Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Newsletter – November 2020

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan Update

The 2004 Master Plan was last updated in September 2012. Much of the original upgrading has been completed. In this 2012 version retention of boating and fishing activity on and around the Pompei landing is emphasised. The proposed unit development on the site is not mentioned and will add to a demand for parking. The suggestion is that Attenborough Park be used for boat owner’s parking. An item of concern is the proposal to plant an avenue of Canary Island Palms around the Hazel Pierce Reserve on Beach Road. If anyone is concerned about this please start making enquiries. This was tried once before but the four palms were removed from the site!!

Protection of Westernport Bay

Victorian National Parks Association is appealing for funds for legal and scientific expertise to challenge the weakness of AGL’s claims for a floating gas import facility in the middle of protected wetlands at Crib Point .The entire Westernport Bay is a Ramsar listed wetland. The north arm of the Bay attracts 50,000 waterbirds and this is where AGL is proposing to discharge 47 kilograms of chlorine into the bay each day, if it is not stopped. Even AGL admits that this will exceed safe levels for marine life.

Oysters on the Pier

It seems the experiment to create artificial reefs around Port Phillip Bay to encourage oysters to grow for non-commercial purposes is successful. A recent report mentioned oysters are growing on Mordialloc Pier and on the existing reef to the south of the pier. Will the oysters be affected by the contamination coming out of Mordialloc Creek? Should there be a sign at the mouth of the creek warning the fishermen on the pier not eat the fish or oysters???

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th October 2017

Mordialloc Bypass

Five members of VicRoads attended the October meeting plus two members of the Braeside Park Committee.This commenced at 3pm and was a robust discussion. The 9km stretch of four lane freeway (with provision for two extra lanes later) runs adjacent to the Braeside Park boundary and encroaches on the South West corner of the park before crossing Governor Road and entering the wetlands to an elevated road. There is significant vegetation in this section. Passing in close proximity to the Waterways Residential estate as an elevated roadway will create noise issues requiring sound barriers adding to the visual impact. The elevated road will cross the Mordialloc Creek and passover Aspendale Gardens homes before joining Springvale Road.

The meeting concluded at 4pm. Since then there has been an invitation to walk a section of the route with the VicRoads people at a date still to be decided.

Coast and Creek Booklet

The Coast and Creek booklet has been printed and copies have been placed at the front desk of the Council Chambers with Kingston Council’s approval. It is planned to place some in the Parkdale Library and in some schools if they are interested. There is some concern about the Mornington Peninsula Freeway crossing Mordialloc Creek because of disturbance of acid sulphate soil that will occur during construction work with pollution entering the creek.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th June 2012

Living Kingston 2035

The meetings were well attended by MBCL / KCEC members – much to the chagrin of certain councillors who commented that attendees were mostly environmentalists! It was comforting to hear others expressing the same concerns about inappropriate development in suburban streets and increasing traffic congestion as a result. Encouraging also to have a staff member at our table who was passionate about water sustainability. Kingston has been recognised as being in the vanguard with ground breaking initiatives in that field.

Union of Australian Women

The UAW invited a speaker from The Climate Institute to explain the impact of Australia’s carbon price on sections of the community e.g. low income family, single parent, middle income family, single person, pensioner couple, etc. The case was made that the impact would not be as severe as it is portrayed by some politicians. The Institute is willing to speak to any groups interested to learn more about carbon pricing.

Bay Trail

The Leader has finally printed Stephen’s article based on the FOI report about the unsuitability of the promenade as a section of the Bay Trail. Kingston CEO stated that “the cost to upgrade the entire promenade was far beyond the scope of the council”. Rod’s DVD about the back of kerb favoured route for the Bay Trail is now up on Youtube. We have discovered other supporters of the back of kerb option and hope to liaise with them soon.


Bronwen reports no change in water quality tests. The large brown plume from Mordialloc creek after steady rain recently was clearly visible as it moved, as usual, towards Mentone due to south westerly wind. Sat June 2nd Mordialloc Creek Working Bee was a productive session removing weeds on the north bank near Jack Grut reserve.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Wal reported on the dredging work in the creek. All small boats between the rail and road bridges will have to be moved while dredging is occurring. A 50 by 20 metre concrete slab has been placed in Attenborough Park to provide a stable base for the dredge and trucks removing dredge spoil. It is hoped to finished the work in October when vegetation will be replanted to replace that which has been removed.

Mornington Freeway Extension

This issue has reared its ugly head again after lying dormant for many years. The Resurrection is due to AGRA continually agitating for the freeway believing that it would relieve traffic on Wells Road. Since this road was first mooted by VicRoads in 1985, four residential developments had been built adjacent to the proposed route of the freeway and will therefore be affected by noise and air pollution. Flyovers over Governor Road and Mordialloc Creek will destroy the tranquility of the creek, wetlands and Braeside Park. Submissions can be forwarded to VicRoads until July 13.

