Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 2007

Happy New Year to All

Trust that everyone has had a refreshing break ready to face another year of Sturm und Drang .The Channel Deepening project is at an interesting stage and Stage 1 a of the bike path beginning at the Parkdale kiosk is underway. So on with the fray!

Mordialloc Creek

Consternation in the ranks when an article appeared in the Independent announcing that there was a proposal to reshape and dredge the creek upstream from the railway line to Wells Road bridge, remove ‘intrusive vegetation’ (Phragmites) and make it accessible for water crafLA subsequent meeting with the Federal Member, Mark Dreyfus on another matter revealed that this was a pre-election attempt to seek funding from the Feds – and since funds were not forthcoming this scheme is currently in abeyance -but worth watching.


A bill from Melbourne Water for Waterwatch equipment has been received so that the volunteer team will soon be in business checking creek water quality upstream of Wells Road bridge between Waterways and the bridge. Plans to create another wetland along the north bank of the Main Drain on industrial land between Waterways and Wells Road are underway. This is a continuation of Melbourne Water’s 1992 plans for wetlands along the north bank of the creek.

East Link Sculpture

20 metres high. Johanna queries the point of this object costing $5 million. It apparently has the appearance of a building but is just a facade. Could the money involved have been better spent – perhaps extending rail lines to outlying suburbs who have been pleading for public transport.

Melbourne Water Grant

MBCL is a grateful recipient of a generous Melbourne Water Grant. Reports will be sent to Melbourne Water outlining the progress of various projects in which members are involved – especially those activities dealing with Mordialloc Creek.


Yammerbook is to become part of the living links program incorporating Mordialloc Creek, Epsom Grasslands and the Secondary Drain (also referred to as the Centre Swamp Drain) running from Mordialloc Creek to Patterson River and abutting the Longbeach Bike Trail. The name, Yammerbook has been registered as the official name of the reserve in the State Register of Geographic Names.

Parkdale Yacht Club

Parkdale Yacht Club is applying for an extension of their on-premises liquor licence Monday to Sunday from 11 am to midnight. Sunday 12 noon to 2.30pm then from4.30pm to 6.30pm. Objections to Kingston property Rationalisation Consultants 14 days from 18th January. KP01/648 A

Acid Sulfate Soil and Fish Lesions

It is well documented that the Yarra River and environs contain acid sulfate soil. If it is disturbed and exposed to air it can eat into concrete and steel and cause fish kills.Could the recent outbreak of fish lesions have arisen because of preliminary dredging in the Yarra which disturbed the ASS? A series of phone calls to EPA and the Department of Primary Industry who are investigating the outbreak resulted in a discussion with the Principal Vetinary Officer responsible for dealing with fish and aquatic diseases. Our query was apparently referred to the EPA and Fisheries Victoria both of whom phoned 30th January. Neither party dismissed the ASS theory.However the EPA are still conducting water quality tests in the north of the Bay. Interesting to see when the Yarra is dredged whether fish lesions reappear.

Bay Trail

Rod reports that VicRoads want to set back the bike path 6 metres into the foreshore between Cromer Road and Charman Road Mentone to create four lanes in this section of Beach Road. Beach Road was supposed to become a scenic boulevarde with less industrial traffic. Could the sudden need to widen the road have something to do with transporting containers after the shipping channels are dredged?

Parks Report

The Grange is very dry.

Braeside Park  An indigenous garden is to be established to be part of the propagation site.

Rowan Woodlands has had an Open Day with Primary students providing posters. Cr Petchey opened the Park.

Congratulations extended to Cr Alabaster in successfully persuading St Kilda football club to settle in Frankston. It is hoped that the Linton Street reserve will be retained as a public open space.

Attenborough Park is currently being used for overflow car parking.  The 470 World Championship Yachting Regatta added to the problem from 23-30 January. Nina and Brian reported as many as 80 cars parked on grassed areas of the park. The matter was reported to relevant council officers. Local Law officers are supposed to monitor the area and fine illegal parkers but as the officers don’t work after 7pm when major parking infringements occur it is a somewhat futile exercise. “I can’t physically stop them” an officer responded. What can be done?

