Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 1995


Outgoing John Standish re Shell Oil Pipeline, David Hodge re Kingston Bicycle Strategy Geoff Leigh re Parcel Dispatch from Mordialloc station, Foreshore Vegetation, KLSP, John Bayley re KLSP
Geoff Goode re “Windows” Michael Lee & Rod Atkinson re Optus Cables.
Incoming Community Festival Day Sunday 24th March 1996, Lyn Allison re Port Melbourne Tower Block. City of Kingston Grant Information, Clean up Australia Information.

Community Festival Day 24th March

Suggestions and assistance would be very much appreciated!

Braeside Park / Sandbelt Park

Progress has been slowed down at Braeside due to rain. Planting in Karkarook Park is being carried out by Braeside Park rangers and volunteers.

Kingston Bicycle Strategy

Due to Council amalgamations there has been numerous changes of staff handling the bicycle planning. David Hodge, the person now in charge of the strategy, assured the League that we would be included in working party discussions and that our 1992 proposals for a path along the Mordialloc Main Drain would be considered. However, it appears that a steering Committee consisting of cyclists and schools have been meeting for some time! A meeting with the consultants, Loder & Bayley, recently is reassuring in that the consultant is familiar with our proposals and welcomes our submission.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris Cliffs

Glen will contact Chris and, Council re the listing. The Bayside Times reports on the nomination of the Beaumaris fossil site for National Estate listing. It is hoped that the listing will include the cliffs from Keefers to the Charman Road corner.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th November 1995


Incoming: Geoff Leigh M.P. re “Windows”, Hon. G.Connard re Woodlands Industrial Est.
Outgoing: J.Chandler re Code for Melbourne Parklands, Hon. Simon Crean re destruction of Australia’s old growth forests.

Bradshaw Park

Work proceeding. Posts have been re-positioned on the nature walk and the leaflet describing the walk rewritten. Members of the SGAP visited the park on a recent Sunday and were given a guided tour by the curator, Mr David Bainbridge.

Braeside Park

More rangers have been employed in the park. A Family Day picnic was held on Cup Day. Highlights included a Bush Dance and a train ride through the park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Negotiations continue which if successful will mean that land abutting Governor road will be administered by Braeside Park & hopefully parkland.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th September 1995


Incoming: Newsletters (various)

Outgoing: Letter supporting the campaign to prevent the Barnbam Swamp being re-zoned residential
Letter to City of Kingston Commissioners requesting the MBCL be involved in plans for developments on the foreshore i.e The car park at the Spunner Pavilion, the Scullin Oval, Mordialloc.

Bradshaw Park

Work proceeding. There are plans to conduct a “burn” to destroy weeds. This can now be carried out under the new by-laws. LEAP people have assisted with plantings. Friends of Bradshaw Park would like to have the use of the igloo, formerly the property of Mordialloc Council, to propagate plants under their propagation programme. Negotiations are continuing.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

The official opening of the Industrial estate was performed by Phil Gude Minister in the Kennet Government, 1-9-95. Special features of the development were said to be the 16 hectares of Murray River red gums and the proposal to include three lakes to filter drainage water before it flows into Mordialloc Creek.
R.Pearson asked the consultant to consider leaving land on Governor road out of future development plans and include it in the environmental section of the park. Filling would be required if the this area was used for development.

Mordialloc Tennis Club Relocation

The City of Kingston plans to spend $10,000 to “develop a master plan for the entire area” of Mordialloc Foreshore (Mordialloc Chelsea News 30-8-95) These plans may include land available after the proposed re-location of the tennis club. MBCL have written to the Chief Commissioner requesting that there be consultation and active involvement with conservation groups on planning matters on the foreshore as stated in the Corporate Plan (p.21)

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st August 1995

Sincere thanks to the outgoing president, Chris King for the considerable work load undertaken during his terms as president. Chris showed tremendous foresight in proposing the establishment of a coalition of environmental groups in the City of Kingston following the amalgamation of councils. The subsequent formation of the Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition involving twenty conservation groups has proved to be a positive move in promoting environmental issues within the City of Kingston. Chris is also a committee member of the Dandenong Valley Catchment Action Plan which is tackling the considerable endemic problems associated with Mordialloc Creek.

Guest Speaker – Allan Clarke

Allan, who was formerly with the Fisheries & Wildlife Dept, spoke about widespread public concern with the draft document, The Land Conservation Council, Marine and Coastal Special Investigation. Some of these concerns are as follows:-

  • Regional Managers are all ex Forestry people with the Land Conservation Council. None of these managers have a background in marine biology.
  • Politicians have decided that there would be a percentage of parks. Some of these parks have been offered protection e.g the Jawbone but existing protected sites have been downgraded e.g. the Popes Eye. Ricketts Point and the Beaumaris Cliffs are not listed for protection.
  • Only 1.4% of the entire Victorian coastline are declared Sanctuary Zones and even then exploration may be allowed at Minister’s discretion. The Sanctuary Zones are only one kilometre wide. Three kilometres is required for full protection.
  • DCNR has not taken overall control of the coastline. Each coastal management Council will exercise control in their area which will extend three
    kilometres off-shore.
  • How will the Sanctuary Zones be policed? Will there be sufficient manpower and equipment to patrol the entire Victorian coastline plus Port Phillip and Westernport Bays.
  • The whole of Port Phillip Bay is a declared General Use area meaning that it can be explored for oil, sand or stone mining plus environmentally harmful commercial developments around the coast.

