Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd May 1994

Bradshaw Park

$300.00 is left from the Grant. This money must be spent before June, 1994

Braeside Park

An education night will be held May 18th at Braeside to discuss leachates entering the park’s wetlands from the tips. G.Agnew has been invited to speak at this meeting.
The industrial estate to the west of Braeside is proceeding but the River Red Gums will be preserved.

Mordialloc Creek

Letters have been received from the EPA/ Birrell/ Leigh/David May with regard to Glen’s research work. It is obvious that heavy metal levels are high between the Horse Paddock Reef and the beach and at the mouth of Mordialloc Creek. The Melbourne Water’s Environmental Research Vessel has been sampling between Mentone Beach and the Horse Paddock Reef. Significant amounts of red algae are causing concern to the researchers.
This work is part of the Port Phillip Bay Study. The study is also examining the effect on Mordialloc Creek of the imminent diversion of DSWB water to the Carrum Treatment plant. 60% of DSWB water presently flows into Mordialloc Creek.

Carrum / Edithvale / Mordialloc Creek / Wetlands

D.Allen has received a BIOSIS report which analyses the Edithvale Wetlands.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris Park

C. King is preparing a submission to include the park for Heritage Listing. The BIOSIS Report which examines the best method of caring for this important park is still awaited.

Mentone Lifesaving Club

The AAT appeal was initially deferred until June 20. Since then we have learned that Rod McLellan has called in the planning application the sixtieth to be called in in twelve months!

There is also a proposal to have the Mentone Pier re-built possibly with private funding.
It was moved that MBCL write to the City Engineer outlining League views on the proposed pier.

  • Mordialloc is the designated Activity Node thus leaving other foreshore areas for more passive recreation.
  • A pier would require additional infrastructure including car parks on the narrow fragile strip of foreshore at Mentone.
  • There is a need for a hydrological study or E.E.S to ascertain the effect of a pier on the sand movement and seaweed retention in Beaumaris Bay.

The Agnew Report

Glen has had requests from students seeking information for their Environmental Management University Courses. He has also spoken to three groups of students at Parkdale Secondary College over a period of weeks. This is most important work as it creates an awareness amongst students of the need to care about the environment.

Other Business

It was moved that MBCL write to the City Engineer asking that coprosma be removed from the palm trees in Main Street and seeking permission for members to remove weeds from foreshore areas. Approval was given.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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