Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th April 2022

Guest Speaker – Tristan Smith (Senior Landscape Architect Kingston Council).

Tristan spoke to us about ACTIVE Kingston.
Peter Scullin plans have been passed by Council as is. There was generally positive feedback. In fact there were requests for more built structures. Supplied us with plans.
Future plans – there will be a Master Plan for Peter Scullin & Hazel Pierce Park between the bridge and pier. Plan will be released and we will be able to comment.
Other topics discussed were the positioning of the Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Peter Scullin carpark, palm trees and the use of plants of local provenance plans in future projects, the placement of 1,000 picnic tables around Kingston and the need for BMX trails and appropriate skate parks.

Mentone Life Saving Club

We have copies of images of the cliffs before they were removed (thanks to Stephen and Google). Continue reading »

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2005

Forthcoming Events

Public Meeting Nov 7th. 7pm at the Peninsula Community Theatre. Mornington Topic: Forests & Free Speech. Planning for our Future Saturday 12 November 10am-5pm at RMIT Melbourne Campus. Organised by Save Our Suburbs, RMIT, VLGA and Planning Institute. of Australia. Phone 9 347 2233 for bookings. Watch for Friends of Kingston “Meet the Candidate” at the Alan McLean Hall, Mordialloc. Your chance to quiz the incoming Council hopefuls.

Guest Speaker – Jason Stewart

Jason Stewart was our Guest Speaker at October meeting. Jason has returned to Victoria after working for some years in NSW. He hopes to spend more time on his organic farm and energy efficient house at Cann River near the Errinundra Plateau. The 11ha Herb Rich Grassy Wetland on the Epsom training track was partially saved thanks to Jason alerting Council officers of its existence. The Urban Land Corporation somewhat reluctantly agreed to retain 4ha as a significant site to be managed by Kingston Council’s NRA team.

Bike Path

It was agreed to postpone proposed meeting with VicRoads Bicycle Route Managers until after the Council elections since no decisions will be made until business resumes with new councillors in 20006. In the meantime the State Government’s Draft proposals for Sustainable Neighbourhoods places great emphasis on alternative forms of trasport which, of course, includes bicycle paths shown in the documentation just where we want them on the verge of roads or back of kerb.

Mordialloc Creek

Judy has been discussing with Glen the various reports as to water quality in the creek. The most recent reports are difficult to obtain as are reports dealing with contaminated dredge spoil from around the island in the creek. The extent of toxicity and manner of its disposal are also difficult and costly to obtain. Since it can no longer be pumped onto industrial land above Wells Road Bridge where is it being dumped?

Foreshore Vegetation Management

Fortunately the DSE vetoed the second and third principles which Council wanted to introduce into management of vegetation. These were not planting anything that would grow above two metres from the floor level of dwellings on the foreshore or Beach Road and allowing residents to request pruning of trees that they considered were blocking their views despite the fact that there is no legal entitlement to private views of the Bay. Fortunately EVC Management guidelines does permit the re-establishement of, for example, a Banksia Woodland on the foreshore, but priority will be given initially to planting ground cover on the dunes south of the creek. However there has been more vandalism of Banksias south of the creek recently. (EVC Environmental Vegetation Classes)

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd July 2002

We wish to express our sincere thanks for the Melbourne Water Newsletter Grant which will assist with the cost of mailing, p/copying, faxing information to MBCL members.

Meeting Attended in July

Friends of the ABC Mordialloc Branch, Metropolitan Transport Forum, Victorian Channel Authority meeting Chelsea Town hall, KRAMMED Resident Action Group.

Forthcoming Meetings

Green Wedge Defenders, Duck Inn 6th July, Green Wedge Farmers meeting at Bangholme Soldiers Memorial Hall August 9th, Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition Mordialloc Neighbourhood House 7.30pm 20th August. KRAMMED AGM Parkdale Uniting Church 17th September. Guest Speaker Nigel Kirby President SOS.

Mordialloc Structure Plan

Following representations from KRAMMED, Mordialloc Village Committee and local residents Kingston Council agreed to hold a public meeting to allow Mordialloc residents to express their concerns at GHD Consultants plans for the area. Watch for information about the time and place for this important meeting.

Kingston Foreshore & Waterways Landscape Guidelines

After an exhaustive consultation process the report was presented to Council July 9. Congratulations to Chris Dance consultant, Lindsay Fraser and Environment Officers on the outcome of the landscape study of Kingston’s fragile foreshore strip.

