Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd November 2011

Sincere Thank You

To four councillors who supported Cr West’s amendment to commence Kingston’s section of the Bay Trail at Charman Road back of kerb as far as Munday Street. A promising beginning to a sensible solution to the Bay Trail in 2012.


To NRA staff who have held the line and achieved a compromise over trees on the foreshore after a spate of tree attacks at Bonbeach with people trying to better beach views. Council officers will notify residents three weeks before any proposed plantings and will have on-site meetings to work out locations for tall trees to find a balance between views and environmental improvements. Well done, NRA!

To Nina for initiating a campaign to save Mordialloc Masonic Hall for future community use rather than demolition or conversion to units. This is one of Mordialloc’s last remaining heritage buildings and will be well used by community groups such as U3A, art. groups.

To to Mara and Joan E. for prizes, sales and commendations for paintings completed during 2011. Very clever ladies!

To KRAMMED president for spotting an anomaly in the Kingston Planning Policy Review which MAY have resulted in the removal of a section of the two storey height limit along Kingston’s 13 kms of foreshore. A meeting with planners and CEO has resolved this significant issue. Thanks to all involved.

The Collins Report

Soil testing at Yammerbook has confirmed the presence of acid-sulphate soils in the area formerly Carrum Carrum swamp.

Living Links. After some delay the CMA is meeting with key industries to discuss the next stages for the master plan.

Tree Removal along the Long Beach Trail was necessary because of roots blocking drains. Melbourne Water will commence replanting between Aspendale and Edithvale Road. Opportunity for community to become involved.

Planting day at Chicquita Park September 24th Focus now on lawn area.

Interviews for Tree Establishment Supervisor have concluded and successful person should now be toiling away.

Playground at Heatherton Park is due for an upgrade and council has won an award for Bicentennial Park playground.

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Annual outing was to Lower Saltwater Creek, Frankston. The Friends are in the process of formally changing the name of the reserve from Bradshaw Park to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve.

Green Wedge

Cr West reported on attending a Planning on the edge conference where the emphasis is to protect agricultural land on the edge of major cities. Funding to purchase farmland for inclusion in green wedges has been possible in Queensland which has a Farmland Trust using superannuation funds for long term investment. Brian Tee, Leader of Labor Opposition, met with members of the South East Green Wedge Coalition and toured Kingston’s Green wedge land.

Mordialloc Creek Reference Group

consisting of boat owners and builders, sailing club members, MBCL members, councillors and staff. Peter Bain, Manager Infrastructure, explained that Mordialloc Creek is not considered a boat harbour and therefore does not come under the Port of Melbourne Authority as far as rules and conditions applying to boat harbours and boat maintenance. Therefore there are five or six authorities that must be consulted/informed when requesting work carried out in Mordialloc Creek. Flooding and drainage issues were also explained because of the impact on the creek and environs upstream.Dredging around the island now appears to be proceeding satisfactorily. There was some concern about the recent sub-sub leasing of VicTrak land behind and beside Pompei’s boat building shed. The matter rests with solicitors at present.

Melbourne Water

Melbourne Water is intending to offer sewage sludge (bio-solids) from the Eastern Treatment Plant for sale and/or use in agriculture claiming that the public is now not so wary of use of this material possibly containing trade waste. While sewage sludge is used on farms in Europe their sewage works don’t accept trade waste unlike the ETP whose biosolids were found to contain dioxin when it was dumped in the borrow pit at Braeside. The EPA guidelines 2009 give approval for use although they stress the need for monitoring and warn not to locate biosolids close to water ways! Three drains pass over and alongside the Braeside borrow pit which contains 146, 000 cubic metres of sewage sludge. Whose is monitoring?

Natural Resource Area Vegetation Report

Tony very kindly presented MBCL with two copies of this document at our last meeting and they are available for members to borrow. Also available for borrowing- a copy of City of Kingston Stormwater Quality Management Plan.

Marina Beaumaris Bay

Port Phillip Conservation Council warns that the Environment Effect Statement (EES) could be placed on display maybe around 23rd December judging by previous experience when the Government wants to avoid close public scrutiny. Should this massive marina go ahead it will have devastating consequences for Beaumaris Bay and especially Mentone Beach. Perhaps it is too early to consider renourishing that beach when the marina may effect sand erosion to an even greater extent. Well, folk, this is it for another year. Hearty thanks for continuing support for our environment!.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2011

Busy Month

Another Busy Month for Members with meetings accumulating. Mordialloc Creek Master Plan released for public comment. Concern about a proposed bridge from the Hazel Pierce Reserve to Lambert Island may increase vandalism of expensive yachts if the bridge permits public access to the island.The seascouts should remain on the island despite plans to relocate them. Obstruction of the view from the road bridge and Doyle’s deck along the creek to the Bay is worrying aspect. The relocation of the proposed large regional playground from the Arboretum to the present small playground with toilets, a bus stop and car parking adjacent makes sense to most people.Discussion about the future of the Pompei shed. Could funds be found to create a boat building -training school with a three-way funding scheme e.g. Government, council and tertiary education? Consultants favourable comments on Arboretum in George Woods Reserve:: Existing and established indigenous and exotic trees improve the aesthetic and ecological value of the park.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition AGM

KCEC AGM 19lh October was devoted to the Kingston Green Wedge Plan. Cr Staikos gave a comprehensive description of important features of the plan, followed by Ken Carney ,AGRA president and then David Madill from Dingley Residents Association. Five Kingston Councillors were present.

Meeting at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House 3rd November from 1pm to 3pm to workshop Green Wedge submissions. Meetings also at Dingley International Hotel organized by the consultants and council for stakeholders input.


Bronwen reports that the last water quality tests in Mordialloc Creek at Bowen Road revealed high salt levels. Discussion continuing regarding funding for this program. Melbourne Water introduced a Water Initiatives 2050: an Integrated Water Management Strategy for Melbourne’s South East at Kingston Council 20 October. The strategy’s objectives are to : Provide customer choice, optimise resources and infrastructure , improve the health of waterways and the water environment (including groundwater) and create community value. Nina and Wal attended this meeting. Submissions are invited.

