Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th October 2010

Forthcoming Events

Melbourne at 8 million. Is that too many? Public Forum Richmond Town Hall 4pm Sunday 7th November . Speakers Andrew Macleod. CEO Committee of Melbourne and Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills. Panel- Melina Sehr- Stonnington City Councillor, Rupert Mann- Melbourne Heritage Action Group, David O’Brien- Planning Barrister, Mary Drost- Convenor Planning Backlash.

Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills will be speaking at the Mordialloc Neighbourhood Centre Thursday 11 November at 7.30pm. Topic- Sustainable Population.

Who is eating your food scraps? Compost, worms and Bokashi made easy! At Patterson Lakes Indigenous Nursery Saturday 27th November 10.00-11.30 am or 12.30pm-2.00pm.

The Collins Parks Report

The LUMO Planting day Sunday 5th September at Mordialloc Creek was a huge success with approx. 50 people and 2000 plants to install. This was part of the Living Links project.

J.Yugivich has completed a Habitat Hectare assessment of 5 inland NRAs :- The Grange, Rowan Woodland, Mordialloc Creek, Epsom Grassland, Bradshaw Park.

Planting with schools at Heatherton Park. Expecting 1000 plants and 70 participants.

Upgrading Ben Kavanaugh Reserve with warm season grass to reduce long term watering requirements. A terrific initiative, Parks people!

Film Crude Oil

Film Crude Oil was shown at Kingston Council Chambers as part of a program organized by the Environmental Education officer, Rene. Films are shown each month to council staff but at the suggestion of Cr West members of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Committee were invited to attend. A future without oil is a daunting prospect as there is no viable alternative.

Mordialloc Creek Dredging Roundtable

Roundtable meeting was held Tuesday 26th October. Reps from Melbourne Water, DSE, Parks Victoria, councillors, council officers members of MBCL, Friends of Mordialloc Creek, and members of the creek committee were in attendance. The aim was to seek sufficient funding to remove the silt from the creek up as far as the Chute Street boat ramp. MW does not regard recreational boating as their responsibility with regard to dredging but admits if the silt build up was likely to cause flooding they would be prepared to dredge. Melbourrne Water also admitted when questioned that water flow through the Waterways wetlands is regulated to prevent high flows threatening infrastructure and flooding. Virginia (DSE) claims that council needs to provide a strategic vision so that DSE and other authorities can support the project with funding.

Bay Trail

Kingston Round the Bay Trail was the subject of a combined Mentone/Mordialloc Village Committee meeting attended by Crs West and Dundas .

Cr Dundas supports a shared bike path on the existing Mentone promenade. Bicycle Victoria and Kingston BUGs object to this proposal rightly claiming that the promenade is too narrow for a shared bike path.A letter from the Department of Transport permits the narrowing of lanes in Beach Road so that intrusion into the foreshore will be minimized .The lanes will be narrowed further where there is significant vegetation. Despite these concessions the bike track was removed from the council meeting agenda because of pressure from certain councillors who

continue to push for the cliff top route. City of Bayside have successfully negotiated with VicRoads for a back of kerb bike track in conformity with their existing track and to protect their foreshore. Difficult to understand the attitude of certain staff especially as support for a back of kerb track was supported at the combined village committee meetings and as a result of KCEC and Janice Munt’s surveys all supporting a back of kerb route. Cr Dundas presented his promenade option at the MBCL meeting and Mentone Village Committee meeting.

Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Program

Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Program contains lists of native and indigenous trees which are drought tolerant and salt wind proof suitable for street tree planting.Tall trees should not be planted under electricity wires and cables since they will be brutally pruned according to the Brumby Government’s bushfire prevention policy. For example two thirds of the top of a mature plane tree would be removed under this policy. There goes the green and leafy suburbs. MBCL preference is for indigenous trees wherever possible – native trees in some situations but no exotics such as palms and Chinese Elms. Pine trees will be removed from The Grange –and replaced with what?

