Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd December 2008

Happy New Year to All

Trust that everyone has had a restful break and ready to once again face the challenges which I am sure await us. We can perhaps hope that with a new council operating in a different format there will be more consideration given to environmental issues. Congratulations to Cr West on a successful election result, welcome back to Trevor in the South Ward but sadly former Cr Alabaster missed out in the North Ward. His wisdom, experience and support for community values will be missed.

Crown Land Review

Land on both sides of Mordialloc Creek from the mouth to Wells Road bridge is Crown Land. The State Government is conducting a review of Metroploitan Crown Land to identify uses, resources, conditions, values and management. Submissions are due February 16. There is no need for specific detail at this stage but it is important to include any points it is felt are significant – in our case what we consider appropriate for the Pompei site all of which is Crown Land. Under Mordialloc Structure plan it is proposed to permit a four storey unit development, as well as restaurant right on the bank of the creek where Jack’s small sheds are situated. Kingston Council has been given a $250, 000 grant to employ a consultant aimed at devising a plan for the area. Such a plan would over ride the structure plan according to our local politician. Ideally the area should be retained for small boat building, and facilities for repair and maintenance for boat owners. Although plans are available of the Crown Land it becomes rather complex because of the number of leaseholders in the area. Further research is required.

Exxon Mobil

Dec 13 2008 the anchor of a vessel cut through the Exxon Mobil pipeline during a storm in Port Phillip Bay. The pipeline carries ethane from Hastings To Altona with the pipeline crossing Mordialloc beach to enter the Bay. June 17 1972 3000 people rallied on the beach to protest the pipeline fearing its installation might set a precedent for future oil pipelines. An attempt had been made in 1971 for four more pipelines to cross the bed of Port Phillip Bay-disallowed by the Hamer Government.

Mordialloc Creek Waterwatch

Brian and Judy undertook the January testing of water quality in the creek . They reported that water level was very low due to lack of rain thus no stormwater.flowing into creek from major drains. Nina reported that at a meeting of AGRA Melbourne Water gave a progress report on the proposed wetlands on industrial land above Wells Road bridge. NRA staff are concerned at possible loss of indigenous vegetation when work commences on the wetlands. Melbourne Water has no notice of motorized watercraft likely to cruise upstream of Wells Road bridge when the wetlands are completed.Friends of Edithvale Seaford Wetlands are opposed to a policy allowing motorized boats upstream o „fthe bridge.

George Woods Reserve Landscaping

Nina reports that NRA are planning to install a tank in the aboretum near the railway bridge in the park to water plants.The shared path from the rail line to the footbridge over the creek is to be realigned to prevent people taking a short cut across the grassed area leading to erosion and compaction of soil around tree roots.

Mordialloc Foreshore

Pleasing to note how well vegetation in the pig pens south of the lifesaving club is growing despite the drought. The pig pens should be retained to prevent people creating goat tracks through the dunes. Banksias and casuarinas near the playground in the Peter Scullin Reserve are doing well but those near the pier are struggling due to lack of understorey protection from gales.Pleasing to note also that two mature casuarinas opposite The Bay, vandalized after the Peter Scullin Reserve massacre, have been replaced as required by DSE policy.

Channel Deepening

Blue Wedges research has found that overseas shipping companies now believe that smaller ships are cheaper to run than large vessels. A teaching fellow at ANU College of Law , who worked for Freehills during the 2004 Panel Hearing into channel deepening, is investigating concepts of environmental justice within Australian environmental law and using the channel deepening project as a case study. Brad will attend the MBCL meeting Feb 4th.

Bay Trail

Cr Dundas met with MBCL members to inspect the proposed bike path location on the verge of Beach Road, plus a quick visit to Mordialloc Creek. Following the inspection of the bike route Stephen produced some interesting stats concerning car parking.

Beaumaris Conservation Society

Beaumaris Conservation Society met with former pollie, Evan Thornley and Vic Roads to discuss the Beaumaris section of the Bay Trail between Charman and Cromer Roads. Outcome uncertain. VicRoads is planning to convert this section of Beach Road to four lanes. Why?

VCAT Decision RE NQR / Supreme Court Summons

VCAT has approved the development of the NQR site with minor external alterations to the upper levels of units. No change to the only entry/exit point to the development into Epsom Road. The day after the arrival of the VCAT decision two large folders appeared on the doorstep with a summons for MBCL and Ors to appear at the Supreme Court. Kingston Council is taking Alex Fraser and his concrete crusher to court. The EDO is appearing for MBCL and Ors.

Blasts from the Past

Peter Scullin and Dr Michael Buxton, former City of Mordialloc Mayors and councillors – and former members of MBCL, attended Jack Pompei’s funeral and wake – and were astonished to learn that MBCL was still tottering along -after 40 years!

Jim Kerin, organizer of Southern Community Radio, conducted a 30 minute interview after the funeral with MBCL secretary re the group’s involvement with Jack Pompei ,and some of the issues concerning the creek. The highly polluted condition of the creek around 1975-1994 was the main problem during that period.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Nina reports that the Friends group and Kingston council are still negotiating over the wording of an interpretive sign to be erected in the Reserve. The sign will include information about the Bunurong and Jimmy Dunbar, last of his Aboriginal tribe in this area.