Bay Trail

At the September council meeting Cr Dundas presented a fifth option for the Bay Trail at the last minute—his preferred promenade option. This option hadn’t been seen by other councillors. Despite this and the fact that independent engineering studies condemned this route as being too dangerous, five councillors voted in favour of the fifth option. To counteract this farce Cr West successfully presented a proposal to begin the Kingston section of the Bay Trail at Charman Road back-of-kerb to Munday Street. This was passed amidst applause from the gallery! We appreciate Rod’s work on this ongoing saga. Letter to Ed once again nat printed/

The James Report (in lieu of Collins report).

Lee was apprised of water skiing on Yammerbook Lake. Nina reports that council has no jurisdiction over Melbourne Water land. By Laws Officers don’t operate at weekends when this activity occurs. Ken Carney, AGRA, has been informed. and is negotiating with MW and council for council to take over management of this area and for By laws Officers to operate at weekends.

Chicquita lawn area is to be completed.

The Grange had a successful Open Day with planting of 400 plants and new members attending.

NRA have a new trainee. Bede is continuing in the role of Tree Establishment Supervisor.

Dead trees have been removed from the Hazel Pierce Reserve.

Concern that there appears to be an avenue of trees shown in the Mordialloc Creek Master Plan along the bank of the creek on the promenade path.

60 trees have been removed along the Long Beach Trail to Patterson River. Claimed that tree roots were blocking the secondary drain.This will detract from the pleasure of riding or walking along the trail where the trees were such a feature.

CONDOLENCES at the death of Professor Michael Buxton’s father, Malcolm at 90 years of age. Both Malcolm and Michael were City of Mordialloc councillors in the 1970s and with other councillors, successfully opposed a marina being built at the foot of Charman Road and later opposed two pipelines crossing the Bay.

Thanks to Geoffrey Goode, PPCC, for passing this information on via Nina.

Sustainable Transport

MBCL was invited by Environment Victoria^Leicester Street, 13 October to a forum on sustainable transport. The State Government has cut EV funding for this project which they have been working on for ten years. Those in attendance were a rep from VICOSS, GAMUT from Melbourne University, VLGA president who is also a councillor: from Yarra Ranges, a resident rep from Ballarat, Paul Prentice from Friends of Merri Creek and your secretary. Discussion on how EV can continue to assist volunteer groups to achieve sustainable transport.

Environment Effect State Process in Victoria

Report has been received. Interesting to note that the second (SEES)Panel Hearing into dredging of Port Phillip Bay shipping channels came into severe criticism about its failure to allow questioning of POMC’s expert witnesses. Chairman Alan Hawke said this should not happen again. Brad Jessop, a young lawyer who was one of POMC’s team during the first EES, has carried out an extensive study of the second SEES and is also critical. Blue Wedges is quoted frequently. Even MBCL gets a mention!

Western Port And Peninsula Protection Council

Western Port and Peninsula Protection Council is turning 40 this year and so is RAMSAR. Celebrations are occurring 27th October at Somers Yacht Club. WPPC was a foundation member of Blue Wedges and is continuing in their campaign to protect Westernport from becoming the “Ruhr of Victora” -the aim of Premier Bolte in 1967.

Recycling Opportunities in Kingston

Liz has prepared a useful list of sites for you to recycle a variety of used items. Check KCC’s website or Planet Ark’s website.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th September 2011


Members have once again been busy completing submissions on a variety of issues with more to come. For instance an important response to Kingston’s Draft

Green Wedge Plan Due November 11th. If time permits letters could be sent to the Federal Government re sale of farmland and water rights to foreign owners, letters re damage to farmland and aquifers from coal-seam gas mining and Geelong Environment Council and Friends of Eastern Otways would like support to stop open cut mining on the Anglesea Heathlands.

Incoming a card from Penny who is enjoying a visit to rels in lovely Cornwall.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition AGM

AGM 19TH October at Mordialloc Neighbour House beginning at 7.30pm. Interesting speakers reporting on the draft plans for the Southeast Green Wedge. Submissions due November 11.

Coast Care Forum

Walter gave a report on this forum held at Williamstown in September. An executive body is required to proceed with policies raised by three groups ranging from coastal groups from around the Victorian coastline. Coastal Council Policies will apply.

Dredging of Mordialloc Creek

has come to a halt due to difficulty with polymers which are necessary to bind the toxic sludge before it is consigned to a waste disposal site(rubbish tip) No-one seems to know when dredging will resume. This may hamper boating activity as summer approaches.The most toxic substance is behind Lambert Island where it has settled after years of boat maintenance plus contaminants from upstream.


Bronwen reports on Kingston Council’s withdrawal of funding for Waterwatch claiming that there was no benefit to Council from this program. Presumably they didn’t receive results of tests from Melbourne Water. Melbourne Water is seeking alternative funds for the project. Bronwen and Anne tested 5th September.

Mordialloc Masonic Hall Sale

This building is located in Mordialloc’s Heritage listed zone opposite the heritage listed water tower. Nina thoroughly researched the history and uses of the building and presented her findings to Mordialloc Village Committee who debated the issue with a majority voting in favour of retention of the building for community use. One member voting against retention and another member abstained. Well done, Nina!

Indigenous Vegetation

for our area? Cr Dundas recently passed a resolution to “define indigenous vegetation” in order for a much wider selection of plants indigenous to Australia rather than to this bayside suburb. This so angered a Carrum resident who researched guidelines and found that terms given to indigenous plants cannot be redefined. COMs must work within Guidelines and not speculate what might happen due to climate change – the alleged reason for the wider definition in the councillor’s resolution. Good work, Carrum-ite!