The Collins Report

Changes to the draft plans for Yammerbook are currently being considered by the committee before being sent to Melbourne Water. Quotes will then be obtained for paths and viewing platforms.

Floods. SES/MW have developed a partnership in building a community flood response in the Central Region. This includes community education and consultation.

Friends of the Grange AGM July 11th at the Clarinda Centre at 7.30pm. Speaker and showing a DVD of the control burn.

Recent audit of Kingston’s Street Management  by Energy Safe Victoria. ESV  intends to check on all Councils to ensure compliance with regulations.

Bradshaw Park is proposing a name change to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve.

A new Cyclone fence along the railway line is needed. Sharing cost of some will be investigated.

FESW Wetland Plant and Weed ID with Dr. Graeme Lorimer (Biosphere Discovery Centre) discussed role of Phragmites australis’s (Common Reed) role in removing nutrients in the creek and waterways. The reeds are important in preventing bank erosion and providing habitat for ducks and indigenous water rats.

Carrum Foreshore Precinct

MBCL / KCEC were impressed at planting and reveg work after our successful escorted tour of the precinct. However we question the need for a toilet at the northern end when there are toilets nearby at the Life Saving Club. The toilet would be across the road form houses which already suffer from anti-social behaviours especially at night in summer time.

Further Loo Blues

Cr Dundas wants the heritage listed toilet at Mundy Street car park demolished and a unisex disabled persons toilet installed instead. It seems the recently renovated heritage building will remain but the unisex toilets will be installed somewhere along the foreshore at Mordialloc, Mentone and Carrum.

Wind Turbines

The Leader interviewed MBCL secretary re: Kingston’s green energy program. While use of solar panels was praised it was also stated that there might be a role for a single turbine in selected areas. This provoked a heated reaction from a resident which in turn was rebutted by a Mentone resident! (Leader 25 June)


An excellent article on The Age June 9, re: children’s playgrounds. The city reporter claims that children should be able to play in the dirt, ride bikes, build cubby houses and splash around in the creek. That is how children yearns to play according to a unique program that asked young people what kind of outdoor spaces they desire. They want challenging bike paths, lots of hills they could roll down, rocks they could scramble around, places to hide and branches and leaves to build treehouse and cubbies. The ideal place for this type of playground will be the George Woods Reserve wouldn’t it?

Masonic Hall

Necessary repairs have been done. Rear courtyard wall has been demolished for unknown reasons and before the community has been able to view the building.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd May 2012

Bay Trail

Special thanks to Stephen for successfully accessing the confidential FOI report on the bay trail which confirms the independent engineer’s report that the promenade option would be too dangerous, expensive and environmentally damaging to the cliff face for a recreational bike path. Stephen was also successful in putting the bike path DVD on Youtube and sending article re: the bike path to The Leader. Very well done indeed!! Thanks also to Sandringham Bugs whose idea it was for the DVD. A great result.


Nina has written supporting a Wildlife Corridor stretching form Darwin to Adelaide. MBCL sent a sub to Victoria’s Greenfields Mineral Project Development 22nd July. The Committee’s report confirms our fears that mining companies want to ‘fast track’ or remove environmental legislation. Of the 60 submissions received, 30 were in favour of mining, 26 expressed concerns for the environment. Of these only eight were environment or land care groups. MBCL was one of the eight. Fortunately the EDO and EV were well represented. VEAC invited submission for a Marine Investigation possibly because mining could take place in Marine Reserves also. KCEC write to DSE objecting re: Council’s proposal to again plant Canary Island date palms around Hazel Pierce Reserve at a cost of  a quarter of a million dollars.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

A meeting on Lambert Island to discuss the next stage of creek dredging was told that all the wooden boats in the section between the road and rail bridges would have to be removed. A problem for owners because old wooden boats may not survive long periods out of the water. Dredging commences at the Chute Street boat ramp which will be closed. Concern that red gum and banksia saplings were removed from the creek bank in Attenborough Park. Council has fined the contractor and money will go to replanting when dredging ins complete.

Green Wedge

Inga Peulich, MP’s questionnaire invites people to “tell me your views on Kingston Green Wedge.” Unfortunately questions were of the push polling variety. Final copy of the green wedge is now available. Will council adopt the report as is or accept it for consideration? KCEC and other groups have responded to an article in the Moorabbin Leader where a land owner was seeing to increase the value of his land by pressuring Council to have it rezoned out of the green wedge. It is claims that the Bailieu Coalition Government wants Kingston’s green wedge to stay in place!! Can it be??