Bradshaw Park

Friends are alarmed about illegal advertising signs place on the park’s fence and would appreciate people reporting any more sightings to Council.

Esso/Exxon Mobil Pipeline Saga

In 1969 Mr Warlow, Esso’s chief pipeline engineering lobbyist,addressed Mordialloc Council informing them that the pipeline would not cause inconvenience except that the city would be unable to build or plant trees within the 50 foot/feasement which traverses the full length of Crown Land/creek reserve -including the Pompei site!

Just a thought With the Hasting Westernport container port development likely to go ahead, will there be pressure again for pipelines crossing the Bay?

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd September 2008

Reports Received

Kingston Cycling & Walking Plan 2009-2013 (plus Kingston’s Leisure Planners comments on MBCL and Johanna’s subs!) Standing Committee’s on Finance & Public Administration into Port Phillip Bay Channel Deepening. Select Committee of the Legislative Council on Public Land Development. The Labor Government’s inquiry into management and disposal of public open space. (Kew Cottages, Chiquita Park and Green Wedges referred to.) Climate change and infrastructure – Planning ahead is available form DSE or on the web. Changes to Native Vegetation Provisions in Planning Schemes. New provisions and exemptions came into effect 15 September 2008. Copies may be obtained from Dep. Planning & Community Development.

Forthcoming Meetings

VLGA Annual General Meeting to be held 2 October in the Ground Floor Meeting Room, 60L Green Building, 60 Leicester St. Carlton. Topic for discussion:- Strengthening Community Organisations: Why it Matters Locally.   7.00pm.

Tony Collins, Kingston Parks & Urban Design has agreed to attend our November meeting. He will be most welcome.

Cycling & Walking Plan

According to the report the proposed cycle path will be located on the south levee bank of Mordialloc Creek as far as Bowen Road. Interesting to read the comments from submitters on the shared cycle/walking plan – neither cyclists nor pedestrians are in favour of a shared path because of the possibility of accidents arising from speeding cyclists and/or meandering pedestrians.


Mordialloc Creek water quality monitoring at the Bowen Road site continues with Brian and Nina’s return from the UK. They report that salinity was low although the water was quite turbid possibly due to rain.Would it be interesting to look at tide levels to check that influence on water quality or salinity? Melanie is keen to record bird sightings.Testing is now to take place on the second Wednesday of the month rather than the first because of the MBCL meeting in the afternoon.

Bay to Rail Station Forecourt and Centreway Mordialloc

The official opening of the station forecourt occurred September. Unfortunately there is already evidence of graffitti on the slats of the seat under the Canary Island palm. Nina has suggested additional bike racks at the southern entrance to Centreway. We have suggested a continuation of bike racks at the station. The spiky back rest of the slatted seats is not popular with everyone and could indeed be dangerous.

Secondhand Site in Albert Street

Secondhand Site in Albert Street is being cleared. Is this to be the next four storey ( or more) in Mordialloc as per the Mordialloc Structure Plan?

530 Main Street Mordialloc

The VCAT Hearing for the NQR site development is listed for 20 November. At present there is a VCAT Hearing for the Le Gym site in Mentone – another Pace development with similar problems to the Mordialloc site. E.g insufficient underground parking ,potential horrific traffic problems because of the rail crossing and busy Balcombe Road. The four storey development includes 39 units, a hotel and an Aldi supermarket.

NQR has opened a shop in Chelsea but is not leaving the Mordialloc store as soon as originally intended. There will need to be a meeting of the objectors prior to the VCAT Hearing.

Mordialloc Creek Dredging

All quiet at the moment. No leaks possibly due to the forthcoming council elections.

Kingston Foreshore Reference Group

The committee members met expecting to be part of a review of the Terms of Reference. However it seemed that the hidden agenda was to dispense with the group despite the good work undertaken in the three years of its existence and the ongoing work required- for instance the matter of climate change and sea level rise. The CEO certainly expressed his view that there will need to be community involvement in planning for the impact of climate change on the foreshore houses and infrastructure. Despite this it seemed that some members wanted to go off and do their own thing on the foreshore – without too many pesky greenies checking them out! Any mention of planting trees on the foreshore gives these people a severe case of apoplexy!

Climate Change References

Two further items well worth reading are Now or never: A sustainable Future for Australia? by Tim Flannery in Quarterly Essay and Blue Covenant – The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. by Maud Barlow.

Kingston’s Non Urban Area

The recently reported methane gas hazard at Cranbourne should give pause for thought given proposed plans to build warehouses and factories over filled sand quarries in Kingston’s northern section of the green wedge. Plans also included a residential estate.

