Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st September 2010

Forthcoming Events

KCEC have invited Kelvin Thomson to speak at the AGM meeting,11th November, at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House at 7.30pm. Check the e-mail for further info. Kelvin will present important facts about Australia’s unsustainable population policy.

Submissions due to Kingston’s Draft Tree Management Policy Tuesday 19th October. It is important to obtain a copy of the draft policy and make time to make a submission.

Mordialloc Creek Dredging Roundtable Tuesday 26th October 2pm in the Oakleigh Room.1230 Nepean Highway.

Kingston Parks Report

Watch out for a community planting day at Epsom Wetland in October.

Sea Scouts group at Heatherton Park planted 2000 plants assisted by 70 participants.

Recent rains have caused a delay in work in a number of reserves because of possible damage to the grounds.

Two apprentices have been appointed to work with the NRA crew.


Melanie from Melbourne Water is helping Bronwen and Alan with the water quality testing program in the Mordialloc Main Drain below Bowen Road. MBCl has received an invitation to attend a Mordialloc Creek Dredging Round Table 26 October at Council.

Timber Yard Development Albert/Park Street, Mordialloc

Carmel (KRAMMED), Deborah, Park Street resident and Mary (MBCL) attended a practice meeting at VCAT 27th August and Judy (representing Deborah) Johanna and Mary were present at a mediation meeting at VCAT 9th September. Meeting lasted from 10.30am to 7,30pm! A full report at MBCL meeting.

Bay Trail

Geoffrey Goode attended our meeting to report on Bayside’s section of the track. Unfortunately because of a cyclist’s accident the council has been advised that a shared track should comply with Australian Road Standards at 4.1/2 metres. This will mean a greater incursion into the foreshore and will also apply in Kingston. VicRoads has been working with the City of Bayside to develop a narrower four-lane cross-section on Beach Road to minimize the impact of the back-of –kerb option on the foreshore. Width of pavement would be 12.7 metres. Will this width also apply in Kingston?. Awaiting confirmation.

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron

Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron may go ahead if the Planning Minister approves. The club is on Crown land with environmental significance and is listed on the National Estate Register. An extensive area of Beaumaris Bay will be filled to accommodate the extension. A hard stand will be higher than the important red fossil cliffs and visible from north bound traffic travelling along Beach Road.

The Collins Report

Tony and Lee completed auditing 2009-2010 targets and ‘ground truthing ‘ new targets for 2010-2015 . Weed targets are the main failing with geophytes and annuals the biggest problem.

The north side of Mordialloc Creek is set to be restored via the Living Links project. A large area of non-indigenous trees will be removed. These include wattles and Maleleucas but at present the non-local eucalypts will remain.

Discussion about the proposed large regional playground for the George Woods Reserve Arboretum. While it is claimed that there is support for the arboretum site alternative more appropriate sites may not have been presented.

Lumo Energy were providing funding and support for a planting day.

Green Wedge Annual Report 31st August

The secretary reported on an impressive list of small wins in objections to developments on green wedge land.Unfortunately the State Government has lost its commitment to protecting Melbourne’s Green Wedges as evidenced in its decision to convert 43,600 hectares for residential development on the volcanic grasslands thus increasing pressure from developers to release land in the South East Green Wedge.

Bradshaw Park Fence

At the instigation of the Mentone Parkdale Village Committee a combined well attended meeting with the Mordialloc Village Committee was held at Florence Street, Mentone resulting in support for a replacement high fence to prevent public access over the low fence with of trampling indigenous plants. It was also moved that the reserve be declared a dog free zone.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Next meeting will be 13th October at 7.30pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House where there will be a discussion with guest speaker Vicki Mitchell from Hampton Community Centre and Robin Erwin Chelsea Heights Community Centre on plans for setting up local ecoliving centres.

A Bad Day for Marvellous Melbourne

Mary Drost reports on A Bad Day for Marvellous Melbourne with Madden signing off on a Planning Scheme which condemns Melbourne to uncontrolled high rise development along all tram, train ,bus and light rail lines.The Supreme Court supported VCAT in a decision that will allow the demolition of part of the Windsor Hotel to make way for a tower block behind the hotel thus setting a precedent for further tower developments around the precinct. No Heritage Buildings will safe from destruction especially around suburban activity centres . The timber yard development in Mordialloc is a case in point. The developments on three corners of Albert /Park Streets do not in any way reflect heritage values.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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