Melias as Street Trees

Joan presented material from the World Wildlife Foundation describing melias as of Asian Origin – likely to “jump over the garden wall”. Kingston Council is planting melias extensively throughout the city. It is claimed that an “elite” version of melia doesn’t produce the poison berries that they normally do, however the tree will require regular pruning due to the width it will grow. Disappointing that indigenous trees are being overlooked.

The Vision Thing

Council has devised ten topics to shape the future of Kingston and invited residents to attend forums to represent their views. MBCL reps have attended several. Living environment, built environment, free moving and accessibility city and recreational spaces are of interest to MBCL/KCEC members.

The Collins Report

Melbourne water have given in principle support for a revised draft consultant’s plan for Yammerbook. Tony presented a large aerial photo of Yammerbook displaying the lakes and revegetated areas.

Kingston council participated in a Benchmark Survey to assess park users satisfaction with a  range of activities in parks and ranked sixth out of 17 councils surveyed.

An Ecological Control Burn took place in Bradshaw Park on Friday 13th April.

Construction in Namatjiria Park wetlands and storm water harvesting system is scheduled to be completed in early June 2012. 13,000 aquatic plants and water bodies will be the responsibility of Melbourne Water. New seats, bins, new drinking fountains, boardwalks and a new bridge will be installed to span the width of the new wetlands. Council invested $200k in the $5 million project.

Brian asked about the route of a road adjacent to Rowans Woodland.

Penny reported that The Grange now has a camera to record growth of plants.

Carrum Foreshore

During the foreshore tour for KCEC/MBCL members April 17th plans for Carrum foreshore were explained. Need for erosion control was to be addressed with a  high bluestone wall built on the footprint of the Carrum Motor Yacht squadron building. A boardwalk will be built on top of the wall making it quite high. Of concern to residents is the installation of toilets at this point within 11 metres form the nearest house. Toilets will be available in nearby Carrum Lifesaving Club. The Patterson River mouth is a popular drinking spot for young people in summer. Because of the height s of the wall people will be able to see into the windows of nearby houses. This is the same situation to that existing at Gnotuk Avenue, Edithvale where anti-social behaviour makes residents lives miserable in summer.

Pre-election Survey

Suggested that a candidate survey be prepared for the forthcoming council election. MBCL files contained a KCEC survey for an earlier election and may be of some use in preparing the 2012 version. Members could be thinking of useful questions prior to MBCL/KCEC meetings when the final drafts will be discussed.

The Lamington Tree

They are progressing with the MBCL website at present concentrating on current issues. Hopefully historical material will be sorted and added to the site before long. The company is prepared to maintain the site. Bicycle track material will be some of the first information to be added – including the DVD

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 14th March 2012

Three Pieces of Rubbish

Walter reports that Port Phillip Conservation Council supports a scheme whereby people visiting bayside beaches take three pieces of rubbish home in addition to their own rubbish. Walter also reports that Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club is presently going though the EES process. It will be an act of environmental vandalism if that project is approves in a National Estate Registered site. Bayside Conservation Society are concerned at the number of trees to be removed for the back of kerb bike track.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

The pedestrian bridge form Hazel Pierce Reserve to the island is now off the agenda. Unfortunately an avenue of Canary island palms alongside the reserve is still on the agenda. The State Government has given sea scouts on the island $75,000 for repairs of their club house. All good news. Unfortunately the Arboretum in the George Woods is still threatened with a large regional playground. The Arboretum was planted in 1926 and should be retained a s a pleasant quiet space.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th September 2011


Members have once again been busy completing submissions on a variety of issues with more to come. For instance an important response to Kingston’s Draft

Green Wedge Plan Due November 11th. If time permits letters could be sent to the Federal Government re sale of farmland and water rights to foreign owners, letters re damage to farmland and aquifers from coal-seam gas mining and Geelong Environment Council and Friends of Eastern Otways would like support to stop open cut mining on the Anglesea Heathlands.

Incoming a card from Penny who is enjoying a visit to rels in lovely Cornwall.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition AGM

AGM 19TH October at Mordialloc Neighbour House beginning at 7.30pm. Interesting speakers reporting on the draft plans for the Southeast Green Wedge. Submissions due November 11.

Coast Care Forum

Walter gave a report on this forum held at Williamstown in September. An executive body is required to proceed with policies raised by three groups ranging from coastal groups from around the Victorian coastline. Coastal Council Policies will apply.

Dredging of Mordialloc Creek

has come to a halt due to difficulty with polymers which are necessary to bind the toxic sludge before it is consigned to a waste disposal site(rubbish tip) No-one seems to know when dredging will resume. This may hamper boating activity as summer approaches.The most toxic substance is behind Lambert Island where it has settled after years of boat maintenance plus contaminants from upstream.