Desalination Plant at Wonthaggi

Another excellent article in the Age 25 September highlighting the flawed water projections carried out by DSE .Their water projections were based on three drought years from 2004 to 2006 whereas it is claimed that statistical analysis over at least 10 years is necessary to get an accurate picture of rainfall and the need to spend $4 billion on a desal plant and a north south pipeline. Of concern also is the sale of the plant to a foreign company leading to privatization of our water supply.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

A very pleasant Saturday morning 6th September was spent at the Reserve weeding and planting in enjoyable company. Vegetation on the western boundary of the Reserve is now quite noticeable. Work on the northern bank of Mordialloc Creek has been rewarded with an abundance of trees and bird life. A number of those present expressed their delight with the creek environs as a relief from the built environment.

Office Equipment Grant?

Federal Member for Isaacs advises that grant funds are available to community groups for office equipment etc. Any Suggestions?

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th August 2008

Forthcoming Events

Annual Open Day Yammerbook 6th September 10am – 1.00pm. Planting, indigenous Plant Display, Water Watch Exhibition BBQ/Represhments.

2008 Port Phillip & Westernport Landcare Awards & Celebration 6th September (9.30am registration @ Zinc Federation Square. Environment Victoria Annual General meeting

September 24, 6.00pm – 8.00pm at the Green Building, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton

Growing the Foreshore’s Future Project Wednesday 3rd September 7pm Kit Collection

Seminar Working with Children Check – what this means for you / The 2008 Best Friend Awards. September 13 10am – 2 pm. Green Building 60 Leicester St, Carlton. Book with

Maelor Himbury at 9374 1902. The Union of Australian Women . The Centenary of Women’s Suffrage Saturady 18 October 10.30am to 4.30pm @ Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Speakers are- Janice Munt, MP, Morag Loh -Writer, Historian, Tracee Hutchison – Journalist. Beth Wilson- Health Commissioner and Jan Cooper – Poet performer.

RSVP 29 September to Mairi 9587 8757 or Amy 9547 6167. Donation $5.

The Environment Defenders Office isprepared to organize training for community and environment groups to improve the ability of individuals and community based conservation groups to be able to represent themselves in matters before VCAT.

Kingston’s Coastal Management Plan

We were advised to speak to Gavin Jennings, Minister for the Environment, whose electorate now includes Mordialloc re Kingston’s Draft Coastal Management Plan failure to plant any trees on the foreshore north of Harding Avenue, Bonbeach. This is clearly in breach of Kingston ’s Biodiversity Strategy.

The Plan also seeks to remove coast wattle from the foreshore especially along Beach Road north of Mordialloc Creek . it is claimed that the coast wattle is taking over at the expense of other species. In fact it is sturdy enough to survive drought conditions and shelters other plants.

Desalination Plan Wonthaggi

Margaret and Walter provided interesting information concerning the constructon of the plant before the Environment Effects Statement is complete. There followed heated debate about the value of EESs if the Government does not take harmful environmental conditions into consideration during major construction projects.Land was acquired before the completion of the EES. Dredging of the Powlett River is occurring. Land   around the river is flood prone. Pylons will carry electricity across farm lands to provide energy for the desal plant. The Government is suiing the resident group.Your water- Your say because of their objections to the project when other less expensive alternatives are available.

Waterwatch Report

Judy reported on the 6th August sampling of creek water at Bowen’s Road. Melanie was on hand to once again assist the new chums with the process. Phosphoros levels were lower than the previous month when there had been heavy rain-

other levels were satisfactory. Brian has indicated that he may undertake training and join the testing team.

Mentone Heritage

Cr West explained that some heritage buildings in Mentone shopping precinct are protected including the quaint little real state building near Kilbreda. The Bakery building is also protected. Unfortunately 4 storey development will be permitted in the shopping strip with the fourth storey set back leaving two storeys in the front.

Kingston’s Non Urban Area

Kingston’s non-urban area of the green wedge came before Council 25th August and approval was given to re-zone the land for employment and industrial zones. This change, if approved by the Minister, may also include concrete crushers which is vehemently opposed by local residents. Instead of the quarry being filled and covered for buildings, the quarries would provide valuable retarding basins in which to store water. Market gardeners are already drawing water from this source.

Marina Beaumaris Bay

Environmentalists have condemned a mega-marina in the Bay saying that it would change the face of Beaumaris. The Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club squadron has an ambitious $21 million concept plan to create a 116 berth safe harbour. It would incorporate a three level 108 boat dry stacking area, a double storey car park and a new club house.Beaumaris Conservation Society spokesperson claimed that the expansion would ruin the charm of the beautiful locale. “It is an important area for its natural features; this would make it look like an industrial area and degrade it for the community. The development would change the face of Beaumaris including its much loved famous seascape and shoreline painted by the Heidelberg school of painters. There is also likely to be serious intrusion upon the internationally significant fossil site”.Certainly the view from Mordialloc, looking across the Bay to the red Beaumaris cliffs, will be lost due to being covered by the 108 dry dock boat stacks at the eastern end of the proposed development.

Climate Change

David Spratt and Philip Sutton have produced a book dealing with climate change. Climate code red –the case for emergency action. .Quoting an impressive list of authorities Spratt believes that the Rudd Government must aim for a two degree rise in temperature – not a three degree rise which will be insufficient to prevent disastrous consequences world wide.Even a two –to-three degree increase would produce a planet without Arctic sea ice, a catastrophic sea level rise, super droughts America, southern Europe, the Middle east and parts of Africa – and Australia. Spratt asks why has the labor government and the ACF have been so quiet? Is the truth too hard for political parties/ and or the general public to bear?

