Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th June 2012

Living Kingston 2035

The meetings were well attended by MBCL / KCEC members – much to the chagrin of certain councillors who commented that attendees were mostly environmentalists! It was comforting to hear others expressing the same concerns about inappropriate development in suburban streets and increasing traffic congestion as a result. Encouraging also to have a staff member at our table who was passionate about water sustainability. Kingston has been recognised as being in the vanguard with ground breaking initiatives in that field.

Union of Australian Women

The UAW invited a speaker from The Climate Institute to explain the impact of Australia’s carbon price on sections of the community e.g. low income family, single parent, middle income family, single person, pensioner couple, etc. The case was made that the impact would not be as severe as it is portrayed by some politicians. The Institute is willing to speak to any groups interested to learn more about carbon pricing.

Bay Trail

The Leader has finally printed Stephen’s article based on the FOI report about the unsuitability of the promenade as a section of the Bay Trail. Kingston CEO stated that “the cost to upgrade the entire promenade was far beyond the scope of the council”. Rod’s DVD about the back of kerb favoured route for the Bay Trail is now up on Youtube. We have discovered other supporters of the back of kerb option and hope to liaise with them soon.


Bronwen reports no change in water quality tests. The large brown plume from Mordialloc creek after steady rain recently was clearly visible as it moved, as usual, towards Mentone due to south westerly wind. Sat June 2nd Mordialloc Creek Working Bee was a productive session removing weeds on the north bank near Jack Grut reserve.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Wal reported on the dredging work in the creek. All small boats between the rail and road bridges will have to be moved while dredging is occurring. A 50 by 20 metre concrete slab has been placed in Attenborough Park to provide a stable base for the dredge and trucks removing dredge spoil. It is hoped to finished the work in October when vegetation will be replanted to replace that which has been removed.

Mornington Freeway Extension

This issue has reared its ugly head again after lying dormant for many years. The Resurrection is due to AGRA continually agitating for the freeway believing that it would relieve traffic on Wells Road. Since this road was first mooted by VicRoads in 1985, four residential developments had been built adjacent to the proposed route of the freeway and will therefore be affected by noise and air pollution. Flyovers over Governor Road and Mordialloc Creek will destroy the tranquility of the creek, wetlands and Braeside Park. Submissions can be forwarded to VicRoads until July 13.

The Collins Report

Changes to the draft plans for Yammerbook are currently being considered by the committee before being sent to Melbourne Water. Quotes will then be obtained for paths and viewing platforms.

Floods. SES/MW have developed a partnership in building a community flood response in the Central Region. This includes community education and consultation.

Friends of the Grange AGM July 11th at the Clarinda Centre at 7.30pm. Speaker and showing a DVD of the control burn.

Recent audit of Kingston’s Street Management  by Energy Safe Victoria. ESV  intends to check on all Councils to ensure compliance with regulations.

Bradshaw Park is proposing a name change to Bradshaw Bushland Reserve.

A new Cyclone fence along the railway line is needed. Sharing cost of some will be investigated.

FESW Wetland Plant and Weed ID with Dr. Graeme Lorimer (Biosphere Discovery Centre) discussed role of Phragmites australis’s (Common Reed) role in removing nutrients in the creek and waterways. The reeds are important in preventing bank erosion and providing habitat for ducks and indigenous water rats.

Carrum Foreshore Precinct

MBCL / KCEC were impressed at planting and reveg work after our successful escorted tour of the precinct. However we question the need for a toilet at the northern end when there are toilets nearby at the Life Saving Club. The toilet would be across the road form houses which already suffer from anti-social behaviours especially at night in summer time.

Further Loo Blues

Cr Dundas wants the heritage listed toilet at Mundy Street car park demolished and a unisex disabled persons toilet installed instead. It seems the recently renovated heritage building will remain but the unisex toilets will be installed somewhere along the foreshore at Mordialloc, Mentone and Carrum.

Wind Turbines

The Leader interviewed MBCL secretary re: Kingston’s green energy program. While use of solar panels was praised it was also stated that there might be a role for a single turbine in selected areas. This provoked a heated reaction from a resident which in turn was rebutted by a Mentone resident! (Leader 25 June)


An excellent article on The Age June 9, re: children’s playgrounds. The city reporter claims that children should be able to play in the dirt, ride bikes, build cubby houses and splash around in the creek. That is how children yearns to play according to a unique program that asked young people what kind of outdoor spaces they desire. They want challenging bike paths, lots of hills they could roll down, rocks they could scramble around, places to hide and branches and leaves to build treehouse and cubbies. The ideal place for this type of playground will be the George Woods Reserve wouldn’t it?

Masonic Hall

Necessary repairs have been done. Rear courtyard wall has been demolished for unknown reasons and before the community has been able to view the building.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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