Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st December 2004

Welcome to 2005

2005, at present shaping up to be a challenging year. 2005 has begun with a rash of VCAT and Panel Hearings, Melrose Street residents have already been to VCAT over a Dan Murphy proposal to have large semis exit into Melrose Street. Result unknown at this stage. MBCL have objected to a concrete crushing facility at 295-305 Kingston Road, Clarinda on the grounds that lead based paint and asbestos from old buildings may enter drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek. Panel Hearing to commence 21 February at Fujitsu Building. 10am. KRAMMED will be attending VCAT 14/15 February.334-337 Station St, 3 storeys 21 residential units, four retail shops and six offices. Amended plans now appear to include a 40 seat restaurant resulting in a significant increase in car parking rate required pursuant to the Kingston Planning Scheme. This design is by the same firm responsible for 541 Main Street, Mordialloc – another congestion centre in the making. suburbs. Mary Delahunty’s parting gift a three storey height limit for Melbourne suburbs. And watch out for the country dunnies sprouting from the roof tops of developments near you approved courtesy Kingston Council. (Country dunnies was a term used to describe roof decks by a VCAT Chairman!!!) Bayside Council has a policy restricting roof decks, not so Kingston Council despite requests from KRAMMED and Others.

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

Reports of a grossly polluted Yarra reinforces our concerns about water quality in the Creek given the Very Poor rating given to water quality in MW’s Annual Report. Monitoring results have been received but raise more questions. For example water quality results are the same at Pillars Crossing and after the flow passes through the Hains wetlands. We have asked MW to carry out tests to ascertain if the wetlands are performing as promised prior to approval given for the 700 house residential development.

Photopoint Monitoring

Brian kindly offered to use his digital camera for monitoring vegetation on the foreshore and creek banks. However he had difficulty finding some monitoring points. Decision to contact Tony Collins to seek advice on replacing missing indicators and also whether a six month monitoring agenda would be of benefit to the NRA team.

Bicycle Path from Carman Road to Mordialloc Creek

After meetings with consultants in June and July 2004 it should not have been a surprise to find that the preferred options of those who attended meetings were ignored in favour of a bike path routed on the cliff tops at Mentone and a third path through the vegetation from Rennison Street to the Pier resulting in unnecessary removal of vegetation in both instances. (Yet another example of council’s failure to seriously consult with the community. See Bill’s comments below.) Submissions to the bike path strategy are due February 11. We urge members to make a sub highlighting the precedent set if a bike trail through foreshore vegetation is approved in Kingston. Friends of Patterson River have been successful, with the support of politicians in keeping the path off Seaford foreshore, and a relevant Bayside council officer does not want a path routed through the Beaumaris cliff tops due to drainage and erosion problems. Similar damage could be expected if a path was sited on Mentone cliffs.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd November 2004

Forthcoming Events

The long awaited presentation by Melbourne Water re Management and waterways in Kingston including the functioning of Waterways wetlands and heavy metal readings in drains and creek, is finally happening Thursday December 2nd 7pm Brindisi Street, Mentone.
Important meeting:- Tuesday November 30th. Kingston Bay Trail Working Group 6pm at Brindisi Street, Mentone.
Bonbeach Community Nursery B-B-Q Sunday 5th December 1pm 3pm.

Photopoint Monitoring

Our president has kindly volunteered to use his digital camera and coordinate the photographs to be taken along the foreshore and creek monitoring points. Thanks, Brian! Hopefully the usual crew will be able to lend a hand in finding the sites.

Monterey Cypresses

Monterey Cypresses in Attenborough Park will be assessed to check their health after the severe storms which caused splitting in one tree trunk. It is hoped that the trees can be supported and saved because of their historical value and landmark status at the gateway to Mordialloc.

Nylex Bay Spill

Nylex’s costly bay spill in March 2003 resulted in the Magistrate ordering Nylex to pay $50,000 to fund an environmental project involving revegetation of the lower Mordialloc Creek. Diisodecyl phthalate was discharged from the factory via the stormwater system where it travelled 3kms flowing into Port Phillip Bay at Mentone Beach creating a slick approx. 6kms by 2kms.


