Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th May 1993

Bradshaw Park

Congratulations to the Friends of Bradshaw Park who successfully applied to Parks & Waterways for a grant of $3000 to re-vegetate the Park. The Friends intend to plant 600 native species in the area. A report appeared in the local press together with a photo of the Mayor Hazel Pierce planting a tree.

Braeside Park

The Minister for Conservation, Mark Birrell has not yet replied to our letter asking him if he still adhered to his statement, October 7th, 1990 at a picnic organised at Braeside Park by the League, that “there was support for a much larger part of the park being saved and the freeway easement being shifted towards the area’s western boundary.” However we understand that after having flown over the proposed route he has directed that the route be moved towards the west which will include an additional 50 hectares in the park!

Mordialloc Creek Wetlands

A proposal by the Society for Growing Native Plants that Governor Road be built over the proposed freeway has been accepted by Vic Roads. This will enable the Braeside wetlands to go under Governor Road onto the Haines’s property part of which will also become a wetland. A pedestrian/bike path will be constructed under Governor Road.

The Agnew Report

Algae bloom is still in evidence in Port Phillip Bay. A conductivity metre would be useful in testing water temperature. The metre costs $200.
Glen as the League’s delegate to the PPCC was unhappy with the reception which his MBCL report received from the Secretary of the PPCC, G.Goode. Glen attempted to warn delegates of the effectf leachates from the tipping sites in Spring- vale, Heatherton and Dingley is having on Port Phillip Bay. A letter has been sent to G.Goode expressing our concern at the summary dismissal of the report. The League has since received a Melbourne Water report which confirms that leachates are entering the creek via drains running through the tipping sites.
A letter will be sent to the City Engineer asking when signs will be erected on Mordialloc North beach warning people not swim near the pier because of pollution entering the Bay from Mordialloc Creek.

Snapper Festival

The League has received an invitation from Bay Rescue inviting us to take part in their Festival, October 29th-31st. We would appreciate input from members as to what form our involvement in the Festival should take. Some members expressed concern at the proposal to hold yet another fishing competition which could continue the depletion of fish in the Bay.

Beaumaris Park

Work is to commence soon on clearing weeds from this park. The method of clearing is causing concern. Council’s proposal to mow and use whipper snippers in the park would mean the loss of native grasses and young trees. MBCL has asked for consultation with Parks and Gardens staff before work commences.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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