Tree Vandalism at Bonbeach

Once again remnant Banksias have been poisoned in front of dwelling on the foreshore. It is claimed that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute. Certain councillors refused to allow the installation of screens in front of the property similar to screens installed on Mordialloc foreshore when trees were vandalized.

Bradshaw Park Fence

Park Fence is once again on the agenda with a meeting 29th October at the Reserve to assess the result of monitoring carried out by NRA staff to ascertain whether a higher fence should be restored to keep out litter and direct people to the gates for entry. Mesh could be attached to the existing fence as has been done on the fence around the Scullin Reserve.

Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM

Walter attended AGM. Neil Blake, St Kilda EcoCentre was speaker. He reported that the contaminants in the Yarra , not discovered by tests carried out by POMC’s expert witnesses during the Panel Hearings, have now been discovered. Contaminants from factories in the Western suburbs had been flowing into the Yarra for years.

Wetlands for the Industrial Land

Proposed wetland construction in industrial land upstream of Wells Road bridge will commence this summer. Assuming that water flow in the creek is slowed and perhaps reduced by having to flow through the Waterways wetlands, as admitted by MW ,will a second set of wetlands add to the problem of water flow?

Upcoming Meetings

Next Biodiversity and Climate Change Meeting November 29th 7.30

Next Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition Meeting 11 November at the Mordialloc Neighbourhood Hoause. 7.30pm

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st September 2010

Forthcoming Events

KCEC have invited Kelvin Thomson to speak at the AGM meeting,11th November, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House at 7.30pm. Check the e-mail for further info. Kelvin will present important facts about Australia’s unsustainable population policy.

Submissions due to Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Policy Tuesday 19th October. It is important to obtain a copy of the draft policy and make time to make a submission.

Mordialloc Creek Dredging Roundtable Tuesday 26th October 2pm in the Oakleigh Room.1230 Nepean Highway.

Kingston Parks Report

Watch out for a community planting day at Epsom Wetland in October.

Sea Scouts group at Heatherton Park planted 2000 plants assisted by 70 participants.

Recent rains have caused a delay in work in a number of reserves because of possible damage to the grounds.

Two apprentices have been appointed to work with the NRA crew.


Melanie from Melbourne Water is helping Bronwen and Alan with the water quality testing program in the Mordialloc Main Drain below Bowen Road. MBCl has received an invitation to attend a Mordialloc Creek Dredging Round Table 26 October at Council.

Timber Yard Development Albert/Park Street, Mordialloc

Carmel (KRAMMED), Deborah, Park Street resident and Mary (MBCL) attended a practice meeting at VCAT 27th August and Judy (representing Deborah) Johanna and Mary were present at a mediation meeting at VCAT 9th September. Meeting lasted from 10.30am to 7,30pm! A full report at MBCL meeting.

Bay Trail

Geoffrey Goode attended our meeting to report on Bayside’s section of the track. Unfortunately because of a cyclist’s accident the council has been advised that a shared track should comply with Australian Road Standards at 4.1/2 metres. This will mean a greater incursion into the foreshore and will also apply in Kingston. VicRoads has been working with the City of Bayside to develop a narrower four-lane cross-section on Beach Road to minimize the impact of the back-of –kerb option on the foreshore. Width of pavement would be 12.7 metres. Will this width also apply in Kingston?. Awaiting confirmation.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron may go ahead if the Planning Minister approves. The club is on Crown land with environmental significance and is listed on the National Estate Register. An extensive area of Beaumaris Bay will be filled to accommodate the extension. A hard stand will be higher than the important red fossil cliffs and visible from north bound traffic travelling along Beach Road.

The Collins Report

Tony and Lee completed auditing 2009-2010 targets and ‘ground truthing ‘ new targets for 2010-2015 . Weed targets are the main failing with geophytes and annuals the biggest problem.

The north side of Mordialloc Creek is set to be restored via the Living Links project. A large area of non-indigenous trees will be removed. These include wattles and Maleleucas but at present the non-local eucalypts will remain.

Discussion about the proposed large regional playground for the George Woods Reserve Arboretum. While it is claimed that there is support for the arboretum site alternative more appropriate sites may not have been presented.