NQR Development

The VCAT Hearing for this development will be 20th November.

VicRoads hasn’t approved an entry only from the service road in Main Street on the somewhat dubious grounds that customers would have to travel too far along the service road until they reached the Aldi supermarket. The developer has withdrawn all the minor concessions he offered to the residents when he found that they weren’t happy with his, as per usual, over development of the site.There will only be one entry/exit point to the development- into Epsom Road.In the meantime the pedestrian safety fence at the roundabout has been demolished for the sixth time and a sign on the grassed are on the western side of the roundabout has been flattened!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 9th July 2008

As the Year Closes

Thanks are sincerely offered once gain to that gallant band of MBCL members with whom time has been properly spent volunteering in a diverse range of parks, reserves, foreshore and creek frontages. The results can now be seen in this little world, this demi-paradise,as the trees and plants reach maturity thanks to the happy few, the band of brothers (and sisters) who have done the state some service, thanks to their dedication. (Apologies to Shakespeare)

Forthcoming Events

Melbourne Water publication Creek Connections lists a number of & workshop opportunites throughout August, September and October. Of interest are the Waterwatch Training workshops available. Now that MBCL has commenced monthly water quality monitoring others may like to join the Waterwatch training course.

The Environment Defenders Office is offering VCAT Planning & Environment Appeals training for community & environment groups. The workshop format would consist oprogram presented by EDO lawyers with a maximum of 15 to 20 participants.

Mark Dreyfus, Fed. Member for Isaacs, has forwarded copies of the Climate Change & Environment Budget Overviews for 2008-09. Grants are being offered to community projects in six areas of national priority for the Caring for our Country program. Any suggestions?

An invitation has arrived for the 2008 Port Phillip & Westernport Landcare Awards & Celebration Saturday September 6th, 9.30am ZINC Federation Square Melway Ref 1B,Q11.

Please RSVP to the PPWCMA by August 29.

Waterwatch Program

Judy presented a report on the 2nd July Mordialloc Creek water quality monitoring program. Present were Melanie, Waterwatch, Brian Earl, Judy and Mary. All tests except phosphorus were normal. Uncertain why the reading for P was so high. There had been heavy rainfall and high wind so that the water in the Mordialloc Main Drain was actually flowing up stream beyond the testing point. Thus P from Dunlops Drain, which flows into the creek below the testing point, may have travelled upstream on a high tide.Next test due 6th August.

Bowen Road

Bown Road construction has commenced. This road will connect Waterways residential estate with Wells Road and Governor Road. It should also provide a connection for a bike path to be constructed on the south levee bank of the creek thereby enabling cyclists to ride off road from Mordialloc to Braeside Park through Waterways.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Official opening 5th July,2008. Aboriginal heritage and custody of the land was recognized with acknowledgement that Yammerbook was the Aboriginal name of Jimmy Dunbar, the last full-blooded male of the Bunurong people. Nina, who was instrumental in researching the history and naming of the Melbourne Water land, spoke at the official opening. Steve Compton, a member of the Bunurong Land Council in attendance, suggested that Yammerbook may have been buried at Attenborough Park- making this park a rather special place.

Concrete Crusher Panel Hearing

Brian gave a report on the Panel Hearing into Alec Fraser’s second attempt to site a concrete crusher in Kingston’s green wedge on Kingston Road, Clarinda.While the panel’s report hasn’t been released as yet , Kingston Council, 29th July, approved the re-zoning of the northern section of the Green Wedge to allow for future waste recycling and industrial activities in the area if Government approval is given for the re-zoning

Tradewinds Lane, Carrum

The Ward councillor sought to have this little floodway park rezoned so that part of it could be sold for housing thereby providing funds to provide a library in Carrum. However residents objected strongly since the park is used by residents and as a walkway for students to Patterson River College. Fortunately the move was defeated in Council.The park remains, with the CEO recommending that funds for the library be sourced elsewhere.

Cycling and Walking Track

Wal prepared a plan for a bike track along the south levee bank of Mordialloc Creek connecting to Braeside Park and eventually over Springvale Road to link up with the Dandenong/Patterson River trail.

Your Water Your Say

Wal gave a detailed report on the problems with the desalination plant at Wonthaggi. There are underground mining shafts containing methane under the site. Will there be an explosion? There is black coal under the proposed plant.The plant may last only 20 years because of corrosion caused by salt. Pipes and pylons will traverse farming property and the lovely Strezlecki Ranges

Screens on Mordialloc Foreshore

Screens were to be erected on Mordialloc foreshore at the spot where trees were vandalised in January.The screens have yet to appear. It seems that certain councillors are still reluctant to approve anything which they think may block residents view of the beach. The same councillors are still opposed to trees growing taller than two metres being planted on the foreshore for the same reason, so no trees will be planted north of Harding Avenue, Bonbeach This area was, pre-European settlement, a Banksia woodland. Fortunately there is a regenerating Banksia woodland north of Patterson River as far north as Harding Avenue.A Kingston Coastal Management report is to be released during August for public comment until September. Do try to get a copy and respond if you are concerned at the approach being taken towards Kingston council’s foreshore management in contrast to the neighbouring councils of Bayside and Frankston.