Bronwen reports on Kingston Council’s withdrawal of funding for Waterwatch claiming that there was no benefit to Council from this program. Presumably they didn’t receive results of tests from Melbourne Water. Melbourne Water is seeking alternative funds for the project. Bronwen and Anne tested 5th September.

Mordialloc Masonic Hall Sale

This building is located in Mordialloc’s Heritage listed zone opposite the heritage listed water tower. Nina thoroughly researched the history and uses of the building and presented her findings to Mordialloc Village Committee who debated the issue with a majority voting in favour of retention of the building for community use. One member voting against retention and another member abstained. Well done, Nina!

Indigenous Vegetation

for our area? Cr Dundas recently passed a resolution to “define indigenous vegetation” in order for a much wider selection of plants indigenous to Australia rather than to this bayside suburb. This so angered a Carrum resident who researched guidelines and found that terms given to indigenous plants cannot be redefined. COMs must work within Guidelines and not speculate what might happen due to climate change – the alleged reason for the wider definition in the councillor’s resolution. Good work, Carrum-ite!


Visualise a 100 year old beech, almost 20 metres high and with a treetop diameter of 12 metres. It’s got 600,000 leaves which convert its base of 120 square metres into 1,200 square metes of leaf surface . This amounts to a total surface area of 15,000 square metres of gaseous exchange , which equals the area of two football fields.! (Nursery & Garden Industry Australia)

Bay Trail 

Bicycle Victoria met with MBCL members to discuss the Bay Trail. BCV are supporting the Bayside section of the trail soon to be completed to Charman Road and expressed amazement, after viewing MBCL maps and material, that Kingston Council weren’t also fully backing a back-of -kerb option. BCV also attended the September Council meeting where the trail route was to be debated. While the former Transport Minister had requested two options to be sent to him for a decision two options had blown out to four thanks to the introduction of the promenade as a costly and dangerous option.Councillor Dundas introduced a fifth option at the 3pm on the day of the council meeting which none of the councillors had seen. None of the other options where put up for debate.Unbelievably five councillors voted in favour of the promenade option even though external engineering advice states that the promenade option would be too dangerous! But Cr West’s amendment was approved five in favour ! The trail is to commence back-of kerb from Charman Road to Mundy Street car park! Bicycle Victoria rep was in the gallery to witness this achievement. Congrats RW!

The Collins Report

Yammerbook More soil testing to assess possible acid sulphate soils.

Fence installed at Chicquita Park.

Beach cleaning, toilet and barbecue cleaning costs $1 million per year. Contract up for tender.

Warm Season Grass Conversions occurring at Keys Road, Dingley, Regent and Southern Roads sports grounds.

Brendan Slee new Foreshore Crew Leader. Brendan was a School Based New Apprentice. Tim Ford is now a Horticulural Supervisor and a new Tree Establishment Supervisor is to be appointed soon. New playground for the Roy Dorr Reserve in Carrum and the Bicentennial Park playground has won an award.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Another victory! 13 Canary Island Palms (listed as an invasive weed in the DSE Advisory List) have been removed from the Draft Master Plan! It is hoped that extending car parking along Beach Road up to the Mordialloc Lifesaving Club has also been removed. This would mean removal of foreshore vegetation -mature indigenous trees. Large regional playground to be located in the established arboretum in George Woods Reserve is still in the Draft Plan.

The draft plan will go out for consultation so there is an opportunity for comment. The controversial bridge from the Hazel Pierce Reserve to Lambert Island is still in the plan. Unfortunately it seems that the Sea Scouts will have a battle to retain their club house on the island.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st June 2011

Cr Peulich Visit

Welcome to Cr Peulich – a ‘getting to know you’ visit to discuss issues of importance to MBCL members. And a welcome to Rod who presented the background to the 1985 battle for the Bay Trail in Sandringham – now likely to be completed back of kerb in conformity with the successful existing sections of the trail through Sandringham, Black Rock and Brighton. Meanwhile Kingston’s section of the trail languishes while futile suggestions, for example using Mentone promenade, are debated rather than adopting Bayside’s back of kerb example.

Foreshore Funding

Weeding the northern section of Kingston foreshore. Penny asks why $300,000 dollars allocated to Cr Dundas for use on the foreshore cannot be used for the NRA team to weed and revegetate the foreshore? Who is responsible for eventual use of this money?

Bay Trail

Judy’s Letter to the local paper referred to the fact that Cr Dundas moved in Council that the back of berb option for the bike track , favoured by MBCL , Bayside council and a majority of residents surveyed, be deleted from the options to be presented to the Transport Minister. Such are the machinations involved in attempting to have a safe, viable bike track built to encourage the community to adopt an alternative form of transport to alleviate climate change.