Dandenong Valley Catchment Action Committee (Mordialloc Creek Action Plan)

Chris reports that while the committee supports the wetland filtration scheme originally proposed by Melbourne Water, there is no legal requirement at the moment for Melbourne Water to remove pollution from the creek or to provide sewerage infra- structure. W 28 A should be re-instated to overcome this legal over sight. This committee will act as the Mordialloc representative on the larger Catchment Management Committee for Port Phillip Bay Region.

City of Kingston CCT Negotiations

MAV Union negotiations have broken down with the City of Kingston management. Work bans on maintenance, grass cutting and rubbish collection have been imposed. Communication between staff and management are non-existent. Management want 70% of work to be contracted out which will lead to a deterioration in the present high standard of coastal management. Parks & Gardens staff who have specialised knowledge of the foreshore and park requirements could be lost to be replaced by contract labour.
Ironically recent American experience stresses the need to involve staff in the consultation process rather than demoralising them by “down-sizing”.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th July 1995

Braeside Park

An Open Day will be held July 27 from 11-4pm at Braeside Park
The 16 hectare stand of Red Gums on the Woodlands Industrial Estate has been passed over to Melbourne Parks & Waterways, for management. Melbourne Water has funded the fencing. There is no indication as yet of development proposals for the east side of the stand of Red Gums. An Aboriginal Cultural Centre is being established in Braeside Park by Tracks, Australia – a Koori Company. Members of the Wurrundjeri tribe are claiming to be the legal custodians of the park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

CMPS Consultant’s report on the three lakes wetlands system for the Woodlands Industrial Estate contains hydrological reports and permeability and bore tests. Melbourne Water who are involved in this project have formed a company- Assett Solutions.

Mentone Car Park (At The Spunner Pavilion).

R.Pearson, J. Cuthbertson, S. Calvert-Smith and M.Rimington attended an on-site inspection with the Kingston Environment & Infrastructure Manager, Warren Ashdown July 7, to discuss the proposals for the “rationalisation” of the car park above the Spunner Pavilion, Mentone Foreshore. As a result of the inspection MBCL has indicated that there will be no objection to the plan provided that there is no expansion of the car park.

Mentone Parade Stormwater Drain

The large stormwater drain will be installed but two other drains will be removed from the beach. This will still leave 14 drains flowing into the Bay between Mordialloc Creek and Charman Road, Mentone.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd May 1995

Bradshaw Park

Despite some vandalism Bradshaw Park is looking good. The Commissioner has replied favourably to a letter written by S.Calvert-Smith pointing out the importance of this park as an example of remnant and indigenous species in the Mordialloc area.

Braeside Park

The first meeting of the new committee of the Sandbelt Parklands Advisory Committee was held May 23. An announcement by Minister for Conservation, Mark Birrell regarding sand mining and eventually a lake in the Karkarook Park on Warrigal Road is expected to be made June 27, 1995.
J.Welch, R.Pearson, J.Cuthbertson, B. Hemple toured the tip area in the Sandbelt Parklands Region.

Mordialloc Creek

Re-vegetation of the north bank of the creek is proceeding with massive plantings at several locations including the confluence of Mordialloc creek and Heatherton Drain. Four viewing platforms have been installed by LEAP people on the creek bank. Melbourne Water advises that there are plans to use flood retarding basins to reduce sediment entering the creek and to manage stormwater more effectively. One site could be at the flood retarding basin in Warrigal Road near the proposed Karkarook Park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Developers and Melbourne Water have devised a scheme to use three lakes to treat drainage from the industrial estate before it enters Mordialloc Creek. Some sediment may be removed before flowing into the drains and creek. It is uncertain at this stage if Gartsides, Dunlops and Dingley drains will be diverted into the lake system to ensure that pollutants such as leachates will also be removed before reaching the creek and Bay.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Ten members of the 21 groups which form the KCEC have formed a Secretariat to co-ordinate the working parties who prepare submissions on their areas of expertise i.e. flora, fauna, water and air. The submissions will be a brief overall description of natural environment, eco-systems, waterways in the City of Kingston and will, when completed, comprise a revision and collation of all existing available material.

There is concern in the KCEC about the methods being used by the Commissioners to form the so-called “village advisory committees.” Hand picked committees formed by a Commissioner appointed chairperson could well preclude environmentalists having any in-put to important conservation issues such as the Mentone stormwater drain, expansion of Windows on the Bay onto open space, namely the grassed area in front of the restaurant and “upgrading” a car park on Mentone foreshore.

A deputation from the KCEC will meet with Commissioner Bennett to present the Agenda 21 submission which it is hoped will be included in the City of Kingston corporate policy.