Wetlands on the north bank of Mordialloc Creek extending from Hain’s wetlands to Wells Road Bridge are to be part of industrial development south of Governor Road. The land on this site was filled with 24,000 cubic metres of illegally dumped acid sulfate soil from Burnley tunnel in 1998 and was not removed. It is buried on site in close proximity Dunlop’s Drain and the creek. Acid sulfate can corrode iron and eat through concrete if exposed to air through dredging or development. Acid sulfate soils have been responsible for fish-kills in northern NSW rivers and Queensland coastal developments. It is also causing concern for those planning to dredge the Yarra shipping channels. A good question for the Melbourne Water rep.– Will there be leaching from the AS site into the proposed wetlands, Mordialloc Creek and Port Phillip Bay???

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st September 2004

Forthcoming Events

Kingston Environment Groups Network’s next meeting 7th October 7pm Presentation by Melbourne Water – Waterways and Wetlands Team! A long awaited opportunity to discuss water quality in Mordialloc Creek and Bay. also the realisation of acid soil problems in the Bayside/Kingston areas. Kingston Foreshore Reference Group meets Wednesday 20th October at Brindisi Street. Mentone 6pm. Channel deepening on the Agenda? Open Day at the Grange Saturday October 9th 9.30am to noon.
Protest at Parliament over Mitcham’s Twin towers 12 noon Tuesday October 5.2004
The Panel Hearing into Channel Deepening begins again 5th October at Nauru House 11th level. Hearings begin usually at 10am and try to finish each day at 4.35pm. Hearings are open to the public and well worth attending to listen to presentations and questioning of expert witnesses.


Submissions have been sent to: Kingston’s Draft Affordable & Appropriate Housing Strategy, Kingston Traffic Study, Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority, Open Space Review, Mordialloc Structure Plan. Nina & Brian e-mailed and faxed their submission after working on it while on holiday in the UK! That’s dedication to the cause!!

Planning Issues

Planning Issues in Kingston are still causing angst amongst residents-open space and residential amenity is disappearing. The Planning Minister’s offer of Interim height limits to Councils who have commenced their Structure Plans, may not save Kingston’s five Activity Centres from high rise because so far Mordialloc and Highett are the only centres to have completed Structure Plans. Chelsea’s plan has not been commenced and there is already an application for a four storey development in Station Street. The Save Albert Park group, in their newsletter, refer to a book by Dr Mark Lowe, Prof. Dept Communications, Uni of Ottowa entitled “Neoliberal Power Politics and the Contraversial Siting of the Australian Grand Prix Motorsport event in an Urban Park”. His theme in part is the ‘use of Albert Park Reserve as privatization in the service of commercial interests with costs borne by the taxpayer.” This has significance for Kingston residents where there is a tendency to sell off parkland rather than increase parkland to compensate for the overdevelopment of sites with loss of open space. Commercialisation of the foreshore for commercial activity is still likely in Kingston.

Planning Issues Continued

The Town and Country Planning Association reports on The Charter for Planning. Planning academics from Melbourne University co-ordinated an independent panel report on the proposal with contributions from SOS, the City of Yarra, TCPA. The report, Inner Urban Conservation and Development, edited by Miles Lewis was launched in August. However, it must be said that academics and bureaucrats tend to concentrate on the inner suburb planning issues rather than those afflicting middle ring suburbs. Do they know we exist out here?

Mordialloc Creek

An excellent turn-out of 25-30 people on National Tree Day to plant hundreds of trees, shrubs and grasses as well as ground cover on the north bank of the creek opposite the Jack Grut Reserve. Some newcomers were interested in the reason for planting indigenous species, local biodiversity habitat corridors and much else. The next working bee to be held in October.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th August 2004


A vote of thanks to our hard-working President and members for their continuing commitment to the protection of all aspects of our environment for the enjoyment of future generations. Special thanks to Brian for the comprehensive and generous comments in his Presidential Report 2004.


A letter of congratulations was sent to Kaye Proudley for the Land Care Award she received recently. Kaye is a member of Bradshaw Park, Edithvale Seaford Wetlands and a number of other environmental Groups A well deserved award for an incredibly
dedicated environmentalists.

