Pocket Parks
Pocket parks for marginal seats were part of the Labor Government’s pre-election enticement. While City of Kingston missed out on the offer, despite Edithvale and Chelsea lacking in open space, there may be an opportunity to gain funding as a result of an appeal to the local member and/or Council’s developer’s fund in lieu of open space.
Heritage Listing of Pompei Site
Heritage listing of the Pompei site was refused. State listing may be acceptable for local heritage listing. Mordialloc Creek was an important means of early settlers gaining access to the Mornington Peninsula by horse and carriage or wagon. Boat building and fishing soon became important means of earning a living around the creek, therefore why not include the creek and environs in a local heritage listing? D. Murray’s well researched book of maps of the local area is an interesting and useful guide to changes of land use over the years -and is still changing. Apparently DEWLP is surveying vacant land throughout the State and evidently considers the Pompei site and Attenborough Park to be vacant land!
Mordialloc Bypass
A meeting with the local politician in a marginal seat prior to a State Election was suggested as a means of stressing how unnecessary this six lane freeway is. The Government’s own EES report admits that there will be an increase in heavy traffic on local roads in and around Mordialloc. However the meeting didn’t eventuate. A number of submissions have been prepared, including from Kingston Council, which also points out the alarming increase in traffic which will occur with the advent of the freeway. Construction work involving boring into the closed Enviromix tip site to provide piles to support the bridge, could release harmful gas and also pollute groundwater which could flow into local wetlands and Mordialloc Creek and finally into Port Phillip Bay. The Mordialloc Bypass project, under the Major Roads Projects Authority, is likely covered by the Major Transport Facilitation Act, which overrides various other environmental legislation and guidelines. (P.P.C.C Inc.)
Masonic Hall
After renovations this hall, situated amongst Mordialloc’s other heritage buildings, is to be used for youth services.
Crime Rate
Crime Rate in Kingston has fallen according to a Kingston police inspector. It fell from 8,273 in June 2017 to 8,018 for June 2018! Perhaps the next thing to fall could be the number of poker machines in Kingston which is one of the ten metropolitan suburbs with the highest number of poker machines. Meanwhile in the Age, 10-12-2018, reports that AFL Clubs Collingwood, Melbourne, Geelong and Western Bulldogs have planned exits from the gaming industry and join North Melbourne who, for a decade, has been the sole Victorian club not to profit from pokies. Bravo to Cr Staikos who on 26 November 2018, moved that officers prepare a report that outlines a strategy to curtail and minimise harm caused by electronic gaming machines by bringing the cap down from 1200 to 898, reducing the hours of operation…and any other measures recommended.
Excessive Noise
Has anyone been following the comments in the media about excessive noise in restaurants, hotels and cafes??? While younger age groups seem to survive in noisy music venues, if older age groups ask to meet friends in a certain location they have a serious discussion) and excessive noise makes this impossible. With an increase in multi storey living it is essential that buildings are properly sound proofed to eliminate unwelcome music or any excessively loud noise. Ground level housing now usually lacks sufficient space between neighbours so ground rules and satisfactory sound proofing are essential in that situation also. Could Kingston Council address the problem ??