Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th April 2011

Mordialloc Creek Dredging

A report given by a boat owner committee member at the Mordialloc Village committee gave the impression that dredging may continue beyond the Chute Street boat ramp, however a subsequent meeting at the Mordialloc Motor Yacht Squadron headquarters, attended by two KCC officers, clarified this matter. Dredging will commence behind Lambert Island in July and continue in stages as money becomes available and will not extend beyond the boat ramp at Chute Street. There is a problem in dealing with toxic dredge spoil which will have to be de-watered before disposal to landfill.

South East Green Wedge

South East Green Wedge meeting held at the Dingley International Hotel 7th April was well attended by MBCL and KCEC members.with strong support for retention of green wedge agricultural land for horticulture, market gardens and plant nurseries. Support for the completion of the Chain of Parks to compensate for loss of open space due to high density development surrounding the green wedge. Neighbouring councils lacking adequate sports fields would welcome the development of these facilities to be used co-operatively by other councils. A wildlife corridor with a link to Braeside Park is considered important as is the retention of water filled sand quarries as water retention basins with non-polluted water utilized for recreational activities and/or for irrigation.The quarries have become sanctuaries for wildlife and should be preserved for this purpose. Forests planted for carbon sequestration and as arboretums would add to the appearance of the green wedge.


Bronwen tested Mordialloc Creek water quality at 8am 8th April at the Bowen Road site and found that phosphate levels were still high and that salt readings were also high.

Bay Trail

A meeting with Beaumaris Conservation Society, MBCL and Hon Murray Thompson and Lorraine Wreford was held at Cromer Road, Beaumaris, 12th April to discuss VicRoads and DSE’s approval for a back –of- kerb bike track between Cromer Road and Charman Road. Bayside Council’s reasons for support for the back- of- kerb option are .     1. It is consistent with the majority of the Bay trail in Bayside

  1. It was more secure for families and cyclists
  2. It can be built from low maintenance materials i.e concrete rather than gravel
  3. Lighting is provided by existing Beach Road lights adding to safety.

It is understood that the Minister for Transport, Terry Mulder has advised Kingston Council that he has no problem with the narrowing of Beach Road traffic lanes for a back-of-kerb bike track where there is significant vegetation . The bike track therefore would be consistent with the trail in Bayside in terms of lighting ,safety and maintenance.

The Collins Report

Remnant Wallaby Grass has been found in Yammerbook as a result of a survey by Jeff Yugovich. Consultants have produced two concept sketches for extension of the reserve once soil testing and flora/fauna surveys are completed. Awaiting Melbourne Water approval.

Landscape works have commenced at Chicquita Park following branch removal and weed spraying. Community involvement with planting is planned to begin in May/June.

NRA staffing positions have been filled. New positions in the Parks department include, Hort Supervisor, Admin Officer, Admin Assistant, and AR Crew Leader.

Epson Wetland

A good turnout for a working bee 2nd of April removed large clumps of Flea Bane, 300 grasses and shrubs planted. Jeff Yugovich advises that Epsom Plains Grassland is rarer than Basalt Grassland under threat West of Melbourne.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Draft Plan will be going out for consultation seeking community feedback . (See KYC) Proposals include “enhancing existing parkland, playgrounds and promenades” A large regional playground has been mooted for the arboretum in the George Woods Reserve and two large shelter sheds in the Peter Scullin Reserve.

Active Youth Spaces Strategy

City of Kingston is developing an Active Youth Spaces Strategy focusing on skate, scoot and bmx parks as well as outdoor spaces that help young people enjoy an active lifestyle. This is an admirable aim but thought needs to given to the location of these facilities especially as many sites have environmental significance.

Changes on the Coastline of Port Phillip Bay

A new book by Eric Bird. Ring Phillip Wierzbowski , Coast Action/Coastcare Facilitator for information about availability.

Telephne 9296 4525.

Union of Australian Women

Union of Australian Women meeting of the Southern Branch

Saturday 14th May 2011, 2pm, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Guest Speaker – Pamela Curr, Refugee Advocate. Topic “The Present State of Asylum Seekers and Refugees”

Flooding Issues

Following the recent torrential downpour which threatened the evacuation of Waterways housing estate questions arise about planning policy. Who will be responsible if there is no restriction on building on flood prone land especially if the only restriction is to recommend that the site is filled to raise the buildings thereby creating drainage problems for neighbouring properties.? Some insurance companies are advising foreshore property owners that there will no cover for flood damage. The State Government is offering to buy back flood damaged farms in Northern Victoria to enhance biodiversity and protect floodplain drainage networks.The Floodplain Restoration Project aims to create extra flood storage and reduce the impact of floods on local towns.

Banksia Woodland, Bonbeach

Bonbeach Banksias under threat yet again by residents who mistakenly believe that money can buy a view.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

KCEC meeting 7.30pm 11th May Neighbourhood House Mordialloc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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