Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th August 2019

Mordialloc Freeway

A tour of the route of the proposed freeway was organised for the Member of the Victorian State Government Upper House. Clifford Hayas his personal adviser.Kelvin Thompson and two members of the anti Freeway Committee in August. Susan Ley, Federal Environment Minister, will present the decision of the EPBC when it is available. This will be the deciding factor for the approval of the freeway.

Tree Removals

Tragically 30 red flowering gums along side the rail line between Mentone and Parkdale stations have been removed and replaced with concrete. This is to provide parking for vehicles that can no longer be accommodated at the Mentone car park due to work on the removal of the rail crossing.

Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is badly needed in Mordialloc. Evidence of people sleeping on the bank of the creek near the pedestrian bridge was noted earlier this month. People were moved on but piles of plastic and other bits and pieces were left for Council to remove.

National Tree Planting Day

Three planting on National Tree Planting Day was successfully carried out by the NRA team and over a 100 volunteers at the George Woods Reserve. 1800 plants were installed near the pedestrian bridge and the boat ramp. It is pleasing to note how well trees are now growing along the Heatherton Drain outlet and further along the creek. A Nankeen Night Heron was noted perched on a tall tree with Cormorants nearby

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th July 2012

Mordialloc Bypass

The extension is being actively canvassed by certain residents who think the extension may remove traffic from Wells Road. The MPFE is opposed by those who will be most affected by a proposed flyover – namely Waterways, Palm Grove, Royal Palms and Dingley Village residential estates. MBCL was asked to supply flyers to alert residents. MBCL has had a long standing opposition to the MPFE believing that freeways don’t reduce traffic but encourage greater use of motor vehicles.

George Woods Reserve Playground

Plans to discuss with the kindergarten parents’ committee an alternative location of the proposed regional playground. Kinder parents are claiming they need a larger car park and an extension of the kinder building all of which will mean an encroachment into the Arboretum. The committee also claims that drug taking and vandalism takes place behind the kinder building so lights and cameras are required – and no doubt toilets and barbecues. The corner of Parks and Governor Road is dangerous as B-doubles and other commercial traffic travel at speed at that corner frequently causing accidents. Council has taken a survey of traffic density and speed. MBCL have advocated relocating to the existing playground opposite Bertram Street where there is a toilet and barbecues, clear visibility from road and the car park and housing opposite. A bust stop is nearby. Goodbye Arboretum!

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Baffles are being installed near the mouth of the creek. Dredging is proceeding in Attenborough Park between the road and rail bridges with dredge spoil de-watered and loaded onto trucks and transported to Geelong.


No report on Mordialloc Creek this month but Waterwatch reports that Dandenong creek, which feeds into Patterson River, is undergoing a $1.6 million upgrade. Unfortunately this is hampered by excessive illegal dumping of mattresses, building materials, waste from meat and fish purveyors and panel beaters. Fortunately Dandenong Creek is diverted down Patterson River at Pillars Crossing so that Mordialloc Creek should be spared this pollution.

Green Wedge Management Plan

The plan in draft form is available now but the final report is being kept under wraps while plans are being devised within house to allow more development in Kingston’s Green Wedge. Council meeting to release the plan is held over until the August meeting.

Pre-Election Survey

A survey and forum have been organised to be held prior to council elections. Council has organised a meeting to advise candidates of their responsibilities if elected.

MBCL and Mordialloc Village Committee

Both groups have expressed our concern at the removal of trees in the median strip in Nepean Highway from Mordialloc to Moorabin. Trees are to be replaced with grasses such as Lamandra or similar and possibly a few trees. The usual reasons are given for removal of indigenous is that “they have passed their used by date, they are dangerous, etc.” The type of post and wire fence now lining the median strip is called the “shredder” by motorcyclists.

Masonic Hall

The Masonic Hall was open to community members, Councillors for inspection. The building has interesting features such as a Baltic pine ceiling to lower hall and steel beams made by a UK company who built Sydney Harbour Bridge and is still operating. Both upper and lower halls have hard wood paneling, staircase and a unique flue ventilation system. Hall is grand in an understated way. Well worth preserving. A reference group of KCC, community members will be formed. An MBCL member has applied.

