Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd December 2014

Happy New Year (Hopefully)

Trust all have had a relaxing time, ready for action and better prospects for the environment under a new government. MBCL has lost one of our long serving members who has moved to Bacchus Marsh to be closer to family. Mara, as secretary of MBCL, was one of the members who successfully prevented the DVA from concrete lining Mordialloc Creek in 1977. Fortunately the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works was engaged to realign the creek and revegetate the banks to create pleasant open space it is today in increasingly built up suburbia.

Desalination Plant Wonthaggi

Nina reported on a visit to the desalination plant at Wonthaggi and found it fascinating although there was no public access- only tour groups of eight persons. Former farmland surrounding the plant now indigenous habitat.

Bradshaw Park Name Change

The former Bradshaw Park, is now to be called officially Bradshaw Bushland Reserve. The Reserve has been transformed to bushland featuring indigenous flora and fauna.

The Grange

A successful barbecue was held at the Grange last November and was also a thank you from the NRA to the volunteers who have worked in reserves and on the foreshore throughout the year. All in all a lovely day.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th November 2014

Beaumaris Cliffs and Sea Ledges

The finalised version of the submission requesting Heritage listing of the fossil cliffs and sea ledges was finally dispatched to Heritage Victoria early November only to be told that reference to historic, scientific and/or Aboriginal occupation of an area was not accepted under Heritage Victoria criterion. Apparently Criteria E applies almost entirely to the built environment. However we were invited to reapply on an A4 page, confining the application to the work of the Heidelberg School of painters who worked in the area resulting in the famous painting of the Beaumaris Cliffs, Slumbering Sea by Tom Roberts, now hanging permanently in ictoria’s National Gallery. Dr Tim Flannery and Dr Eric Fitzgerald ,Museum of Victoria, are featured in the series Coasts Australia discussing the importance of the fossils found in the sea ledges.which will disappear under tonnes of concrete if the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron is given approval to expand.

Mordialloc Creek

Sad to hear that the 180 year old Monterey Cypress trees planted by the first settlers are diseased and will all be removed. These include four trees in Mordialloc College school ground abutting Mordialloc Creek, the remaining trees in Attenborough Park and in the car park on the eastern bank of the creek where the trees shaded boat owners maintaining their boats. The trees in Attenborough Park provided an attractive gateway to Mordialloc. Artists were attracted to the creek, boats and cypresses with their works featured in many city and regional galleries.

The Bay Trail

Concern that car parking for Mentone Lifesaving Club has been approved utilising the gravel verge which is meant to become part of the bike track. The bike track will then encroach four metres onto the nine metres wide cliff top removing more of the remnant foreshore vegetation. Lengthy discussion ensued re appealing to VCAT taking into consideration costs of such action.

Mordialloc Lifesaving Club

Replacement by a larger multi use building occupying an attractive grassy dune. Vegetation will have to be removed but replaced when the existing building is demolished. Community consultation is to be offered – usually after decisions have already be made.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd September 2014

The Bay Trail

The September meeting discussed Council’s approval for Mentone Surf Lifesaving Club to have a car park erected on the gravel verge which is to part of the Bay Trail.Because of the extra width of Beach Road at this point there is no need for a car park.Further more the deviation onto the cliff top will mean further loss of vegetation .

Mordialloc Creek EOI

Council called for an EOI regarding use of the creek bank, currently used to sell paint from existing small sheds. MBCL was invited to make a submission. After discussion reference was made to the Mordialloc Structure Plan which recommended that this area be retained for small boat owners to launch and maintain their boats. This proposal was supported meanwhile pointing out that there is limited room for parking at that site- especially if boat trailers have to be parked as well as the owner’s cars. This area is also subject to flooding during severe storm surges.

Beaumaris Fossil Beds and Sea Ledges

Disappointing to be told that Heritage Victoria does not accept scientific or Aboringinal requests for listing on their register although certain buildings are acceptable. The art created in this area by the Heidelberg school of painters should be listed.

Climate Change

It is encouraging to note the number of large groups who are campaigning to encourage both political parties to support renewal energy rather than the coal industry or fracking on prime agricultural land. COLLINS REPORT see attachment

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th August 2014


Nina, Stephen, Mary – Objections to deviation of Bay Trail off the gravel verge onto foreshore Crown land at Mentone Lifesaving club to provide parking for MLSC patrons.