Visualise a 100 year old beech, almost 20 metres high and with a treetop diameter of 12 metres. It’s got 600,000 leaves which convert its base of 120 square metres into 1,200 square metes of leaf surface . This amounts to a total surface area of 15,000 square metres of gaseous exchange , which equals the area of two football fields.! (Nursery & Garden Industry Australia)

Bay Trail 

Bicycle Victoria met with MBCL members to discuss the Bay Trail. BCV are supporting the Bayside section of the trail soon to be completed to Charman Road and expressed amazement, after viewing MBCL maps and material, that Kingston Council weren’t also fully backing a back-of -kerb option. BCV also attended the September Council meeting where the trail route was to be debated. While the former Transport Minister had requested two options to be sent to him for a decision two options had blown out to four thanks to the introduction of the promenade as a costly and dangerous option.Councillor Dundas introduced a fifth option at the 3pm on the day of the council meeting which none of the councillors had seen. None of the other options where put up for debate.Unbelievably five councillors voted in favour of the promenade option even though external engineering advice states that the promenade option would be too dangerous! But Cr West’s amendment was approved five in favour ! The trail is to commence back-of kerb from Charman Road to Mundy Street car park! Bicycle Victoria rep was in the gallery to witness this achievement. Congrats RW!

The Collins Report

Yammerbook More soil testing to assess possible acid sulphate soils.

Fence installed at Chicquita Park.

Beach cleaning, toilet and barbecue cleaning costs $1 million per year. Contract up for tender.

Warm Season Grass Conversions occurring at Keys Road, Dingley, Regent and Southern Roads sports grounds.

Brendan Slee new Foreshore Crew Leader. Brendan was a School Based New Apprentice. Tim Ford is now a Horticulural Supervisor and a new Tree Establishment Supervisor is to be appointed soon. New playground for the Roy Dorr Reserve in Carrum and the Bicentennial Park playground has won an award.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Another victory! 13 Canary Island Palms (listed as an invasive weed in the DSE Advisory List) have been removed from the Draft Master Plan! It is hoped that extending car parking along Beach Road up to the Mordialloc Lifesaving Club has also been removed. This would mean removal of foreshore vegetation -mature indigenous trees. Large regional playground to be located in the established arboretum in George Woods Reserve is still in the Draft Plan.

The draft plan will go out for consultation so there is an opportunity for comment. The controversial bridge from the Hazel Pierce Reserve to Lambert Island is still in the plan. Unfortunately it seems that the Sea Scouts will have a battle to retain their club house on the island.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd August 2011


August has been a busy month with members letter writing and submissions sent to relevant authorities. Nina is seeking support for the retention of the Mordialloc Masonic Hall which is up for sale. Contact made with Kingston’s historian, Graham Whitehead. Nina, Mara , Mary & Wal have written re retention of SE Green Wedge. Submissions have been sent to Economic Development & Infrastructure Committee, Victorian Planning System Ministerial Advisory Committee and Green Fields Exploration in Victoria for coal seam gas mining. Letters also sent to the Leader with mixed success. We miss the Independent and Mike Morris!

Forthcoming Events

Open Day Spring Planting Friends of the Grange September 10 Saturday 10am-noon.

Watch for a possible walk along the foreshore from Carrum to Mordialloc later in the year organized by NRA people. This will be an opportunity to see latest work of the NRA team.

Geelong Environment Council

Geelong Environment Council is seeking support to prevent a coal mine being extended a further 300 ha into the fragile heritage listed heathland. Visit the National Parks Association website to find out how to take action. Or contact Matthew Guy, Minister for Planning, Spring Street, Melbourne and Premier Ted Baillieu at the same address. Coal seam gas mining exploration is scheduled for many Victorian environmental /scenic sites. Watch out.


Waterwatch has been in abeyance as a result of Kingston Council withdrawing funding. Bronwen has negotiations under control so that water quality will continue in due course.

Bay Trail

Bay trail has been trapped in a web of intrigue as certain councillors try to push for a shared bike path on the Mentone promenade and to remove environmentalists, cyclists and communities preferred option of back-of – kerb using the grass verge on the side of Beach Road (approved by VicRoads) and conforming with the soon to be completed Bayside section of the Bay Trail- a safe bike path for students and others preferring not to ride on Beach Road.

Lobbyists Register

Cr West is to be congratulated on moving in Council, 22 August 2011, that a Lobbyists Register be compiled for councillors, planners and staff as a matter of transparency and accountability. This is especially important in view of the recent report of a lobbyist touting for funds from businesses for Liberal candidates prior to the November State Government election without reporting to Electoral officials or Liberal Party Head office. The motion was modeled on the Victorian Government Lobbyists register and should be supported by concerned citizens.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

MBCL and Mordialloc Village Committee support the retention of the Mordialloc Sea Scouts on Lamberts Island. The Sea Scouts are prepared to renovate their building if Council would renew their lease. There have been problems with the creek dredging programme. It seems the polymer that was supposed to glue dredge spoil together prior to transport to a tip didn’t work and in any case several tips refused to accept the dredge spoil because it was too toxic! Walter has sent a letter to the First Bloke suggesting that Pompei’s shed become a “men’s shed”.

Southeast Green Wedge

Alan Hood spoke with great authority at the KCEC meeting describing the scheming behind the scenes as developers try to gouge out land from the green wedge for residential development. The former “Theme Park” land on the corner of Hutton and Springvale Roads is a case in point. Millions have been spent purchasing the land confident of approval of re-zoning in due course. Planning News has articles supporting retaining GW!

The Collins Report

National “tree” Day on Bonbeach resulted in 35 people attending with 1700 plants planted. 26 people planted 2000 species at Mordialloc Creek.

Yammerbook detailed soil testing to assess possible acid sulfate soil was undertaken. Tests available soon.

1200 plants at a planting day in Chicquita Park with another planting in September/October. Manna Gums are sprouting and Cherry Ballarts fruiting.

Future EVC assessments at Bonbeach foreshore between Harding Avenue and Patterson river, Kingston Heath Reserve, Heights Park and Caruana Drive Redgum Reserve.

Horticulture Audit 64 sites assessed, 254 targets, 244 targets achieved . 96.1%

Mordialloc Walking Trail

Johanna compiled an excellent list of sites suitable for inclusion in a walking trail. Unfortunately the trail likely to be produced by council lacks certain features such as remnant racing sites such as stables and owners houses.

Obituary: Mike Morris 25 July 2011.