The Collins Report

NRA Sites and Foreshore Reserves are due to be audited in July. Assessment includes weed over, indigenous cover and number of plants installed, minimum target is 92%. Horticulture audits also taking place with an assessment of 20% of sites looking at plant survival, weed cover and pruning, target 90%.

Upgrade of Long Beach Trail which is heavily used by community and cyclists. Track requires constant resurfacing. parks will look at all gravel paths in open space areas to ensure that they are regularly maintained. Bushfire Mitigation discussion paper by energy Safe Victoria. ESV has requested councils to comment on key issues within the document such as High Bushfire Risk Areas and responsibility of pruning trees in locations that are identified as having a high bushfire risk.

Friends of Heatherton Park and students from Westall Secondary College and Sprint Parks West Campus planted 600 plants 29th June. Following recent rains a number of reserves are so wet that vehicles are encouraged to remain off site until further notice. Friends of the Grange AGM was held 11th July. Guest Speaker – Tony Collins.

Bottle Shops and Poker Machines

Traders in railway Parade, Dandenong have had a victory in opposing a bottle shop in their area and close to a primary school on the grounds of density of bottle shops. 12 extra poker machines were approved by KCC after conducting a survey of residents, 75% of whom said that there were too many EGM’s in Kingston. Council sent out a further survey to residents – for what reason?

Bay Trail

Two residents living on Beach Road are taking an interesting in the Bay Trail but unfortunately not totally in support of back of kerb. Seemed to have been swayed by the tired old argument – there will be a loss of parking. There has been no loss of parking where vehicles have parked kerbside in Mordialloc from the reek to Rennison Street since 1984 occupying one lane without accident or complaint by the same Councillors who are now bleating about “loss of parking.”

55-57 Barkly Street

Went to Practice Day Friday 27th July. Planning Minister Guy’s changes to planning regulations will not provide security from high density development in our suburbs.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th April 2011

Mordialloc Creek Dredging

A report given by a boat owner committee member at the Mordialloc Village committee gave the impression that dredging may continue beyond the Chute Street boat ramp, however a subsequent meeting at the Mordialloc Motor Yacht Squadron headquarters, attended by two KCC officers, clarified this matter. Dredging will commence behind Lambert Island in July and continue in stages as money becomes available and will not extend beyond the boat ramp at Chute Street. There is a problem in dealing with toxic dredge spoil which will have to be de-watered before disposal to landfill.

South East Green Wedge

South East Green Wedge meeting held at the Dingley International Hotel 7th April was well attended by MBCL and KCEC members.with strong support for retention of green wedge agricultural land for horticulture, market gardens and plant nurseries. Support for the completion of the Chain of Parks to compensate for loss of open space due to high density development surrounding the green wedge. Neighbouring councils lacking adequate sports fields would welcome the development of these facilities to be used co-operatively by other councils. A wildlife corridor with a link to Braeside Park is considered important as is the retention of water filled sand quarries as water retention basins with non-polluted water utilized for recreational activities and/or for irrigation.The quarries have become sanctuaries for wildlife and should be preserved for this purpose. Forests planted for carbon sequestration and as arboretums would add to the appearance of the green wedge.


Bronwen tested Mordialloc Creek water quality at 8am 8th April at the Bowen Road site and found that phosphate levels were still high and that salt readings were also high.

Bay Trail

A meeting with Beaumaris Conservation Society, MBCL and Hon Murray Thompson and Lorraine Wreford was held at Cromer Road, Beaumaris, 12th April to discuss VicRoads and DSE’s approval for a back –of- kerb bike track between Cromer Road and Charman Road. Bayside Council’s reasons for support for the back- of- kerb option are .     1. It is consistent with the majority of the Bay trail in Bayside

  1. It was more secure for families and cyclists
  2. It can be built from low maintenance materials i.e concrete rather than gravel
  3. Lighting is provided by existing Beach Road lights adding to safety.

It is understood that the Minister for Transport, Terry Mulder has advised Kingston Council that he has no problem with the narrowing of Beach Road traffic lanes for a back-of-kerb bike track where there is significant vegetation . The bike track therefore would be consistent with the trail in Bayside in terms of lighting ,safety and maintenance.

The Collins Report

Remnant Wallaby Grass has been found in Yammerbook as a result of a survey by Jeff Yugovich. Consultants have produced two concept sketches for extension of the reserve once soil testing and flora/fauna surveys are completed. Awaiting Melbourne Water approval.

