Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th September 2011


Members have once again been busy completing submissions on a variety of issues with more to come. For instance an important response to Kingston’s Draft

Green Wedge Plan Due November 11th. If time permits letters could be sent to the Federal Government re sale of farmland and water rights to foreign owners, letters re damage to farmland and aquifers from coal-seam gas mining and Geelong Environment Council and Friends of Eastern Otways would like support to stop open cut mining on the Anglesea Heathlands.

Incoming a card from Penny who is enjoying a visit to rels in lovely Cornwall.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition AGM

AGM 19TH October at Mordialloc Neighbour House beginning at 7.30pm. Interesting speakers reporting on the draft plans for the Southeast Green Wedge. Submissions due November 11.

Coast Care Forum

Walter gave a report on this forum held at Williamstown in September. An executive body is required to proceed with policies raised by three groups ranging from coastal groups from around the Victorian coastline. Coastal Council Policies will apply.

Dredging of Mordialloc Creek

has come to a halt due to difficulty with polymers which are necessary to bind the toxic sludge before it is consigned to a waste disposal site(rubbish tip) No-one seems to know when dredging will resume. This may hamper boating activity as summer approaches.The most toxic substance is behind Lambert Island where it has settled after years of boat maintenance plus contaminants from upstream.


Bronwen reports on Kingston Council’s withdrawal of funding for Waterwatch claiming that there was no benefit to Council from this program. Presumably they didn’t receive results of tests from Melbourne Water. Melbourne Water is seeking alternative funds for the project. Bronwen and Anne tested 5th September.

Mordialloc Masonic Hall Sale

This building is located in Mordialloc’s Heritage listed zone opposite the heritage listed water tower. Nina thoroughly researched the history and uses of the building and presented her findings to Mordialloc Village Committee who debated the issue with a majority voting in favour of retention of the building for community use. One member voting against retention and another member abstained. Well done, Nina!

Indigenous Vegetation

for our area? Cr Dundas recently passed a resolution to “define indigenous vegetation” in order for a much wider selection of plants indigenous to Australia rather than to this bayside suburb. This so angered a Carrum resident who researched guidelines and found that terms given to indigenous plants cannot be redefined. COMs must work within Guidelines and not speculate what might happen due to climate change – the alleged reason for the wider definition in the councillor’s resolution. Good work, Carrum-ite!


Visualise a 100 year old beech, almost 20 metres high and with a treetop diameter of 12 metres. It’s got 600,000 leaves which convert its base of 120 square metres into 1,200 square metes of leaf surface . This amounts to a total surface area of 15,000 square metres of gaseous exchange , which equals the area of two football fields.! (Nursery & Garden Industry Australia)

Bay Trail 

Bicycle Victoria met with MBCL members to discuss the Bay Trail. BCV are supporting the Bayside section of the trail soon to be completed to Charman Road and expressed amazement, after viewing MBCL maps and material, that Kingston Council weren’t also fully backing a back-of -kerb option. BCV also attended the September Council meeting where the trail route was to be debated. While the former Transport Minister had requested two options to be sent to him for a decision two options had blown out to four thanks to the introduction of the promenade as a costly and dangerous option.Councillor Dundas introduced a fifth option at the 3pm on the day of the council meeting which none of the councillors had seen. None of the other options where put up for debate.Unbelievably five councillors voted in favour of the promenade option even though external engineering advice states that the promenade option would be too dangerous! But Cr West’s amendment was approved five in favour ! The trail is to commence back-of kerb from Charman Road to Mundy Street car park! Bicycle Victoria rep was in the gallery to witness this achievement. Congrats RW!

The Collins Report

Yammerbook More soil testing to assess possible acid sulphate soils.

Fence installed at Chicquita Park.

Beach cleaning, toilet and barbecue cleaning costs $1 million per year. Contract up for tender.

Warm Season Grass Conversions occurring at Keys Road, Dingley, Regent and Southern Roads sports grounds.

Brendan Slee new Foreshore Crew Leader. Brendan was a School Based New Apprentice. Tim Ford is now a Horticulural Supervisor and a new Tree Establishment Supervisor is to be appointed soon. New playground for the Roy Dorr Reserve in Carrum and the Bicentennial Park playground has won an award.

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan

Another victory! 13 Canary Island Palms (listed as an invasive weed in the DSE Advisory List) have been removed from the Draft Master Plan! It is hoped that extending car parking along Beach Road up to the Mordialloc Lifesaving Club has also been removed. This would mean removal of foreshore vegetation -mature indigenous trees. Large regional playground to be located in the established arboretum in George Woods Reserve is still in the Draft Plan.

The draft plan will go out for consultation so there is an opportunity for comment. The controversial bridge from the Hazel Pierce Reserve to Lambert Island is still in the plan. Unfortunately it seems that the Sea Scouts will have a battle to retain their club house on the island.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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