Wal and Megan – letters to the Chelsea, Mordialloc Mentone News re proposal to have land rezoned land for residential development in Kingston’s Green Wedge. The Government may not deliver a decision until after the State Election.

Meetings Galore

With an election in 100 days groups have been formed to highlight important environmental issues. Frankston rail line will be severely disadvantaged if the Liberal Govt’s Metro plan is approved. Trains will run from South Yarra to Spencer Street rather than around the loop.STOP, Victoria First, Get Up and Environment Victoria have all been active in the South East electorates.

Mordialloc Masonic Hall

Lengthy discussion about possible profitable uses for the hall . The upper level could be divided into smaller spaces for meeting rooms, leaving the ground floor for more displays, craft markets, U3A or musical activities.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th June 2014

We’re Back!

Melbourne’s winter has driven some of our members OS – and more are planning to join the exodus during August. Others are temporarily interstate. Some were incapacitated during July so the meeting was abandoned. Never-the- less a careful watch was kept on council activities. One of councils dubious activities has been the disbanding of the 10 Village Committee system of monthly meetings – operating successfully for 20 years. Originally established by the Commissioners at the time of Council amalgamations the committees were a means of keeping councillors informed about local issues and for the members of the committees being informed about forthcoming projects by the presiding officer present. Some councillors saw the Village committees as a threat to their authority, and despite “consultation”, are determined to introduce a system where members are encouraged to join existing groups. This will limit consultation and information to one area only rather than the broad scope of the present system.


Nina has compiled a comprehensive critique of Council’s proposal to review their policy of commercialisation of foreshore and parkland. This is because of the old catch cry “but it’s not being used”. The previous policy stressed that activities on the foreshore should be water related only.

Nina, Stephen, Mary and Port Phillip Conservation Council have all made submissions to Council’s proposed route for the Bay Trail. Unfortunately council have allowed the Mentone LSC to continue to park on part of the trail alignment along side Beach Road thus forcing the trail onto the narrow cliff top-only 9 metres wide at this point where the cliffs are subject to erosion.

Mordialloc Surf Lifesaving Club

The draft policy is for a new building, to be sited on the highest point on the foreshore – a pleasant grassy sand dune. The artist’s impression is of an exceptionally ugly building which will be used mainly to store surf boats and equipment at the ground level with rooms and a observation point on the upper level. Most competitions take place at surf beaches.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th May 2014


Letters written during May:

Walter to Dr Ian Chubb CSIRO re Coalition Govt lack of Minister for Science, reduction in CSIRO budget.

Letter of thanks from Dr Chubb to Walter. PPCC Secretary J. Warfe to Kingston Council re ‘no tree planting on the foreshore.

Stephen to Murray Thompson MP re Kingston Bay Trail to be routed onto foreshore Crown land for a width of 1.8 metres for 130 metres along Beach Road from Mentone LSC to Plummer Road.

Mary to Ryan Smith, Minister for Environment and c.c to Angela Charles, DEPI, re ‘KCC ‘no trees to be planted on the foreshore.”

Incoming: – material from JE re KCC planting Malea street trees and subsequently suckers emerging under trees.

Planning Melbourne Panel

Planning Melbourne Panel held at Kingston Council 12-16th May. Nina and Mary attended and presented submissions to the panel. Developers and consultants also attended objecting to middlering councils designating areas of Neighburhood Residential Zones(NRZ) by many middle ring councils in order to retain a diversity of housing and family homes with backyards.

Friends of Bradshaw Park

Friends of Bradshaw Park are requesting a name change to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve. The request is with the Victorian Geographic place names Committee.

History of Mordialloc

Kingston historian, Grahame Whitehead , has produced a book on Mordialloc similar to his book on Cheltenham history. The book is at the publishers.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd April 2014


Suggested that MBCL buy the DVD Australian Coasts based on Neil Oliver’s English BBC Coasts program. Oliver actually filmed Beaumaris fossil cliffs and parts of Brighton Beach with Dr Tim Flannery. A Coastal Guide to the nature and history of Port Phillip Bay has been published and may also be worthwhile purchasing.