Landscape works have commenced at Chicquita Park following branch removal and weed spraying. Community involvement with planting is planned to begin in May/June.

NRA staffing positions have been filled. New positions in the Parks department include, Hort Supervisor, Admin Officer, Admin Assistant, and AR Crew Leader.

Epson Wetland

A good turnout for a working bee 2nd of April removed large clumps of Flea Bane, 300 grasses and shrubs planted. Jeff Yugovich advises that Epsom Plains Grassland is rarer than Basalt Grassland under threat West of Melbourne.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Draft Plan will be going out for consultation seeking community feedback . (See KYC) Proposals include “enhancing existing parkland, playgrounds and promenades” A large regional playground has been mooted for the arboretum in the George Woods Reserve and two large shelter sheds in the Peter Scullin Reserve.

Active Youth Spaces Strategy

City of Kingston is developing an Active Youth Spaces Strategy focusing on skate, scoot and bmx parks as well as outdoor spaces that help young people enjoy an active lifestyle. This is an admirable aim but thought needs to given to the location of these facilities especially as many sites have environmental significance.

Changes on the Coastline of Port Phillip Bay

A new book by Eric Bird. Ring Phillip Wierzbowski , Coast Action/Coastcare Facilitator for information about availability.

Telephne 9296 4525.

Union of Australian Women

Union of Australian Women meeting of the Southern Branch

Saturday 14th May 2011, 2pm, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Guest Speaker – Pamela Curr, Refugee Advocate. Topic “The Present State of Asylum Seekers and Refugees”

Flooding Issues

Following the recent torrential downpour which threatened the evacuation of Waterways housing estate questions arise about planning policy. Who will be responsible if there is no restriction on building on flood prone land especially if the only restriction is to recommend that the site is filled to raise the buildings thereby creating drainage problems for neighbouring properties.? Some insurance companies are advising foreshore property owners that there will no cover for flood damage. The State Government is offering to buy back flood damaged farms in Northern Victoria to enhance biodiversity and protect floodplain drainage networks.The Floodplain Restoration Project aims to create extra flood storage and reduce the impact of floods on local towns.

Banksia Woodland, Bonbeach

Bonbeach Banksias under threat yet again by residents who mistakenly believe that money can buy a view.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

KCEC meeting 7.30pm 11th May Neighbourhood House Mordialloc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th October 2010

Forthcoming Events

Melbourne at 8 million. Is that too many? Public Forum Richmond Town Hall 4pm Sunday 7th November . Speakers Andrew Macleod. CEO Committee of Melbourne and Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills. Panel- Melina Sehr- Stonnington City Councillor, Rupert Mann- Melbourne Heritage Action Group, David O’Brien- Planning Barrister, Mary Drost- Convenor Planning Backlash.

Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills will be speaking at the Mordialloc Neighbourhood Centre Thursday 11 November at 7.30pm. Topic- Sustainable Population.

Who is eating your food scraps? Compost, worms and Bokashi made easy! At Patterson Lakes Indigenous Nursery Saturday 27th November 10.00-11.30 am or 12.30pm-2.00pm.

The Collins Parks Report

The LUMO Planting day Sunday 5th September at Mordialloc Creek was a huge success with approx. 50 people and 2000 plants to install. This was part of the Living Links project.

J.Yugivich has completed a Habitat Hectare assessment of 5 inland NRAs :- The Grange, Rowan Woodland, Mordialloc Creek, Epsom Grassland, Bradshaw Park.

Planting with schools at Heatherton Park. Expecting 1000 plants and 70 participants.

Upgrading Ben Kavanaugh Reserve with warm season grass to reduce long term watering requirements. A terrific initiative, Parks people!

Film Crude Oil

Film Crude Oil was shown at Kingston Council Chambers as part of a program organized by the Environmental Education officer, Rene. Films are shown each month to council staff but at the suggestion of Cr West members of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Committee were invited to attend. A future without oil is a daunting prospect as there is no viable alternative.