Water Gardens

Water gardens seemed like a good idea at the time but residents of Chute/Bear Street are not happy. Kids pick up stone from the gardens and throw them at houses, weeds are reported to be growing through the gravel and some people think the gardens are too deep and therefore dangerous. Or is it a case of more communication to explain to residents the benefit of this drainage system.?

Tree Vandalism

Tree vandalism has occurred once again on the Peter Scullin Reserve with 10 branches tom from a banksias near die promenade Nina reported this to council officers.No sight of large signs warning offenders of hefty fines if caught. Nobody has been caught after a spate of vandalism.

Forthcoming Events

Next meeting of Kingston Heath Reserve Group February 12th Uniting Church Herald Street, Cheltenham

Friends of Bradshaw Park will be propagating in the nursery Bonbeach Council depot starting 10am February 16th. BYO lunch and refreshments.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th November 2007

Forthcoming Events

Saturday 8 December Brunch for Peace. Peter Scullin Reserve from 12 midday onwards. BYO drinks. Watercolour cards and KAN calendars for sale. Organized by Union of Australian Women.

Friends of Bradshaw Park 15 December 10am Christmas break up party. at the park.

Sunday 16 December Blue Wedges Polperro Dolphin Swim Fund raiser Leaving from Sorrento Pier at 1.30pm Bookings essential 5 988 8437. Only 20 places available

Channel Deepening

Blue Wedges Coalition lawyers have filed an application in the Federal Court to prevent the Federal Environment Minister from approving the proposed Channel Deepening project. Court action is costly. If you would like to assist Blue Wedges donations could be sent to Blue Wedges PO Box 162 Dromana 3936.

Waterwatch Project

Judy has completed the Waterwatch training program and will join Nina and Brian in checking water quality in or near major drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek upstream from Wells Road bridge.The equipment has been ordered through Melanie from Waterwatch. The crew will be testing for Turbidity, Suspended Solids, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrogen.

Mordialloc Creek Bridge

VicRoads advises that the pedestrian and cycle path on the east side of the bridge will be fenced to separate the path from the traffic lanes. Presumably the shared path on the west side will also be fenced.

Green Wedge

Meeting 29 November at Dingley Community Centre was well attended by residents who voted to retain the section of Kingston’s Green Wedge above Kingston road as open space rather than have this area rezoned by council for resource recovery, (concrete crushers) facories and housing. Cr Alabaster advised that there were insufficient sports grounds in the city. 13 cricket clubs were unable to obtain grounds to compete this year. There is clearly a need to retain all available open space to compensate for loss of private and public open space due to increased housing density in Kingston.There were presentations by Mara and Mary to respective village committees during November concerning rezoning of the green wedge.

Bay Trail

The local member organized a meeting with Gavin Jenning’s Min for Environment’s personal adviser, DSE’s Wayne Malone, and Russel Costelloe to present our case for the bike track to be located on the verge of Beach Road, not on the dune or cliff tops. We await the outcome of that meeting. We were advised however, that Vic Roads is seeking to increase to four lanes Beach Road in Bayside to cater for truck traffic!! Why? Has this something to do with channel deepening with increased traffic from the docks – or extra traffic from Hastings when that port is redeveloped. What happened to the idea of Beach Road as a Scenic Boulevarde?

Mordialloc Creek Levee Bank Bike Trail

Letters have been sent to Ken Carney and Jonathon Guttman re the possibility of formalizing a bike path from the underpass at Wells Road bridge along the creek levee bank to Springvale road to connect with a bike path along Springvale Road. Council is planning a bike track over the creek through Waterways to Braeside Park. It makes sense to create an off – road trail along the levee bank so that Waterways cyclists and others can ride off- road to Mordialloc beach, shops and schools.

Candidate Forum 15th November

Despite numerous phone calls it proved too difficult to collect all four candidates together at one time and one place but we were privileged to hear two candidates from the Greens and Democrats who would be excellent members of Parliament in future. With a change of Government perhaps climate change and related issues will be given the attention these matters require.