Formerly a journalist with the Dandenong Examiner and Mordialloc Chelsea Independent. MBCL was always grateful that Mike gave full coverage to issues we submitted and printed our letters in full! Mike gets a mention in Bob Ellis’s book, “Goodbye Jerusalem”. It seems Bob, Mike, Mungo MacCallum and Michael Leunig were part of the team of reporters on Richard Walsh’s paper Nation Review, no longer around sadly. John Hepworth, one of the team, was dying and Ellis reports that “ “the Hepworth Fellowship was gathering. Mungo MacCallum had been in, and Richard Walsh and Mike Morris and the surviving gang from Nation Review….and Leunig and John Hindle (visited) almost daily.”

Blue Wedges Newsletter

Blue Wedges reports that the expensive sand bag wall at Portsea is not working and DSE have now installed a rock wall which hasn’t saved the beach but may prevent further erosion of the dunes.Jenny says “What certainly has changed since channel deepening is Portsea beach and the strength and frequency of ocean swells now able to enter the Bay and pound Portsea shoreline.” Dr Eric Bird’s document “Changes on the Coastline of Port Phillip Bay” gives great coverage of sand movement and erosion around the Bay which he claims is a natural process and will continue – exacerbated, of course, by human intervention.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th July 2011

Bay Trail

Cadel Evan’s victory in the Tour de France was fantastic to watch as riders climbed mountains and sprinted to the finish in spectacular French scenery. A team of Australian cyclists are hoping to compete in next year’s Tour de France and it is expected that Evans will take part in the Round the Bay competition in October. It is also reported that people were purchasing bikes and seeking safe training and recreational tracks inspired by Evan’s success. Although Lord Mayor Doyle claimed that Melbourne is a “true bicycle city” he seems to be describing the centre of Melbourne rather than the outer suburbs. Kingston lacks the completion of a safe off -road bike track unlike Bayside whose section of their off-road trail is soon to be completed. It is unfortunate that Cr Dundas ,in the Kingston Your City paper misleadingly described an off-road(back-of-kerb) bike track. His preference is to continue to use the narrow Mentone promenade for a shared bicycle/pedestrian unfortunately.With increased numbers of cyclists seeking to train, it is important to continue with the ban on parking on Beach Road between 6am and 10 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings to improve safety for the cyclists and reduce aggression shown by motorists towards training cyclists.A letter has been sent to Louise Asher, Liberal Member for Brighton, seeking her support for the completion of the Beach Road off-road bike trail.

Mordialloc Creek Advisory Committee 

MBCL been invited to be part of the advisory committee in meetings in November, March and July. Dredging has commenced behind and around Lambert’s Island in the creek. Next year dredging is to continue upstream to the Chute Street boat ramp.Sea Scouts do not want to be removed from their club on the island.


Bronwen , Anne and Darren continue with water quality monitoring of Mordialloc Creek at Bowen Road.

South East Green Wedge

Walter reported on a battle to retain Kingston’s green wedge as a Chain of Parks now under threat from the Baillieu government’s auditing of Melbournne’s green wedges with developers seeking to annexe land for high density development. Capital Golf course may become a golf course housing estate. Barry Ross, on behalf of the SEGW , has had wins at VCAT with large signs removed from the Anchor Marine site.

Inquiry into Greenfields Mineral Exploration and Project Development in Victoria

The State Government is conducting an inquiry into barriers against greenfields mineral exploration in Victoria. Exploration is taking place throughout Victoria including the Otways, Ninety Mile Beach, the Strezleckie Ranges, Red Gum Forests along the Murray irrespective of the importance of these areas for carbon sequestration and tourist value. Coal seam gas mining uses vast quantities of groundwater as well as polluting aquifers and rivers with waste water. MBCL has completed a submission. Copies are available for anyone is interested – or better still send in a submission – due 19th August.

Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land and Water Rights

The sale of large acreages of fertile farmland and control of water rights threatens our food and water security. Countries around the world recognize that natural assets such as water and food producing land will be most valuable in coming decades so why is the federal government selling 252,000 ha to a Canadian company, Alberta? MBCL has sent a letter to Bill Shorten, Assistant Treasurer regarding this matter. The more letters sent the better.

Australia’s Network

Australia’s Network will be unable to fulfil its role in advancing the interests of Australia overseas if it is run by a commercial network. Murdoch has tendered for control of the Australian Broadcasting Network (ABC). A letter has been sent to our federal member, Mark Dreyfus after Friends of the ABC alerted us to this situation. They would welcome more letters to ensure the network remains in ABC hands.

Bradshaw Park

Park fence has been completed with steel coloured mesh attached to the existing fairly low fence. It may prevent rubbish from the highway blowing into the Reserve.

The Mentone and Mordialloc Village Committee were asked to decide whether the Reserve should become a dog free zone as suggested by Friends of Bradshaw Park. It has been claimed that dog faeces and urine affects indigenous plants. However this was discounted by Prof. Ugovich, and Mordialloc Village Committee decided to let Friends of Bradshaw Park make the final decision.

Climate Change and Biodiversity Reference Group

The final meeting will be held 24th August. A questionnaire has been sent to members asking for comments on the format of meetings, should this committee continue in its present form and a possible expansion of membership. It is important that the CCBRG continues with recommendations put to council to ensure that some action is taken.A widened membership may help spread important messages in the community.

Mordialloc Creek

Nina reports that a productive working bee on Saturday morning 2nd July planted Swamp Melaleucas, Hop Gardenias, Wallaby Grass, Common Tussock Grass. Pleasing to note that Cr Dan Maloney came to lend a hand!

Mordialloc Masonic Hall

Masonic Hall in a serious state of disrepair with steps and columns crumbling, litter dumped in the entrance and around the building. Is this building Heritage listed?

