Letters written during May:
Walter to Dr Ian Chubb CSIRO re Coalition Govt lack of Minister for Science, reduction in CSIRO budget.
Letter of thanks from Dr Chubb to Walter. PPCC Secretary J. Warfe to Kingston Council re ‘no tree planting on the foreshore.
Stephen to Murray Thompson MP re Kingston Bay Trail to be routed onto foreshore Crown land for a width of 1.8 metres for 130 metres along Beach Road from Mentone LSC to Plummer Road.
Mary to Ryan Smith, Minister for Environment and c.c to Angela Charles, DEPI, re ‘KCC ‘no trees to be planted on the foreshore.”
Incoming: – material from JE re KCC planting Malea street trees and subsequently suckers emerging under trees.
Planning Melbourne Panel
Planning Melbourne Panel held at Kingston Council 12-16th May. Nina and Mary attended and presented submissions to the panel. Developers and consultants also attended objecting to middlering councils designating areas of Neighburhood Residential Zones(NRZ) by many middle ring councils in order to retain a diversity of housing and family homes with backyards.
Friends of Bradshaw Park
Friends of Bradshaw Park are requesting a name change to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve. The request is with the Victorian Geographic place names Committee.
History of Mordialloc
Kingston historian, Grahame Whitehead , has produced a book on Mordialloc similar to his book on Cheltenham history. The book is at the publishers.