-European occupation.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th February 2019


Letter to Clifford Hayes, MP Member for South East Legislative Council, in response to the MP’s request to learn of important issues in his electorate. Money for Dent’s Reserve was one issue mentioned. The MP is a member of Sustainable Population Australia.

Regent’s Park

A meeting on site with a Council Office, a MBCL member and a qualified gardener discussed means of saving Banksia seedlings from the Jack Cuthbertson Memorial Garden before it is destroyed to make way for two netball courts. The seedlings would be propagated and distributed to the community. The Council is no longer spraying the site.

Rossdale Golf Course

Rossdale golf course is reported to be up for sale again for housing. This will mean more loss of open space. Golfers will have to ply on the Capital Golf course adjacent to the Moorabbin Airport. 2500 acres will come back to Council from the sale of the golf course.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st September 2010

Forthcoming Events

KCEC have invited Kelvin Thomson to speak at the AGM meeting,11th November, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House at 7.30pm. Check the e-mail for further info. Kelvin will present important facts about Australia’s unsustainable population policy.

Submissions due to Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Policy Tuesday 19th October. It is important to obtain a copy of the draft policy and make time to make a submission.

Mordialloc Creek Dredging Roundtable Tuesday 26th October 2pm in the Oakleigh Room.1230 Nepean Highway.

Kingston Parks Report

Watch out for a community planting day at Epsom Wetland in October.

Sea Scouts group at Heatherton Park planted 2000 plants assisted by 70 participants.

Recent rains have caused a delay in work in a number of reserves because of possible damage to the grounds.

Two apprentices have been appointed to work with the NRA crew.


Melanie from Melbourne Water is helping Bronwen and Alan with the water quality testing program in the Mordialloc Main Drain below Bowen Road. MBCl has received an invitation to attend a Mordialloc Creek Dredging Round Table 26 October at Council.

Timber Yard Development Albert/Park Street, Mordialloc

Carmel (KRAMMED), Deborah, Park Street resident and Mary (MBCL) attended a practice meeting at VCAT 27th August and Judy (representing Deborah) Johanna and Mary were present at a mediation meeting at VCAT 9th September. Meeting lasted from 10.30am to 7,30pm! A full report at MBCL meeting.

Bay Trail

Geoffrey Goode attended our meeting to report on Bayside’s section of the track. Unfortunately because of a cyclist’s accident the council has been advised that a shared track should comply with Australian Road Standards at 4.1/2 metres. This will mean a greater incursion into the foreshore and will also apply in Kingston. VicRoads has been working with the City of Bayside to develop a narrower four-lane cross-section on Beach Road to minimize the impact of the back-of –kerb option on the foreshore. Width of pavement would be 12.7 metres. Will this width also apply in Kingston?. Awaiting confirmation.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron may go ahead if the Planning Minister approves. The club is on Crown land with environmental significance and is listed on the National Estate Register. An extensive area of Beaumaris Bay will be filled to accommodate the extension. A hard stand will be higher than the important red fossil cliffs and visible from north bound traffic travelling along Beach Road.

The Collins Report

Tony and Lee completed auditing 2009-2010 targets and ‘ground truthing ‘ new targets for 2010-2015 . Weed targets are the main failing with geophytes and annuals the biggest problem.

The north side of Mordialloc Creek is set to be restored via the Living Links project. A large area of non-indigenous trees will be removed. These include wattles and Maleleucas but at present the non-local eucalypts will remain.

Discussion about the proposed large regional playground for the George Woods Reserve Arboretum. While it is claimed that there is support for the arboretum site alternative more appropriate sites may not have been presented.

Lumo Energy were providing funding and support for a planting day.

Green Wedge Annual Report 31st August

The secretary reported on an impressive list of small wins in objections to developments on green wedge land.Unfortunately the State Government has lost its commitment to protecting Melbourne’s Green Wedges as evidenced in its decision to convert 43,600 hectares for residential development on the volcanic grasslands thus increasing pressure from developers to release land in the South East Green Wedge.

Bradshaw Park Fence

At the instigation of the Mentone Parkdale Village Committee a combined well attended meeting with the Mordialloc Village Committee was held at Florence Street, Mentone resulting in support for a replacement high fence to prevent public access over the low fence with of trampling indigenous plants. It was also moved that the reserve be declared a dog free zone.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Next meeting will be 13th October at 7.30pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House where there will be a discussion with guest speaker Vicki Mitchell from Hampton Community Centre and Robin Erwin Chelsea Heights Community Centre on plans for setting up local ecoliving centres.