530-540 Main Street, Mordialloc

After five meetings about the proposed Aldi supermarket, shops and units the developer is going to VCAT. The main issue is the fact there is only one entry/exit point into Epsom Road thereby causing traffic problems for residents.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th June 2008

Forthcoming Events

Naming ceremony for Yammerbook will be held Saturday morning July 5th. Sonia Murray, Bunurong Land Council has congratulated Nina on her efforts and will provide BLC people to do a welcoming ceremony. Crs Nixon, Ronke & Petchey plan to attend. It would be good to attend to give Nina support and credit where credit is due.Incidentally it was the former Kingston councillor, Johanna van Klaveren, who initiated moves to restore a piece of degraded Melbourne Water land.

Cr Rosemary West will be speaking at the UAW (Union of Australian Women) meeting Saturday 21st June 2pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Topic: Green Wedge issues. $5 and Afternoon Tea.

Westwood Ho

For Penny, Nina and Brian who are jetting off to the UK and the EU for two months. We wish them well as they visit family and friends or explore new territory.

MBCL Web Site

The last attempt at informing members of the web site was a dismal failure. After consultation with the Web Mistress here is another attempt vvww, 1 Good Luck!

Channel Deepening

Most people will now be aware that dredging the Yarra River has commenced and that toxic contaminants are being dumped in the bund in the Bay. POMC claims that environment guidelines are being met, however the impact contaminants on marine life & humans may not emerge until some years down the track. Remember asbestos ? It is reported that many people are yet to fall ill from asbestos disease. (Age 13 June)


At last! MBCL volunteers have been introduced to the mysteries of water quality testing. Melanie met with the team June 11 to test Mordialloc Creek water near Bowen Road. Unable to do two tests because of incorrect equipment but found dissolved oxygen excellent and PL normal.

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Secrecy surrounds plans to dredge the creek to provide watercraft access upstream from the railway bridge. NRA team is as much in the dark as MBCL despite our long term involvement with the creek and environs. While Living Links work on the south bank of the creek is supported removal of the small island refuge opposite the Chute Street       boat ramp will impact on abundant wildlife habitat.Pink survey markers have been observed along both sides of the creek between Wells Road bridge and the pedestrian bridge near Chute Street. Consultant to cost $80,000 according to the Independent paper.

Tree Removal George Woods Reserve

A sheoak growing out of a eucalypt was reported at our last meeting. Examination by a tree audit firm recommended that the tree should be cut down. It is Council policy to undertake an annual audit of trees to determine their health however it is concerning that aborists seem so often to recommend removal of what appear to be healthy trees e.g Monterey Cypress in Attenborough Park and on the Pompei site.We recommend that a Red Gum be planted to replace the Tasmanian Eucalypt promptly.

Deceased Eeels

Reported sighting of 15 dead eels in Heatherton Drain between Doug Denyer and Kevin Hayes Reserves . Their deaths may be due to pollution but the EPA newsletter reports hundreds of eel deaths in rivers and the Bay 2007/2008.

Leisure Cycling Walking Plan for Kingston

Draft policy out for comment reveal that priority is being given yet again to a shared cycle walking track despite the fact that our surveys for the Bay Trail clearly showed that pedestrians didn’t want to have to compete with cyclists on a shared track. Federal and State Governments are encouraging cycling for public health, environmental and economic reasons therefore we believe that council should be concentrating on providing safe commuter routes throughout the city to connect with public transport wherever possible.Johanna’s submission provides an excellent coverage of the issue. It can be found on MBCL web site. Walter has walked the proposed Mordialloc Creek south levee bank bike trail and submitted a plan of the route to Council.Very much appreciated, WG!

530 Main Street, Mordialloc – The NQR (Pace) Site

There have been four meetings about the over development of this site. Traffic is a major issue with 1250 per day extra vehicles generated in an already heavily trafficked area as a result of the Aldi store. Council Planner and Ward councillor attended the meeting.Objectors felt that engaging an independent traffic consultant rather the council traffic person or the developer’s paid consultant would be important and requested that this be done.

Parks Report

Working bee found a frog at the Grange. Correction! A camera was not placed IN the possum’s nest but on a pole outside.A family and two new members have joined the Grange.

Mentone Station Friends Group won a Commendation from Keeping Australia Beautiful for their work on the station garden.

Nina presented a copy of an information sheet to be used on a notice board at Yammerbook.

9 Banksias have been poisoned on Bonbeach foreshore. A large sign is to be placed at the site of the vandalism. Signs are also to be placed on Mordialloc foreshore near the lifesaving club scene of 21 vandalised trees Christmas 2007.