Mentone / Parkdale Lifesaving Clubs

There is concern at Council’s approval of ‘tearooms’ for both lifesaving clubs. A 20 seat facility at Parkdale LSC and a 60 seat ‘tearooms’ (open 7am-11pm) at Mentone LSC. There is inadequate parking in the car parks or on Beach Road. Already there are reports of cars parking around the War Memorial at Parkdale. Penny will report to the Mentone Village Committee to seek assurance that the Village committee will be included in discussions.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th June 2002

Congratulations to Tony Collins and team who have been employed by Kingston Council to maintain our Natural Bush Areas. Welcome Back to MBCL president, Brian, who visited his family in Vienna. Hullo to former MBCL president, Dr Len Warren, who called to catch up with Mara and Mary. Len lives in Perth and works for the CSIRO.

Submissions have been sent to the Environment Assessment Review and the EPA Road Traffic Noise Strategy.

Workshops attended:- Economics for the People, the second reclaiming Australia Conference at Trades Hall. The focus was on the General Agreement on Trade & Services which could see the Howard Government agreeing to privatisation of our service
industries. such as postal, water, telecommunications, with protection for the environment reduced.

Mordialloc Structure Plan

It was felt that there should be a public meeting prior to the Council agreeing to the consultants report. A request has been made to the Mayor for a public meeting to allow the community to express their concerns over the proposal to permit four storey developments in the study areas as well as other important issues. Thanks to the Rowan Woodlands committee for their submission to the Mordialloc Structure plan.

Foreshore Landscape Guidelines

Guidelines have been strengthened in the second Draft policy document. The funding of a coordinator to oversee the management of the guidelines was queried given the heavy debt burden which the City of Kingston has.

Green Wedge Forum

A very successful Forum was held at RMIT involving delegates from all eleven Met. Green Wedges. Each delegate gave a thumbnail sketch of the issues and pressure for development in their Wedge. As a result of work by the Wedge Defenders efficient press officer, two excellent front page articles appeared in the Age 3rd and 4th June.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th May 1999


Submission to the Hazardous Waste Consultative Committee at the request of the Niddrie Quarry Action Committee. Due 28-5-99

The Parks

A regeneration burn has been carried out at Bradshaw Park. Braeside Park has received orders for 1000 indigenous species from the developers of Palm Cove development on Wells Road, Aspendale. Karkarook Park will be handed over to Parks Victoria in early June with a second Opening Ceremony predicted. Braeside Park celebrated its 10th Anniversary in April with slide presentations, theatre productions and numerous family activities organised by the hard working Friends Group and Parks staff.
Kingston’s Draft Open Space Strategy has been released for comment. It is important to stress in making a submission, that passive open space is more popular with the community than active sport requiring expensive facilities usually built on our limited parkland. Eco-tourism, walking, cycling and nature walks are especially popular according to the Sandbelt Open Space Plan. 1992.

Epsom Racecourse Flora and Fauna

MBCL members were asked to attend an inspection of the significant indigenous species on the Epsom Training Track with ULC operatives, Council officers and Native Resource staff. Approx 52 species have been identified in the centre of the course. The ULC have been requested to re-configure their residential plans for the 428 housing development to ensure that the plants can remain in-situ since they won’t survive transplanting. Surrounding industries are objecting to the close proximity of proposed housing claiming that residents will object to noise leading to factories possibly being forced to re-locate.
Brian volunteered to write to ALP candidate, local MP and DNRE re the importance of the species. Brian will also contact the factory owners.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd March 1999

It is encouraging to hear that our President, Jack Cuthbertson is making progress and will be coming home at the weekend to continue with his recovery from a very serious episode.

The Parks

Braeside Park
A dead red gum tree removed by Vic Roads for a freeway extension at Cranbourne has been accepted by Braeside Park for decoration and a bird roost at a cost of $3000. A wetland development will created around the tree in the western car park. An explosive method of dealing with rabbits has been disapproved of!
A day of family entertainment is planned 2nd April to celebrate the Park’s opening 10 years ago. A “special dinner” for Friends is planned a barbecue in the picnic area. A $5000 grant has been received for fencing to prevent cattle eating trees.
A project for disabled is to be incorporated into Park activities. This will take the form of potting in the nursery. A grant application has been made to Kingston Council. The bird population is becoming very diverse with the arrival of a magpie goose.

Karkarook Park
A Friends group has been formed. The Park may host the Green Link nursery.

Bradshaw Park
A coast wattle has been removed from the north east corner of Bradshaw Park.