A Bad Day for Marvellous Melbourne

Mary Drost reports on A Bad Day for Marvellous Melbourne with Madden signing off on a Planning Scheme which condemns Melbourne to uncontrolled high rise development along all tram, train ,bus and light rail lines.The Supreme Court supported VCAT in a decision that will allow the demolition of part of the Windsor Hotel to make way for a tower block behind the hotel thus setting a precedent for further tower developments around the precinct. No Heritage Buildings will safe from destruction especially around suburban activity centres . The timber yard development in Mordialloc is a case in point. The developments on three corners of Albert /Park Streets do not in any way reflect heritage values.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th November 2009

Forthcoming Events

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council is holding a Remnant Native Environmental Workshop Conference Room 2, Telstra Conference Centre corner Lonsdale and Exhibition Street, Monday 14 December, 10.00am-2.00pm.

Green fields, Brown fields,New fields 7th-10th February 2010. Tenth Australasian Urban History/Planning History Conference, Faculty of Architecture, Universsity of Melbourne.

Saturday 12th December Union of Australian Women Brunch for Peace at Mordialloc foreshore.

Share food and listen to challenging speakers.

Certificate of Appreciation

A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc in recognition of the 40th Anniversary of the League’s service and contribution to the City of Kingston through its on-going campaign to protect the local environment. The Mayor, Arthur Athanasopoulos, made the presentation 23rd November at the Council meeting. Appreciation is extended to our stalwart members who are still watching over parks, foreshore, green wedges , creek and open space. Well done all !

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron Marina Development

A letter has been received from Minister for Planning advising that an Environmental Effects Statement(EES) will be required for the marina development to proceed. Good news. Not so good though is the proposed Frankston 15ha marina. Captain Frank Hart, Frankston Beach Association, has prepared an excellent paper outlining the effects this development will have on the foreshore. The Planning Minister has appointed a Priority Development Panel removing third party rights to object.


Judy, Bronwen and Brian undertook Waterwatch in November. Further training for Waterwatchers is planned when the course again becomes available.

Coast Care Coast Action

Facilitator Phillip Wierzbowski attended the November meeting to discuss ideas for grant applications. The NRA team were consulted for projects requiring funding. A forum in March with an invitation to the community may result in recruitment of volunteers prepared to give time to projects along the foreshore and creek . Parks Team Leader ,Tony also supported the need to reactivate small groups prepared to work on the foreshore. Kingston’s Coastal Management Plan will guide and direct work on the foreshore.

Tony further reports that Kingston only has 60 million litres of recycled water for sports grounds. To drought-proof the grounds warm seasons grasses are being planted.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

A consultant has been appointed for this project which includes Mordialloc creek from mouth to Boundary road, Attenborough park, Hazel Pierce Reserve and the Pompei site. We wait with bated breath for yet a third or fourth plan for Attenborough park! Will the Master plan take into consideration the impact of climate change on water levels in the creek?

Bay Trail

Some good news for a change from the Bay Trail battlefront. The Mayor has responded to our letter October 26 in which he states that council officers are undertaking background work for the alignment of Kingston’s section of the trail to Charman Road. This includes preparing an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan.DSE has requested that alternate alignment options be documented and presented for Council’s application for Coastal Management Act Consent. A similar process has been undertaken by Bayside Council for the stages between Cromer and Charman Roads. Bayside Council’s letter 20 November states that “Council restates its preference for the “back-of-kerb” or roadside verge option.”(the same as our option) and “That Council continues consultation with VicRoads to achieve that aim.”

Good news also concerning our request for a continuation of the bike along the southern levee bank of Mordialloc creek up to, at least, Bowen Road – but eventually up to and beyond Springvale Road.Council’s Nigel Brown informed me that there had been consultation with Dandenong council about an eventual link with the Mordialloc Trail at Springvale road.

City of Kingston’s Road Safety Strategy

City of Kingston’s Road Safety Survey was sent to Village Committee members. At the November meeting the VC members asked that someone from VicRoads attend the February meeting to hear traffic issues including Main Street pedestrian

Crossing, speed limit reduction in shopping centre (highway), extension of left lane on Main Street to become designated left turn only into McDonald Street, review of traffic flow at Main Street Roundabout /St Lucia development-Epsom Road, cut through required from Carrier Avenue to the service road at Parkdale Plaza. It should be mandatory for an independent traffic consultant to be present at VCAT or mediation hearings rather than the developer’s pet consultant who invariably gives a “no problems” response whether it concerns lack of parking or potential traffic congestion in suburban streets prior to approval for a major development.