Meetings Attended

STOP Transport Group continues to highlight issues on the Frankston line in conjunction with the PTUA. Southland Station is to be built between Cheltenham and Highett stations, but in a limited format- no toilets, shelters or parking. Of concern is the advertising on train carriages completely covering windows. This obscures clear vision on trains, trams and buses and adds to the advertising blight around stations and rail lines. A letter has been written to the Metro company currently running the trains about this matter.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Port Phillip Conservation Council met at Longbeach Centre Chelsea, 28 April. Developments on the coast line around the Bay are threatening Arthur’s Seat, Rosebud, Blairgowrie, Rye, Frankston and Brighton Beach. A chair lift and trail bike track on Arthur’s Sea, a swimming pool on the foreshore at Rosebud, a marina at Blairgowrie, a yacht club with a restaurant and retail premises on the foreshore at Frankston without adequate parking and a bike track on the sand at Brighton beach. Should Hastings Port go ahead there will destruction of the seagrass beds and mangroves as well as pollution from oil spills. Beaumaris Yacht Club is seeking an upper storey on the building when concrete cancer is removed. It is proposed that the building can then accommodate a Marine Research Centre – something similar to what is proposed for the Mordialloc Surf Lifesaving Club when it is rebuilt on the primary dune on Mordialloc foreshore.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th March 2014

Forthcoming Events

Although the State election is not until November things are hotting up in the Sandbelt marginal seats with politician hopefuls appearing regularly in mug shots or street stalls. An example of Lib’s anxiety is the announcement that train/tram fares are to be altered on all lines. Trams will be free in the CBD and zone one fares will apply on the Frankston line where the STOP Group (Sandbelt Transport Options) have been active with street stalls, petitions and door knocking. A public meeting is in the offing. Well done, STOP!

Mentone Station

Mentone Station is planning a 100 year celebration – another photo opportunity for candidates! The station Friend’s Group is very active keeping an eye on the formal gardens and reporting graffiti attacks.

Green Wedge

Kingston’s Green Wedge is still under threat from a small group of land owners and a private school who want to see the land subdivided for residential development despite a creditable report by Planisphere who did not recommend subdivision. Latest reports by the Planning Minister, Matthew Guy in Parliament, March 12 states that he had no intention of changing the urban growth boundary near the golf club or approving anything.” Defenders of the South East Green Wedge applauded Mr Guy’s stance on the issue. The Planning Minister has also implemented an interim policy for a further 18 months. prohibiting material recycling in Kingston’s Green Wedge after a previous two-year protection order lapsed in June 2010. Council has not supported any of the previous applications.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th February 2014


Kelvin Thomson’s invitation to join Victoria First. Issues to do with population policy. Joining fee $10.

Walter presented a ten page essay dealing with important political issues currently being debated in the community.

Beaumaris Fossils and Sea Ledge

Nomination for Heritage Listing. Letter received from Canberra advising that MBCL nomination did not meet Cultural and Heritage criteria . We believe the nomination did deal with these issues and asked for clarification especially relating to Aboriginal occupation of the foreshore. Celeste Ward, in her research, dealt with sand drifts and tidal flows in Beaumaris Bay and its effects on the Rickett’s Point Marine Sanctuary . Celeste has given Judy approval to use her material when an application is made for the Beaumaris Cliffs to be included on the Victorian Heritage. Neil Oliver’s Australian version of the BBC program Coasts featured Beaumaris Cliffs!

Public Transport

A new group, STOP, plans to publicise transport issues on the Frankston Line. Concern is that the enormous cost of the east west tunnel, if it is built, will deprive suburban trains, trams and buses of funds to address existing problems such as grade separation at rail crossings or extending train services to Tullamarine, Doncaster or Rowville. STOP plans to lobby passengers at stations and street stalls with information about the cost of the east west tunnel as well as damage to the river environment, Royal Park and Zoo animals. Volunteers are invited to join STOP and assist with lobbying Sandbelt politicians. (Sandbelt Transport Options . STOP)

Friends of the ABC

Friends of the ABC is a group that meets at Café Black Parkdale monthly. The Friends also plan to lobby politicians to prevent privatisation of the ABC, cutting funding and programs. The Abbott Government plans to sell the ABC’s Asia Network which operates on a policy of ‘soft diplomacy’ which aims to show neighbouring countries something of Australian lifestyle and culture.

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