Mordialloc Creek Dredging Roundtable

Roundtable meeting was held Tuesday 26th October. Reps from Melbourne Water, DSE, Parks Victoria, councillors, council officers members of MBCL, Friends of Mordialloc Creek, and members of the creek committee were in attendance. The aim was to seek sufficient funding to remove the silt from the creek up as far as the Chute Street boat ramp. MW does not regard recreational boating as their responsibility with regard to dredging but admits if the silt build up was likely to cause flooding they would be prepared to dredge. Melbourrne Water also admitted when questioned that water flow through the Waterways wetlands is regulated to prevent high flows threatening infrastructure and flooding. Virginia (DSE) claims that council needs to provide a strategic vision so that DSE and other authorities can support the project with funding.

Bay Trail

Kingston Round the Bay Trail was the subject of a combined Mentone/Mordialloc Village Committee meeting attended by Crs West and Dundas .

Cr Dundas supports a shared bike path on the existing Mentone promenade. Bicycle Victoria and Kingston BUGs object to this proposal rightly claiming that the promenade is too narrow for a shared bike path.A letter from the Department of Transport permits the narrowing of lanes in Beach Road so that intrusion into the foreshore will be minimized .The lanes will be narrowed further where there is significant vegetation. Despite these concessions the bike track was removed from the council meeting agenda because of pressure from certain councillors who

continue to push for the cliff top route. City of Bayside have successfully negotiated with VicRoads for a back of kerb bike track in conformity with their existing track and to protect their foreshore. Difficult to understand the attitude of certain staff especially as support for a back of kerb track was supported at the combined village committee meetings and as a result of KCEC and Janice Munt’s surveys all supporting a back of kerb route. Cr Dundas presented his promenade option at the MBCL meeting and Mentone Village Committee meeting.

Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Program

Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Program contains lists of native and indigenous trees which are drought tolerant and salt wind proof suitable for street tree planting.Tall trees should not be planted under electricity wires and cables since they will be brutally pruned according to the Brumby Government’s bushfire prevention policy. For example two thirds of the top of a mature plane tree would be removed under this policy. There goes the green and leafy suburbs. MBCL preference is for indigenous trees wherever possible – native trees in some situations but no exotics such as palms and Chinese Elms. Pine trees will be removed from The Grange –and replaced with what?

Tree Vandalism at Bonbeach

Once again remnant Banksias have been poisoned in front of dwelling on the foreshore. It is claimed that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute. Certain councillors refused to allow the installation of screens in front of the property similar to screens installed on Mordialloc foreshore when trees were vandalized.

Bradshaw Park Fence

Park Fence is once again on the agenda with a meeting 29th October at the Reserve to assess the result of monitoring carried out by NRA staff to ascertain whether a higher fence should be restored to keep out litter and direct people to the gates for entry. Mesh could be attached to the existing fence as has been done on the fence around the Scullin Reserve.

Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM

Walter attended AGM. Neil Blake, St Kilda EcoCentre was speaker. He reported that the contaminants in the Yarra , not discovered by tests carried out by POMC’s expert witnesses during the Panel Hearings, have now been discovered. Contaminants from factories in the Western suburbs had been flowing into the Yarra for years.

Wetlands for the Industrial Land

Proposed wetland construction in industrial land upstream of Wells Road bridge will commence this summer. Assuming that water flow in the creek is slowed and perhaps reduced by having to flow through the Waterways wetlands, as admitted by MW ,will a second set of wetlands add to the problem of water flow?

Upcoming Meetings

Next Biodiversity and Climate Change Meeting November 29th 7.30

Next Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition Meeting 11 November at the Mordialloc Neighbourhood Hoause. 7.30pm

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th August 2010

Forthcoming Events

Step back 200 years. Open Day and Spring Planting .Saturday 11 September 9am –Noon . The Grange Heathland Reserve ,Clayton South, Melway F8.

Friends of Kingston Heath, Farm Road Cheltenham. Working Bee Sunday 3rd October 10-12 noon. AGM 5 October 10am Uniting Church Herald Street, Cheltenham.

Kingston Conservation & Environment meeting at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House, Wednesday 8th September at 7.30pm. 457 Main Street, Mordialloc.

Draft Tree Management Policy

Watch out for this policy to be released by Council for a formal public consultation process. It is proposed to select tree species for planting based on their suitability to the site, climatic conditions, biological diversity, performance and potential to contribute to the landscape.This may include exotic species – hopefully not along the foreshore. Note that the aim is to increase tree coverage throughout the city which will help reduce the heat island effect due to urban development resulting in increased hard surfaces.