34 Unit Development in Mordialloc Heritage Precinct

34 Unit Development in Mordialloc Heritage Precinct corner of Bear and Albert Street, Mordialloc. This is an over -development of the site with poorly designed, small units, lacking light, space, privacy and noise attenuation and built to the footpath on the corner of two heavily trafficked roads.

Parks Report

The Grange has been clearing up rubbish after a fire. Green Corp workers sometimes have trouble deciphering weeds from native grasses. (They’re not the only ones!)

Yammerbook Reserve

Yammerbook Reserve is still awaiting the completion of the informative sign for which Nina has researched material .

Sustainable Population Australia

Special General Meeting Sunday 29th 2pm at North Melbourne Town Hall. Federal member for Coburg, Kelvin Thomson, will be the guest speaker. The SPA is working with those fighting the effects of excessive population growth encouraged by mining, development and business industries all ignoring lack of water resources.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th October 2009

Forthcoming Events

Port Phillip Conservation Council Inc Annual General Meeting 16th November, 8.00 pm at 47 Bayview Crescent, Black Rock.

Friends of Edithvale Seaford Wetlands Inc Wetlands Discovery Day Sunday November 22nd 11.00 – 3.00 Duck Inn Edithvale Common also a Wetlands Photography and Art Competition. Walk Against Warming.12 pm, 12 December 2009, State Library, Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Mordialloc Neighbour House 19th November Guest Speaker: Associate Professor, Michael Buxton School of Social Science & Planning RMIT. 7.30 pm.

MBCL’s Celebratory and Thank You Barbecue

25th October was well represented by former Mordialloc mayor & councillors, Peter Scullin & Michael Buxton, current councillors, a Coast Care Coast Action rep, seven former MBCL presidents and many stalwart members who have supported MBCL through demanding conservation campaigns over the last forty years. A major victory in 1975 was the prevention of DVA concreting Mordialloc Creek resulting today in a restful wildlife corridor for our enjoyment .

Mordialloc Creek (Mordialloc Catchment)

Friends of Mordialloc Creek’s task on Saturday 3rd October was weeding a section of vegetation on the north bank along old Wells Road. The bush crew have adopted the Bradley method of vegetation consolidating good areas and working outwards.

Coomoora Woodlands

A campaign has been launched to try and save the reserve threatened by the Dingley freeway extension which will destroy a third of the Reserve. The Reserve contains many indigenous species and mature trees. Two scar trees and an Aboriginal mound are just outside the Reserve. Rosemary, Wal, Nina and Brian attended the meeting.

Bayside Environmental Friends Network Coordination

Barbara Jakob was invited by council to bring together 17 friends groups, schools,land care groups, foreshore protectors and climate change campaigners. Barbara explained how she manages to coordinate activities such as planting sessions, trail paths, plant information events and discovery days involving. schools, traders and women’s groups.Encouraging young members is important.

Kingston Conservation and Environmental Coalition

KCEC is still waiting for Kingston Council to establish a climate change group as promised when the Kingston Foreshore Reference Group was abandoned by Council. Federal Government’s report on the impact of climate change on coastlines around Australia should make interesting reading for local government planners and developers.Buyer beware???

Is Kingston Council considering climate change when drawing up landscape plans for the mouth of Mordialloc Creek, the island, Hazel Pierce Park and Pompei site???

Centreway Mordialloc

Landscaping is almost completed with Banksias planted but unfortunately other plants installed are not indigenous to the area .Indigenous planting was designed to create a link between the station forecourt and the foreshore.,

Major Transport Projects Facilitation Bill

Major Transport Projects Faciliation Bill passed through parliament. Although referring to transport the exemptions can also apply to eleven pieces of legislation (ACTs) including Coastal Management, Conservation Forests and Lands, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act and others. The Planning Minister effectively becomes the decision maker. This may have an impact on the EPBC Act also. Nina attended the EDO transport policy meeting.

DPCDS Population Forum

27th October was attended by Walter G. and Jill Quirk at Glen Waverley. Wal also reported on the latest moves at Wonthaggi where the local hotel is being purchased by the Govt? or developer? to house the desal workers!