Surely it is worth repairing as some form of community centre and/or a venue for dance classes which are always short of a hall to rehearse.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

KCEC will meet next Wednesday 10th August at 7.30pm at Neighbourhood House. Several speakers will form a panel to discuss Kingston’s section of the Bike Trail.The Grange. Annual General Meeting at which Rob Jones spoke. Did he recite poetry like he used to? More orchids are being discovered. Unfortunately the smell from the tip is unpleasant.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st June 2011

Cr Peulich Visit

Welcome to Cr Peulich – a ‘getting to know you’ visit to discuss issues of importance to MBCL members. And a welcome to Rod who presented the background to the 1985 battle for the Bay Trail in Sandringham – now likely to be completed back of kerb in conformity with the successful existing sections of the trail through Sandringham, Black Rock and Brighton. Meanwhile Kingston’s section of the trail languishes while futile suggestions, for example using Mentone promenade, are debated rather than adopting Bayside’s back of kerb example.

Foreshore Funding

Weeding the northern section of Kingston foreshore. Penny asks why $300,000 dollars allocated to Cr Dundas for use on the foreshore cannot be used for the NRA team to weed and revegetate the foreshore? Who is responsible for eventual use of this money?

Bay Trail

Judy’s Letter to the local paper referred to the fact that Cr Dundas moved in Council that the back of berb option for the bike track , favoured by MBCL , Bayside council and a majority of residents surveyed, be deleted from the options to be presented to the Transport Minister. Such are the machinations involved in attempting to have a safe, viable bike track built to encourage the community to adopt an alternative form of transport to alleviate climate change.

Trees in the Nature Strip Beach Road

Council is to be congratulated for giving Beach Road the option of having a tree in their nature strip. The furore from residents who didn’t want to lose “their” view or the ability to park on “their” nature strip resulted in four page letters being letter boxed along Beach Road. Stephen provided a lucid and reasoned response.Well done.


Bronwen, Anne and Darren found that phosphate levels had declined this month due to the lower temperature of 11 degrees. The team discussed the idea of testing water quality further upstream e.g. on the Edithvale drain alongside Springvale Road – or at Waterways where water enters the wetlands. Bronwen would be interested in trialing this idea.

Climate Change and Biodiversity Report

Walter reported on the CC&B meeting where population was the topic with a viewing of Dick Smith’s excellent film .Jonathon presented demographic stats showing population growth in Kingston. Walter then handed out 20 copies of Kelvin Thomson’s 14 point plan for a sustainable population for Australia and also recommended a Melbourne University report entitled “Zero Carbon Australia: a Stationery Energy Plan.” This can be purchased for $30 from the university.

The Collins Report

Staff changes include Tim Ford being appointed to the role of Horticulture Supervisor; Glen Firth acting in Tree Establishment Supervisor role.

Yammerbook has received approval from Melbourne Water on two concepts and will now undertake soil testing to assess possible acid-sulfate soils so that extension of the lakes can go ahead. Flora and fauna surveys revealed Wallaby Grass, remnant or emergent.

Chicquita park landscaping work is continuing, Levanto Street fence has been removed and the area will be sprayed and mulched in June in preparation for planting. Sporting grounds and parks are still affected by flooding earlier in the year.

Made a presentation to the Mordialloc Lions Club and hope that they will become involved in Parks activities.Working with Mordialloc Rotary at Parkdale Station.Tony was then questioned about changes to NRA’s foreshore work area e.g the PETER SCULLIN RESERVE which has been removed from the NRA team’s responsibility and now comes under Parks and Landscaping. Nina queried the reason for these changes. Does this mean formalizing the reserve rather than adhering to the long held concept of a natural, open area with indigenous trees and under storey providing shade and shelter? The consultant’s plans show an avenue of Canary Island Palms , an invasive weed species according to the Advisory list of environmental weeds of coastal plains and heathy forest bioregions of Victoria. Canary Island palms were removed from the Hazel Pierce Reserve five years ago. Nina asked why the Banksias had limbs removed and the understorey cleared near the promenade and barbecues. Understorey provides shelter from the prevailing south west wind . This is more important than see- through views.

Fun for the Over Fifties

Organised by KCC, may well have been an attempt by real estate and developer sponsors to lure the over fifties out of their comfortable homes and into the rabbit hutches presently being constructed in Kingston by a certain well known developer. However environment groups were offered a stall to display material so Nina revised the MBCL brochure and replenished our supply. One good thing to come out of the event. Thanks ,Nina.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan raises once again that hoary old chestnut of removing the sea scouts from Lambert’s Island to provide access for the public to yet another restaurant, possibly within, or part of, the motor yacht squad building. Mordialloc Council’s Tract Consultant’s plan 1985 ,also wrestled with the question of how the public was to access the island. Another old saw also re-emerges in the draft master plan where it is stated that the George Woods Reserve is “under utilized” so therefore some structure must fill up the open space – this time it is a large regional playground in the arboretum amongst the mature trees on the pleasant open grassed area. There is ample room on the site of the existing playground for expansion.

Green Wedges

Green Wedges are under threat this time from the Baillieu Government who are reviewing the boundaries and would like to see expansion of schools, churches and wineries and who knows what else, into the wedges. Why are we not surprised?

Blue Wedges

Blue Wedges report that a barrage of sand bags at Portsea hasn’t saved the beach as the ocean swell pounds through the Heads. The “independent” Office of Environmental Monitor is “satisfied that dredging is not the cause of Portsea beach disappearing”It also claims that there is insufficient data to prove that dredging is the cause of the problem. Then that must mean that there is insufficient data to support their claim that the disappearing beach is NOT linked to dredging? Well done, Jenny!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th May 2011

Volunteer Grants

Mark Dreyfus Federal Member for Isaacs advises that Volunteer Grants of between  $1000 and $5000 are now open. Applications close June 8 at 5pm. Any ideas?

Mordialloc Historic Walking Trail

Nanda Krottje, project Officer for the City of Kingston, Leisure and Culture, invites queries (and hopefully) suggestions. Ph 9581 4575

Mordialloc Creek Foot Bridge

Nina has been mining the files and found some interesting material about the pedestrian bridge over the creek linking the George Woods Reserve, Mordialloc to the Long Beach BikeTrail in Aspendale. Constructed in 1982 by K.V.Johnston Construction Pty Ltd the bridge has a 40 m span pin arch structure that follows in the tradition of timber arch bridges established by the 50 m span Greensborough Bridge built in 1975. Having rehabilitated the once highly polluted Mordialloc Creek, Chelsea and Mordialloc Councils felt that a timber bridge better reflected their aspiration of restoring natural qualities of the area. It was never intended that the bridge should be painted and it is disappointing to find that just as the paint was wearing off, the bridge has been re-painted!