Meetings Attended

Wal found the guided tour of the Eastern Treatment Plant 15th June informative. MBCL rep. attended the Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Public Administration 5th June. Fascinating to find that the Victorian farmers Federation Rep Simon Ramsay and CEO of Horticultural Exporters complaining bitterly about the costs and levees which POMC demand of even small exporters. VFF exporters are affected by the drought and the horticultural exporter only has small volumes to export and claims that “bigger ships will be of no benefit to their organization” Stephen Bradford looked embarrassed and said he would see if ‘something could be arranged’! The Commttees report will be available in Hansard.

Elections Coming Up

Council elections due in November will be very different this year with only three wards but nine councillors – three in each ward. It would be great to find people who understood the implications of climate change on coastal communities and were prepared to stand.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th May 2008


Submissions have been sent to Kingston Draft Cycling & Walking Plan March 2008, Land & Biodiversity White Paper, New Residential Zones for Victoria.

Forthcoming Events

Saturday June 7th at Chelsea Pier an Sunday 22nd June Bonbeach foreshore for Growing the Foreshore’s Future Planting Days. Planning for growth: New Residential Zones and you. Notting Hill Neighbourhood House Speaker: Bob Birrell, Centre of Urban Planning & Population Research Monash Uni. “Population increase in Melbourne and its impact on Melbourne” Monday 2nd June 2008

Recent Events Attended

Cr West and MBCL sec attended a VLGA meeting at which Logging in Melbourne’s Water Catchments was debated. Logging in the catchment causes significant reduction in water yields. MBCL was also represented at the SPA AGM at North Melbourne Library. Speaker was Dr Katherine Betts, Australian Population Sociologist interpreting recent trends in political population policy and its economic & environmental impact.


Meeting discussed the undemocratic impact of the State Government’s decision to take control of development in 26 Principal Activity centres. There will be no community involvement permitted in decision making and only TWO council representatives from each of the 26 councils allowed to participate in development decisions in Activity Centres.

Yarra Dredging

Yarra dredging commences with toxic contaminants dumped in the bund in the centre of the Bay off Brighton. The bund will not be covered for possibly 6 months. POMC will hold one of their so-called information sessions from 5-7 pm at Doyles Tuesday June 10th

Parks / NRA Team Leaders Reports

Members were delighted to welcome Tony Collins and Lee James who gave us a comprehensive report on the structure of the Parks team, recent staff appointments and activities. Another Green Corp team of 9-10 people have been working with the NRA team for 6 months and are paid a training wage. Volunteers work in conjunction with Conservation Volunteers Australia who provide funding. Dole recipients also work with the parks team two days a week. Funding has been provided through the Living Links Program thus enabling revegetation work south of Chelsea Life Saving Club to proceed with indigenous ground cover and shrubs.

Living Links provided $20,000 to clear gorse from a stand of eucalypts east of Bowen Road on the south bank of Mordialloc Creek. Water is a big issue in managing sporting grounds which require 80-90 thousand litres a week for each oval so it is planned to install rain water tanks on sporting club buildings. Cr West advises that a market gardener has been using water collected in a sand quarry. This supports Melbourne Water’s belief that the disused quarries in the sandbelt could be used for water retention basins.

Parks Reports

Tony reports that there is to be an upgrade of Kingston Heath.

The Parks team will be planting 28,000 trees, understorey and groundcover in the Scullin Reserve in May.

Parks team were kept busy in April clearing damaged vegetation after severe storms.

MBCL to be included in a working group formed if/when Mordialloc Creek is dredged.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve held a planting day May 3rd to revegetate the swale with grasses and sedges.

Friends of Bradshaw Park

April working bee included weeding and planting .A snow gum was planted in memory of Peter Brunning and his contribution to the local park and environment. Members from the Grange attended. Cameras have been installed in possum boxes at the Grange to enable sticky beaks to watch the possums! Invasion of privacy?? Twelve people at Braeside Park are involved in setting up a community nursery.

Weed Removal

Reports from members of Boxthorn, pampas grass and gorse on VicTrack land near Pompei’s boat shed, of a she-oak growing out of a eucalypt on George Wood’s Reserve, and three large boxthorns in Edward’s Street, Cheltenham. Stephen has reported these pests on several occasions.

Waterwatch Program

Volunteers are STILL waiting for advice when they will be taken to the monitoring site and given instruction in use of the equipment that MBCL has purchased with Ward funds donated for that purpose.

Mordialloc Creek Bridge

Nina has safety concerns about the safety railing on the east side of the bridge which has a wide gap under the bottom railing large enough for a small child to crawl or fall through. She has repoted this to Tim Pallas, Minister for Roads etc.

Apartment Home Office Complex Cnr Albert, Bear Streets

The complex has large digital nautical images on the façade of the building out of character with adjacent residences and at variance with what was decided at the mediation meeting attended by Nina and others.