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron Extension

Ironically MBCL came into existence because of a marina proposal in Beaumaris Bay in 1969. This was refused by Mordialloc Council when Jack Iggulden exposed a fraudulent survey being carried out by the developer. Now BMYS plans to fill the Bay with a massive bluestone wall, hard stands against and as high as Beaumaris Red Bluff cliffs plus a new club house. BMYS has written to Planning Minister Madden asking that an EES not be required for this development. PPCC, MBCL and Beaumaris Conservation Society have all written to the Minister requesting the there is a need for an EES because of the significance of the fossil bearing cliffs, cultural significance because of the Heidelberg painters and, of course, Aboriginal sites and waterholes along the cliff face.

Population Growth

So far only one far sighted Federal politician has had the foresight and courage to challenge the Prime Minister’s claim that Australia could live sustainably with a population of 30 million extra people. Kelvin Thomson, Member for Wills, made a speech in Parliament and been heard on Radio National on this topic. Does the Prime Minister actually understand what climate change is about if he assumes that 30 million more people won’t affect our ability to lower greenhouse emissions?

Bike Path

Kingston is to have a shared bike path along Governor Road between Boundary Road and Springvale Road. This will enable cyclists to ride to Braeside Park and through Waterways. However there is no completion of an extension of the bike track along the SOUTH LEVEE BANK of Mordialloc Creek between Wells Road and the now completed Bowen Road. This extension would also allow riders to continue through Waterways to Braeside.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd September 2009

Forthcoming Events

Victoria in Future 2009. Tuesday October 27th Novotel Glen Waverley 9.30am-12-30m. A DPCD Community event.

AGM of Port Phillip Conservation Council 8pm Monday 16th November at 47 Bayview Crescent, Black Rock. MBCL is entitled to have two members attending.Could we confirm names, please, or their deputies?

A reminder that there will be a Friends of Bradshaw Park excursion to the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve October 17th. This Reserve is under threat from the Frankston Freeway project. Coomoora

Reserve is also threatened by the Dingley extension to Westall bypass. A meeting at Springers October 7th 5.30pm where VicRoads will outline their plans for Coomoora Reserve.

MBCL’s 40th birthday

To acknowledge MBCL’s 40th birthday and in appreciation of members consistent support a barbecue will be held at the above address 25th October. It is hoped that some of the original members may be able to attend.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron

Proposed expansion involves three storey hard stands against the cliffs and a new three storey club house higher than the existing road.Wet berths will be sheltered by a rock wall construction out into the Bay. Waste from maintenance work boats will be trapped in an interceptor pit before being released into the Bay. The Squadron has written to Madden requesting that an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) be dispensed with. Beaumaris Conservation Society has written to Madden requesting an EES before approval is given for work to commence. It is ironic that MBCL came into existence in 1969 because of a proposal to construct a marina in Beaumaris Bay!!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th August 2008

Forthcoming Events

Annual Open Day Yammerbook 6th September 10am – 1.00pm. Planting, indigenous Plant Display, Water Watch Exhibition BBQ/Represhments.

2008 Port Phillip & Westernport Landcare Awards & Celebration 6th September (9.30am registration @ Zinc Federation Square. Environment Victoria Annual General meeting

September 24, 6.00pm – 8.00pm at the Green Building, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton

Growing the Foreshore’s Future Project Wednesday 3rd September 7pm Kit Collection

Seminar Working with Children Check – what this means for you / The 2008 Best Friend Awards. September 13 10am – 2 pm. Green Building 60 Leicester St, Carlton. Book with

Maelor Himbury at 9374 1902. The Union of Australian Women . The Centenary of Women’s Suffrage Saturady 18 October 10.30am to 4.30pm @ Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Speakers are- Janice Munt, MP, Morag Loh -Writer, Historian, Tracee Hutchison – Journalist. Beth Wilson- Health Commissioner and Jan Cooper – Poet performer.

RSVP 29 September to Mairi 9587 8757 or Amy 9547 6167. Donation $5.

The Environment Defenders Office isprepared to organize training for community and environment groups to improve the ability of individuals and community based conservation groups to be able to represent themselves in matters before VCAT.

Kingston’s Coastal Management Plan

We were advised to speak to Gavin Jennings, Minister for the Environment, whose electorate now includes Mordialloc re Kingston’s Draft Coastal Management Plan failure to plant any trees on the foreshore north of Harding Avenue, Bonbeach. This is clearly in breach of Kingston ’s Biodiversity Strategy.

The Plan also seeks to remove coast wattle from the foreshore especially along Beach Road north of Mordialloc Creek . it is claimed that the coast wattle is taking over at the expense of other species. In fact it is sturdy enough to survive drought conditions and shelters other plants.