Parkdale Lifesaving Club / Bicycle Path / Beach Road Safety Plan

The proposed meeting to discuss the three inter-related issues has been held over due to the delay in the finalisation of the consultants report. We are assured that the meeting will take place when the report is received.

Kingston Foreshore Strategy

The Strategy has been released for the Steering Committees comments. It is pleasing to note that the environment objectives and principles attracted the highest level of support in the 72 response sheets/ submissions received. Protecting remnant vegetation is a high priority. Re-vegetation throughout the foreshore with indigenous vegetation is recommended.
Dangers associated with climate change and storm surges have now been acknowledged by the consultants and now appear in the draft document, for example warnings about beach erosion and destruction of buildings in front of the sand dunes.
Of concern are the suggestions that the “height limits of new buildings in the Activity Node (Mordialloc) may provide opportunities for a more flexible approach”.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd February 1999


Watch for information about the 3rd National Mainstreet Conference. Securing the future Mainstreet Streetlife 18-21-April 1999

Australia Day Stall

Sincere thanks to all those who assisted at our display and stall on Australia Day on Mordialloc Foreshore. Thanks to F.Rimingtons initiative we had a great position right in front of the main marquee. Our display and petition urging Council and State Govt to protect the Green Wedge attracted enormous support. Many people asked for and took away petition forms to gather further names. Councillors and State politicians take note.

Kingston Lodge Development L33

Despite widespread local opposition to this development in the Green Wedge, and scientific evidence concerning building on a flood plain when climate change and storm surges are becoming more frequent, McLellan has approved the 700 house residential development.

Epsom Racecourse Development L38

The Urban Land Authority has purchased the former racecourse and plans to construct 400- 500 houses on the site which is also flood prone. This land & parts of Mordialloc were flooded to a depth of two metres in 1932 and 1954. Melbourne Water will require 10 ha for a flood control basin on the site. This will also serve as the required “open space” for the development.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd December 1998


Letter to DNRE re the lopping of the four banksias in front of Windows on the Bay. Letter to PPCC re the banksia lopping (as above)
Letter to Rob Jones, SERCO re continued meetings with Friends Groups & MBCL.

The Parks

Photoposts have been placed in Bradshaw Park to provide a progressive record of plant growth.
Friends of Braeside Park have written to the local member, Geoffrey Leigh MP, requesting funds for a filter on Dingley Drain. $1000 was received but Melbourne Water advises that $40,000 is required for a filter. The red brick building used as a Ranger’s office has been bought by Melbourne Water and leased to Braeside Park Admin.

Kingston Lodge Development L33

Kingston Council have applied to have the green wedge boundary moved from the freeway reservation to Springvale Road to facilitate the proposed residential development in the green wedge. The Aspendale Gardens group are opposed to the 700 house residential development on the Hains property in the green wedge. KCEC members have discussed this matter with DNRE. Letters from KCEC have been sent to a number of responsible authorities and environmental groups re this blatant “urban incision” (the Panel’s words) of part of the green wedge.

Acid Sulphate Soil

In addition to the 24,000 c/m of acid sulphate soil from the City Link tunnels dumped at Braeside by Transfield Obayashi, potential acid sulphate soil has been found on the Kingston Lodge site. The EPA will require an Environment Management Plan to be carried out before this soil can be used for fill for the proposed residential development on the Hains land. Transfields consultants have claimed that the acid sulphate soil can be covered and left at the Braeside site however if the owner of the land wants to build factories on the land he will have to bear the cost of treating the land. The EPA haven’t insisted on monitoring the Braeside land to check if there is any leaching of acid sulphate into the drains or groundwater. Continue reading »

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th July 1994

Bradshaw Park

Grant money is now totally expended and the project is completed. Two new signs have been acquired. One of these has been attached to the workshed and advises the public of the work of the Friends of Bradshaw Park.

Mordialloc Creek

The Dandenong and Springvale Sewage water was diverted to the Carrum plant on July 3rd. EPA personnel were observed taking samples shortly after…. Samples will be taken to check on the state of the water after the diversion of the sewage. The creek is once again tidal and therefore the water level is at times very low.

Braeside Park

The developers of the Braeside Industrial Estate have been quarrying clay from a section of the park to use for filling in another area. The deep hole is supposed to become an artificial lake but will need to be filled to a depth of three metres if this is to happen. 16.52 hectares of manna and red gums will be retained on the southern end of the estate.

Beaumaris Park Heritage Listing

C. King continues with the preparation of the submission for the listing of the park.

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