Trees in the Nature Strip Beach Road

Council is to be congratulated for giving Beach Road the option of having a tree in their nature strip. The furore from residents who didn’t want to lose “their” view or the ability to park on “their” nature strip resulted in four page letters being letter boxed along Beach Road. Stephen provided a lucid and reasoned response.Well done.


Bronwen, Anne and Darren found that phosphate levels had declined this month due to the lower temperature of 11 degrees. The team discussed the idea of testing water quality further upstream e.g. on the Edithvale drain alongside Springvale Road – or at Waterways where water enters the wetlands. Bronwen would be interested in trialing this idea.

Climate Change and Biodiversity Report

Walter reported on the CC&B meeting where population was the topic with a viewing of Dick Smith’s excellent film .Jonathon presented demographic stats showing population growth in Kingston. Walter then handed out 20 copies of Kelvin Thomson’s 14 point plan for a sustainable population for Australia and also recommended a Melbourne University report entitled “Zero Carbon Australia: a Stationery Energy Plan.” This can be purchased for $30 from the university.

The Collins Report

Staff changes include Tim Ford being appointed to the role of Horticulture Supervisor; Glen Firth acting in Tree Establishment Supervisor role.

Yammerbook has received approval from Melbourne Water on two concepts and will now undertake soil testing to assess possible acid-sulfate soils so that extension of the lakes can go ahead. Flora and fauna surveys revealed Wallaby Grass, remnant or emergent.

Chicquita park landscaping work is continuing, Levanto Street fence has been removed and the area will be sprayed and mulched in June in preparation for planting. Sporting grounds and parks are still affected by flooding earlier in the year.

Made a presentation to the Mordialloc Lions Club and hope that they will become involved in Parks activities.Working with Mordialloc Rotary at Parkdale Station.Tony was then questioned about changes to NRA’s foreshore work area e.g the PETER SCULLIN RESERVE which has been removed from the NRA team’s responsibility and now comes under Parks and Landscaping. Nina queried the reason for these changes. Does this mean formalizing the reserve rather than adhering to the long held concept of a natural, open area with indigenous trees and under storey providing shade and shelter? The consultant’s plans show an avenue of Canary Island Palms , an invasive weed species according to the Advisory list of environmental weeds of coastal plains and heathy forest bioregions of Victoria. Canary Island palms were removed from the Hazel Pierce Reserve five years ago. Nina asked why the Banksias had limbs removed and the understorey cleared near the promenade and barbecues. Understorey provides shelter from the prevailing south west wind . This is more important than see- through views.

Fun for the Over Fifties

Organised by KCC, may well have been an attempt by real estate and developer sponsors to lure the over fifties out of their comfortable homes and into the rabbit hutches presently being constructed in Kingston by a certain well known developer. However environment groups were offered a stall to display material so Nina revised the MBCL brochure and replenished our supply. One good thing to come out of the event. Thanks ,Nina.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan raises once again that hoary old chestnut of removing the sea scouts from Lambert’s Island to provide access for the public to yet another restaurant, possibly within, or part of, the motor yacht squad building. Mordialloc Council’s Tract Consultant’s plan 1985 ,also wrestled with the question of how the public was to access the island. Another old saw also re-emerges in the draft master plan where it is stated that the George Woods Reserve is “under utilized” so therefore some structure must fill up the open space – this time it is a large regional playground in the arboretum amongst the mature trees on the pleasant open grassed area. There is ample room on the site of the existing playground for expansion.

Green Wedges

Green Wedges are under threat this time from the Baillieu Government who are reviewing the boundaries and would like to see expansion of schools, churches and wineries and who knows what else, into the wedges. Why are we not surprised?

Blue Wedges

Blue Wedges report that a barrage of sand bags at Portsea hasn’t saved the beach as the ocean swell pounds through the Heads. The “independent” Office of Environmental Monitor is “satisfied that dredging is not the cause of Portsea beach disappearing”It also claims that there is insufficient data to prove that dredging is the cause of the problem. Then that must mean that there is insufficient data to support their claim that the disappearing beach is NOT linked to dredging? Well done, Jenny!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th April 2011

Mordialloc Creek Dredging

A report given by a boat owner committee member at the Mordialloc Village committee gave the impression that dredging may continue beyond the Chute Street boat ramp, however a subsequent meeting at the Mordialloc Motor Yacht Squadron headquarters, attended by two KCC officers, clarified this matter. Dredging will commence behind Lambert Island in July and continue in stages as money becomes available and will not extend beyond the boat ramp at Chute Street. There is a problem in dealing with toxic dredge spoil which will have to be de-watered before disposal to landfill.

