Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st August 2012

Beaumaris Cliffs National Estate Register

The important Beaumaris Red Bluff Sand Cliffs were removed from the National Estate Register (along with hundreds of other significant sites in 2004) leaving the cliffs without legal protection. Correspondence with Mark Dreyfus and Tony Burke, Minister fro Environment, advised that we could apply for the cliffs inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register. However Geoffrey Goode,(PPCC) found after discussion with the Victorian Geological Society, that it is almost impossible to have any site accepted for listing in Victoria. Documents provided would require an astute legal eagle to deal with them.

Canary Island Date Palms Hazel Pierce Reserve

A letter from DSE A/Manager Environmental Planning Port Phillip Region, advises that the DSE prefers that all re-vegetation on coastal Crown land utilize indigenous species. DSE does not support the planting of Canary Island Palms on coastal Crown land and will advise City of Kingston of this. Canary Island Palms are listed in DSE’s “Advisory list of Environmental weeds of coastal plains and healthy forests bioregions of Victoria.” Letters were sent to Kingston CEO.

Meetings Attended

Wal attended a Beyond Zero Emissions meeting dealing mining emissions as a result of coal exports to China, India. 400 people attended. He also attended a meeting at Beaumaris Yacht Club attended by groups from around the Bay. issues affecting foreshore and waters of the Bay. Beaumaris Bay .


Dredging work on the section of Moridalloc creek between the rail and road bridges is proceeding on time and on budget. Melbourne Water is planning to begin construction of wetlands on industrial land above Wells Road bridge. This work will connect with Waterways wetlands and may further help in improving water quality.

Green Wedge Management Plan

The plan was approved by Council 27th August with compromises that did not suit all land owners nor the Southeast Greenwedge Coalition. Nor was Lady Hamer happy with the Baillieu Government ignoring Premier Hamer’s plan to prevent development in the green wedges the lungs and green spaces of Melbourne. 6000 hectares of former green wedge land will be subject to plans for development including shops, sawmills, schools and petrol stations. Special thanks to Cr West who has valiantly fought to preserve Kingston’s green wedge for future generations – with able support from Crs Shewin and Staikos.

Council Pre-Election Survey

A meeting organized to meet council candidates was attended by four women who, if elected, will be a much needed antidote to Kingston’s present testosterone posturing at meetings.

The Collins Report

The NRA sites and foreshore were audited in July. We look forward to results as promised at the September meeting. The Horticulture crew assessed approximately 20% of sites managed by the crew to check on plant survival, mulch depth, weed cover, litter and quality pruning. The crew achieved 97% successful result. Rock wall at Carrum built to prevent beach erosion is nearly completed. Yammerbook Reserve has received draft detailed designs from Jeavons Landscapes but need to confirm flood levels with information provided by Melbourne Water prior to obtaining final approval and signing a licence agreement. National Tree Day proved to be very successful for council’s team with 80 people from a wide spectrum of volunteers and public and private schools planting along Mordialloc Creek, Kingston foreshore and reserves. An Interfaith Group planted 600 plants in an hour at Carrum foreshore on Saturday 28th July during National Tree Day.

Bay Trail

We understand the Vicroads plans to narrow Beach Road to Australian standards as a safety measure claiming that a wide road encourages speed whereas a standard width road would discourage speed. Should the narrowing eventuate it would simplify the locations of Kingston’s section of the Bay Trail on the verge of Beach Road to conform with the successful Bayside bike trail.

Barkly Street

Three storey 24 unit development may go to VCAT 19th November. Matthew Guy’s New Planning Zones will replace Res Zones 1,2,3 with zones allowing three to four storey’s in suburban streets and a a mixture of business activities in Activity Zones. (i.e our suburban shopping strips and housing on the fringe.) Third party objection will no longer apply where a development conforms with the new zones.

Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM

Will be held at 7.30pm Monday 22nd October at Long Beach Place Chelsea Community Center, 15 Chelsea Road. Guest Speaker will be Dr Graeme Pearman. Should not be missed. Dr Pearman, former head of CSIRO Aspendale Atmospheric Center was warning of climate change three decades ago – as were many other scientists such as Barry Pittock also a scientist at Aspendale.

Pompei Site

The site appears to be under threat according to an Age article 30th August “Local Legend’s son in deep water over family’s creek lease.” According to Mordialloc Structure plan no matter what development was planned for the area boating repairs, launching and possibly apprenticeship courses for boat builders were to be retained on site as part of the attraction of Mordialloc Creek and environs. Without boating activity and character Mordialloc would lose the “timeless unsophisticated quality which is perhaps one of its greatest assets.” This is according to Mordialloc Foreshore & Environs Strategy Plan for Mordialloc City Council November 1987 by Tract Consultants. Mordialloc Structure Plan endorsed the proposal to retain structures that would enable small boat owners to repair and launch their boats and if possible to have a museum of wooden boat building.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th July 2012

Mordialloc Bypass

The extension is being actively canvassed by certain residents who think the extension may remove traffic from Wells Road. The MPFE is opposed by those who will be most affected by a proposed flyover – namely Waterways, Palm Grove, Royal Palms and Dingley Village residential estates. MBCL was asked to supply flyers to alert residents. MBCL has had a long standing opposition to the MPFE believing that freeways don’t reduce traffic but encourage greater use of motor vehicles.