Beach Road Tree Planting

Kingston Council is offering residents the choice of three types of indigenous trees to be planted in the nature strip along Beach Road. And yes, you’ve guessed it! Someone is letter boxing the area claiming that trees will “affect the views of residents’! Joan has also been mining the files and found some disturbing facts about the Melia azedarach, White Cedar, also known as Persian Lilac, currently being planted in our nature strips


Bronwen has new equipment and also has a new helper, Anne, a lady from Aspendale as well as Darren. However phosphate levels were lower this month because the weather was only 12 degrees and phosphate readings are affected by temperature variations.

Mordialloc Creek

Nina and Tony reported on Mordialloc Creek/Wells Road Storm Water Treatment work to reduce pollution of the creek and also provide alternative water options for street tree and park watering. Nina reports that a bike trail has been cut through the vegetation near Old Wells Road .


Reports from Tony and Nina on the progress of Stage 2 Master Plan for the reserve. Council is still awaiting approval from Melbourne Water for this work to commence. In the meantime water testing has been arranged by council and a flora and fauna survey is being undertaken by Ecology Australia.

Bradshaw Park

Council agreed to retrofit the existing fence with mesh. Stainless steel mesh has been attached to the fence on the highway side. Two swing gates and two mesh vehicle gates are also required.

The Collins Report

Council was involved in discussions with ESV and other councils to consider a staged transition to achieving the new Electric Line Clearance regulations .Found that this authority was more conciliatory while still demanding line clearance. Lines to be bundled rather than have numerous lines destroying neighbourhood vistas.

Heatherton Rec Reserve Storm Treatment Project similar to Mordialloc Creek project is aimed at minimizing use of potable water.

Chicquita Park landscape works are continuing, and following some community interest, aim to include residents in planting planned for June.

First Avenue Clayton playground and park upgrade with tree planting as part of the offset project from the Dept of Transport.?

Bicenntenial Park Chelsea has lost a recently installed 6 metre picnic table.

Bay Trail

Despite positive moves in Bayside regarding completion of the Bay trail back-of-kerb, Kingston council is still considering four options rather than take advantage of Transport Minister Mulder’s offer to permit narrowing of Beach Road lanes where significant vegetation is threatened.

Banksia Woodland, Bonbeach

As a result of recalcitrant Bonbeach residents wanting all vegetation removed from the foreshore so that “their views” will not be impeded Kingston’s Coastal Management Plan is in abeyance.

Green Wedge Issues

Capital Golf Course in Kingston’s green wedge is seeking approval for a residential development on this land.


The Grange has seen early flowering of wattles, multiple butterflies and other insects.

Rowan Woodland has also seen great growth due to plentiful rain.

Mornington Yacht Club

Mornington Yacht Club is proposing a large marina for 190 boats in Mornington Harbour . It will include a 210 metre concrete wave screen wall rising 4 metres above high tide and buried at the base of the sea bed. Negative impacts include loss of amenity, views obstructed and visual surroundings totally altered. Popular Mother’s Beach will no longer be a safe or pleasant swimming beach due to increased sand accumulation and water pollution. Views of the bay will be obstructed by the massive concrete wave screen. There is already a huge, largely unoccupied marina at Martha Cove Harbour. This appears to be massive over kill to try to protect 190 boats at the expense of the enjoyment of many hundreds of visitors and residents to Mother’s Beach.

Fun for our Fiftys

An expo 4th and 5th June at Kingston City Hall with exhibitors such as the developer Lowe Constructions and Ian Ryan How to obtain the best price for your home when selling. They wouldn’t be trying to persuade the over 50s to sell and move out of their stand alone homes with backyard and garden and move into one of the dog kennels being constructed locally so that their developer mates can make a killing, would they?. Would they???

Coal Seam Gas Mining

Exploration licences have been granted to explore in the Ninety Mile Beach , The Gippsland Lakes and the Strezlecki Ranges in Victoria

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th April 2011

Mordialloc Creek Dredging

A report given by a boat owner committee member at the Mordialloc Village committee gave the impression that dredging may continue beyond the Chute Street boat ramp, however a subsequent meeting at the Mordialloc Motor Yacht Squadron headquarters, attended by two KCC officers, clarified this matter. Dredging will commence behind Lambert Island in July and continue in stages as money becomes available and will not extend beyond the boat ramp at Chute Street. There is a problem in dealing with toxic dredge spoil which will have to be de-watered before disposal to landfill.

South East Green Wedge

South East Green Wedge meeting held at the Dingley International Hotel 7th April was well attended by MBCL and KCEC members.with strong support for retention of green wedge agricultural land for horticulture, market gardens and plant nurseries. Support for the completion of the Chain of Parks to compensate for loss of open space due to high density development surrounding the green wedge. Neighbouring councils lacking adequate sports fields would welcome the development of these facilities to be used co-operatively by other councils. A wildlife corridor with a link to Braeside Park is considered important as is the retention of water filled sand quarries as water retention basins with non-polluted water utilized for recreational activities and/or for irrigation.The quarries have become sanctuaries for wildlife and should be preserved for this purpose. Forests planted for carbon sequestration and as arboretums would add to the appearance of the green wedge.


Bronwen tested Mordialloc Creek water quality at 8am 8th April at the Bowen Road site and found that phosphate levels were still high and that salt readings were also high.

Bay Trail

A meeting with Beaumaris Conservation Society, MBCL and Hon Murray Thompson and Lorraine Wreford was held at Cromer Road, Beaumaris, 12th April to discuss VicRoads and DSE’s approval for a back –of- kerb bike track between Cromer Road and Charman Road. Bayside Council’s reasons for support for the back- of- kerb option are .     1. It is consistent with the majority of the Bay trail in Bayside

  1. It was more secure for families and cyclists
  2. It can be built from low maintenance materials i.e concrete rather than gravel
  3. Lighting is provided by existing Beach Road lights adding to safety.