Mentone Unit Developments

Le Gym has been reduced from six storeys to five levels but is still an over development of the site already heavily trafficked with rail and road traffic on Balcombe Road. The old council depot will also be converted to a four storey residential development. This development will further compound traffic problems in the area.. Mentone lacks a structure plan to prevent inappropriate developments such as those mentioned above occurring.

Walkabout at Epsom

October 20 Friends of Bradshaw Park joined a tour of Epsom Estate, Mordialloc Creek and Yammerbook (Drills Land). The tour was conducted by Allison O’Keefe. The 4 hectares of grassland was saved from destruction when the Epsom training track was converted to a residential housing estate. Sun orchids, onion orchids and other species have survived in this fenced area surrounded by houses. Yabbies are still in residence in holes in the dry conditions awaiting rain. The tour continued across the footbridge over Mordialloc creek noting recent revegetated sites before proceeding to Yammerbook. Gannets have taken up residence in a tree on the waters edge of the creek.

Other Business

Joan questioned the cost of dredging the shipping channels in Port Phillip Bay. Although POMC quotes approx. $785 million a more realistic estimate according to others could be $1 billon.

Johanna has taken photos of extremely tall palm trees planted on Waterways. The developer sold this development on the basis that plantings would be indigenous.

A night walk was conducted at The Grange.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 10th October 2007

Forthcoming Events

Public information session will be held at Clarinda Community Centre on Thursday November 8th from 7pm to give landowners, residents and community groups the opportunity to learn more about the importance of the Green Wedge and retention of open space- especially the Chain of Parks concept. Submissions due Nov.30th.

Candidates Forum in the Seat of ISAACS

Greens and Democrat candidates are available to discuss their parties policies at the Parkdale Uniting Church Hall, Parkers Road, 15th November at 7.30 pm. The minor parties may play an important role whichever party wins the forthcoming election.

Channel Deeping Panel Report

Channel Deeping Panel Report was finally released this week. No surprises! The Panel relied on POMC’s expert witnesses and the Independent Expert Group’s submissions to approve deepening the shipping channels .Cross examination of witnesses was not permitted at the hearing which limited information available to the Panel.The Chairman, Alan Hawke commented on this flaw, unusual in hearings of this type and recommended this procedure was not used in future hearings.Tide levels will be higher than originally stated, the Entrance will be dredged to a greater depth of possibly 22 metres allowing for an increased flow into the Bay.
If the Minister for Roads and Ports decides to proceed with the proposal, the Port of Melbourne Corporation will apply to the Victorian Minister for the Environment, for his approval under Coastal Management Act 1995.
The assessment will also be provided to the Federal Minister for Environment, for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Copies of the Minister for Planning’s Assessment can be found at

Another Bike Path ??

Why not a path along the south levee bank of the creek to Springvale Road to connect with the Dandenong Trail, the proposed Keysborough supermarket on Hutton Road and through the Waterways to Braeside? Apparently it is a good idea to build a path on a levee bank above flood level and also because it helps to compress the levee bank.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th September 2007

Thank You to all members for their commitment throughout a stressful year in confronting large and complex issues. Unfortunately the year ahead is likely to present more challenges to the environment locally, regionally and federally but to quote Patrick White we must continue to “protect our parks from the pressure of political concrete.”


Completed Metropolitan Planning Audit into M2030. Article in the Age this week describing Delfin’s grab for land to build a “green” town outside the urban growth boundary will test the Planning Minister’s commitment to M2030. Also Submission into the sale and development of public land and open space. A battle royal over Brack’s handling of the Kew cottages land sparked this inquiry.

Waterwatch Program

We are pleased to announce that a cheque for $800 has been received from four councillors’ Ward Funds to enable MBCL to purchase a Chemical Water Quality Testing Kit so that our trained members can commence testing the water quality in Mordialloc Creek upstream of Wells Road bridge. A thank you letter has been sent to councillors.

Living Links Program

Aspendale Gardens Residents Association convened a meeting with NRA Team Leader, Melbourne Water and Living Links officers to discuss Yammerbook Nature Reserve being incorporated into the Living Links program by linking the work on the secondary drain with Mordialloc Creek. Nina and Mary attended this meeting.