NQR Site 530 Main Street, Mordialloc

After two mediation meetings it is disturbing to find that Council is supporting the sole entry/ exit point for resident, staff and customer vehicles into Epsom Road despite heavy traffic usage from the Nepean Highway, Beach Road and patrons from the Kingston Club. Former Masonic Ldoge, an historic building, is looking neglected and may be for sale unless a use can be found for it. Bells Antique Shop The lease ends on this oldest heritage listed shop in Mordialloc forcing the present lessee to seek other premises. The shopping strip unfortunately is lacking diversity now that Diversity Books has moved to Mentone – looks like more coffee shops, licensed cafes and $2 shops.

Forecourt of Station

The forecourt must be nearing completion soon. Let’s hope it will be worth all the dislocation for public transport users, taxis and traders

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd April 2008

Forthcoming Events

Land & biodiversity at a time of Climate Change workshop Melbourne Friday 30 May. Details DSE Website. Important to send a submission . Refer to annexure with MBCL newsletter. Planting on the Scullin Reserve 9am -1pm May 10th


Letters have been sent to Mayor & Councillors City of Dandenong and the Environmental Defenders Office regarding a sculpture on Eastlink known as ‘Hotel’ . querying the need for a permit for 20 metre structure. Submissions have been sent to Moorabbin to Mordialloc Integrated Framework Plan.

MBCL Web Site

Thanks to Johanna who worked innumerable hours to upgrade the web site

You may access it @ Thanks also to Paul who dealt with the secretary’s printer problems! You may however notice a change in layout which your secretary has not yet mastered!!!

Mordialloc Creek

Letters to be written to ARCUE re concerns at some councillors claims that Phragmites (reeds)should be removed from Mordialloc Creek to provide watercraft access. Suggestions that the island, currently a wildlife refuge, should also be removed for the same reason. The creek is to be dredged to 1.5 metres below sea level to allow salt water to flow upstream. Will this effect the ecology of the proposed freshwater wetlands?

Attenborough Park

Bollards have been placed in Attenborough Park to prevent Doyles customers parking in the park on the grassed areas under the Monterey Cypresses. A metre of the park has been taken for road works after the Mordialloc Creek bridge work is completed. Groves Reserve future use is uncertain at this time.BRADSHAW PARK March working bee Friends cleared hut gutters,bagged litter, weeded, lined walking tracks with logs and branches to confine visitors to tracks. A memorial plaque to Peter Bunning has been prepared.

Bay Trail

Stages 1a and 1b have been completed up to Parkdale Yacht Club car park.Because the car park is so narrow it would make sense to continue the bike track back- of- kerb on the road verge offered by VicRoads. Vegetation along the foreshore has been affected by the drought so council’s excuse that too much vegetation would be removed if the back- of- kerb option was adopted is no longer valid.

Peter Scullin Reserve

The barbecues on the reserve have been painted a sand colour which has softened the harsh concrete blocks so out of character with the 1920/30s buildings. Council’s previous policy was that all structures should conform to that character.

Judy raised these issues with Stephen at the Village Committee meeting and was given a copy of the planting list for the Reserve (Note the planting day May 10th 9am to 1pm)

Once again the tea-trees are surviving drought conditions better than she-oaks, Banksias and eucalypts.

Waterwatch Project

A date is still to be decided to commence the water quality monitoring . Middle of May now looks promising for initial testing upstream of Wells road bridge. Mary has volunteered to assist Judy if support is required while others are away.

NQR Mediation Meeting

was held 8th April attended by 20 people. Residents were appalled by the plan to have exit/entry only from Epsom Road. This would include delivery trucks, resident vehicles, customers, rubbish removal and staff vehicles. Semi trailers delivering to NQR have trouble backing into the site at present. Vehicles travel at speed down Epsom Road after negotiating the roundabout making this a heavily trafficked dangerous corner. Johanna presented some excellent modifications to the proposal which is planning 40 units on two of the three storey development plus an Aldi supermarket.

New Residential Zones for Victoria

KRAMMED president has prepared an scathing critique of the State Government’s latest scheme to cram a million more people into Melbourne. This involves three and four storey developments in existing low rise suburban streets. Pressure for higher density development in our suburbs overlooks overloaded drainage systems, flood prone land, sea level rise affecting development on low -lying foreshore areas and loss of open space and parkland. Lack of water resources should give cause for politicians to consider a reduction in population increase. Dr Katherine Betts, Australian Population Sociologist will be speaking at the North Melbourne Library Saturday 10th May at 2pm. Dr Betts will look at Statistics and Politics-Changes in collection and definition of Australian immigration statistics over the past 10 years.

Channel Deepening

As you are probably aware dredging is soon to commence in the Yarra River. Toxic dredge sludge will be dumped in the specially constructed bund 16 kms off Mordialloc. The Greens have gained the support of Independent and Liberal State Government politicians to convene a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration to inquire into the contract between Boskalis, the dredging company and POMC.The Brumby Labor Government has extended the time for submissions to the Inquiry until May 7th . Blue Wedges are recommending The story of STUFF : This is about STUFF –where it comes from, why we buy it, and where it ends up.

