Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd November 2004

Forthcoming Events

The long awaited presentation by Melbourne Water re Management and waterways in Kingston including the functioning of Waterways wetlands and heavy metal readings in drains and creek, is finally happening Thursday December 2nd 7pm Brindisi Street, Mentone.
Important meeting:- Tuesday November 30th. Kingston Bay Trail Working Group 6pm at Brindisi Street, Mentone.
Bonbeach Community Nursery B-B-Q Sunday 5th December 1pm 3pm.

Photopoint Monitoring

Our president has kindly volunteered to use his digital camera and coordinate the photographs to be taken along the foreshore and creek monitoring points. Thanks, Brian! Hopefully the usual crew will be able to lend a hand in finding the sites.

Monterey Cypresses

Monterey Cypresses in Attenborough Park will be assessed to check their health after the severe storms which caused splitting in one tree trunk. It is hoped that the trees can be supported and saved because of their historical value and landmark status at the gateway to Mordialloc.

Nylex Bay Spill

Nylex’s costly bay spill in March 2003 resulted in the Magistrate ordering Nylex to pay $50,000 to fund an environmental project involving revegetation of the lower Mordialloc Creek. Diisodecyl phthalate was discharged from the factory via the stormwater system where it travelled 3kms flowing into Port Phillip Bay at Mentone Beach creating a slick approx. 6kms by 2kms.


Wetlands on the north bank of Mordialloc Creek extending from Hain’s wetlands to Wells Road Bridge are to be part of industrial development south of Governor Road. The land on this site was filled with 24,000 cubic metres of illegally dumped acid sulfate soil from Burnley tunnel in 1998 and was not removed. It is buried on site in close proximity Dunlop’s Drain and the creek. Acid sulfate can corrode iron and eat through concrete if exposed to air through dredging or development. Acid sulfate soils have been responsible for fish-kills in northern NSW rivers and Queensland coastal developments. It is also causing concern for those planning to dredge the Yarra shipping channels. A good question for the Melbourne Water rep.– Will there be leaching from the AS site into the proposed wetlands, Mordialloc Creek and Port Phillip Bay???

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd February 1999


Watch for information about the 3rd National Mainstreet Conference. Securing the future Mainstreet Streetlife 18-21-April 1999

Australia Day Stall

Sincere thanks to all those who assisted at our display and stall on Australia Day on Mordialloc Foreshore. Thanks to F.Rimingtons initiative we had a great position right in front of the main marquee. Our display and petition urging Council and State Govt to protect the Green Wedge attracted enormous support. Many people asked for and took away petition forms to gather further names. Councillors and State politicians take note.

Kingston Lodge Development L33

Despite widespread local opposition to this development in the Green Wedge, and scientific evidence concerning building on a flood plain when climate change and storm surges are becoming more frequent, McLellan has approved the 700 house residential development.

Epsom Racecourse Development L38

The Urban Land Authority has purchased the former racecourse and plans to construct 400- 500 houses on the site which is also flood prone. This land & parts of Mordialloc were flooded to a depth of two metres in 1932 and 1954. Melbourne Water will require 10 ha for a flood control basin on the site. This will also serve as the required “open space” for the development.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd December 1998


Letter to DNRE re the lopping of the four banksias in front of Windows on the Bay. Letter to PPCC re the banksia lopping (as above)
Letter to Rob Jones, SERCO re continued meetings with Friends Groups & MBCL.

The Parks

Photoposts have been placed in Bradshaw Park to provide a progressive record of plant growth.
Friends of Braeside Park have written to the local member, Geoffrey Leigh MP, requesting funds for a filter on Dingley Drain. $1000 was received but Melbourne Water advises that $40,000 is required for a filter. The red brick building used as a Ranger’s office has been bought by Melbourne Water and leased to Braeside Park Admin.

Kingston Lodge Development L33

Kingston Council have applied to have the green wedge boundary moved from the freeway reservation to Springvale Road to facilitate the proposed residential development in the green wedge. The Aspendale Gardens group are opposed to the 700 house residential development on the Hains property in the green wedge. KCEC members have discussed this matter with DNRE. Letters from KCEC have been sent to a number of responsible authorities and environmental groups re this blatant “urban incision” (the Panel’s words) of part of the green wedge.

Acid Sulphate Soil

In addition to the 24,000 c/m of acid sulphate soil from the City Link tunnels dumped at Braeside by Transfield Obayashi, potential acid sulphate soil has been found on the Kingston Lodge site. The EPA will require an Environment Management Plan to be carried out before this soil can be used for fill for the proposed residential development on the Hains land. Transfields consultants have claimed that the acid sulphate soil can be covered and left at the Braeside site however if the owner of the land wants to build factories on the land he will have to bear the cost of treating the land. The EPA haven’t insisted on monitoring the Braeside land to check if there is any leaching of acid sulphate into the drains or groundwater. Continue reading »

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th October 1998

For Sale! For Sale! For Sale!