South East Green Wedge

South East Green Wedge meeting held at the Dingley International Hotel 7th April was well attended by MBCL and KCEC members.with strong support for retention of green wedge agricultural land for horticulture, market gardens and plant nurseries. Support for the completion of the Chain of Parks to compensate for loss of open space due to high density development surrounding the green wedge. Neighbouring councils lacking adequate sports fields would welcome the development of these facilities to be used co-operatively by other councils. A wildlife corridor with a link to Braeside Park is considered important as is the retention of water filled sand quarries as water retention basins with non-polluted water utilized for recreational activities and/or for irrigation.The quarries have become sanctuaries for wildlife and should be preserved for this purpose. Forests planted for carbon sequestration and as arboretums would add to the appearance of the green wedge.


Bronwen tested Mordialloc Creek water quality at 8am 8th April at the Bowen Road site and found that phosphate levels were still high and that salt readings were also high.

Bay Trail

A meeting with Beaumaris Conservation Society, MBCL and Hon Murray Thompson and Lorraine Wreford was held at Cromer Road, Beaumaris, 12th April to discuss VicRoads and DSE’s approval for a back –of- kerb bike track between Cromer Road and Charman Road. Bayside Council’s reasons for support for the back- of- kerb option are .     1. It is consistent with the majority of the Bay trail in Bayside

  1. It was more secure for families and cyclists
  2. It can be built from low maintenance materials i.e concrete rather than gravel
  3. Lighting is provided by existing Beach Road lights adding to safety.

It is understood that the Minister for Transport, Terry Mulder has advised Kingston Council that he has no problem with the narrowing of Beach Road traffic lanes for a back-of-kerb bike track where there is significant vegetation . The bike track therefore would be consistent with the trail in Bayside in terms of lighting ,safety and maintenance.

The Collins Report

Remnant Wallaby Grass has been found in Yammerbook as a result of a survey by Jeff Yugovich. Consultants have produced two concept sketches for extension of the reserve once soil testing and flora/fauna surveys are completed. Awaiting Melbourne Water approval.

Landscape works have commenced at Chicquita Park following branch removal and weed spraying. Community involvement with planting is planned to begin in May/June.

NRA staffing positions have been filled. New positions in the Parks department include, Hort Supervisor, Admin Officer, Admin Assistant, and AR Crew Leader.

Epson Wetland

A good turnout for a working bee 2nd of April removed large clumps of Flea Bane, 300 grasses and shrubs planted. Jeff Yugovich advises that Epsom Plains Grassland is rarer than Basalt Grassland under threat West of Melbourne.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Draft Plan will be going out for consultation seeking community feedback . (See KYC) Proposals include “enhancing existing parkland, playgrounds and promenades” A large regional playground has been mooted for the arboretum in the George Woods Reserve and two large shelter sheds in the Peter Scullin Reserve.

Active Youth Spaces Strategy

City of Kingston is developing an Active Youth Spaces Strategy focusing on skate, scoot and bmx parks as well as outdoor spaces that help young people enjoy an active lifestyle. This is an admirable aim but thought needs to given to the location of these facilities especially as many sites have environmental significance.

Changes on the Coastline of Port Phillip Bay

A new book by Eric Bird. Ring Phillip Wierzbowski , Coast Action/Coastcare Facilitator for information about availability.

Telephne 9296 4525.

Union of Australian Women

Union of Australian Women meeting of the Southern Branch

Saturday 14th May 2011, 2pm, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Guest Speaker – Pamela Curr, Refugee Advocate. Topic “The Present State of Asylum Seekers and Refugees”

Flooding Issues

Following the recent torrential downpour which threatened the evacuation of Waterways housing estate questions arise about planning policy. Who will be responsible if there is no restriction on building on flood prone land especially if the only restriction is to recommend that the site is filled to raise the buildings thereby creating drainage problems for neighbouring properties.? Some insurance companies are advising foreshore property owners that there will no cover for flood damage. The State Government is offering to buy back flood damaged farms in Northern Victoria to enhance biodiversity and protect floodplain drainage networks.The Floodplain Restoration Project aims to create extra flood storage and reduce the impact of floods on local towns.

Banksia Woodland, Bonbeach

Bonbeach Banksias under threat yet again by residents who mistakenly believe that money can buy a view.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

KCEC meeting 7.30pm 11th May Neighbourhood House Mordialloc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 13th June 2010


Sadly we report the death of Ron Pearson, a long standing member of MBCL and a number of other environment groups including Braeside Park where he was a regular member of the plant propogation group. His vast knowledge of Australian plants was of great assistance to MBCL in encouraging council to introduce indigenous plants in revegetation projects along the foreshore.