Lumo Energy were providing funding and support for a planting day.

Green Wedge Annual Report 31st August

The secretary reported on an impressive list of small wins in objections to developments on green wedge land.Unfortunately the State Government has lost its commitment to protecting Melbourne’s Green Wedges as evidenced in its decision to convert 43,600 hectares for residential development on the volcanic grasslands thus increasing pressure from developers to release land in the South East Green Wedge.

Bradshaw Park Fence

At the instigation of the Mentone Parkdale Village Committee a combined well attended meeting with the Mordialloc Village Committee was held at Florence Street, Mentone resulting in support for a replacement high fence to prevent public access over the low fence with of trampling indigenous plants. It was also moved that the reserve be declared a dog free zone.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Next meeting will be 13th October at 7.30pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House where there will be a discussion with guest speaker Vicki Mitchell from Hampton Community Centre and Robin Erwin Chelsea Heights Community Centre on plans for setting up local ecoliving centres.

A Bad Day for Marvellous Melbourne

Mary Drost reports on A Bad Day for Marvellous Melbourne with Madden signing off on a Planning Scheme which condemns Melbourne to uncontrolled high rise development along all tram, train ,bus and light rail lines.The Supreme Court supported VCAT in a decision that will allow the demolition of part of the Windsor Hotel to make way for a tower block behind the hotel thus setting a precedent for further tower developments around the precinct. No Heritage Buildings will safe from destruction especially around suburban activity centres . The timber yard development in Mordialloc is a case in point. The developments on three corners of Albert /Park Streets do not in any way reflect heritage values.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th August 2010

Forthcoming Events

Step back 200 years. Open Day and Spring Planting .Saturday 11 September 9am –Noon . The Grange Heathland Reserve ,Clayton South, Melway F8.

Friends of Kingston Heath, Farm Road Cheltenham. Working Bee Sunday 3rd October 10-12 noon. AGM 5 October 10am Uniting Church Herald Street, Cheltenham.

Kingston Conservation & Environment meeting at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House, Wednesday 8th September at 7.30pm. 457 Main Street, Mordialloc.

Draft Tree Management Policy

Watch out for this policy to be released by Council for a formal public consultation process. It is proposed to select tree species for planting based on their suitability to the site, climatic conditions, biological diversity, performance and potential to contribute to the landscape.This may include exotic species – hopefully not along the foreshore. Note that the aim is to increase tree coverage throughout the city which will help reduce the heat island effect due to urban development resulting in increased hard surfaces.

On the other hand – the Natural Resource Area team will be removing large non-local indigenous trees on the north side of Mordialloc Creek near the Wells Road bridge. This project is part of the Living Links project and will allow for the establishment of new plantings.

Kingston Parks Report

Despite staff shortages and wet weather all vegetation targets were achieved. Congratulations to the hard working team! Oxalis is the main problem. Epsom Grasslands are sensational at present. Tea-trees permitted on foreshore.


Bronwen and Alan will meet with Melissa from Melbourne Water to begin testing creek water at Bowen Road. Bronwen suggested testing above the Waterways wetlands at Springvale Road and compare the result with the water tested below at the re-entry point into the Main Drain. Nina reminded us that Melbourne Water has advised that we are welcome to test water quality in the Woodlands water bodies (lakes and wetlands). Could be interesting!

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Low flow of water in Mordialloc creek is still a concern for the local boating fraternity. A well attended meeting of Mordialloc Creek Community was held 27 July. Dredging to remove a build up of silt will cost approx. $8 million dollars. Disposal of acid sulfate dredge spoil is adding to the cost of dredging the creek. Glen checked water flow from Dandenong Creek at Pillars crossing and found that no water was flowing into Mordialloc Creek thus contributing to problems down stream where boats are sitting on silt until high tide.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Interpretive signs were finally installed 12 July.Signs explain Bunurong culture and territory plus the current program of bush and wetland renewal. Nina and Walter featured in photos of the launch in the Leader. Nina devoted many hours of research to provide accurate information for the interpretive sign.

