Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th December 1994

Bradshaw Park

A small fire broke out in the Park but in the wrong place as regards a re-vegetation burn-off!
Elimination of foxes is the Council’s role and can be accomplished with traps as is the practice in the Edithvale Wetlands.
S.Calvert-Smith manned a stall at the Parkdale Shopping centre as part of the Parkdale Traders Promotion.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club Lease

A further meeting was held to discuss Hon. M. Birrell’s refusal to reject the DCNR proposal to “regularise” the lease of the yacht club.

Heritage Listing for Beaumaris Park

Work on the submission is proceeding. Beaumaris Park is now in the City of Bayside and raises the issue of which group or organisation will be involved or prepared to monitor re-vegetation work in the Park.

Mentone Stormwater Drain Opposite Mentone Parade

C. King presented a Melbourne Water’s plan for a large outfall drain to cross the beach opposite Mentone Parade. There are 15 drains entering the Bay from Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek, and as this latest proposal will be the largest to carry stormwater to the Bay it raises questions about Melbourne Waters “quick fix ” solution to flooding problems in the Mentone area.

Sorrento Teahouse

M. Hayler will write to the Minister for Conservation re the precedent set by permitting a restaurant which uses a septic tank for sewage disposal to be erected on a beach front.

Braeside Park / Woodlands Industrial Estate

An EES or BIOSIS report has been called for to assess the effect of the expanding clay quarry on the protected stand of red gums. The lowering of the water table is also a cause for concern.
There is a proposal for development on Governor Road between the stand of red gums and Braeside Park.
MBCL opposes this development because of its effect on the trees and existing wetland system and has contacted Hon. G. Connard and Geoff Leigh re this proposal.

Mordialloc Creek Weed Removal

19 LEAP people have begun a weed removal and re-vegetation program on the North bank of Mordialloc Creek.
A proposal to build one of four “viewing platforms” on the environmentally sensitive cliff section of the creek bank has been withdrawn after consultation with David Digby, Superintendent of Parks and Gardens. One platform will be now built on the East side of the Heatherton Drain as duck feeding site! The remaining platforms will be located along the creek bank between the railway bridge and Heatherton Drain.

The Agnew Report

PEAC has been in contact with Glen seeking information re environmental matters. MRG Research Group of Victoria
The Marine Research Group of Victoria asks Glen to watch for star fish, brilliant green mussels and worms a metre long as part of their research into the introduction of exotic species into Port Phillip Bay.
Glen and C. Daniels, Bay Watch, inspected the bay floor at Ricketts Point and Beaumaris Bay and found the floor to be extremely disturbed and the water cloudy. Melbourne Water claims that water from the Dandenong Creek is still flowing into Mordialloc Creek. This may be because of the low water flow now that sewage water has been diverted to Carrum Treatment Plant. The tidal flow into the creek means that there is often insufficient water for boats to leave or enter the creek
Glen represented MBCL at Braeside at a meeting organised to discuss issues related to the Woodlands Industrial Estate.
Glen reports that there is an enormous amount of information on the internet system now available to assist research.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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