It is understood that the Minister for Transport, Terry Mulder has advised Kingston Council that he has no problem with the narrowing of Beach Road traffic lanes for a back-of-kerb bike track where there is significant vegetation . The bike track therefore would be consistent with the trail in Bayside in terms of lighting ,safety and maintenance.

The Collins Report

Remnant Wallaby Grass has been found in Yammerbook as a result of a survey by Jeff Yugovich. Consultants have produced two concept sketches for extension of the reserve once soil testing and flora/fauna surveys are completed. Awaiting Melbourne Water approval.

Landscape works have commenced at Chicquita Park following branch removal and weed spraying. Community involvement with planting is planned to begin in May/June.

NRA staffing positions have been filled. New positions in the Parks department include, Hort Supervisor, Admin Officer, Admin Assistant, and AR Crew Leader.

Epson Wetland

A good turnout for a working bee 2nd of April removed large clumps of Flea Bane, 300 grasses and shrubs planted. Jeff Yugovich advises that Epsom Plains Grassland is rarer than Basalt Grassland under threat West of Melbourne.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Draft Plan will be going out for consultation seeking community feedback . (See KYC) Proposals include “enhancing existing parkland, playgrounds and promenades” A large regional playground has been mooted for the arboretum in the George Woods Reserve and two large shelter sheds in the Peter Scullin Reserve.

Active Youth Spaces Strategy

City of Kingston is developing an Active Youth Spaces Strategy focusing on skate, scoot and bmx parks as well as outdoor spaces that help young people enjoy an active lifestyle. This is an admirable aim but thought needs to given to the location of these facilities especially as many sites have environmental significance.

Changes on the Coastline of Port Phillip Bay

A new book by Eric Bird. Ring Phillip Wierzbowski , Coast Action/Coastcare Facilitator for information about availability.

Telephne 9296 4525.

Union of Australian Women

Union of Australian Women meeting of the Southern Branch

Saturday 14th May 2011, 2pm, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Guest Speaker – Pamela Curr, Refugee Advocate. Topic “The Present State of Asylum Seekers and Refugees”

Flooding Issues

Following the recent torrential downpour which threatened the evacuation of Waterways housing estate questions arise about planning policy. Who will be responsible if there is no restriction on building on flood prone land especially if the only restriction is to recommend that the site is filled to raise the buildings thereby creating drainage problems for neighbouring properties.? Some insurance companies are advising foreshore property owners that there will no cover for flood damage. The State Government is offering to buy back flood damaged farms in Northern Victoria to enhance biodiversity and protect floodplain drainage networks.The Floodplain Restoration Project aims to create extra flood storage and reduce the impact of floods on local towns.

Banksia Woodland, Bonbeach

Bonbeach Banksias under threat yet again by residents who mistakenly believe that money can buy a view.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

KCEC meeting 7.30pm 11th May Neighbourhood House Mordialloc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd March 2011

Forthcoming Meetings

Kingston Heath Reserve next meeting will be at Cheltenham Moorabbin RSL 10am April 5th. This appears to be an active group achieving great results.

Victorian National Parks meeting at Box Hill Town Hall ,1022 Whitehorse Road, 6th April 6.30pm.This is a special meeting concerned with cattle grazing in Victoria’s Alpine National Parks. Port Phillip Conservation Council Annual General meeting 8.00pm 18th April at 47 Bayview Crescent, Black Rock. Speaker will be Jan Oliver President of Mornington Environment Association. She will speak about MEA’s campaign to save Mornington’s historic harbour from a marina. Visitors are welcome at this meeting.

Environmental Weeds

Following a lengthy discussion about Council’s use of the invasive weed Pennisetum setaceum at the Beeson Reserve ,Edithvale, it was moved at the March meeting, that a letter be sent requesting that Council’s weed information sheet be revised to include this species to discourage residents from planting it in their gardens. The Pennisetum (African Fountain Grass) is listed in the Catchment and Land Protection Act (CALP.) Arthur Rylah Institute advises that councils should resist planting this species. A response has been received to our letter. It will be tabled at the 6th April meeting. .

Meetings Attended

Walter attended a meeting Springvale Town Hall where the EPA fielded questions about their performance. Wal and partner attended a fund raising dinner at Mordialloc Sailing Club. Dredging is supposed to commence this month

Environment Protection & Biodiversity & Conservation Act

Reviewed in 2009 by panel but Government not responding.Act protecting only a limited number of species.


Darren and Bronwen with Melissa carried out tests and found phosphate levels were double previous levels at Bowen Road test site. MBCL money is available if more chemicals or equipment is required. The Green Wedge discussion paper reports on the status of landfills in the green wedge. Of interest given that three major drains flowing through the landfill area feed into Mordialloc Creek:-

Historical Landfill Data provided by Kingston Council indicates that only four existing landfills have environmental controls around capping layer,gas emission, lining and leachate generation and monitoring. 13 landfils have limited records of environmental controls based on the above mentioned . 11 landfills had none or unknown information pertaining to environmental controls.

The majority of the landfills have been closed or are progressively being closed. Five landfills have an expected life of five years or less, and three landfills have an expected life of 10 to 20 years. What impact have these landfills had on groundwater?

The Collins Report

As a result of torrential rain in February Waterways residential estate was under threat of evacuation at one stage as the water level rose. Parks and ovals were damaged by flood water . Kingston’s foreshore was covered in 1000 tonnes of rubbish washed down the creek and drains.

Consultants are arranging soil tests and flora and fauna surveys at Yammerbook. Acid sulphate tests being undertaken in this area.

Authorities are adamant that street trees must be pruned under power lines to ‘prevent bushfires’. This will mutilate some magnificent trees around parks – along Mentone Parade near Brindisi Street for example.

Penny reports that water covered The Grange during the downpour.

Landscape work, branch removal and weed spraying is being carried out in Chicquita Park.