Mordialloc Tennis Club

Discussions have taken place with tennis club members re the re-location of the club to a McDonald street location. Council’s scheme is to remove the tennis club to make way for car parking on the site. However, it is claimed that the road into the Scullin Reserve from Pier Road will revert to park land thus uniting the foreshore and Scullin parkland.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th April 1995

Mordialloc Tennis Club Relocation…

There is a proposal by Mordialloc Council to re-locate the tennis club to the MacDonald Street Ben Kavanagh Reserve. Residents in MacDonald Street oppose this move since it will increase traffic in the area &occupy space currently used by children for passive recreation. Mordialloc Primary School and St Brigid’s Catholic School also oppose the move since students use the space for sporting activities. The cost of bussing students to other venues would be prohibitive. Council proposes to use the land vacated by the tennis club for car parking but would remove parking between the foreshore and the Scullin Reserve to compensate for loss of parkland. MBCL would oppose any increased parking on the foreshore and have had correspondence from Dr Bennett confirming that there would be no increase in parking. The League will await the findings of a committee to be set up by the Commissioners to discuss this matter with residents and the tennis club.

Bradshaw Park

A planting day at Bradshaw Park was planned for April 8th with the 6th Mordialloc Scouts. April the 15th will be a working day for the Friends of Bradshaw Bank. Two new members have joined the Friends group. It was suggested that a letter should be written to the Commissioners of the City of Kingston informing them of the existence of this important park and seek their continued support of the Friends group and Bradshaw park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate / Braeside Park

The second stage development in the Woodlands Industrial Estate is about to commence. Friends of Braeside Park are selling plants to the industrial estate to establish native vegetation in this area.
The Braeside Park Advisory Committee has been disbanded and will be replaced by a new committee covering. all parks in the Chain of Parks concept. The Sandbelt Parklands Advisory Committee will have 13 members. Congratulations to MBCL member, Ron Pearson, who becomes one of the members of this important new committee.

The Agnew Report

It is with regret that we learn that Glen will be withdrawing from research work in our area unless he receives a grant which will enable him to continue to monitor the reef. Glen’s contribution has been vitally important in arousing the public, and particularly politician’s, awareness of the pollution problem in Mordialloc Creek and drains feeding into the creek which in turn add to the pollution of the Bay.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th March 1995

Bradshaw Park

Monthly Saturday morning plantings are continuing at Bradshaw Park but some Friends members are discouraged at Council’s attitude at present which appears to lack positive input.

Braeside Park / Woodlands Industrial Estate

The land proposed for further development on Governor Road is being withheld from sale at present. (Stage 6)
A three lake system is being considered to treat leachates flowing into the Dingley Drain and then into the Braeside wetlands. The three lakes will include the existing clay quarry. It is hoped that run-off will be filtered through the lake system and then be released into Mordialloc Creek in a less polluted state. Studies of the river red gum site and quarry have been completed but not yet released.
Dingley Drain in Braeside Park was reported to be filled with black ooze and bubbling with methane gas. Samples have been sent to U.S to detect contaminants.

The Agnew Report

Glen reports that the artificial tyre reef off Carrum is disintegrating and causing amateur fishermen concern. Fish life in the area is minimal. The EPA is not happy about “junk” being dumped in the Bay.
There has been gross change in the weed growth at the Cerebus site.
Glen attended a meeting of BRASCA who were preparing a Bayside environmental strategy plan and encouraged the group to co-operate with MBCL and other bodies in areas of the coast where interests overlap.

Mordialloc Creek / Revegetation

Colin McIntosh of the EPA advises that Wells Rd, Dingley Drain, Dunlops Drain and Centre Swamp Drain are regularly checked.
Chris, who is MBCL delegate to the Mordialloc Creek Monitoring Committee, reports that sediment control on drains entering the creek is a high priority for MWC. Greening Australia has contacted MBCL to check if there is conservation work available for their Green Task Force in our area. They have been referred to David Digby re this issue. The LEAP contingent are now attempting to clear weeds from the Heatherton Drain section of the Creek. The completion of the viewing platforms is being held up because the supply of timber has been delayed by the timber workers blockade in Canberra according to David!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th February 1995

Bradshaw Park

Work is proceeding with Council personnel and volunteers carrying out weed removal in the Park.

Braeside Park

A BIOSIS report has been completed on the effect of the clay quarry on the 16 hectare stand of river red gums on the Woodlands Industrial Estate. Advice has been received that the Stage 6 development on Governor Road will not commence until extensive filling of the area is completed.

The Agnew Report

The internet System provides valuable information re the coast and ocean environment.
Copies of the CSIRO journal ECOS may be obtained by ringing 06 246 5039. C & N.R officers have apprehended abalone poachers at Ricketts Point.
There has been a significant loss of seagrass at Cerebus and Ricketts Point. Chem Watch will provide Glen with a CD-ROM chemical data bank.
Glen organised a tour of the local coast line and Mordialloc Creek for four Fifth Year Monash Law students.

Mentone Stormwater Drain

Unfortunately the EPA has withdrawn its objection to the large stormwater drain to be constructed opposite Mentone Parade. The need for this drain arises in part due to higher density residential development and the use of flood retarding basins for housing. Re-establishing surge basins would alleviate some of the local flooding problems which occur during heavy rainfall events.

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