Forthcoming Events
Step back 200 years. Open Day and Spring Planting .Saturday 11 September 9am –Noon . The Grange Heathland Reserve ,Clayton South, Melway F8.
Friends of Kingston Heath, Farm Road Cheltenham. Working Bee Sunday 3rd October 10-12 noon. AGM 5 October 10am Uniting Church Herald Street, Cheltenham.
Kingston Conservation & Environment meeting at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House, Wednesday 8th September at 7.30pm. 457 Main Street, Mordialloc.
Draft Tree Management Policy
Watch out for this policy to be released by Council for a formal public consultation process. It is proposed to select tree species for planting based on their suitability to the site, climatic conditions, biological diversity, performance and potential to contribute to the landscape.This may include exotic species – hopefully not along the foreshore. Note that the aim is to increase tree coverage throughout the city which will help reduce the heat island effect due to urban development resulting in increased hard surfaces.
On the other hand – the Natural Resource Area team will be removing large non-local indigenous trees on the north side of Mordialloc Creek near the Wells Road bridge. This project is part of the Living Links project and will allow for the establishment of new plantings.
Kingston Parks Report
Despite staff shortages and wet weather all vegetation targets were achieved. Congratulations to the hard working team! Oxalis is the main problem. Epsom Grasslands are sensational at present. Tea-trees permitted on foreshore.
Bronwen and Alan will meet with Melissa from Melbourne Water to begin testing creek water at Bowen Road. Bronwen suggested testing above the Waterways wetlands at Springvale Road and compare the result with the water tested below at the re-entry point into the Main Drain. Nina reminded us that Melbourne Water has advised that we are welcome to test water quality in the Woodlands water bodies (lakes and wetlands). Could be interesting!
Dredging Mordialloc Creek
Low flow of water in Mordialloc creek is still a concern for the local boating fraternity. A well attended meeting of Mordialloc Creek Community was held 27 July. Dredging to remove a build up of silt will cost approx. $8 million dollars. Disposal of acid sulfate dredge spoil is adding to the cost of dredging the creek. Glen checked water flow from Dandenong Creek at Pillars crossing and found that no water was flowing into Mordialloc Creek thus contributing to problems down stream where boats are sitting on silt until high tide.
Yammerbook Nature Reserve
Interpretive signs were finally installed 12 July.Signs explain Bunurong culture and territory plus the current program of bush and wetland renewal. Nina and Walter featured in photos of the launch in the Leader. Nina devoted many hours of research to provide accurate information for the interpretive sign.
Bradshaw Park
The new low and open fence installed around Bradshaw Park is still causing concern with Mentone and Mordialloc Village Committees taking up the issue of more appropriate fencing to protect the reserve from litter blown into the park and to prevent development of goat tracks.
George Woods Reserve Playground
Lack of adequate consultation between new council staff and environment groups has once again occurred (as in the Bradshaw park fiasco) over a proposal to remove an existing playground and create a district or large regional playground behind the kindergarten and scout hall on Governor Road. This area has been referred to as an arboretum since 1990 when a plan for foreshore planting was presented to Mordialloc Council and accepted by the State Government Minister for Planning & Environment. The planting proposals were the result of a survey carried out by SGAP and MBCL members.
The present site of the playground is ideal since there is plenty of room for expansion, there is a bus stop nearby and is clearly visible to passing traffic on Governor Road and from the Chute Street Boat ramp car park.A toilet is also accessible as part of the car park. To locate a large playground behind the scout hall and kindergarten will mean the removal of the mature established trees. This area will not be as clearly visible hidden behind buildings and one of the most pleasant parts of the George Woods Reserve will be destroyed.
P.S .There is a very large district playground in the Peter Scullin Reserve.
No Parking Beach Road
An Elwood group has letter boxed Beach Road residents with a petition opposing a clearway along Beach Road as agreed to by Port Phillip and Kingston Councils. These councils have agreed to a six month trial period. A spirited discussion took place and it transpired that a majority of MBCL members do not agree with a clearway! Perhaps as the price of fuel increases we will all be pumping up tires and donning lycra!
Green Wedge Issues
Blood pressure rose after reading the headline in Business Age 31 July that “Kingston residents to pay for green wedge land” by Marc Pallisco. The report stated that Kingston City Council will “bulldoze and transform a green-wedge-zoned area described as one of its most important natural assets for shops, offices, factories, houses and apartments.”
Fortunately a correction appeared the following week when City of Kingston advised that community based initiatives included market gardens and projects revolving around recreation and a chain of parks were planned instead.
Timber Yard Development
Development seems likely to go to VCAT because “of council’s failure to determine this application for a planning permit within the required statutory time frame.” Planning issues are overdevelopment of the site (including height, scale, visual bulk and mass, neighbourhood character, heritage concerns, car parking and traffic concerns. To be built in three stages including, 11 dwellings, 94 units and a three storey office and retail development.