On the other hand – the Natural Resource Area team will be removing large non-local indigenous trees on the north side of Mordialloc Creek near the Wells Road bridge. This project is part of the Living Links project and will allow for the establishment of new plantings.

Kingston Parks Report

Despite staff shortages and wet weather all vegetation targets were achieved. Congratulations to the hard working team! Oxalis is the main problem. Epsom Grasslands are sensational at present. Tea-trees permitted on foreshore.


Bronwen and Alan will meet with Melissa from Melbourne Water to begin testing creek water at Bowen Road. Bronwen suggested testing above the Waterways wetlands at Springvale Road and compare the result with the water tested below at the re-entry point into the Main Drain. Nina reminded us that Melbourne Water has advised that we are welcome to test water quality in the Woodlands water bodies (lakes and wetlands). Could be interesting!

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Low flow of water in Mordialloc creek is still a concern for the local boating fraternity. A well attended meeting of Mordialloc Creek Community was held 27 July. Dredging to remove a build up of silt will cost approx. $8 million dollars. Disposal of acid sulfate dredge spoil is adding to the cost of dredging the creek. Glen checked water flow from Dandenong Creek at Pillars crossing and found that no water was flowing into Mordialloc Creek thus contributing to problems down stream where boats are sitting on silt until high tide.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Interpretive signs were finally installed 12 July.Signs explain Bunurong culture and territory plus the current program of bush and wetland renewal. Nina and Walter featured in photos of the launch in the Leader. Nina devoted many hours of research to provide accurate information for the interpretive sign.

Bradshaw Park

The new low and open fence installed around Bradshaw Park is still causing concern with Mentone and Mordialloc Village Committees taking up the issue of more appropriate fencing to protect the reserve from litter blown into the park and to prevent development of goat tracks.

George Woods Reserve Playground

Lack of adequate consultation between new council staff and environment groups has once again occurred (as in the Bradshaw park fiasco) over a proposal to remove an existing playground and create a district or large regional playground behind the kindergarten and scout hall on Governor Road. This area has been referred to as an arboretum since 1990 when a plan for foreshore planting was presented to Mordialloc Council and accepted by the State Government Minister for Planning & Environment. The planting proposals were the result of a survey carried out by SGAP and MBCL members.

The present site of the playground is ideal since there is plenty of room for expansion, there is a bus stop nearby and is clearly visible to passing traffic on Governor Road and from the Chute Street Boat ramp car park.A toilet is also accessible as part of the car park. To locate a large playground behind the scout hall and kindergarten will mean the removal of the mature established trees. This area will not be as clearly visible hidden behind buildings and one of the most pleasant parts of the George Woods Reserve will be destroyed.

P.S .There is a very large district playground in the Peter Scullin Reserve.

No Parking Beach Road

An Elwood group has letter boxed Beach Road residents with a petition opposing a clearway along Beach Road as agreed to by Port Phillip and Kingston Councils. These councils have agreed to a six month trial period. A spirited discussion took place and it transpired that a majority of MBCL members do not agree with a clearway! Perhaps as the price of fuel increases we will all be pumping up tires and donning lycra!

Green Wedge Issues

Blood pressure rose after reading the headline in Business Age 31 July that “Kingston residents to pay for green wedge land” by Marc Pallisco. The report stated that Kingston City Council will “bulldoze and transform a green-wedge-zoned area described as one of its most important natural assets for shops, offices, factories, houses and apartments.”

Fortunately a correction appeared the following week when City of Kingston advised that community based initiatives included market gardens and projects revolving around recreation and a chain of parks were planned instead.

Timber Yard Development

Development seems likely to go to VCAT because “of council’s failure to determine this application for a planning permit within the required statutory time frame.” Planning issues are overdevelopment of the site (including height, scale, visual bulk and mass, neighbourhood character, heritage concerns, car parking and traffic concerns. To be built in three stages including, 11 dwellings, 94 units and a three storey office and retail development.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st April 2009


Still time to prepare a submission to Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2020. The draft strategy will guide how governments, the community, industry and scientists manage and protect Australia’s plants, animals and ecosystems over the next ten years in the face of threats to the environment from climate change, habitat loss and invasive species. Subs due 29 May.

Submission : Inquiry into train services.   State Government Legislative services has appointed a Select Committee of 7 members to inquire into factors leading into causes of failure of metropolitan and V/Line serves. Subs due 1 June 2009.