Round the Bay Bicycle Trail

Council distributed 11,500 glossy brochures including a biased push-polling survey during September. The material presented council’s preferred option only and not the alternative back of kerb route.KCEC responded by letter-boxing 4000 brochures. Nina and Shana designed and placed an advertisement in the Independent to counter council’s half page ad. in both local papers. Stephen e-mailed people and received an immediate response with residents offering to letter box for us. Council held an “information” session at the Mordialloc Lifesaving Club from 4.30pm to 8pm.Members rostered at the door interviewed attendees and found that local residents were furious at the potential loss of the soft walking tracks on the foreshore. KCEC had organized a meeting at 8pm at the Neighbourhood House.It was standing room only again for very angry residents. Council’s survey results confirmed KCEC’s earlier surveys -people wish to retain the informal walking tracks and prefer the back of kerb option for the bike track. Council voted, 24th September, for a granitic track for Stages 1 and 2. Sincere thanks to all members for a splendid team effort in letter boxing, preparing material and devoting time to counter council’s disgraceful, undemocratic and one would have to say, in some cases, ignorance in dealing sensibly with this major threat to the narrow, fragile foreshore and cliff tops and remnant vegetation.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Newsletter – August 2007

Important Submission due in September

A select committee has been formed to conduct an inquiry into the sale or alienation of public land for development Subs due 28th September. Further info from Richard Willis Phone 9 651 8911. Melbourne 2030 Audit. Subs due 5.00pm 24th September Further Info from Minister for Planning Phone 9 637 887uitable development1. Shadow Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy’s Media release states that the Government’s guide for public submissions must follow terms of reference or they may not be considered by the Audit Expert Group.Interesting to note that one of the four members of the audit group is Michael Wright QC who appeared for POMC on the Panel hearing into channel deepening.

Kingston Coastal Management

A submission has been sent from MBCL to BECA consultants for the CMP. While the document still seems to be “Identifying Suitable development areas and opportunities on the coast.. they are not paying enough attention to threats of storm surge and sea level rise due to climate change. The Age, 28-8-07 has excellent articles warning local government that the planning issues are :-” where you build rather than how you build” in vulnerable areas.

Waterwatch Program

Letters have been sent to the four councillors whose wards abut the Mordialloc Creek to seek funding for the equipment required for water quality testing. The funding issue was raised at Mordialloc Village Committee where the council officer attending advised that he would progress the matter. Applications for Community Grants from Melbourne Water & Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment is another avenue to be explored.

Mordialloc Creek Brigde

VicRoads decision under considerable pressure, to allow two lanes over the bridge to operate during peak hours, north in the morning and south at night has relieved traffic congestion. The issue of safety for pedestrians and cyclists on the east side of the bridge where there is no safety barrier planned is still being debated by council and VicRoads. Nina has raised the matter with Kingston Council.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Newsletter – July 2007

Important Submission!! Inquiry into the Sale and Development of Public Land and Open Space

The Legislative Council has established a 7 Member all Party Select Committee to conduct the Inquiry into the sale or alienation of public land for development. Subs due 28th September. It is of the utmost importance that public land is retained for public use as more land is acquired for development sites.

Channel Deepening Inquiry

Channel Deepening Inquiry is almost complete. The Environment Management Plan will be presented to the Inquiry July 30th and POMC’s response to the inquiry will be presented by Jeremy Gobbo QC July 31″. The Hearings are open to the public and well worth attending .Evidence presented by the Blue Wedge and others has been compelling in detailing safety issues as larger ships enter the Heads, the impact on the Great Sands as more water enters through the deepened southern shipping channel and erodes the southern beaches. The possible leaching of toxic sediments from the Bund 10 kms offshore from Mordialloc, or resuspension of toxicants while the bund remains uncovered for 140 days or longer during dredging.

Kingston Bay Trail Bicycle Path

The July Mordialloc Village Committee quotes the April 2007 Revision, “Review community submissions .. Final public consultation being arranged to discuss “on-road” option. Otherwise – All quite on the Western Front.

