Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th April 1995

Mordialloc Tennis Club Relocation…

There is a proposal by Mordialloc Council to re-locate the tennis club to the MacDonald Street Ben Kavanagh Reserve. Residents in MacDonald Street oppose this move since it will increase traffic in the area &occupy space currently used by children for passive recreation. Mordialloc Primary School and St Brigid’s Catholic School also oppose the move since students use the space for sporting activities. The cost of bussing students to other venues would be prohibitive. Council proposes to use the land vacated by the tennis club for car parking but would remove parking between the foreshore and the Scullin Reserve to compensate for loss of parkland. MBCL would oppose any increased parking on the foreshore and have had correspondence from Dr Bennett confirming that there would be no increase in parking. The League will await the findings of a committee to be set up by the Commissioners to discuss this matter with residents and the tennis club.

Bradshaw Park

A planting day at Bradshaw Park was planned for April 8th with the 6th Mordialloc Scouts. April the 15th will be a working day for the Friends of Bradshaw Bank. Two new members have joined the Friends group. It was suggested that a letter should be written to the Commissioners of the City of Kingston informing them of the existence of this important park and seek their continued support of the Friends group and Bradshaw park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate / Braeside Park

The second stage development in the Woodlands Industrial Estate is about to commence. Friends of Braeside Park are selling plants to the industrial estate to establish native vegetation in this area.
The Braeside Park Advisory Committee has been disbanded and will be replaced by a new committee covering. all parks in the Chain of Parks concept. The Sandbelt Parklands Advisory Committee will have 13 members. Congratulations to MBCL member, Ron Pearson, who becomes one of the members of this important new committee.

The Agnew Report

It is with regret that we learn that Glen will be withdrawing from research work in our area unless he receives a grant which will enable him to continue to monitor the reef. Glen’s contribution has been vitally important in arousing the public, and particularly politician’s, awareness of the pollution problem in Mordialloc Creek and drains feeding into the creek which in turn add to the pollution of the Bay.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st March 1994

Mayor’s Community Day

The Mayor’s Community Day, 27-3-94, concentrated on highlighting the sediment accumulating on the Horse Paddock Reef. Special thanks to Glen and Mara who organised jars and labels for sticky, black sludge collected from the reef by Glen. The jars proved to be the feature of the day with 346 people signing the petition to be forwarded to Geoff Leigh to present to State Parliament. New trestles and table worked well. Thanks to members of the Home Environment group for their assistance on the day also all League members involved.

The Agnew Report

Glen reported on the follow up of the politicians dive on the Horse Paddock Reef There has been no response from Geoff Leigh or the Minister for Conservation, Mark Birrell apart from forwarding the League an EPA report seeking to play down heavy metal content in the sediment which the CSIRO claims has risen by a factor of 4.
Mara volunteered to contact Swinburne or RMIT film making school to see if they would be interested in making a film for Glen.

Bradshaw Park

Non-endemic trees have now been cut down and will be mulched. The Friends group have until June to spend the remainder of the Grant money.

Braeside Park

The League has learned that freeway will not be moved despite Mark Birrell’s assurances when he was Shadow Minister for Conservation. If the freeway is built adjacent to Braeside Park the wetlands will be affected.
Authorities have at last acknowledged publicly that leachates from the Rowan Road tip have polluted the wetlands and are entering the drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek. At present the State Government and Springvale Council are denying responsibility for cleaning up the mess.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st February 1994

Mayor’s Community Day

A decision was made for the League to participate once again in the Mayor’s Community Day, 27th March. Mara suggested that MBCL should purchase/acquire light weight trestles, table and display stand for paintings. New petition forms and hand-outs to be organised. Would the Home Environment Group like to be involved with the League again?

Bradshaw Park

Work continuing on the removal of non-endemic trees. The balance of the Park funding is $1074. Friends of Bradshaw Park plan to participate in the Mayor’s Community Day with plant sales and a display.