George Woods Reserve Playground

Plans to discuss with the kindergarten parents’ committee an alternative location of the proposed regional playground. Kinder parents are claiming they need a larger car park and an extension of the kinder building all of which will mean an encroachment into the Arboretum. The committee also claims that drug taking and vandalism takes place behind the kinder building so lights and cameras are required – and no doubt toilets and barbecues. The corner of Parks and Governor Road is dangerous as B-doubles and other commercial traffic travel at speed at that corner frequently causing accidents. Council has taken a survey of traffic density and speed. MBCL have advocated relocating to the existing playground opposite Bertram Street where there is a toilet and barbecues, clear visibility from road and the car park and housing opposite. A bust stop is nearby. Goodbye Arboretum!

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Baffles are being installed near the mouth of the creek. Dredging is proceeding in Attenborough Park between the road and rail bridges with dredge spoil de-watered and loaded onto trucks and transported to Geelong.


No report on Mordialloc Creek this month but Waterwatch reports that Dandenong creek, which feeds into Patterson River, is undergoing a $1.6 million upgrade. Unfortunately this is hampered by excessive illegal dumping of mattresses, building materials, waste from meat and fish purveyors and panel beaters. Fortunately Dandenong Creek is diverted down Patterson River at Pillars Crossing so that Mordialloc Creek should be spared this pollution.

Green Wedge Management Plan

The plan in draft form is available now but the final report is being kept under wraps while plans are being devised within house to allow more development in Kingston’s Green Wedge. Council meeting to release the plan is held over until the August meeting.

Pre-Election Survey

A survey and forum have been organised to be held prior to council elections. Council has organised a meeting to advise candidates of their responsibilities if elected.

MBCL and Mordialloc Village Committee

Both groups have expressed our concern at the removal of trees in the median strip in Nepean Highway from Mordialloc to Moorabin. Trees are to be replaced with grasses such as Lamandra or similar and possibly a few trees. The usual reasons are given for removal of indigenous is that “they have passed their used by date, they are dangerous, etc.” The type of post and wire fence now lining the median strip is called the “shredder” by motorcyclists.

Masonic Hall

The Masonic Hall was open to community members, Councillors for inspection. The building has interesting features such as a Baltic pine ceiling to lower hall and steel beams made by a UK company who built Sydney Harbour Bridge and is still operating. Both upper and lower halls have hard wood paneling, staircase and a unique flue ventilation system. Hall is grand in an understated way. Well worth preserving. A reference group of KCC, community members will be formed. An MBCL member has applied.

The Collins Report

NRA Sites and Foreshore Reserves are due to be audited in July. Assessment includes weed over, indigenous cover and number of plants installed, minimum target is 92%. Horticulture audits also taking place with an assessment of 20% of sites looking at plant survival, weed cover and pruning, target 90%.

Upgrade of Long Beach Trail which is heavily used by community and cyclists. Track requires constant resurfacing. parks will look at all gravel paths in open space areas to ensure that they are regularly maintained. Bushfire Mitigation discussion paper by energy Safe Victoria. ESV has requested councils to comment on key issues within the document such as High Bushfire Risk Areas and responsibility of pruning trees in locations that are identified as having a high bushfire risk.

Friends of Heatherton Park and students from Westall Secondary College and Sprint Parks West Campus planted 600 plants 29th June. Following recent rains a number of reserves are so wet that vehicles are encouraged to remain off site until further notice. Friends of the Grange AGM was held 11th July. Guest Speaker – Tony Collins.

Bottle Shops and Poker Machines

Traders in railway Parade, Dandenong have had a victory in opposing a bottle shop in their area and close to a primary school on the grounds of density of bottle shops. 12 extra poker machines were approved by KCC after conducting a survey of residents, 75% of whom said that there were too many EGM’s in Kingston. Council sent out a further survey to residents – for what reason?

Bay Trail

Two residents living on Beach Road are taking an interesting in the Bay Trail but unfortunately not totally in support of back of kerb. Seemed to have been swayed by the tired old argument – there will be a loss of parking. There has been no loss of parking where vehicles have parked kerbside in Mordialloc from the reek to Rennison Street since 1984 occupying one lane without accident or complaint by the same Councillors who are now bleating about “loss of parking.”

55-57 Barkly Street

Went to Practice Day Friday 27th July. Planning Minister Guy’s changes to planning regulations will not provide security from high density development in our suburbs.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.