Paul Michael Walsh, partner to Johanna van Klaveren, died suddenly 18th June. Paul was a great reader and brilliant with IT in all its manifestations.He will be sadly missed and not only by his work colleagues.

Return of Intrepid Travelers

Three MBCL members were away in May roistering in Scotland and Europe. Your secretary was impressed with the excellent rail transport in Europe where it is possible to board a train in East Berlin and travel at 200 kms per hour to Schipol air port in Holland -and Victoria isn’t any closer to having a rail line to Tullamarine. Bicycle paths are well used in car free streets with three year olds confidently riding two wheelers alongside their parents. No tower blocks in the heart of the old cities – heritage buildings are jealously preserved.

Climate Change Forum

April 18th was successful with three interesting speakers. Phillip Wierzbowski, from Coast Care Coast Action spoke about pressures on the coast at a time of climate change, Ray Lewis, Care Rickett’s Point spoke, also Lee Halkias , Kingston’s Foreshore Coordinator outlined the NRA teams work and the help which volunteers can give.

Mordialloc Creek Draft Master Plan

The draft master plan for Mordialloc Creek has been released and contains many spelling errors as well as regurgitating discredited plans from previous studies e.g. replacing Canary Island Palms in the Hazel Pierce Reserve after council removed palms a decade ago! Boat owners and users would rather see money spent on maintenance of collapsing walls and mooring posts. Creek also requires dredging urgently. Unnecessary removal of a playground in George Woods Reserve and replacing it with a larger one in the Arboretum is concerning and unnecessary.

Bay Trail

The Mayor Steve Staikos has spoken to the Minister for Roads, Tim Pallas, who will consider three options for the bike track- one along the existing promenade, the cliff top option and MBCL preferred option, back of kerb.Beaumaris Conservation Society has forwarded their preferred option to Minister Pallas also. This involved narrowing lanes in Beach Road between Cromer Road and Charman Road.

VCAT Hearing

VCAT HEARING re 9 Bear Street 4th June. Johanna, Nina and Joanne, outlined the flaws in this poorly, designed unit development at the corner of Bear and Albert Street, Mordialloc. Traffic congestion will occur since the sole entry/ exit point for vehicles is onto busy Albert Street.

Proposed development of the timber yards with 96 units plus shops in Albert Street /Park Street will add to traffic congestion. Concern that Heritage documents are now not kept at the library making it difficult when they could be used in the preparation of VCAT Hearings.Suggest MBCL contact Heritage experts (June Horner?) for advice.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Future aims of KCEC were discussed. KCEC could be a “talking post’ keeping members in the loop if immediate action was required and inform members about planting days. KCEC could   organizine speakers when relevant and check with Bayside Council about their proposal to establish and eco-centre.

Dingley Overpass

Dingley Arterial to go ahead through part of the Coomora Reserve. Cr West moved in council that traffic be moved onto Heatherton Road to save market gardens. The extension of Mornington Freeway is being constructed through the Flora and Fauna Reserve.

Working Bee at Epsom Estate

Nina believes that constant changes in council NRA staff means that a working relationship has not been built up on the Epsom Estate to interest residents in protecting the 4 hectares of Herb-rich Grassy Wetland saved from the original 11 hectares prior to destruction by developers.

Bradshaw Park Bushland

Since the new, low, open fence was installed early February 2010 litter is blowing into the reserve and walkers with/without dogs clamber over and under the fence and trample the vegetation. Many walkers don’t bother to use access points as was predicted. Working bee on 15th June.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Planting bee near the northern lake edge 10 April 2010. The interpretive sign which Nina researched and contributed to seems to be on hold.

St Nicholas Church Mordialloc

St Nicholas Church Mordialloc is undergoing changes with a new entry on Barkly Street frontage, and extension at rear for a new hall. Historic architecture such as window arches may be demolished. Some internal features have gone. This is where a firm heritage policy would be helpful.

Mordialloc Creek Low Water Low Water Flow

Boat hire business is unable to launch boats unless it is high tide. This is due partly to a build up of silt and lack of dredging. Staff at the ETP claim that the weir at Pillar’s Crossing is open and allows 200 megalitres per day to flow into the creek. Question is this enough? How much flows down Patterson River to keep the National Water Centre afloat? How much is absorbed ,or is evaporated in Waterways Wetlands? Lack of rain means little water flows in through Heatherton and Settlement drains. Rather than beautification of the creeks the boat owners/users want money spent on dredging and improving water quality in the creek.

Kingston Green Wedge Memorandum of Understanding is Available for Comment

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd December 2009

Happy New Year To All

Trust that a wonderful break has been enjoyed and all are refreshed ready for an eventful year ahead with an election pending.A review of the Planning & Environment Act will have serious repercussions for local government and the community’s protection of residential and environment amenity so be prepared for action!