Bradshaw Park

The new low and open fence installed around Bradshaw Park is still causing concern with Mentone and Mordialloc Village Committees taking up the issue of more appropriate fencing to protect the reserve from litter blown into the park and to prevent development of goat tracks.

George Woods Reserve Playground

Lack of adequate consultation between new council staff and environment groups has once again occurred (as in the Bradshaw park fiasco) over a proposal to remove an existing playground and create a district or large regional playground behind the kindergarten and scout hall on Governor Road. This area has been referred to as an arboretum since 1990 when a plan for foreshore planting was presented to Mordialloc Council and accepted by the State Government Minister for Planning & Environment. The planting proposals were the result of a survey carried out by SGAP and MBCL members.

The present site of the playground is ideal since there is plenty of room for expansion, there is a bus stop nearby and is clearly visible to passing traffic on Governor Road and from the Chute Street Boat ramp car park.A toilet is also accessible as part of the car park. To locate a large playground behind the scout hall and kindergarten will mean the removal of the mature established trees. This area will not be as clearly visible hidden behind buildings and one of the most pleasant parts of the George Woods Reserve will be destroyed.

P.S .There is a very large district playground in the Peter Scullin Reserve.

No Parking Beach Road

An Elwood group has letter boxed Beach Road residents with a petition opposing a clearway along Beach Road as agreed to by Port Phillip and Kingston Councils. These councils have agreed to a six month trial period. A spirited discussion took place and it transpired that a majority of MBCL members do not agree with a clearway! Perhaps as the price of fuel increases we will all be pumping up tires and donning lycra!

Green Wedge Issues

Blood pressure rose after reading the headline in Business Age 31 July that “Kingston residents to pay for green wedge land” by Marc Pallisco. The report stated that Kingston City Council will “bulldoze and transform a green-wedge-zoned area described as one of its most important natural assets for shops, offices, factories, houses and apartments.”

Fortunately a correction appeared the following week when City of Kingston advised that community based initiatives included market gardens and projects revolving around recreation and a chain of parks were planned instead.

Timber Yard Development

Development seems likely to go to VCAT because “of council’s failure to determine this application for a planning permit within the required statutory time frame.” Planning issues are overdevelopment of the site (including height, scale, visual bulk and mass, neighbourhood character, heritage concerns, car parking and traffic concerns. To be built in three stages including, 11 dwellings, 94 units and a three storey office and retail development.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th July 2010

VCAT Hearings

Members have been attending VCAT hearings concerning local residential developments that will have an impact on environmental and residential amenity. 9 Bear Street decision disappointingly approved an intensive unit development including a number of bedrooms without windows resulting on reliance on reflected light from other rooms and reliance on mechanical ventilation for the entire building. Hardly environmentally sustainable living, rather developments like this, encouraged by government, resembles third world housing.Entry /exit onto busy Albert Street will increase traffic congestion close to a railway station, bus stop and school. The large timber yard development, also on Albert Street, will add to this congestion. Trucks use this street to access industrial sites at Braeside. An oversize MacMansion in Bertram Street on the north side of an existing single storey dwelling will preclude the use of solar panels and sunlight into habitable rooms of this home. A single dwelling does not require a planning permit under today’s planning regime so there are no grounds for objections.


Happy to report two new recruits for the Waterwatch team – Bronwen and Alan have begun training. An oil spill was reported in the lower reaches of the creek Wednesday. Some concern about print company, Rollspack, seeking to increase its solvent emissions and discharge of waste to the environment at Braeside. Some of this waste will be discharged to the sewer system. Community rally 11am Sat July 31st requesting that the creek be dredged.

Kingston Parks Report

Stage 2 of the Master plan to determine priorities. Linkages of Mordialloc Creek, foreshore, Braeside Park and Eel Race Drain to cover recreation and habitat.

Heatherton Park and Moorabbin Reserve have had working bees and planting days. Concern over Chinese Elm trees planted in Heatherton Park.

Braeside Park will have a National Tree Day planting 31 July.

