Forthcoming Events
Melbourne at 8 million. Is that too many? Public Forum Richmond Town Hall 4pm Sunday 7th November . Speakers Andrew Macleod. CEO Committee of Melbourne and Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills. Panel- Melina Sehr- Stonnington City Councillor, Rupert Mann- Melbourne Heritage Action Group, David O’Brien- Planning Barrister, Mary Drost- Convenor Planning Backlash.
Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills will be speaking at the Mordialloc Neighbourhood Centre Thursday 11 November at 7.30pm. Topic- Sustainable Population.
Who is eating your food scraps? Compost, worms and Bokashi made easy! At Patterson Lakes Indigenous Nursery Saturday 27th November 10.00-11.30 am or 12.30pm-2.00pm.
The Collins Parks Report
The LUMO Planting day Sunday 5th September at Mordialloc Creek was a huge success with approx. 50 people and 2000 plants to install. This was part of the Living Links project.
J.Yugivich has completed a Habitat Hectare assessment of 5 inland NRAs :- The Grange, Rowan Woodland, Mordialloc Creek, Epsom Grassland, Bradshaw Park.
Planting with schools at Heatherton Park. Expecting 1000 plants and 70 participants.
Upgrading Ben Kavanaugh Reserve with warm season grass to reduce long term watering requirements. A terrific initiative, Parks people!
Film Crude Oil
Film Crude Oil was shown at Kingston Council Chambers as part of a program organized by the Environmental Education officer, Rene. Films are shown each month to council staff but at the suggestion of Cr West members of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Committee were invited to attend. A future without oil is a daunting prospect as there is no viable alternative.
Mordialloc Creek Dredging Roundtable
Roundtable meeting was held Tuesday 26th October. Reps from Melbourne Water, DSE, Parks Victoria, councillors, council officers members of MBCL, Friends of Mordialloc Creek, and members of the creek committee were in attendance. The aim was to seek sufficient funding to remove the silt from the creek up as far as the Chute Street boat ramp. MW does not regard recreational boating as their responsibility with regard to dredging but admits if the silt build up was likely to cause flooding they would be prepared to dredge. Melbourrne Water also admitted when questioned that water flow through the Waterways wetlands is regulated to prevent high flows threatening infrastructure and flooding. Virginia (DSE) claims that council needs to provide a strategic vision so that DSE and other authorities can support the project with funding.
Bay Trail
Kingston Round the Bay Trail was the subject of a combined Mentone/Mordialloc Village Committee meeting attended by Crs West and Dundas .
Cr Dundas supports a shared bike path on the existing Mentone promenade. Bicycle Victoria and Kingston BUGs object to this proposal rightly claiming that the promenade is too narrow for a shared bike path.A letter from the Department of Transport permits the narrowing of lanes in Beach Road so that intrusion into the foreshore will be minimized .The lanes will be narrowed further where there is significant vegetation. Despite these concessions the bike track was removed from the council meeting agenda because of pressure from certain councillors who
continue to push for the cliff top route. City of Bayside have successfully negotiated with VicRoads for a back of kerb bike track in conformity with their existing track and to protect their foreshore. Difficult to understand the attitude of certain staff especially as support for a back of kerb track was supported at the combined village committee meetings and as a result of KCEC and Janice Munt’s surveys all supporting a back of kerb route. Cr Dundas presented his promenade option at the MBCL meeting and Mentone Village Committee meeting.
Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Program
Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Program contains lists of native and indigenous trees which are drought tolerant and salt wind proof suitable for street tree planting.Tall trees should not be planted under electricity wires and cables since they will be brutally pruned according to the Brumby Government’s bushfire prevention policy. For example two thirds of the top of a mature plane tree would be removed under this policy. There goes the green and leafy suburbs. MBCL preference is for indigenous trees wherever possible – native trees in some situations but no exotics such as palms and Chinese Elms. Pine trees will be removed from The Grange –and replaced with what?
Tree Vandalism at Bonbeach
Once again remnant Banksias have been poisoned in front of dwelling on the foreshore. It is claimed that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute. Certain councillors refused to allow the installation of screens in front of the property similar to screens installed on Mordialloc foreshore when trees were vandalized.
Bradshaw Park Fence
Park Fence is once again on the agenda with a meeting 29th October at the Reserve to assess the result of monitoring carried out by NRA staff to ascertain whether a higher fence should be restored to keep out litter and direct people to the gates for entry. Mesh could be attached to the existing fence as has been done on the fence around the Scullin Reserve.
Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM
Walter attended AGM. Neil Blake, St Kilda EcoCentre was speaker. He reported that the contaminants in the Yarra , not discovered by tests carried out by POMC’s expert witnesses during the Panel Hearings, have now been discovered. Contaminants from factories in the Western suburbs had been flowing into the Yarra for years.
Wetlands for the Industrial Land
Proposed wetland construction in industrial land upstream of Wells Road bridge will commence this summer. Assuming that water flow in the creek is slowed and perhaps reduced by having to flow through the Waterways wetlands, as admitted by MW ,will a second set of wetlands add to the problem of water flow?
Upcoming Meetings
Next Biodiversity and Climate Change Meeting November 29th 7.30
Next Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition Meeting 11 November at the Mordialloc Neighbourhood Hoause. 7.30pm
Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.