On a brighter note , congratulations to Brian on his marriage to Pat . MBCL members were honored to be invited guests to a charming wedding and reception.

A speedy recovery to Pat Millsom who is having a spell in hospital.


Correspondence has been received from Tom Whitfield on Carbon Trading , Sustainabilty and Fuel Reduction. Letter to Robert Doyle from W.Grahame. Minutes of Friends of Bradshaw Park and Friends of Kingston Heath Reserve..

Forthcoming Event

Friends of Mordialloc Catchment and Friends of Kingston Heath will combine for Plant Propagation at Bonbeach Depot Nursery Saturday 6th February 10.00am – Mobile 0438 354 491


Prime Minister Rudd’s acceptance of a population for Australia of 35 million is finally being subjected to scrutiny in the media. The Federal Labor Member Wills, Kelvin Thomson, has a 14 point plan to stabilize Australia’s population at 74 million with the refugee intake at 20,000 per annum an increase from the present approx 13,700. He suggested that letters be sent to three politicians from each of the three parties and include his 14 point plan. As he says it will make it virtually impossible to reduce greenhouse emissions if the population increases.

The ageing population argument used by Rudd to justify increasing the migrant intake can also be dismissed as migrants will also age.


Waterwatch is continuing this year with another member, Bronwen, volunteering for training. Brian undertook an investigation of the Yammerbook lakes site where lack of plant growth had been noted on the water and soil areas close to the water’s edge.Testing for water pH and acid sulphate soil.revealed quite alkaline results and acidity in bare sandy soil 3-4 metres from the water. Results have been passed on to Tony Collins. An excellent piece of scientific investigation! Tony reported that council is looking at plans to extend Yammerbook wetlands.

Wal congratulated Tony on the extension of the wetlands at Epsom residential estate.

Foreshore Encroachments

Foreshore encroachments at North Aspendale are a continuing problem as residents extend their gardens and infrastructure onto the dune system. Trail bikes are becoming a problem on shared paths particularly along the creek banks and Long Beach Trail. Council is considering installing gates where possible on shared tracks. Meanwhile ring the police if offenders are seen.

Namatjira Park wetlands are being reorganized.

Coast Care Coast Action

A decision will need to be made if the forum proposed for March is to go ahead as it will need to be advertised well in advance. It would be helpful if the State Government’s report on the impact of climate change on Port Phillip Bay and associated development was released. However recent scientific studies of melting ice shelves in the Arctic and Antarctic suggest that sea level rise is inevitable.

Woodlands Wetlands

Nina and Brian report that the three lakes are in need of attention because of weed growth, introduction of carp into the lakes and bow and arrow hunting of rabbits to name some of the nefarious activities occurring in and around the wetlands. Letters have been sent to Melbourne Water CEO alerting him to this matter.

Mordialloc Creek and Environs Master Plans

are underway and for once it seems that council is prepared to accept suggestions from the community before plans are presented fait accompli! A Munir Vahanvati ,Urban Designer at Kingston Council is the person to whom ideas could be addressed. Unfortunately the old chestnut, like a bridge over the creek to the island from Hazel Pierce Reserve, is likely to be on the agenda once again. Apart from restricting passage of water craft, access to the island would result in continued vandalism of moored boats. Also important to stress the impact of climate change and sea level rise in case there are plans to increase infrastructure around the creek environs.

Bay Trail

Cr West organized a meeting with Bayside and Kingston Mayors, Bayside Conservation Society and MBCL reps to discuss a workable coordinated plan for the completion of Bayside’s section of the track and connection with the Kingston stretch at Charman Road. Despite all present being drenched in a cloud burst positive ideas emerged.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

Issues to be discussed will include Statement of purpose, constitution, fees, Friends Groups involvement,

Initially will meet after MBCL meeting but depending on the issue and/or interest of other groups may meet at another venue. Will KCEC make the running with the Coast Care Coast Action forum for example?

Business as Usual?

while making a minimum reduction of 5% in greenhouse emissions. Authors who have addressed this issue are David Spratt , Climate Code Red : the case for emergency action. He states that ‘politics as usual’ and ‘business as usual’ is incompatible with how much we can ‘safely’ emit.

Tony Kevin is author of Crunch time in which he claims that ‘our political elites refuse to make rational policy connections between the economy and the natural environment …. Instead disruptive global warming has now been rolled into a policy siding as the national policy train roars on in desperate pursuit of revived economic prosperity.” And our Planning Minister, Justin Madden, would like to remove the ‘environment’ from the Planning and Environment Act in the current review!!! Please find time to make a submission due February 12th.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.