Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st March 2006

Peter Scullin Reserve Landscaping

Thanks to the intervention of the DSE no vegetation removal occurred before the Wine and Food event.. Kingston Council, had neglected, as Committee of Management to apply to the Minister for approval to remove vegetation on the Reserve. A permit was only applied for by Council on the 8th March after DSE advised of the need for a permit. Vegetation clearance commenced Wednesday March 22nd resulting in the loss of 22 Coast Banksias, 14 Sheoaks, all eucalypts .45 trees removed. Council’s list of to revegetation species differs from that of the DSE which lists a Banksia woodland of 80 trees. Council list has 21 Banksias. We had been advised by Parks and Gardens staff that no trees would be removed. All the Coast Wattle, Boobialla, Correas, understorey plants, have gone leaving the Reserve exposed to the elements and the remaining Sheoaks likely to succumb to gales. The other plantings will be grasses and low growing ground cover rather than a substantial windbreak on this vulnerable site.
Thanks to all submitters to the so-called consultation process regarding landscaping the Reserve. Two submissions were claimed to have been too late although one was handed in one day early and one on the due date at Council offices. Incompetence, inefficiency or what???
The Peter Scullin Reserve is Crown Land. How is it that Council officers were unaware that Ministerial approval was required to remove vegetation from Crown Land given the length of time some of the officers have lived and worked in Kingston?
Glen Agnew is back in the water and researching madly we are happy to report!

Wetlands Project

Waterways Wetlands type of creek development is proposed from Bowen Road to Boundary Road on land currently zoned industrial. However Graham Duff, Melbourne Water, stated at an AGRA meeting that no industrial construction can take place between the creek and Canterbury Road without Melbourne Water approval. A tree barrier could be planted to screen industry from residential areas south of the creek subject to land owners approval. The meeting was also informed that all water from Dandenong Creek flows into Patterson River. A small amount of water is diverted at Pillars Crossing into Mordialloc Creek at all times to keep the creek running. Flood control initiatives for Aspendale were also discussed. In a 1 in 100 year flood Aspendalians were happy to learn that they would be quite safe.

Mordialloc Creek Bridge

Also discussed at the AGRA meeting was the issue of bridge replace- ment and the need to raise the height of the bridge to prevent it acting as a dam during an unusually high tide combined with a 1 in a 100 year flood. Janice Munt has written to VicRoads requesting that MBCL be included on a reference committee for the bridge widening.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th August 2004


A vote of thanks to our hard-working President and members for their continuing commitment to the protection of all aspects of our environment for the enjoyment of future generations. Special thanks to Brian for the comprehensive and generous comments in his Presidential Report 2004.


A letter of congratulations was sent to Kaye Proudley for the Land Care Award she received recently. Kaye is a member of Bradshaw Park, Edithvale Seaford Wetlands and a number of other environmental Groups A well deserved award for an incredibly
dedicated environmentalists.

Nina, Brian and MBCL have sent submissions to council re the Kingston Traffic Study. While attempts are to be made to alleviate traffic in White Street, a VicRoads proposal to The connection from South widen Nepean Highway south of the creek is more controversial.
Road across Warrigal Road to Boundary Road is also proposed.

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

No response as yet from Melbourne Water (Graham Daff) as to request for monitoring of water entering Waterways wetlands at Springvale Road and re-entering the Creek after leaving the wetlands, to check whether the wetlands do actually have any effect on polluted water from the Dandenong Creek flowing into Mordialloc Creek and the Bay. A litter trap is being placed on Settlement drain outlet at Wells Road, while a commendable effort, this doesn’t deal with water quality.

Channel Deepening

Submissions and appeals to be heard at the Panel Hearing, September 21, have now closed. Mary Delahunty advises that matters that are not within the Panel’s Terms of Reference include: alternatives to channel deepening of the shipping channels, land-side port development, upgrading of transport infrastructure, relocation of infra- structure services (gas, sewage, water, telecommunications, electricity, etc), financing the Port Phillip channel deepening proposal. It needs to be asked why these matters are not within the Panels terms of reference and how can decisions be made without consideration and costing. Furthermore EES studies in some areas are incomplete. The EES process is deeply flawed e.g the six weeks given to prepare submissions and study seven technical volumes (over 498 pages) of additional material while the consultants have taken two years to compile the documents with studies still incomplete. Stephen’s letter to the local papers was excellent and got coverage in the Frankston paper as well.

Peter Scullin Reserve

An on site meeting with Sophie Beesley and MBCL members stressed the need to retain the understorey of foreshore vegetation when work commences to link the foreshore with the grassed Reserve. In this area subject to gales, the close plantings has meant that not only is shelter provided, but the more fragile, taller trees are supported. Work has commenced on turning the tennis court into a carpark hopefully with sufficient space left for the Bayside Bike Trail to be constructed on the verge of Beach Road in that location.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th July 1999

The Parks

The first series of photos have been taken for photo posts at Bradshaw Park. The photos are developed in Mentone free of charge. Mentone Park Primary School attended a planting day. Ron donated 50 plants to Bradshaw Park.
Christine Cama, President of the Braeside Park Friends Group has unfortunately resigned after five years of battling bureaucracy. She will be missed. A $5910 Grant from Parks Victoria was received and will be used for salinity control by intensively planting trees to lower the ground water. $2000 worth of plants have been sold by the Friends Group. There has been no response from Geoffrey Leigh after repeated requests for funds to establish a litter trap on the Dingley Drain. AGM August 22 1999 at the Braeside Visitors Centre. P.S. The Bicycle Hire service at Braeside has folded. Bring your own bikes! Dingley Primary School was involved in planting on Arbor Day at Rowan Woodlands.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Work is proceeding on Lake One on the north east corner of the Industrial Estate. The plan is to drain the very deep borrow pit, clay line the bottom, use bio-solids from the Carrum Treatment Plant for fill and place a clay lining over the bio-solids. It is claimed that there will be no problem with this proposal. Interested groups were invited to inspect the site and the treatment plant on Sunday 18th July.

Communication Tower at Mordialloc Hospital Site

Mara reported on Kingston Council’s intention to place a 90 ft communication tower on this site. Nearby residents objected on visual and health grounds and the possibility that Optus or Vodaphone may also seek approval to use the tower.

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