Friends of Mordialloc Creek’s National Tree Planting Day Sunday 1st August. Meet near the Jack Grut Reserve 10-1pm

Aspendale Gardens Residents Association

AGRA met 12 July to discuss Yammerbook completion Stage 2, Mordialloc Creek Industrial development between Waterways & Wells Road bridge and secondary drain wetland corridor from Mordialloc to Edithvale wetlands. Brian Earl and Scot Watson carried out Yammerbook soil and water tests December 2009 and found the soil was quite acidic but the water was alkaline.Further tests were carried out after rain . Liaison with the appropriate agencies before further work is undertaken was suggested.

Extension to the Kiosk Mordialloc Creek

The current lessees of the Tour de Café have applied to have two pergolas erected on the west and north side of the kiosk to provide shelter. MBCL members felt that this was the thin edge of the wedge and would lead to a more permanent expansion and privatization of Crown land . Members remember the ‘incremental creep’ of Windows on the Bay onto the foreshore after being given permission to only occupy the footprint of the existing small kiosk /change rooms,1984. (We have long memories)

Heritage Issues

Hertiage issues were raised in relation to the 9 Bear development in Mordialloc’s heritage precinct including the Masonic Lodge, St Nicholas Church (also undergoing alteration ), the primary school and water tower.The unit development will detract from this historically significant part of Mordialloc. The State government’s enforcement of high density housing in activity centres around transport hubs means that older suburbs will lose the character of their neighbourhood because most of their historically significant buildings are located around railway stations.

Museum on the Pompei Site

was also discussed. Wooden boat building was an important draw card to Mordialloc for people from all walks of life It is gratifying to learn that council intends that this site will be retained as a boat hire, maintenance and repair precinct as part of the Mordialloc Structure Plan.

Climate Change & Biodiversity Reference Group

Clime Change & Biodiversity Reference Group has been formed Representatives from MBCL and KCEC are part of the group. The precautionary principle is being used in VCAT hearings now when an applicant seeks to build on flood prone land . Mordialloc has 11,000 flood prone properties. A recent case reported in the Planning News, July 2010, involved a property in Mordialloc – two double storey dwellings on a site 400 metres from the coast.Although Kingston’s drainage engineers “had not expressed concern” the Tribunal took the precautionary measure and directed that the application be referred to the flood plain manager.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 13th June 2010


Sadly we report the death of Ron Pearson, a long standing member of MBCL and a number of other environment groups including Braeside Park where he was a regular member of the plant propogation group. His vast knowledge of Australian plants was of great assistance to MBCL in encouraging council to introduce indigenous plants in revegetation projects along the foreshore.

Paul Michael Walsh, partner to Johanna van Klaveren, died suddenly 18th June. Paul was a great reader and brilliant with IT in all its manifestations.He will be sadly missed and not only by his work colleagues.

Return of Intrepid Travelers

Three MBCL members were away in May roistering in Scotland and Europe. Your secretary was impressed with the excellent rail transport in Europe where it is possible to board a train in East Berlin and travel at 200 kms per hour to Schipol air port in Holland -and Victoria isn’t any closer to having a rail line to Tullamarine. Bicycle paths are well used in car free streets with three year olds confidently riding two wheelers alongside their parents. No tower blocks in the heart of the old cities – heritage buildings are jealously preserved.

Climate Change Forum

April 18th was successful with three interesting speakers. Phillip Wierzbowski, from Coast Care Coast Action spoke about pressures on the coast at a time of climate change, Ray Lewis, Care Rickett’s Point spoke, also Lee Halkias , Kingston’s Foreshore Coordinator outlined the NRA teams work and the help which volunteers can give.

Mordialloc Creek Draft Master Plan

The draft master plan for Mordialloc Creek has been released and contains many spelling errors as well as regurgitating discredited plans from previous studies e.g. replacing Canary Island Palms in the Hazel Pierce Reserve after council removed palms a decade ago! Boat owners and users would rather see money spent on maintenance of collapsing walls and mooring posts. Creek also requires dredging urgently. Unnecessary removal of a playground in George Woods Reserve and replacing it with a larger one in the Arboretum is concerning and unnecessary.