Braeside Park

Vacant industrial land abutting the freeway reservation has been sold to Myer Cole. Springvale council has issued permits to build on this land. Applications for two further developments are imminent. The freeway reservation is unchanged despite request to the Minister for Conservation Mr Birrell to revise the proposed route to remove the intrusion into Braeside Park.

Westernport and Peninsula Protection Society Inc

WPPS asked for a donation to pay for the extensive study of the effects of oil storage in Westernport Bay. MBCL donated $20.00

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd March 1993


No reply as yet from the SEC re the removal of redundant electric light poles on Beach Road nor Vic Roads re providing a pedestrian crossing on the West
side of the Wells Road bridge.

Bradshaw Park

Friends of Bradshaw Park meets once a month and sends Councillors and the City Engineer. Foxes in the park are still a problem and a newsletter to all a means of removing them is being considered.

Mordialloc Foreshore / Kiosk Restaurant

The League has responded to three applications for planning permits for the foreshore.

  1. An application for an ice cream vendors van to permanently occupy a parking space in the Pier Road car park. The car park has been reduced in size due to landscaping work and this will reduce the number of spaces available still further.
  2. The restaurant kiosk has applied to have two signs and a flag on or near the building. The Ministry for Planning and Environment is reasonably satisfied with the proposed signage.
  3. The restaurant has also applied to have a quarter of the floor space of the building occupied by a bar area which will be licensed to sell alcohol without food from 7am to lam the following morning.

The League, in its response to the application for a bar area, stated that the consumption of alcohol without food should be confined to the bar area only.

Mordialloc Creek Pollution

During the period of heavy rain in December, January and February the beaches north and south of the pier were badly discoloured. The EPA reports reveal that Mordialloc beach exceeded the E-coli count on nine occasions. Information about leachates from tips in the Springvale/Oakleigh area caused concern when it was reported that the Brighton layer of the water table had been contaminated with leachates. The clay lid which slipped off a filled tip in Springvale, was probably responsible for the muddy appearance of the creek and Bayside beaches. Vic Roads also had a problem with leachates from the tip preventing work proceeding until the area had been “de-watered”

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd February 1993

Bradshaw Park

Work in Bradshaw Park is proceeding satisfactorily. The Friends group have prepared a new map and information sheet for use by students or visitors to the park.

Parkdale Foreshore Erosion Control / Planing

The plantings are flourishing after heavy summer rain although in places where the water has accumulated some plants have not survived.

Mordialloc Foreshore Landscaping

After a meeting of the Foreshore Steering Committee at the Council Chambers on January 20th, D. Digby was asked to prepare a plan for the foreshore and Scullin Reserve area which would comprise of indigenous species only rather than Norfolk Island pines as was previously suggested by Council staff. Thanks to sterling work by R. Pearson, the plan for indigenous plants only was accepted by the whole Council! Well done!

Mordialloc Foreshore Kiosk / Restaurant

Richard Frank finally responded to our letter pointing out that tea trees and banksias, if let to grow would enhance the view (and also conceal the ugly beach-side restaurant facade). However, there is no evidence in his letter that he has seen the light and will leave the vegetation to grow naturally. The City Engineer has been asked to advise us if there is to be further mutilation of the trees.
Richard Frank has also applied to alter the Mordialloc Planning Scheme so that liquor can be served without food from 7.00 am to 1.00 am the following day, in an area within the restaurant especially set aside for that purpose.
We have the opportunity to comment on the proposal. If members approve, our comments would be that we consider the trading hours excessive, the sale of liquor without food should be confined to the 38m2 bar area and not extend out to and beyond the terrace, there should be no sale of liquor to be taken away and consumed off the premises and overall seating capacity should not be increased beyond the present 100 seats.
Signage for the restaurant/kiosk is under discussion in Council. The League will be given the chance to comment on the size of signs proposed. At present there is to be a flag with logo from the flag pole on the roof, an illuminated sign above the entrance and a small sign near the entrance to the Scullin Reserve. The Ministry for Conservation document, “Siting & Design Guidelines for Structures on the Port Phillip Coast” states:-
“Signs should be concentrated at particular locations where they will have least impact on the landscape.” and “Signs should not generally be higher than the roofline of adjacent buildings or vegetation or be moving or consist of flashing lights.”

