Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th February 2004

Forthcoming Events

Clean Ocean Foundation is staging a bike ride to highlight the need for improved treatment for 142 ocean outfalls around the country. The riders will reach Mordialloc 6th March. MBCL has been asked to greet and speak to riders. Anyone interested to meet and greet riders? The riders are the third generation of activists.
Power to the People forum at Darebin Arts Centre March 30th. Has the electricity industry restructuring benefited consumers? PH. 9 347 2233
Conversation with Carmen Lawrence Queen Victoria’s Women’s Centre Friday 12th March Contact UAW Ph. 9 654 7409 if interested.
Inquiry into Sustainable Cities 2025 March 16th. Free public hearing 10.30am-4.30pm Roundtable 5.00pm-6.30pm at Parliament House, Spring Street.
March 16th. SAVE THE BAY! Alternatives to Channel Deepening Melbourne Lower Town Hall 7.30 Key Note Speaker Dr Graham Harris CSIRO. Rod Quantock MC.
Blue Wedge Meeting Chelsea Library March 2nd 3pm. Come and meet the dynamic crowd working to save our Bay!
Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority is seeking details of one our groups “Success Stories”. Deadline March 31st. Any takers?

Sale of Small Parks in Clarinda

Both MBCL and KCEC members presented submissions to Council urging the retention of the parks because they are easily accessible for the elderly, children and disabled residents who are nervous about crossing busy major roads. The parks were developer contributions in lieu of funds when residential development was underway in Clarinda. The Minister for Local Government was approached by Council for approval to sell the parks. The money from the sale is to be used to fund a multicultural centre in Clarinda shopping strip. Council had agreed to an assessment of Kingston’s open space needs. We argued that the parks shouldn’t have been sold until the assessment was concluded. Criticism also of the consultation process whereby both MBCL and KCEC were invited to speak to their submissions when the decision to sell was already agreed upon.

Edithvale Common

January 2002 Melbourne Water declared the common surplus to requirements, The land is subject to flooding and if used as a football oval with social functions held under lights, or in the club house at night, will create disturbance to the nearby RAMSAR listed Edithvale Wetlands. Submissions supporting the FOESW objections have been dispatched.

541 Main Street, Mordialloc

Stirling work by Nina & Brian in organising letter boxing, leaflet handout in Main Street and lobbying politicians. Thanks to those who assisted in this time consuming activity. Over 600 signatures have been collected, compiled and sent to the Minister’s electorate office. Individuals who have been letter boxed are also sending the leaflets to Delahunty’s office. Next, watch out for the daring placard wavers alerting the public that their neighbourhood could be next to find five storeys or higher in their coastal village. The VCAT Hearing commences 22 March. Please find time to attend the Hearing and lend support to the submitters.

Peter Scullin Reserve

KCEC combined with MBCL to support Brian’s car parking re-org of the creek car park. It was designed to remove the need to convert a large section of the Hazel Pierce Park to bitumen. Officers at the meeting agreed to consider the altern- ative design and report. Peter Scullin, former Mordialloc Councillor after whom the park was named, expressed a desire to be kept informed of the outcome.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st May 2002

Launchings, Forums, Workshops

MBCL members were invited to a launching of the Victorian Stormwater Action Program for Kingston at the Peter Scullin Reserve 10th May. Launched by Jenny Lindell MP. MBCL was represented at a presentation at Nauru House to explain the Review of the Environment Assessment system aimed at developing a new framework that will provide ‘certainty for business, industry and the wider community’. This is one to watch since there was claimed to be a need to ‘speed up decision making’. Subs due 21 June. A very successful Forum was held at RMIT 26 May with delegates from the nine Metropolitan Green Wedges to formulate a policy to protect the wedges from continuing development pressure.

Edithvale Common

Complications with the ownership and ultimate control of Edithvale Common have emerged with conflicting advice from Tony Rijs, and Scott Seymour of Melbourne Water. Melbourne Water is reported as wanting to sell the Common but there is a question mark over the use of the land should Kingston council buy the site.

Chelsea Heights Retirement Village

Mulkarra, developers of the proposed retirement village, are taking Kingston Council to VCAT as a result of delay in making a decision about the commercial component of this contraversial development. It is proposed to have five restaurants/eateries on the busy Springvale/Edithvale Road junction. The developers in December 2001 illegally removed a ancient River Red Gum on the site. Remaining red gums could be at risk from the developers plans.

Kingston Foreshore & Waterways Landscape Guidelines

The second Draft policy has been released for steering committee consideration. Following the excellent presentation at the KTRI from the manager of NSW coastal zones, there is greater understanding of the importance of retaining the dune systems in Kingston as a means of protecting infrastructure and expensive real estate which unfortunately, has been built on the frontal dune. Much of this information has been included in the Draft document.

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