Mordialloc Creek Bridge

Mordialloc Creek Bridge is still causing angst for drivers who are finding traffic hold-ups on all streets and service roads around Mordialloc Main Street and Nepean Highway. Work on the bridge is not permitted at night for Health and Safety reasons under the tender awarded by Vic Roads. Traders are becoming desperate as they lose hundreds of dollars of trade. Work will take 18 months to complete.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd May 2007

Forthcoming Events

An Urgent Public Meeting organized by the Southern Victoria Community Action Group to hear from key speakers the many social, economic and environmental impacts about the proposed 8,750 acre Hastings Port expansion of land use and Transport Strategy involving 16 x 1.2km long Freight Trains along Frankston lines per day but mostly at night. Monday 4th June at 7.30pm at Chelsea Function Centre Cnr Station St & Thames Promenade Chelsea.

Good News Department

Recent high winds did one good turn when it blew down the controversial THREE storey structure which the developer of Chicquita Park was planning to use as a display home!!
Second Good News story- St Kilda Football Club might decide to relocate from Linton Street Park to another site having been denied an increase in poker machines. Cranbourne Council are very keen to have the club in that city.
And Thirdly- Kingston Council had an unexpected victory at VCAT when the former Baguly flower cultivation concern in the green wedge was refused a permit for sand extraction in the eight hectare site on the corner of Heatherton and Clayton Roads. Barry Ross appeared for the Southern Green Wedge Coalition and must be pleased with the outcome.
Thanks to Tony, Nina and Brian for suggesting that MBCL would be interested in the Waterwatch program, funding permitting.

Living Links Seminar

April 2007 was attended by four MBCL members who reported favourably on the Living Links proposal which is a master plan for a web of living parks, wetlands, pathways and open spaces along waterways and habitat corridors. Three MBCL members have also attended Waterwatch training sessions to become part of the scheme which has schools and volunteers already testing water quality in Mordialloc Creek.Funding the equipment needed to begin the study is still being investigated. It is proposed to test upstream of Wells Road bridge and at the spot where Waterways wetlands re enters the Mordialloc Main Drain. Mordialloc Creek depends on stormwater run off from major drains to provide water for the creek. Drains such as Settlement and Dunlops Drain flow through industrial areas and waste disposal sites. Kingston Council’s stormwater management plan has identified run off from some industrial sites as being a threat to the health of Mordialloc Creek and Port Phillip Bay. Thanks to Judy Fields who is undertaking research into Mordialloc Creek water quality reports.

Greenfields Industrial Development

Greenfields Industrial Development is taking place in Dandenong on the site of the former Dandenong and Springvale Sewerage Treatment Plant on the banks of Dandenong Creek. This plant was decommissioned in 1996. Melbourne Water is now undertaking remediation work to rid the site of contaminants. Dioxin was found at the plant in the 1990s causing concern down stream because at that stage Dandenong Creek water fed into Mordialloc Creek and Port Phillip Bay.
SARA LEE CREEK Cr West reported on plans to discuss with Melbourne Water a means of preventing the creek from becoming a barrel drain. Friends of Heatherton Park want the creek revegetated.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th April 2007

Forthcoming Events

A coalition of concerned residents have organized a meeting at Northbrook House, High Street, Malvern, Sunday 6th May. 2.30pm to hear Guest Speaker, – Professor Kevin O’Connor of Melbourne University delivering a lecture on “An Alternative Approach to Melbourne Planning”
Can Melbourne Be Saved? Getting off the carousel of growth madness! Hear Mark O’Connor, Saturday, May 26th, at North Melbourne Library, 66 Errol Street, North Melbourne. 3051. SPA AGM.

Living Links

The Living Links project sponsored by Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority was well attended by MBCL members 20th April. Initial reports were that the seminar was well worth attending. A full report is anticipated at Wednesday’s meeting. The prospect of bike path linkages along Mordialloc Creek and Patterson River to Dandenong Creek is an exciting prospect as part of the aim of linking the ranges to the Bay..

Review of Coast and Creek Booklet and Brochure

Any ideas?? Bring them along and let’s hear them!