Nina, Brian and MBCL have sent submissions to council re the Kingston Traffic Study. While attempts are to be made to alleviate traffic in White Street, a VicRoads proposal to The connection from South widen Nepean Highway south of the creek is more controversial.
Road across Warrigal Road to Boundary Road is also proposed.

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

No response as yet from Melbourne Water (Graham Daff) as to request for monitoring of water entering Waterways wetlands at Springvale Road and re-entering the Creek after leaving the wetlands, to check whether the wetlands do actually have any effect on polluted water from the Dandenong Creek flowing into Mordialloc Creek and the Bay. A litter trap is being placed on Settlement drain outlet at Wells Road, while a commendable effort, this doesn’t deal with water quality.

Channel Deepening

Submissions and appeals to be heard at the Panel Hearing, September 21, have now closed. Mary Delahunty advises that matters that are not within the Panel’s Terms of Reference include: alternatives to channel deepening of the shipping channels, land-side port development, upgrading of transport infrastructure, relocation of infra- structure services (gas, sewage, water, telecommunications, electricity, etc), financing the Port Phillip channel deepening proposal. It needs to be asked why these matters are not within the Panels terms of reference and how can decisions be made without consideration and costing. Furthermore EES studies in some areas are incomplete. The EES process is deeply flawed e.g the six weeks given to prepare submissions and study seven technical volumes (over 498 pages) of additional material while the consultants have taken two years to compile the documents with studies still incomplete. Stephen’s letter to the local papers was excellent and got coverage in the Frankston paper as well.

Peter Scullin Reserve

An on site meeting with Sophie Beesley and MBCL members stressed the need to retain the understorey of foreshore vegetation when work commences to link the foreshore with the grassed Reserve. In this area subject to gales, the close plantings has meant that not only is shelter provided, but the more fragile, taller trees are supported. Work has commenced on turning the tennis court into a carpark hopefully with sufficient space left for the Bayside Bike Trail to be constructed on the verge of Beach Road in that location.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th July 2004

Important Forthcoming Events!!

August 10 Mordialloc Village Committee Meeting at Doyles 6.30pm. to hear a presentation of the long awaited Mordialloc Structure Plan which is proposing four storey apartment developments on several environmentally significant sites abutting the creek and in central Mordialloc. The public is welcome at this meeting.

KRAMMED AGM August 25 7.30pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. It is hoped to have a Guest Speaker from Boroondara Residents Action Group (BRAG) fighting to defend Camberwell from inappropriate development. Please try and attend these meetings because our residential amenity is under extreme threat.
Also under threat are the rights of third parties (us) to object to developments in Activity Centres.

Another busy year for MBCL members who not only attend an ever increasing number of meetings dealing with environment matters but still find time for hands on revegetation work in natural resource area parks Mordialloc Creek banks and foreshore. Well done, all!

In addition to other pressing issues, the Channel deepening proposal for the Bay is of concern to our members not only because of potential damage to the marine ecosystem and habitat but also the impact which even a “imperceptible” rise in tide levels may have on the most vulnerable eastern side of the Bay already suffering from some of worst erosion for years caused by gale force winds. Submissions are due August before 5pm Monday 16th August 2004.

Next Meeting of the Blue Wedge Coalition August 4, 2004, 7.30pm at St Andrews Uniting Church cnr High & Bay Streets, Frankston

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

Water quality is still an issue with a recommendation that stormwater should be monitored at the entrance of Waterways wetlands and again as it re-enters Mordialloc Main to check whether the wetlands are in fact actually improving water quality. Settlement, Dunlops and Heatherton Drain are the other major contributors to creek pollution. Council has begun to check industrial areas through which the drains flow, and to install litter traps. Concern expressed in some quarters about the phragmites growth in the creek. As a result a letter explaining the value of the common reed in improving water quality, slowing flood flows and providing habitat was sent to that committee.

