Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd November 2022


Wayne Imlach, Member of Mordialloc Creek community and author of Mordialloc Creek to Lambert Island. Wayne gave an interesting talk about his history and his work monitoring the Creek.
He donated five books to MBCL, which will be on sale for $15.
Wayne has offered to have a meeting at his home in 2023, where he would be happy to share a digital presentation of the Creek.

Kingston Heath Reserve

No outcomes since submissions, re synthetic hockey pitch.

State Elections

Kingston Residents Association and Move The Train Yard are holding an Election Forum and have invited candidates to speak.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2022


Adrian from Kingston Council
Grange newsletter
Mordialloc Creek Community update
Dredging of Creek is being called for

Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Meeting with Level Crossing Removal Project for Parkdale in October.

Dents Reserve

Park naming postponed.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Concerns over Jet skis.
Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 17th at 7pm at the Chelsea Community Centre. Kathleen McKinnis will speak on Port Phillip tidal movements and erosion.

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