Land and Biodiversity 

Please find time to read fill in the proforma included . The Victorian Government has given up without ever having invested enough money into ensuring the survival of our species.Please note also the Age article about a developer operating locally.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th February 2008

Forthcoming Events

Mordialloc Historic Walking Trail Suggested sites of interest are being called for by 1st March. See enclosed leaflet.Friends of Kingston Heath Reserve meeting 10am April 8th Uniting Church Herald Street, Cheltenham. Environment Defenders Office Tilting at Windmills April 19 9.30am – 4.00 South Yarra Senior Citizen Centre Introduction to Planning & Environment Act 1987. Le Gym Action group meeting at the Comfort Inn Mentone Hub 7.30pm Wednesday 5 March 2008. This group would like support. Contact Martha 9583 9205.

Bay Trail

The bike path is underway with work occurring in the Bay Street car park. This has resulted in the removal of three car parking places beach side of car park. Similar work appears likely in Rennison Street car park.

Attenborough Park

Nina reports that car parking on the grass and under cypress trees is continuiung in the park from the bridge works to the toilet block. Parking correlates to level of patronage of Doyles complex – higher on Thursday to Sunday and when there are local events such as the Wine and Food Festival. Doyles van parks regularly on the site. This issue has been reported to relevant council officer who reported that law enforcement staff don’t work after 7pm when major parking irregularities occurs. This matter was also reported to Mordialloc Village committee. Warren Ashdown, Council officer attending, stated that he would deliver a report at the March Village Committee meeting to be held on Lambert Island! Community members can attend Village Committee meetings as observers.

Mordialloc Creek

A cheque has been forwarded to Melbourne Water to purchase the kit. Melanie will be contacting MBCL members who have volunteered to undertake water quality testing upstream of Wells Road bridge. Melbourne Water plans to extend wetlands between Waterways and the Wells Road bridge may impact on the program when work begins.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve Committee

Committee are seeking funding from council for Stage 2 works for the lake area to create an island sanctuary, dog pond , fencing and signage. A plan first revealed in the Independent newspaper to reshape and dredge the creek from the rail bridge to Wells Road, remove Phragmites to make it accessible for watercraft was presented to an AGRA Committee by Cr Ronke recently. The plan also proposes to realign the levee banks around the George Woods Reserve, Mordialloc College Sports grounds and Browns Reserve. Proposed dredging of the creek would mean destruction of much bank revegetation recently completed by volunteer groups, council NRA staff and funded by companies such as Alinta.

Proposals to link Yammerbook and Centre Swamp Drain by breaching the south bank of the creek to create wetlands may have some value. Cost $6 million. The island opposite Chute Street boat ramp at present a bird habitat is designated for removal.

Parkdale Yacht Club

Extension of liquor license to midnight six days a week – shorter hours Sunday is causing consternation to residents opposite on Beach Road. 16 objectors attended a mediation meeting 21 February. Johanna represented MBCL . Mentone Hotel is also applying to extend hours to 3am. Parkdale Kiosk has a liquor licence. The Ward councillor also supports Mentone Lifesaving Club having a restaurant. Parking is already a problem along Beach Road.

Recent articles in the media describes violent behaviour outside late night licensed premises.

Local Sustainability Accord

Cr West attended the sustainability meeting of officers from various councils at Kingstson’s Fujitsu premises.The Accord originated from a proposal by Andrew Booth, Environment Victoria and Cr West . Banyule Council is planning to incorporate sustainability in activity centres and emphasized biodiversity mapping involving the community!! CoK please note.

Channel Dredging

The case returns to the Federal Court 3rd/4th March when Blue Wedges legal team will present their strongest case for halting the dredging. The argument had been based on the fact that Peter Garrett, Minister for Environment, had only been in the job four days when he was asked to decide on arguments based on 15,000 pages of scientific documentation presented at the SEES panel. In effect it was argued he based his approval for dredging to commence on an assessment of provided by the Victorian Government and advice from department bureaucrats in Canberra. Contributions to the fighting fund are welcome.The bund to contain 2.6 million cubic metres of contaminated clay from the Williamstown channel will spread across six square kilometers of sea bed . Toxins from Yarra sludge will remain uncovered for 140 days until dredging is finished when it will be capped with sand. The sludge contains lead ,arsenic, mercury and organochlorines.

Parks Report

Bradshaw park would like the remnant vegetation on the rail reserve included in the care of the park and for weeds to be eradicated on the rail and highway reserves.

Kingston’s Coastal Management Plan

was released at the Foreshore Reference group meeting. It seems that tall trees are not to be planted at the end of streets to allow views for Beach Road residents. This is totally contrary to a foreshore management plan that recommended that trees be planted at end of streets in the Aspendale to Carrum stretch of foreshore!!! The Victorian National Parks Association warns that time is running out for our coastal plants and animals.VPNA is the only state wide non-government organization campaigning for the protection of Victoria’s marine and coastal biodiversity. VPNA supports community groups along the coast. Perhaps we should have a chat with this organization!.

The NQR Site Mordialloc

Another of Pace’s architectural masterpieces is to be inflicted on the public with a three storey, 40 unit, ten shops,168 underground car parking spaces Aldi supermarket on the corner of Epsom Road and Nepean Highway. Traffic congestion will be horrific. No parking for the ten shops on the highway frontage.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.