Bay Trail Bicycle Path Charman Road to Mordialloc

Penny reported on the meeting to discuss principles for the establishment of the bike path along Beach Road Mentone to Mordialloc. Unfortunately Kingston is third or fourth on the funding list so the path may not eventuate for some time

Tennis Court Car Park and Peter Scullin Reserve Revamp

Work is proceeding in the creation of a carpark on the former tennis court. Part of the existing parking leading off Pier Road is to be closed and retuned to park land. Some concern as to how the linkage can be accomplished without removing vegetation, especially the under storey which provides a wind break for the Scullin Reserve. MBCL members have met with Sophie to discuss this problem.
The proposed reorganization of the creek car park plans has been subjected to intense scrutiny by Brian and Nina as there appears to be an increase in car park spaces above the no net gain criteria which we thought applied to all car parks on the foreshore. This matter is still to be sorted. Nina pointed out the need for a pedestrian crossing from the Pier to the kiosk for safety reasons.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd June 2004

Congratulations to Janelle

Three lucky breaks in June persuading Council to buy a Fowler Street property for a much needed park in Chelsea, a win at VCAT and a baby boy on the 30th of June! What a girl!

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

Mordialloc Creek has degraded water quality due to the polluted low flow from Dandenong Creek and from major residential developments upstream. MBCL has asked that monitoring should commence at the entrance to Waterways wetlands and again before the flow re-enters the Mordialloc Main Drain. Theoretically there should be an improvement in water quality as a result of its passage through the designer wetlands. Nina reports a very successful working bee Saturday 5th June with Green Corps assisting with plantings on the north bank of Mordialloc Creek. Concern however over increasing amounts of litter along the banks. Mordialloc Secondary College is conducting an anti-litter campaign in an attempt to deal with the problem.

Beach Erosion

Gale force winds June 18-20 created havoc along the 13kms foreshore with paths undermined, dunes badly eroded and the Carrum Motor Yacht club building once again exposed and in danger of collapse through beach erosion. Valuable re-vegetation work on the foreshore was damaged

Round the Bay Bicycle Trail

Stephen, Penny and Mary are attending meetings to decide on the principles for this section of the trail from Charman Road, Mentone to Mordialloc creek. This section is the most suitable on which to commence construction (when funds are available) because of the path already on the verge of Beach Road from Rennison Street. This section could be widened more easily and require less damage to vegetation. Work has commenenced on the tennis court conversion to a car park. Sufficient space has been left to allow for the proposed bike path to be widened if need be.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th May 2004

Guest Speaker – Tony Collins

Guest Speaker Tony Collins presented a comprehensive report on the work of the NRA team commencing with the loss of Rob Jones to Bayside Council and his replacement with Lee James. A Green Corp Project, a training scheme for ten 17-18 year old students on work experience aims to fence the spinifex area at Bay Street. Work continues on the south bank of Mordialloc Creek with funding provided by Melbourne Water. Mordialloc College Years 9/10 students are involved in this project supervised by the NRA team. Plans include extending the riparian zone. Friends of Mordialloc Creek will assist with a planting day 5th June. Friends of Chicquita Park met with Tony Collins, David Digby and Jeff Yugovic as part of the community consultation to cost a vegetation management plan for the park. Concern at a statement made at an open council meeting that, “there should be a councillor on the committee who is opposed to the retention of the park in order to provide balance!” There is also reluctance to including the 2.4ha per 1000 people ARCUE measurement in the Open Space Review to give an accurate estimate of the lack of open space in Kingston. Met with Catherine Costello from Biosis on site to plan for the hand over of Epsom’s Herb Rich Grassy wetlands in January. 8000 plants per year are planted on the foreshore from Carrum to Mentone. A trial with geo-textile sand bags is planned to attempt to arrest erosion at Bonbeach. Still concern at the vandalism of foreshore vegetation in Kingston and Bayside. Request to write to Council asking for signs to be erected at the scene of tree vandalism. Discussed the siting of the Bay Trail Bicycle Path. This will involve a consultation process June 7th at Brindisi Street. Thank Tony for keeping us informed of the valuable work of the NRA team.
VCAT Hearing re four town houses in an Incremental Change Area in Chelsea. KRAMMED was an objector on behalf of residents. This development is 800 metres from Chelsea Station.

541 Main Street

1259 proformas collected during the campaign opposing the 5 storey development were sent to Mary Delahunty and presented to council by Nina and Brian. The architect /developer of 541 didn’t waste any time, the precedent having been set. A similar application is now before council for 334-337 Station Street, Chelsea. None of the three State Government reps. have shown any interest in preventing inappropriate development in either Mordialloc or Chelsea. The June edition of the VLGA Bulletin asks a pertinent question. “Do we want activity centres or congestion centres? Certainly traffic congestion will be increased both in Mordialloc and Chelsea shopping strips if these developments proceed with 21 apartments and four retail outlets proposed for Chelsea and 16 apartments in Mordialloc.