Friends of Mordialloc Creek

Friends of Mordialloc Creek held a working bee 14th April while Yammerbook Nature Reserve Friends Group and Aspendale Gardens Primary School took part in Waterwatch training in March. Virginia from DSE checked with EPA and advised that while the black anaerobic dredge spoil from Mordialloc Creek looks and smells unpleasant the environmental impacts are minimal.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th March 2007

Forthcoming Events

State of the Dandenong Catchment Friday 20 April at Hemisphere Conference Centre 488 South Road. Moorabbin. Commences 9.00am. RSVP 12 April. North Aspendale Erosion Control Works Information Evening 3rd April Council’s Cheltenham Office Commences 5.30pm. Contact Rebecca Cohen for Further information Phone 9581 4388.

Dredging the Shipping Channels in Port Phillip Bay

It’s on again, folks! Dredging the Shipping Channels in Port Phillip Bay and dumping contaminated dredge spoil from the Yarra River in the extended dredged material grounds (DMG) off Mordialloc! You can find out more about the impact on the Bay from the complete set of volumes of the EES report in the Council’s offices Brindisi Street, Mentone. The reason for dumping highly toxic dredge spoil material from the Yarra in the Bay is because “it will be too expensive to treat it on land!”

Port of Hastings Land Use

While dredging the shipping channels in Port Phillip Bay is back on the agenda a scheme to resurrect the development of Hastings as a major transport/ shipping hub is also being actively canvassed. According to the summary document it is envisaged that there will be 3,410 truck movements per day when the port is working and 44 train movements per day On the Frankston Line. There is discussion of a third Frankston rail line to cater for this traffic In the meantime it would be advisable not purchase a home anywhere near the Frankston rail line!

Kingston Planning Scheme Amendment C52 Mordialloc Activity Centre

The Panel report has been released and received a favourable response from Council who felt that most of their concerns and wish list had been addressed, There maybe problems however where the Panel felt there could be more flexible height limits in some parts of the study area. The Report now goes to the Minister for Planning for approval.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th February 2007

Forthcoming Events

EDO Native Vegetation & Policy Workshop Saturday 3rd March 10am-4pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. BYO lunch.
Friends Seminar 2007. How to Win Friends & Satisfy People,Saturday,14 April 2007, 9.00am- -4pm The Green Building,60 Leicester Street, Carlton. Lunch will be provided by the Port Phillip And Westernport Catchment Management Authority. Phone 770 0996 for further info.

Francis Charles Rimington

Sincere thanks for the many messages of condolences, flowers & letters on the occasion of Francis Charles Rimington’s recent death. Frank supported MBCL during our meetings and on community days when he was a super salesman selling indigenous plants. He was also part of a Public Involvement Group with Shirley Straker and others who were responsible for planting Banksias at the Dixon Street car park at Parkdale foreshore in the 1980s. Sadly missed.

Coast and Creek Scenic Walks

We have been advised that we are eligible to receive a Melbourne Water Grant to assist with newsletters, advertising and hopefully, revising our brochure and booklet, Coast and Creek, containing Scenic Walks along the foreshore and Mordialloc Creek banks which have been wonderfully revegetated by the Natural Resource Crew and Mordialloc Creek Friends Group. Perhaps our way out of date web site could also be upgraded-who knows?

Kingston Round the Bay Bike Trail

G..Goode organized a meeting of reps. from PPCC,KCEC,MBCL and Beaumaris Conservation Society to meet with Janice Munt to check the state of play now that Parliament has resumed. It seems that Kingston planners and the odd councillor had also been to see the MP and issued threats along the lines of “If the bike path can’t be built where we want it on the cliff tops/dune area we won’t build it at all!” The usual arguments were produced by the council crew such as “It will be too dangerous to build the path alongside Beach Road” similar to the Bayside model and the shared pedestrian bike path in Mordialloc from Rennison Street, Parkdale to Mordialloc Creek which has functioned safely alongside Beach Road since 1984. Council intends to” consult the wider community” about the routé for the bike path despite both KCEC and Janice Munt having conducted surveys which proved convincingly that the community wish to retain the soft walking surfaces on the cliff tops under the trees which provides a sheltered attractive path similar to the Art Trail and walking track in Beaumaris Rod will reply to the Minister for Roads letter which also contains the usual reasons for refusing to consider KCEC options.

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