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th February 1992

Parkdale Foreshore Development

A small number of local native plants have been located growing along the Parkdale foreshore which appear to be the only remaining specimens within the City of Mordialloc. It is thought that in the case of several species that the plants concerned are the last single plants of the species growing along our foreshore. As they form part of the diverse local environment every effort should be made to ensure their survival.
When the next stage of development work proceeds on the Parkdale foreshore these plants are in danger of being destroyed. Great care must be taken to make sure they are not destroyed as in that event none would remain in the Mordialloc municipality.
It is recommended that Council staff investigate the situation and be quite certain that they know precisely where these plants are located so that they may take positive action to protect them before further development work proceeds. If after all alternatives have been explored, it is impossible to protect them in their present position, plants should be removed and replanted in another suitable, similar location by Parks and Gardens staff who have had extensive experience in transplanting local native plants.
The importance of protecting these plants from being destroyed forever cannot be overemphasised. As soon as is possible these plants should be used for propagating additional plants for the municipality. With their particular genes these plant species have evolved over many years (centuries ?) and have been programmed to prosper in their own particular environment. Their inbuilt characteristics make them suited for continued growth in the area.
The plants concerned are among the following, all of which only exist in small numbers along the Beaumaris Mordialloc foreshore :

  • Carpobrotus rossii
  • Distichlis distichophylla
  • Tetragonia tetragonoides
  • Sarcornia quinquiflora
  • Sarcornia blackiana
  • Helichrysum paralium
  • Alyxia buxifolia
  • Spinifex hirsutus
  • Carex pumila

Bradshaw Park

The report on Bradshaw Park by a BIOSIS officer will shortly be available. There is still concern that the park is not locked at night by the security firm. Council staff have been asked to check this matter.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th December 1990

Parkdale / Mentone Forshore

Areas of concern with proposed restoration work include the following: Grading the cliffs to prevent erosion, the bike path on the foreshore, design and placement of fencing. MBCL. to submit an objection to Council on the grounds of “improper haste” in deciding on restoration work. The League will also request an on-site inspection of the area under discussion.

Braeside Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works Park

A letter has been written to the Mordialloc-Chelsea News outlining the League’s proposal to have the proposed freeway re-aligned in order to release more land for the park. Mr Baker, MMBW, has invited League members to discuss this issue with him at a date to be decided.

The Agnew Report

A letter has been sent to the Hon. M. Sandon seeking his advice as to the possibility of funding to allow Mr Agnew to proceed with important research on the reef offshore from the Horse Paddock.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd February 1990

Guest Speaker – Darren Koch

Darren Koch, Democrat candidate for Isaacs, outlined the policies of his party and would welcome assistance in his campaign.

Mordialloc Foreshore & Environs

Members of the SGAP inspected Mordialloc Foreshore in late November with League members. Don Neale of the Sandringham Community Nursery  volunteered to draw up a detailed plan which was presented to Council Officers in December. The plan has been sent to the Ministry for Planning and Environment. A further meeting will be held with Council Officers and MPE personnel, perhaps in March.

De Facto Bike Path

Possibility of a publicity photo to publicise the illegal bike path. A sign warning people to wear helmets has been erected at both ends of the path. Mary Rimington is to write to C.F&L seeking to have the width of the path reduced and wheeled traffic prevented from using the path. This is especially important given the recent rock fall from the cliffs. Re-vegetation and drainage problems must also be addressed.

Braeside Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works Park

Darren Koch volunteered to contact the local paper re the imminent sale of Braeside parkland.
It was moved that a fax be sent to Kay Setches and Bunna Walsh requesting the deferral of the sale of the land pending the outcome of action taken by Mordialloc and Chelsea Councils. CK offered to fax the request for deferral of sale.

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