Pitrones Retirement Village

Pitrones Retirement Village in a Green Wedge was supported by Council’s Strategic Planner but opposed by Councillors so will now go to VCAT.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th April 2004

541 Main Street, Mordialloc Decision

The VCAT determination for 541 Main Street, Mordialloc, not surprisingly for we cynics, has approved three storeys with the fourth storey set back, for the old police station site. Those of us attending the four days Hearing believe that Council’s special witness, Craig Czarny, damaged the Council’s case by admitting that he had been engaged by Council to model height limits for the core commercial area between Main St, Beach Road and Owen Street. In his submission to the Hearing the consultant stated that “the plan envisages a maximum height of 4 storeys for the central precinct? Under cross examination by Ms Brennen, for the developer, Czarny stated that his views of an appropriate development of the subject land would be a 3 storey street wall recessive above“. Making four storeys and thus setting a precedent for four storeys in the Mordialloc Activity centre. In their summation the Members found that, “We note that he, Mr Czarny, did not recommend a two storey built form as suggested by some objectors, but rather he conceded that a higher form of development was possible on the site.’ The member continues, “We have taken the step of lowering the building(from 5 storeys to 4) generally along the lines recommended by Mr Czarny.”

Channel Deepening

Three Blue Wedge Coalition members attended a Gateway Process meeting at the Port of Melbourne Authority offices organised by the Government. The ‘gatekeepers’ were appointed to assess
the business justification for channel deepening. The gatekeepers came from Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide! Channel Deepening Meeting at Chelsea RSL Monday 3rd.

541 Main Street, Mordialloc (continued)

Mr Czarny is still employed by council and states in his sub. to the Hearing that “work is underway to determine an appropriate scale (of development) for this and other land in the activity centre” He specifically mentioned in his submission that the arc of Beach Road would be an “appropriate site for higher forms of development. The Housing commission units perhaps? The question then is why are 4 storey height limits still being considered when councillors (we believed) and the community have consistently objected to 4 storeys in Mordialloc? What is the process at work here? Are the councillors and the community’s preferred options being ignored? Who in council is making decisions which ignore the community’s preferences despite the DOI directive in the General Practice Note for Structure Planning for Activity Centres. “Consultation with stakeholders throughout the process is essential…Community engagement is a key element at all stages of preparing a structure plan… Each stage will need specific stakeholder engagement and community consultation.

Mordialloc Skateboard Facility

Despite over 30 objections from nearby residents and others it seems certain that the site in Attenborough Park will be chosen for the 8-14 year olds’ skateboard facility. The park has been the subject of an extensive Draft Master Plan as a passive recreation area. The site is in close proximity to Doyles hotel with people parking on the park in the evening, close to the creek where vandalism of boats is a frequent occurrence, and will increase littering of the area especially if a kiosk is included.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd March 2004

Guest Speaker – Mr Norm Bury

Guest Speaker was Mr Norm Bury, member of the Clayton South Village Committee. Norm out- lined the background to the sale of part of the Heatherton Park in 1999, despite the fact that the land was bought and paid for on behalf of ratepayers under the previous City of Oakleigh Council, to operate as a land fill area, until such time as it became settled and would then return to the people for public use.
“The original commitment given to the people of Kingston by its elected councillors was, that the operations in which dealings of this municipality would be carried out by Council would be transparent in their entirety, and full consultation would be the cornerstone of its partnership with the people of Kingston.”
While the Heatherton area was to become part of a Chain of Parks once the tips were filled slabs are now being built over the filled tips and industrial development is occurring on the sites. “Will this mean that filled sites will be sold for development rather than become the Chain of Parks?
Who is watching over our parks to ensure that they are not being sold for development as is the case with six small parks in Clarinda ?