New orbital bus route Mordialloc to Altona takes four hours!! Take food and drink.

Meetings Attended

Judy attended a General Meeting of the Northern Bendigo Landcare Group and plans to attend more meetings when she is in Bendigo. Judy also attended the April meeting of the PPCC (Port Phillip Conservation Council.

Nina attended an inaugural meeting of the Living Links project at April 2 at Springvale Civic Centre. Nina also attended the naming of the Mordialloc Creek bridge 21st of April. Bridge work is now completed with bike, pedestrian paths and safety barriers on both sides of the bridge.

Mary, Janelle (KRAMMED) and Brian attended a specially convened meeting to hear Kingston’s Strategic planner explain the State Govt’s policy of New Residential Zones for Victoria.These zones if approved will permit 9 metres (three storey’s or more )development in suburban streets.

Dune Restoration Day

North Aspendale Foreshore Saturday May 30th. City of Kingstson in conjunction with Green Corps will be planting native grasses and shrubs to protect the coastal dune system, offer habitat to native birds and animals, helps reduce greenhouse effect..

Free BBQ. Further info 9 776 0403.

Victoria’s Water Reality and a Growing Population

AGM Sustainable Population Australia Saturday May 16th at 2pm North Melbourne Library .Guest Speaker Dr Ernest Healy – research fellow in the Centre for Population and Urban Research. Melways 2A J10.

Epsom Wetlands

Glen queried whether the parrot feather aquatic weed was the same as the one engineered by Germans to be used in fish tanks. This weed pest is devastating for creeks and catchments.

Artificial Reefs at Frankston, Seaford and Aspendale.

Discussion with Del Guidice, Fisheries Victoria, re material to be used for the reefs. Special environmentally friendly concrete with a life span of over 300 years will be installed 600 metres off-shore. The concrete will be dome shaped with holes to provide living quarters for marine house hunters. I was assured that if the reef proved unsatisfactory it could be removed and would not be left to deteriorate and pollute the environment like the tyre reef installed off Chelsea. There will be a 1km commercial exclusion zone around the three new reefs to enable accurate monitoring of recreational use of the reefs.


Mordialloc Creek It has now been agreed that Waterwatch water quality testing can occur bi-monthly. Calibration fluid has been supplied for the testing equipment.

Climate Change Network

Finally MBCL’s letter re the establishment of a Council supported climate change community group has been answered by Council’s Manager of the Environment (four months later). He sees no need for a community climate change group claiming that Council is implementing Kingston’s Biodiversity Strategy. However discussion with the Foreshore Coordinator was more positive and suggested that a climate change group with some community involvement may still eventuate.

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Dredging Mordialloc Creek between Nepean Highway and Wells Road bridge was discussed at a Yammerbook meeting, 25-3-09. Tony and Mark advised that Melbourne Water has stated that there is no need to dredge this section of the creek because current sediment levels and bank alignment pose no threat to flooding or water flow. Mark Dreyfus suggested that funding could be obtained to develop a regional waterways/habitat links plan for Mordialloc Creek Catchment. Funding could come from Living Links/Caring for Country.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Negotiations are continuing between Yammerbook Committee and Council re funding for Stage 2 of the Master Plan to create a habitat island and lake extension. It is hoped work will begin when a Mordialloc Creek Catchment and habitat links program has been devised by council The NRA team has received funding for maintenance of the south bank creek vegetation.

Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology

ARCUE has sent a copy of their newsletter Urban Spotlight. ‘’ARCUE is recognized across Australia and overseas as a centre of excellence studying the effects of urbanization and associated developments on the natural environment.It is essential that this knowledge and understanding be dissenminated to the community to achieve sustainable human settlements.”

ARCUE is expanding their work by providing a suite of consultancy services to a range of clients.The client list includes DSE and the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority.Subscription to ARCUE’s Urban Spotlight is free .Telephone. 8344 0146.

Bowen’s Road

Road works have met with some hostility from residents who didn’t realize what was in store for them when they purchased houses aligned to the proposed road connecting Aspendale Gardens to Waterways, and through Waterways to Governor Road and Braeside Park.