Hastings Port Expansion Plans

Sixteen environment and community groups have called for a halt on plans to expand the Port of Hastings which pose an unacceptable risk to Westernport Bay. Westernport has remarkable environmental and recreational values. Extensive seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh habitats are nurseries for fish species and foraging, roosting and breeding habitat for shorebirds and wader birds. Port expansion plans include new road and rail transport corridors, significant dredging of the channel, the decimation of 4-6 kms of mangroves and substantial land reclamation.

Dumped Household Rubbish

Nina reports on an increase in dumped household rubbish on the south bank of Mordialloc Creek near the pumping station. Waste included household items and rubbish, factory or building waste and garden waste.

Bay Trail

Great news for Bayside Council! VicRoads and DSE have approved a back of kerb bike track to complete their section of the track from Cromer Road to Charman Road. “Over the last two years investigations have been carried out to develop a solution which requires the least foreshore vegetation loss.VicRoads offered to reduce traffic lane widths between Cromer Road and Wells Road significantly reducing foreshore vegetation loss.”

The path straddles the boundary between the road reserve (VicRoads) and foreshore (DSE) and is 3 metres wide with a 1 metre shoulder on the road side and 0.5 metre shoulder on the foreshore. This complies with AustRoad guidelines and has been endorsed by a vicRoads safety auditor. Exactly what MBCL have been asking Kingston Council for the last five or six years!!! This solution was selected because 1 It was consistent with the majority of the Bay Trail in Bayside 2. It is more secure for families and cyclists next to the road. 3.It can be built form low maintenance materials i.e. concrete rather than gravel.

Again exactly the arguments which MBCL has been using to try and convince Kingston Council to adopt a back of kerb bike track to complete the trail!!

Jack Iggulden

Jack Iggulden , one of the founders of MBCL in 1969, died at his home in Bellingen NSW 8th October 2010. He was 93. He was a businessman, author, glider pilot and environmentalist.

In 1970 he became the founding president of Port Phillip Conservation Council. This led to his arrest in 1972 in a major demonstration at Mordialloc opposing a pipeline across the Bay.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd February 2011


MBCL members have made submissions this month to the Federal Governments Sustainable Population Strategy for Australia.

Letters received from Friends of Bradshaw Park concerning retrofitting the fence with mesh.

The Collins Report

Following the unseasonal amount of rain and now heat, grass and weed growth throughout Kingston has been phenomenal and while some areas are looking uncared for this is in part due to staff leave over Christmas.

Due to some staff departures the NRA team is engaged in recruitment to fill the vacancies.

Due to severe storms in December 2010 there have been 500 calls above normal for tree removal, pruning and branch pick-up. Following Dept of Transport works at Westall Station council has undertaken offset planting at Caruana resulting in 700 plantings over the next ten years.

A consultant has been appointed to undertake design work as part of the Stage 2 project at Yammerbook. Landscape works are due to commence shortly following community consultation at Chicquita residential development.


Pleased to report that Bronwen and David met with Melissa Melbourne Water at Bowen Road site. Higher phosphate readings suggested that new testing materials will be required to get an accurate reading of high phosphate levels.

Bradshaw Reserve

Following a further meeting the Friends group have sent a letter to Council re-affirming their position on fencing for the Reserve. While a higher cyclone fence is preferable a compromise position is to retrofit mesh to the existing fence which would at least make it more difficult for dogs and humans to climb over or under at any point to enter the park.

Mordialloc Village Committee and MBCL support this position. Other requests are that the entrance next to the railway line be closed and the reserve declared a no-dog space since dog faeces change the nutrient composition of the soil affecteing indigenous plants. A fence is necessary for Bradshaw Park to retain its role as a sanctuary for native flora and fauna- a role recognized by the Victorian Environment Assessment Council which lists Bradshaw park under Protected Area: Natural Features Reserve-Bushland Area. Bradshaw Park also won a Heritage Award from the Develop Victoria Council 1988 for its importance in the “restoration and preservation of the natural trees and vegetation in the Bayside area.”

Chain of Parks / South east Green Wedge.

Community consultation is about to commence to decide the fate of Kingston’s Green Wedge.As usual there is pressure from developers, planners and land-owners to develop sections for residential development rather than open space and a Chain of Parks to compensate for intensive high density development . A KCEC organized meeting at Kingston Neighbourhood House Tuesday 1st March will be an opportunity to hear speakers outlining the importance of retaining the green wedge as open space . Further meetings will continue the debate. Watch this space.

Street Tree Management Policy

Residents in Carrum are querying the trees listed for residents to choose from when it is necessary to replace trees- or if indeed trees need to be replaced. According to Kingston’s Strategy 75% of trees to be planted will be indigenous and 25% exotic. Residents query why so many of the trees appear to be exotic e.g Pin Oak (Canadian) or not locally indigenous when there are so many trees indigenous to bayside suburbs which would be more suitable and would preserve the character of the bayside areas?

African Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum or Macrourum

Unfortunately it has become trendy for nurserys to sell this invasive weed to unsuspecting householders who may have seen this plant flourishing in municipal parks and gardens. When these weeds are planted close to the foreshore, Mordialloc Creek or Edithvale Seaford Wetlands, there is a real danger that they will become established and then impossible to remove.The Catchment and Land Protection Act lists them as a regionally prohibited species.

Strongly recommend a feature article in Domain, the Age, 20 February, 2011. “Making the most of the coast you’ve got- Seaside gardeners do well to take their lead from their surrounds” The article continues “Biting winds,salty air and sandy soil mean that most alluring coastal gardens tend to be ones using plants native to the area.” Taking cues from the local environment gives a garden a sense of place and belonging   whereas lawns and roses means “we are in danger of creating suburbs by the sea.”

Floods and Flooding

Parts of Mordialloc Main Street were under water in recent torrential storms and some people’s houses were flooded . Mordialloc was badly flooded in 1934 and 1954 . In-fill housing development in suburban streets with a flood overlay (LSIO) is likeley to cause heart-ache for neighbours when the new house next door is told by Melbourne Water to use fill and build up to a metre higher than neighbouring houses. What happens to the run-off? Something to think about.

South East Green Wedge

Meetings 1st March at the neighbourhod House Mordialloc Beginning at 8pm.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.