541 Main Street, Mordialloc

The VCAT hearing for the five storey development proposed for the old police station site ran for four days from the 22-25 March. Five residents presented submissions requesting a two storey height limit. Community opposition to high density development and support for retention of heritage buildings and neighbourhood character was reflected in the 1250 signed pro-formas collected in the days preceding the hearing. Unfortunately State Government pressure for high density in-fill development as required under M2030 will preclude a VCAT decision acceptable to the community and a precedent will be set for 4-5 storey development in the rest of the commercial centre and creek precinct. MBCL Treasurer made a contribution towards the fighting fund for the campaign. Sincere thanks to the handful of members/residents who letter boxed, held placards, gathered signatures, sent e-mails, telephoned and prepared submissions. No thanks to elected representatives and bureaucrats who fail to support communities seeking to defend their residential amenity.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Meeting 30th March issues discussed were:-

  • KCEC to organise a full day community conference devoted to the state of Kingston’s environment. Speakers and community group displays to be encouraged.
  • How effective is Council’s policy of dealing with cars parking on, and damaging, nature strips?
  • A policy for planting sustainable trees and vegetation in Kingston to counter a predicted temperature rise due to global warming accompanied by a decline in rainfall.
  • An amendment to Kingston’s open space policy to prevent small parks being sold for development.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th February 2004

Forthcoming Events

Clean Ocean Foundation is staging a bike ride to highlight the need for improved treatment for 142 ocean outfalls around the country. The riders will reach Mordialloc 6th March. MBCL has been asked to greet and speak to riders. Anyone interested to meet and greet riders? The riders are the third generation of activists.
Power to the People forum at Darebin Arts Centre March 30th. Has the electricity industry restructuring benefited consumers? PH. 9 347 2233
Conversation with Carmen Lawrence Queen Victoria’s Women’s Centre Friday 12th March Contact UAW Ph. 9 654 7409 if interested.
Inquiry into Sustainable Cities 2025 March 16th. Free public hearing 10.30am-4.30pm Roundtable 5.00pm-6.30pm at Parliament House, Spring Street.
March 16th. SAVE THE BAY! Alternatives to Channel Deepening Melbourne Lower Town Hall 7.30 Key Note Speaker Dr Graham Harris CSIRO. Rod Quantock MC.
Blue Wedge Meeting Chelsea Library March 2nd 3pm. Come and meet the dynamic crowd working to save our Bay!
Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority is seeking details of one our groups “Success Stories”. Deadline March 31st. Any takers?

Sale of Small Parks in Clarinda

Both MBCL and KCEC members presented submissions to Council urging the retention of the parks because they are easily accessible for the elderly, children and disabled residents who are nervous about crossing busy major roads. The parks were developer contributions in lieu of funds when residential development was underway in Clarinda. The Minister for Local Government was approached by Council for approval to sell the parks. The money from the sale is to be used to fund a multicultural centre in Clarinda shopping strip. Council had agreed to an assessment of Kingston’s open space needs. We argued that the parks shouldn’t have been sold until the assessment was concluded. Criticism also of the consultation process whereby both MBCL and KCEC were invited to speak to their submissions when the decision to sell was already agreed upon.

Edithvale Common

January 2002 Melbourne Water declared the common surplus to requirements, The land is subject to flooding and if used as a football oval with social functions held under lights, or in the club house at night, will create disturbance to the nearby RAMSAR listed Edithvale Wetlands. Submissions supporting the FOESW objections have been dispatched.

541 Main Street, Mordialloc

Stirling work by Nina & Brian in organising letter boxing, leaflet handout in Main Street and lobbying politicians. Thanks to those who assisted in this time consuming activity. Over 600 signatures have been collected, compiled and sent to the Minister’s electorate office. Individuals who have been letter boxed are also sending the leaflets to Delahunty’s office. Next, watch out for the daring placard wavers alerting the public that their neighbourhood could be next to find five storeys or higher in their coastal village. The VCAT Hearing commences 22 March. Please find time to attend the Hearing and lend support to the submitters.

Peter Scullin Reserve

KCEC combined with MBCL to support Brian’s car parking re-org of the creek car park. It was designed to remove the need to convert a large section of the Hazel Pierce Park to bitumen. Officers at the meeting agreed to consider the altern- ative design and report. Peter Scullin, former Mordialloc Councillor after whom the park was named, expressed a desire to be kept informed of the outcome.

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