Forthcoming Events
Port Phillip Conservation Council Inc Annual General Meeting 16th November, 8.00 pm at 47 Bayview Crescent, Black Rock.
Friends of Edithvale Seaford Wetlands Inc Wetlands Discovery Day Sunday November 22nd 11.00 – 3.00 Duck Inn Edithvale Common also a Wetlands Photography and Art Competition. Walk Against Warming.12 pm, 12 December 2009, State Library, Swanston Street, Melbourne.
Mordialloc Neighbour House 19th November Guest Speaker: Associate Professor, Michael Buxton School of Social Science & Planning RMIT. 7.30 pm.
MBCL’s Celebratory and Thank You Barbecue
25th October was well represented by former Mordialloc mayor & councillors, Peter Scullin & Michael Buxton, current councillors, a Coast Care Coast Action rep, seven former MBCL presidents and many stalwart members who have supported MBCL through demanding conservation campaigns over the last forty years. A major victory in 1975 was the prevention of DVA concreting Mordialloc Creek resulting today in a restful wildlife corridor for our enjoyment .
Mordialloc Creek (Mordialloc Catchment)
Friends of Mordialloc Creek’s task on Saturday 3rd October was weeding a section of vegetation on the north bank along old Wells Road. The bush crew have adopted the Bradley method of vegetation consolidating good areas and working outwards.
Coomoora Woodlands
A campaign has been launched to try and save the reserve threatened by the Dingley freeway extension which will destroy a third of the Reserve. The Reserve contains many indigenous species and mature trees. Two scar trees and an Aboriginal mound are just outside the Reserve. Rosemary, Wal, Nina and Brian attended the meeting.
Bayside Environmental Friends Network Coordination
Barbara Jakob was invited by council to bring together 17 friends groups, schools,land care groups, foreshore protectors and climate change campaigners. Barbara explained how she manages to coordinate activities such as planting sessions, trail paths, plant information events and discovery days involving. schools, traders and women’s groups.Encouraging young members is important.
Kingston Conservation and Environmental Coalition
KCEC is still waiting for Kingston Council to establish a climate change group as promised when the Kingston Foreshore Reference Group was abandoned by Council. Federal Government’s report on the impact of climate change on coastlines around Australia should make interesting reading for local government planners and developers.Buyer beware???
Is Kingston Council considering climate change when drawing up landscape plans for the mouth of Mordialloc Creek, the island, Hazel Pierce Park and Pompei site???
Centreway Mordialloc
Landscaping is almost completed with Banksias planted but unfortunately other plants installed are not indigenous to the area .Indigenous planting was designed to create a link between the station forecourt and the foreshore.,
Major Transport Projects Facilitation Bill
Major Transport Projects Faciliation Bill passed through parliament. Although referring to transport the exemptions can also apply to eleven pieces of legislation (ACTs) including Coastal Management, Conservation Forests and Lands, Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act and others. The Planning Minister effectively becomes the decision maker. This may have an impact on the EPBC Act also. Nina attended the EDO transport policy meeting.
DPCDS Population Forum
27th October was attended by Walter G. and Jill Quirk at Glen Waverley. Wal also reported on the latest moves at Wonthaggi where the local hotel is being purchased by the Govt? or developer? to house the desal workers!
Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron Extension
Ironically MBCL came into existence because of a marina proposal in Beaumaris Bay in 1969. This was refused by Mordialloc Council when Jack Iggulden exposed a fraudulent survey being carried out by the developer. Now BMYS plans to fill the Bay with a massive bluestone wall, hard stands against and as high as Beaumaris Red Bluff cliffs plus a new club house. BMYS has written to Planning Minister Madden asking that an EES not be required for this development. PPCC, MBCL and Beaumaris Conservation Society have all written to the Minister requesting the there is a need for an EES because of the significance of the fossil bearing cliffs, cultural significance because of the Heidelberg painters and, of course, Aboriginal sites and waterholes along the cliff face.
Population Growth
So far only one far sighted Federal politician has had the foresight and courage to challenge the Prime Minister’s claim that Australia could live sustainably with a population of 30 million extra people. Kelvin Thomson, Member for Wills, made a speech in Parliament and been heard on Radio National on this topic. Does the Prime Minister actually understand what climate change is about if he assumes that 30 million more people won’t affect our ability to lower greenhouse emissions?
Bike Path
Kingston is to have a shared bike path along Governor Road between Boundary Road and Springvale Road. This will enable cyclists to ride to Braeside Park and through Waterways. However there is no completion of an extension of the bike track along the SOUTH LEVEE BANK of Mordialloc Creek between Wells Road and the now completed Bowen Road. This extension would also allow riders to continue through Waterways to Braeside.