Queries also about the impact this road may have on the Growling Grass frog and birdlife in the wetlands.However Mr Haines is not risking having to pay contractors by delaying work!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th June 2008

Forthcoming Events

Naming ceremony for Yammerbook will be held Saturday morning July 5th. Sonia Murray, Bunurong Land Council has congratulated Nina on her efforts and will provide BLC people to do a welcoming ceremony. Crs Nixon, Ronke & Petchey plan to attend. It would be good to attend to give Nina support and credit where credit is due.Incidentally it was the former Kingston councillor, Johanna van Klaveren, who initiated moves to restore a piece of degraded Melbourne Water land.

Cr Rosemary West will be speaking at the UAW (Union of Australian Women) meeting Saturday 21st June 2pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Topic: Green Wedge issues. $5 and Afternoon Tea.

Westwood Ho

For Penny, Nina and Brian who are jetting off to the UK and the EU for two months. We wish them well as they visit family and friends or explore new territory.

MBCL Web Site

The last attempt at informing members of the web site was a dismal failure. After consultation with the Web Mistress here is another attempt vvww, 1 Good Luck!

Channel Deepening

Most people will now be aware that dredging the Yarra River has commenced and that toxic contaminants are being dumped in the bund in the Bay. POMC claims that environment guidelines are being met, however the impact contaminants on marine life & humans may not emerge until some years down the track. Remember asbestos ? It is reported that many people are yet to fall ill from asbestos disease. (Age 13 June)


At last! MBCL volunteers have been introduced to the mysteries of water quality testing. Melanie met with the team June 11 to test Mordialloc Creek water near Bowen Road. Unable to do two tests because of incorrect equipment but found dissolved oxygen excellent and PL normal.

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Secrecy surrounds plans to dredge the creek to provide watercraft access upstream from the railway bridge. NRA team is as much in the dark as MBCL despite our long term involvement with the creek and environs. While Living Links work on the south bank of the creek is supported removal of the small island refuge opposite the Chute Street       boat ramp will impact on abundant wildlife habitat.Pink survey markers have been observed along both sides of the creek between Wells Road bridge and the pedestrian bridge near Chute Street. Consultant to cost $80,000 according to the Independent paper.

Tree Removal George Woods Reserve

A sheoak growing out of a eucalypt was reported at our last meeting. Examination by a tree audit firm recommended that the tree should be cut down. It is Council policy to undertake an annual audit of trees to determine their health however it is concerning that aborists seem so often to recommend removal of what appear to be healthy trees e.g Monterey Cypress in Attenborough Park and on the Pompei site.We recommend that a Red Gum be planted to replace the Tasmanian Eucalypt promptly.

Deceased Eeels

Reported sighting of 15 dead eels in Heatherton Drain between Doug Denyer and Kevin Hayes Reserves . Their deaths may be due to pollution but the EPA newsletter reports hundreds of eel deaths in rivers and the Bay 2007/2008.

Leisure Cycling Walking Plan for Kingston

Draft policy out for comment reveal that priority is being given yet again to a shared cycle walking track despite the fact that our surveys for the Bay Trail clearly showed that pedestrians didn’t want to have to compete with cyclists on a shared track. Federal and State Governments are encouraging cycling for public health, environmental and economic reasons therefore we believe that council should be concentrating on providing safe commuter routes throughout the city to connect with public transport wherever possible.Johanna’s submission provides an excellent coverage of the issue. It can be found on MBCL web site. Walter has walked the proposed Mordialloc Creek south levee bank bike trail and submitted a plan of the route to Council.Very much appreciated, WG!

530 Main Street, Mordialloc – The NQR (Pace) Site

There have been four meetings about the over development of this site. Traffic is a major issue with 1250 per day extra vehicles generated in an already heavily trafficked area as a result of the Aldi store. Council Planner and Ward councillor attended the meeting.Objectors felt that engaging an independent traffic consultant rather the council traffic person or the developer’s paid consultant would be important and requested that this be done.

Parks Report

Working bee found a frog at the Grange. Correction! A camera was not placed IN the possum’s nest but on a pole outside.A family and two new members have joined the Grange.

Mentone Station Friends Group won a Commendation from Keeping Australia Beautiful for their work on the station garden.

Nina presented a copy of an information sheet to be used on a notice board at Yammerbook.