Bay Trail

The Mayor Steve Staikos has spoken to the Minister for Roads, Tim Pallas, who will consider three options for the bike track- one along the existing promenade, the cliff top option and MBCL preferred option, back of kerb.Beaumaris Conservation Society has forwarded their preferred option to Minister Pallas also. This involved narrowing lanes in Beach Road between Cromer Road and Charman Road.

VCAT Hearing

VCAT HEARING re 9 Bear Street 4th June. Johanna, Nina and Joanne, outlined the flaws in this poorly, designed unit development at the corner of Bear and Albert Street, Mordialloc. Traffic congestion will occur since the sole entry/ exit point for vehicles is onto busy Albert Street.

Proposed development of the timber yards with 96 units plus shops in Albert Street /Park Street will add to traffic congestion. Concern that Heritage documents are now not kept at the library making it difficult when they could be used in the preparation of VCAT Hearings.Suggest MBCL contact Heritage experts (June Horner?) for advice.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Future aims of KCEC were discussed. KCEC could be a “talking post’ keeping members in the loop if immediate action was required and inform members about planting days. KCEC could   organizine speakers when relevant and check with Bayside Council about their proposal to establish and eco-centre.

Dingley Overpass

Dingley Arterial to go ahead through part of the Coomora Reserve. Cr West moved in council that traffic be moved onto Heatherton Road to save market gardens. The extension of Mornington Freeway is being constructed through the Flora and Fauna Reserve.

Working Bee at Epsom Estate

Nina believes that constant changes in council NRA staff means that a working relationship has not been built up on the Epsom Estate to interest residents in protecting the 4 hectares of Herb-rich Grassy Wetland saved from the original 11 hectares prior to destruction by developers.

Bradshaw Park Bushland

Since the new, low, open fence was installed early February 2010 litter is blowing into the reserve and walkers with/without dogs clamber over and under the fence and trample the vegetation. Many walkers don’t bother to use access points as was predicted. Working bee on 15th June.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Planting bee near the northern lake edge 10 April 2010. The interpretive sign which Nina researched and contributed to seems to be on hold.

St Nicholas Church Mordialloc

St Nicholas Church Mordialloc is undergoing changes with a new entry on Barkly Street frontage, and extension at rear for a new hall. Historic architecture such as window arches may be demolished. Some internal features have gone. This is where a firm heritage policy would be helpful.

Mordialloc Creek Low Water Low Water Flow

Boat hire business is unable to launch boats unless it is high tide. This is due partly to a build up of silt and lack of dredging. Staff at the ETP claim that the weir at Pillar’s Crossing is open and allows 200 megalitres per day to flow into the creek. Question is this enough? How much flows down Patterson River to keep the National Water Centre afloat? How much is absorbed ,or is evaporated in Waterways Wetlands? Lack of rain means little water flows in through Heatherton and Settlement drains. Rather than beautification of the creeks the boat owners/users want money spent on dredging and improving water quality in the creek.

Kingston Green Wedge Memorandum of Understanding is Available for Comment

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd March 2010

Meetings Attended

Nina and Mary attended a stakeholders meeting with council Urban Designer Munir Vahanvati and consultants Taylor Cullity Lethlean re Mordialloc Creek Masterplan. Major – is a bridge being planned for the island ? Walter and Mary met with Tim at Melbourne Town Hall to discuss local government’s loss of planning control. Lord Mayor Doyle has expressed concern about this matter. Cr West organized a meeting with Jonathan, Munir,Fiona and another Tim to argue our case for a back of kerb bike track. Three MBCL members attended the National AGM of Sustainable Population Australia to hear Drs Bob Birrell and Ernest Healy explain how an ever increasing migrant intake will increase greenhouse emissions making it impossible for Australia to achieve a decrease in emissions of 2%.


Submission were invited March 31 for a State Inquiry into the Environmental Effects Statement and a Federal Government review of Native Vegetation.


