Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 2018

Pocket Parks

Pocket parks for marginal seats were part of the Labor Government’s pre-election enticement. While City of Kingston missed out on the offer, despite Edithvale and Chelsea lacking in open space, there may be an opportunity to gain funding as a result of an appeal to the local member and/or Council’s developer’s fund in lieu of open space.

Heritage Listing of Pompei Site

Heritage listing of the Pompei site was refused. State listing may be acceptable for local heritage listing. Mordialloc Creek was an important means of early settlers gaining access to the Mornington Peninsula by horse and carriage or wagon. Boat building and fishing soon became important means of earning a living around the creek, therefore why not include the creek and environs in a local heritage listing? D. Murray’s well researched book of maps of the local area is an interesting and useful guide to changes of land use over the years -and is still changing. Apparently DEWLP is surveying vacant land throughout the State and evidently considers the Pompei site and Attenborough Park to be vacant land!

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