9 Banksias have been poisoned on Bonbeach foreshore. A large sign is to be placed at the site of the vandalism. Signs are also to be placed on Mordialloc foreshore near the lifesaving club scene of 21 vandalised trees Christmas 2007.

Meetings Attended

Wal found the guided tour of the Eastern Treatment Plant 15th June informative. MBCL rep. attended the Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Public Administration 5th June. Fascinating to find that the Victorian farmers Federation Rep Simon Ramsay and CEO of Horticultural Exporters complaining bitterly about the costs and levees which POMC demand of even small exporters. VFF exporters are affected by the drought and the horticultural exporter only has small volumes to export and claims that “bigger ships will be of no benefit to their organization” Stephen Bradford looked embarrassed and said he would see if ‘something could be arranged’! The Commttees report will be available in Hansard.

Elections Coming Up

Council elections due in November will be very different this year with only three wards but nine councillors – three in each ward. It would be great to find people who understood the implications of climate change on coastal communities and were prepared to stand.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th March 2007

Forthcoming Events

State of the Dandenong Catchment Friday 20 April at Hemisphere Conference Centre 488 South Road. Moorabbin. Commences 9.00am. RSVP 12 April. North Aspendale Erosion Control Works Information Evening 3rd April Council’s Cheltenham Office Commences 5.30pm. Contact Rebecca Cohen for Further information Phone 9581 4388.

Dredging the Shipping Channels in Port Phillip Bay

It’s on again, folks! Dredging the Shipping Channels in Port Phillip Bay and dumping contaminated dredge spoil from the Yarra River in the extended dredged material grounds (DMG) off Mordialloc! You can find out more about the impact on the Bay from the complete set of volumes of the EES report in the Council’s offices Brindisi Street, Mentone. The reason for dumping highly toxic dredge spoil material from the Yarra in the Bay is because “it will be too expensive to treat it on land!”

Port of Hastings Land Use

While dredging the shipping channels in Port Phillip Bay is back on the agenda a scheme to resurrect the development of Hastings as a major transport/ shipping hub is also being actively canvassed. According to the summary document it is envisaged that there will be 3,410 truck movements per day when the port is working and 44 train movements per day On the Frankston Line. There is discussion of a third Frankston rail line to cater for this traffic In the meantime it would be advisable not purchase a home anywhere near the Frankston rail line!

Kingston Planning Scheme Amendment C52 Mordialloc Activity Centre

The Panel report has been released and received a favourable response from Council who felt that most of their concerns and wish list had been addressed, There maybe problems however where the Panel felt there could be more flexible height limits in some parts of the study area. The Report now goes to the Minister for Planning for approval.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th August 1999

Braeside Park

The Mayor has been invited to the Annual General meeting 22-8-99. This will be the 10th anniversary of the Park. A grant of $700 has been earmarked for a portable display board.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Sandridge Beach is to be re-nourished with 100,000 cubic metres of sand taken from the Bayside area. Bayside Council has to give approval for the sand removal. Groynes are to be constructed at Sandridge. Lifesaving Clubs in Kingston have been generously funded – Mordialloc LSC : $14,500, Mentone LSC: $48,500, Aspendale LSC:- $20,750. National Park, Portsea likely to be privatised. The company operating the car ferry is interested. PPCC organised a tour 1-8-99 to Campbell Cove where 159 beach huts are enjoying a rent free existence on Crown Land.

Carrum Residents Action Group

The State Government plans to sell Bonbeach TAFE and CRAG have been given 12 months notice to re-locate their community plant nursery. The sale of TAFE, almost certainly for residential development, will mean a further loss of open space in the City of Kingston.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th November 1995


Incoming: Geoff Leigh M.P. re “Windows”, Hon. G.Connard re Woodlands Industrial Est.
Outgoing: J.Chandler re Code for Melbourne Parklands, Hon. Simon Crean re destruction of Australia’s old growth forests.

Bradshaw Park

Work proceeding. Posts have been re-positioned on the nature walk and the leaflet describing the walk rewritten. Members of the SGAP visited the park on a recent Sunday and were given a guided tour by the curator, Mr David Bainbridge.

Braeside Park

More rangers have been employed in the park. A Family Day picnic was held on Cup Day. Highlights included a Bush Dance and a train ride through the park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Negotiations continue which if successful will mean that land abutting Governor road will be administered by Braeside Park & hopefully parkland.

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