Desalination Plan Wonthaggi

Margaret and Walter provided interesting information concerning the constructon of the plant before the Environment Effects Statement is complete. There followed heated debate about the value of EESs if the Government does not take harmful environmental conditions into consideration during major construction projects.Land was acquired before the completion of the EES. Dredging of the Powlett River is occurring. Land   around the river is flood prone. Pylons will carry electricity across farm lands to provide energy for the desal plant. The Government is suiing the resident group.Your water- Your say because of their objections to the project when other less expensive alternatives are available.

Waterwatch Report

Judy reported on the 6th August sampling of creek water at Bowen’s Road. Melanie was on hand to once again assist the new chums with the process. Phosphoros levels were lower than the previous month when there had been heavy rain-

other levels were satisfactory. Brian has indicated that he may undertake training and join the testing team.

Mentone Heritage

Cr West explained that some heritage buildings in Mentone shopping precinct are protected including the quaint little real state building near Kilbreda. The Bakery building is also protected. Unfortunately 4 storey development will be permitted in the shopping strip with the fourth storey set back leaving two storeys in the front.

Kingston’s Non Urban Area

Kingston’s non-urban area of the green wedge came before Council 25th August and approval was given to re-zone the land for employment and industrial zones. This change, if approved by the Minister, may also include concrete crushers which is vehemently opposed by local residents. Instead of the quarry being filled and covered for buildings, the quarries would provide valuable retarding basins in which to store water. Market gardeners are already drawing water from this source.

Marina Beaumaris Bay

Environmentalists have condemned a mega-marina in the Bay saying that it would change the face of Beaumaris. The Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club squadron has an ambitious $21 million concept plan to create a 116 berth safe harbour. It would incorporate a three level 108 boat dry stacking area, a double storey car park and a new club house.Beaumaris Conservation Society spokesperson claimed that the expansion would ruin the charm of the beautiful locale. “It is an important area for its natural features; this would make it look like an industrial area and degrade it for the community. The development would change the face of Beaumaris including its much loved famous seascape and shoreline painted by the Heidelberg school of painters. There is also likely to be serious intrusion upon the internationally significant fossil site”.Certainly the view from Mordialloc, looking across the Bay to the red Beaumaris cliffs, will be lost due to being covered by the 108 dry dock boat stacks at the eastern end of the proposed development.

Climate Change

David Spratt and Philip Sutton have produced a book dealing with climate change. Climate code red –the case for emergency action. .Quoting an impressive list of authorities Spratt believes that the Rudd Government must aim for a two degree rise in temperature – not a three degree rise which will be insufficient to prevent disastrous consequences world wide.Even a two –to-three degree increase would produce a planet without Arctic sea ice, a catastrophic sea level rise, super droughts America, southern Europe, the Middle east and parts of Africa – and Australia. Spratt asks why has the labor government and the ACF have been so quiet? Is the truth too hard for political parties/ and or the general public to bear?

NQR Development

The VCAT Hearing for this development will be 20th November.

VicRoads hasn’t approved an entry only from the service road in Main Street on the somewhat dubious grounds that customers would have to travel too far along the service road until they reached the Aldi supermarket. The developer has withdrawn all the minor concessions he offered to the residents when he found that they weren’t happy with his, as per usual, over development of the site.There will only be one entry/exit point to the development- into Epsom Road.In the meantime the pedestrian safety fence at the roundabout has been demolished for the sixth time and a sign on the grassed are on the western side of the roundabout has been flattened!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th December 1994

Bradshaw Park

A small fire broke out in the Park but in the wrong place as regards a re-vegetation burn-off!
Elimination of foxes is the Council’s role and can be accomplished with traps as is the practice in the Edithvale Wetlands.
S.Calvert-Smith manned a stall at the Parkdale Shopping centre as part of the Parkdale Traders Promotion.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club Lease

A further meeting was held to discuss Hon. M. Birrell’s refusal to reject the DCNR proposal to “regularise” the lease of the yacht club.

Heritage Listing for Beaumaris Park

Work on the submission is proceeding. Beaumaris Park is now in the City of Bayside and raises the issue of which group or organisation will be involved or prepared to monitor re-vegetation work in the Park.

Mentone Stormwater Drain Opposite Mentone Parade

C. King presented a Melbourne Water’s plan for a large outfall drain to cross the beach opposite Mentone Parade. There are 15 drains entering the Bay from Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek, and as this latest proposal will be the largest to carry stormwater to the Bay it raises questions about Melbourne Waters “quick fix ” solution to flooding problems in the Mentone area.

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