Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th November 1995


Incoming: Geoff Leigh M.P. re “Windows”, Hon. G.Connard re Woodlands Industrial Est.
Outgoing: J.Chandler re Code for Melbourne Parklands, Hon. Simon Crean re destruction of Australia’s old growth forests.

Bradshaw Park

Work proceeding. Posts have been re-positioned on the nature walk and the leaflet describing the walk rewritten. Members of the SGAP visited the park on a recent Sunday and were given a guided tour by the curator, Mr David Bainbridge.

Braeside Park

More rangers have been employed in the park. A Family Day picnic was held on Cup Day. Highlights included a Bush Dance and a train ride through the park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Negotiations continue which if successful will mean that land abutting Governor road will be administered by Braeside Park & hopefully parkland.

Karkarook Park

Heatherton Drain will run through the proposed retarding basin (lake/wetland?) This diversion will filter the drain water before it flows eventually into Mordialloc Creek.

Mentone Stormwater Drain

Work continues to install the huge drain which will discharge stormwater onto Mentone Beach. Although it is proposed to install litter traps to prevent rubbish entering the Bay, polluted stormwater will be a problem. The EPA advises that signs WILL be erected warning swimmers not to swim near the mouth of the drain after heavy rain.

Mordialloc Creek

Dredging is taking place around the island in Mordialloc. Creek. Spoil is being piped upstream and deposited on the eastern side of the Settlement drain. The spoil around the island contains high levels of heavy metals. The disturbed sediment after dredging is flushed out of the creek into the Bay.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

The KCEC Secretariat has met with the City of Kingston Commissioners to discuss the adoption of Agenda 21. Having met with no objection the next step is to set up a steering committee comprising of representatives from environment, business and welfare to put into practice the aims of Agenda 21. General meetings of the KCEC will be held every two months, the next meeting being in December.

Heritage Listing Beaumaris Park

Glen offered to contact Chris re the listing of Beaumaris Park and cliffs. BRASCA and the Beaumaris Conservation Society may be interested in assisting since this area of the foreshore is now in the City of Bayside.

Epsom Race Track

Mara offered to contact the group attempting to prevent the race track being sold to developers possible for housing or industry. Queries as to whether the EPA would like to see the stables in Mordialloc removed because of the possible E-coli emissions to the creek. Query as to whether housing or industry would also add to pollution problems through stormwater run-off.

Moorabbin Airport

The possible sale of the Moorabbin airport raises the issue of alternative use of the site. Mara will write to the Federal Member for Isaacs, Mr R.Atkinson re the possibility of the land being retained as an urban forest. This would in some way compensate for the loss of land in the Green Wedge which will be sacrificed for development. If the land is sold but continues to be used as an airport, then there is likely to be a sharp increase in the number of flights out of the airport to the detriment of the residential environment.

The Agnew Report

  • Studies show that Beaumaris Bay is slowly degrading
  • * PPCC General Meeting: discussion of Glen’s status if representing Parkdale Research however Glen also represents MBCL at these meetings.
  • G.Goode and Alan Clarke flew around Port Phillip Bay and have a video of the Bay which may be borrowed for League members to view.
  • More sightings of the Sebullus worm and Northern Pacific Sea Star in the Bay These creatures are filter feeders and will affect oxygen levels in the water.
  • A meeting of the Boating and Angling Clubs attracted 60 members to the Albert Park venue where they expressed their opposition to scallop dredging in the Bay.
  • CSIRO /Melbourne Water study of Port Phillip Bay will be released shortly but concentrates only on Hobsons Bay, Werribee Creek, Corio Bay and Centre section of the Bay. There is no report on the Eastern side of the Bay.
  • The Government has given approval for the construction of a large boat ramp at the foot of Oliver’s Hill and also to the 50ft widening to the mouth of Kananook Creek. Local environment groups are opposing these developments.

Thank you, Glen!

MEETING CLOSED 10.30pm Please Note. There will be no meeting in January 1996. Sincere thanks to all members who so loyally supported our activities this year.

A Code for Melbourne’s Parklands
The public parks, gardens bushland and open spaces of Melbourne are central to the cultural, recreational and sporting traditions of our city.
They belong to the community.
These parklands are vital assets and adequate resources must be devoted to maintaining them. They provide the essential balance against the environmental impact of continuing urban growth.
There must be legal safeguards against commercial interests and state and local government projects that threaten them. Any proposals that would alter existing forms of recreational use or diminish or degrade parklands must be subject to full and open community consultation and objective assessment. Positive environmental and social outcomes must be demonstrated before any changes are made. There must be an undertaking that any open space lost are replaced with areas of comparable size and quality.
Melbourne has inherited a world-class system of open spaces of which it has long been proud.
Our Public Parks, Gardens, Bushland and Open Spaces must be Preserved.

Season’s Greetings

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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