Mordialloc Masonic Hall
Mordialloc Masonic Hall has been approved for youth services on the ground floor while the upper level may be used for Ward meetings or other Council activities Unfortunately the hat will not be available for community use.
New Policy for Meetings
Council has stipulated that meetings such the Faith group and others must have 21 members per meeting. Each member will be paid $250 a year. However the Public Spaces and Environment Committee (PEAC) normally had a regular attendance with 12 members and is scheduled to meet 30th May. Will this be its swan song.?
Council Motion on Poker Machines
Pleasing to note that Cr Staikos had proposed a motion concerning the addictive nature of poker machines and harm that is done to society. Kingston is one of the ten suburbs in the metropolitan area with the highest number of machines and monetary losses. It was moved that MBCL write to Cr Staikos congratulating him on his motion.
Dent’s Paddock
Local member. Tim Richardson, is organising joint funding to purchase the whole of the land to compensate for lack of open space in the Chelsea/ Edithvale area. It is intended to emphasise former Aboriginal occupation. food and hunting activity on the land pre-European occupation.
Jack Cuthbertson Memorial Garden
Unfortunately the garden has been demolished with the mature Banksias trees cut down. All this to make way for two net ball courts. Jack’s wife’s ashes were also placed in that garden. It is planned to create another memorial garden in memory of this dedicated conservationist.
Mordialloc Motor Yacht Club Inc
Mordialloc Motor Yacht Club Inc meeting April 12 on Lambert Island. An update of a master Plan for Mordialloc Creek, tributaries and drains was discussed in view of the need to dredge not only the mouth of the creek but up as far as the rail bridge. This will cost between $7 and $10 million dollars according to the dredging expert present. The cost is the disposal of the dredge spoil which will have to be taken either to landfill or the dredge spoil grounds in Port Phillip Bay. The dredge spoil from the mouth of the creek is pumped on to Aspendale beach because it is clean sand but it is claimed that spoil from further up the creek and drains is as contaminated as spoil from the Yarra River therefore cannot be used for beach renourishment. A committee of management has been formed by DEWLP to manage the land side of Mordialloc Creek, the moorings and drains.
Sea Scouts Relocation
The 5th Sea Scouts were formerly based on Lambert Island but their current building is no longer habitable. There was a proposal to move to George Woods Reserve and extend the existing building with boats to be launched at the public ramp. It would be regrettable if the Scouts existing building was extended and so occupy more of the limited open space of the Reserve. Although it was too late to be mentioned at the April meeting, it has been suggested that the 5th Sea Scouts could be accommodated at the Mordialloc Sailing Club at the Aspendale beach. There is parking available and easy launching for the boats which could also be stored on site. The April Council Agenda reports (p.110) that“ The Mentone Girl Guides will also license some space within the Parkdale Yacht Club for several hours a week to undertake guide activities.” This sets a precedent for 5th scouts cohabiting with the Mordialloc Sailing Club.
Wells Road Wetlands
Wetlands upstream of Wells Road bridge are to go ahead. This was supported by the MMYC committee since it is expected that the completed wetlands will reduce the amount of silt that builds up in the creek and then requires costly dredging for removal.
At the Crown Centre. Southbank. This forum aims to bring together coastal and marine managers, researchers and volunteers. It seems to be organised by Phillip Wiersbowski who some us remember as a result of our forum a Mordialloc Life Saving Club.
Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron
Although it is reported that the proposed marina is no longer supported by BWYS members and therefore will not go ahead DEWLP has given the club a 20 year lease. This has caused some concern and a Beaumaris Conservation Society member has written to Planning Minister Richard Wynne asking for confirmation that no plans are in progress for the marina.
Kingston Neighbourhood Character Study
is available for resident comment. It appears to be a large document and no doubt require careful study if Mordialloc’s low rise village atmosphere is to be retained
Child Care Centre
Plans for this centre to be built on the site of the petrol station in Station Street opposite Mordialloc Secondary College. No doubt care will be taken to ensure that contaminated soil will be removed before building begins.
Beach Road Boulevarde
Apparently the trees to be selected for the boulevard have not been decided as yet. In recent down-sizing activities a letter dated 15 September 1997 stated that “ Kingston will join with Bayside and Port Phillip in efforts to ensure that Beach Road is duly recognised as a “Scenic Boulevarde”. Unfortunately council was advised that this could not be achieved through the planning scheme . The major issues of managed development of Beach Road are beyond the scope of a road zoning classification.”