Received from Melbourne Water (Chris Chesterfield) in response to a letter sent in January concerning the condition of the Woodlands Wetlands, Braeside. The letter was based on an inspection by Nina and Brian with a query in our letter about the need for monitoring the water flowing through the wetlands into Mordiallc Creek. While thanking Brian and Nina for playing an active role and keeping Melbourne Water informed, there is an invitation for community participation and monitoring “if there is local interest in water quality results particularly given some of the biodiversity values of the area such as the Red Gum woodlands”

Something for MBCL to think about.

Coast Care Coast Action

Planning for the Future of our Foreshore Forum April 18 at the Mordialloc Lifesaving Club 1.45pm-4pm is progressing satisfactorily with three speakers :-   DSE Coast Care Coast Action rep Phillip Wierzbowski, Ray Lewis, Marine Care Ricketts Point and Lee Halkias ,Kingston’s Foreshore Coordinator . Slides, brochures, questions, afternoon tea .

Come along with family and friends and hear about climate change and work by volunteers to stabilize the foreshore.

Bradshaw Park Feral Proof Fencing

FERAL proof fencing was replaced in January with a low post and rail fence much to the surprise and dismay of members and general public. It was claimed that the high cyclone fence was unsightly, needed to be replaced and wasn’t keeping out foxes, cats and rabbits.At a meeting to discuss the issue it was agreed that the situation would be monitored and after six months cyclone netting could be attached to the new fence which would at least prevent some of the rubbish from being blown into the park from the highway.However there have been reports of people not using entrances and leaving rubbish lying around. The danger is that carefully nurtured indigenous plants will be trampled and destroyed after years of work by Friends of Bradshaw Park. Mordialloc Village Committee members were advised that a path would be constructed from the railway line to the highway on the northern boundary of the park.

Removal of Playground Equipment

Removal of playground equipment from eight small parks and relocated where it would of greater use raised the issue of what would happen to the parks once decommissioned given the record of sale of parks by both former Mordialloc Council and later Kingston Council. e.g.Chicquita Park. (Mordialloc Council once considered selling Bradshaw Park and others) MBCL asked that the small parks be retained and planted with trees to reduce the heat island effect, or community gardens for public use. Council is not planning to sell the parks at present we are informed. One to watch!

Natural Resource Area

Lee reported on attendance at a Catchment Authority Conference. Nine Catchment Authorities are to be combined into five entities.An electrical company has donated $30,000 for work on and around Mordialloc Creek, Living Links will be involved. Jeff Yugovich has researched the creek banks and supplied a planting program.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

KCEC received a letter from a resident who was concerned about the use of Roundup to remove weeds. David explained the use of this product and glysophate. It was suggested that the resident write to CSIRO for further information.


Timber yard buildings will be removed prior to mixed use development from Bear Street to the creek along Albert Street. Bear Street unit development goes to VCAT June 4. The Pace development corner Epsom Road and Nepean Highway is proceeding with the two level underground car park being excavated. Entrance for the resident’s 38 vehicles on the lower level will be extremely steep. Consultation for redevelopment of Cheltenham shopping centre is soon to occur if anyone is interested.

Bay Trail

Council planners have been beavering away at plans for the remaining section of bike path from Parkdale yacht Club to Charman Road.Cr West ,Stephen and your secretary carried out an inspection of vegetation, car parks and difficult sections prior to meeting with the planners 31 March. Our preference is back of kerb which is certainly possible for most of the remaining sections. Biosis’s high tree count three years ago made tree removal an issue but the drought has decimated much vegetation most of which was planted in 1975. Casuarinas and Banksias are most important according to Biosis. Tea-tree, coast wattle and boobialla regenerates quite rapidly if removed. It seemed to be a productive meeting. Let’s hope some of our recommendations will be taken on board.


March has been a frantically busy month for all of us. It is wonderful to have members who are so ready to undertake tasks and share the load. Special thanks to Bronwen who has taken care of leaflets and posters advertising the April 18 Forum. The Mordialloc Lifesaving Club has been renovated and will be an excellent venue. Ray Lewis’s slide show is well worth viewing and Phillip also has informative material.      

Easter Greeting to All

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.