Beaumaris Cliff Fossil Site
The opportunity presented itself during the Beaumaris Conversation Society’s 60th birthday party recently to seek support from Bayside Mayor, Stephen Hartney, for MBCL’s nomination of the fossil site. MBCL president invited Dr Erich Fitzgerald to the well attended May KCEC meeting to report on his work at the Beaumaris fossil site and sea ledges. The importance of protecting the site to enable research to continue in future was stressed. Attendees found the lecture absorbing and are grateful to Judy for inviting Dr Fitzgerald along. Well done!
Dingley Bypass
Advise has been sought from the EDO re a possible VCAT hearing. EDO will offer assistance. Also an application to FOI for access to VicRoads plans and costs of alternative methods of constructing the bypass.
Gazania Removal
Ten volunteers from Mordialloc Lions and MBCL attacked the well entrenched gazanias on the sandy side of the promenade on Mordialloc foreshore. Council staff provided tools and tea and biscuits during the recovery period at the Reg Nicholson shed.
Mordialloc Masonic Hall
Council is seeking submissions on future use of the hall until July.MBCL ,as stakeholders,are to be kept informed. Walter suggested a reading room since Mordialloc doesn’t have a library like Parkdale, Chelsea or Patterson River. Perhaps the upper level may provide a suitable space for browsing electronically or otherwise for bookish folk.
Postcard From Penny
Penny is having a lovely time touring around France despite the freezing weather visiting war cemeteries and galleries. She will be visiting family in Cornwall as well. Meanwhile Walter will be undertaking an extensive tour of Western Australia for three months. Good luck!
Bay Trail
Pleasing to find that the paving of the Bayside section of the Bay trail has been completed and a section of the back-of-kerb trail at Charman Road corner has been continued to connect with Kingston’s section of the trail back-of-kerb. There is a temporary connection to an existing path. The grass buffers at the side of the trail have been installed also.
Climate Change
A recent report in the Age warns that prime suburbs will face hefty damage bills from rising sea-levels and severe flooding according to modelling funded by local, state and federal governments. Flooding, storms, and high tides, due to climate change, will effect Mordialloc Creek, Mordialloc College, Rosebud foreshore and Nepean Highway. Given this report it is surprising that approval was given for the development at 45 Edithvale Road on a Land Subject to Inundation Overlay. It is also surprising that Municipal Association of Victoria president states that “for all cases, even under the worst case scenarios modelled, it is economically viable to continue to occupy these areas.” Really?