Original watercolour cards with envelopes. Local Scenes. Great for OS friends.
All proceeds to MBCL.

The Parks

Further to last months minutes referring to proposed signs at Bradshaw Park we have been advised that the signs will be metal, 6ft long and approx. 3ft wide. The signs will be pictorial only with outlines of animals which children/students can colour in. The signs will be sealed to weather proof them. It is proposed to place the signs along both the Nepean Hwy and railway fences. Council is prepared to construct an improved entrance when the Friends have decided on the design.
Water analysis is continuing at Braeside Park. We will be interested to hear the results when they are available. Sunday 8th November at 2pm a Spring Heathland Walk with Leon Costermans.
Planting is continuing at Karkarook Park.

Sercos’s Foreshore Management

A bi-monthly meeting with Serco, MBCL and KCEC members took place 8-9-98. Issues discussed were a proposed ecological burn at the Mundy Street, Mentone site to encourage regeneration of indigenous plants. There is no official plan for foreshore management. The Kingston Foreshore Strategy Plan will become the official plan when the study is completed by the consultants. There are opportunities for Friends Groups to be involved in decision making if they contact Council when new specifications are being prepared. We reported that beach cleaning machinery was damaging spinifex which is spreading onto the beach and stabilising the sand and dunes.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition Annual General Meeting

A Public Transport Users Association representative attended this meeting and asked for submissions opposing the Scoresby Freeway. Paul Mees of the PTUA will represent MBCL at the Panel hearing as well as the many other environment groups who are objecting to the proposed freeway which will encroach into the green wedge and encourage more development in the wedge.
KCEC have applied for a $20,000 Federation Grant to assist with the planned two day Flora and Fauna Seminar on biodiversity in the sandstone areas in Kingston and adjoining suburbs.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd September 1998

We welcome new members David & Joan Eggleston.


Submissions have been sent to the Federal Government’s ANZEC Enquiry, the Scoresby Freeway EES (Paul Mees of the PTUA will attend the panel on behalf of environment groups). We were asked by Kingston Council’s Planning Officer, Mark Woodland to comment on L38, Council’s plans for Epsom Race Course. All submissions are available if members are interested in checking them.
J. Cuthbertson will write to Dr Miles Lewis (TCPA) re the Hains property development.

Mordialloc Local Area Traffic Study

Concern was expressed that intense development in some sections of the municipality will intensify traffic and parking problems for residents. e.g. a proposed development on the corner of Alameda Street, Parkdale and Como Parade. There are reports of similar over- developments at Aspendale.
Recommendation:- That Parkdale Mentone Village Committee form a sub-committee to examine the development applications to Kingston Council and make comment.
The ARUP traffic report and summary are available for comment.

The Parks

Friends of Bradshaw Park have received a grant of $300.00 for signs to be placed on the fence. The signs would contain information about the flora and fauna within the park. It was suggested that the money might be better spent on an entrance designed to attract attention from passing traffic. Signs often add to the clutter along roads and highways.
A Braeside Park volunteer has nobly commenced analysis of the water in Dingley Drain which flows through Braeside Park. In the last three months 5000 plants have been planted in the new parking area. Jewish school children were given a grant to plant 1000 trees in the Park! Melbourne Water owns the Mornington Peninsula Freeway reservation and brick building used by Parks staff. Vic Roads wants to buy the reservation from Melbourne Water and use the brick building for their own staff.
The front part of Karkarook Park may be handed over to the public in November.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Regular meetings are being held by a KCEC committee to plan a Flora & Fauna Seminar to be held in March 1999. Kingston Council is supporting a Federal Grant application of $20.000 for the seminar.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th August 1998

The Parks

Braeside Park Friends Group is being asked to conduct tours of the Park formerly undertaken by Park Staff. In times such as these with downsized staff more is expected of volunteer groups it seems.
Governor Road widening to four lanes will mean loss of parkland on the southern section of Braeside Park. The undeveloped Kingston Lodge land will remain intact!
Karkarook Park Friends Group will be established to work with Braeside Friends Group in volunteer work in the park.
The Sandbelt Parklands Advisory Committee will widen the committee to attract people with a wide range of interests.

Kingston Lodge Panel Hearing

Conservation/environment groups appeared at the Panel hearings at Moorabbin Council Offices on the 11/12 August. J. Cuthbertson presented a most detailed and comprehensive submission to the Panel. Friends of Braeside Park, Friends of Edithvale Seaford Wetlands and Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League all spoke in support of their submissions. It was disappointing to hear Parks Victoria and DNRE supporting the development – even to the extent, in Parks Victoria’s case, supporting Kingston Council’s recommendation that the Green Wedge boundary should be moved to Springvale Road to allow the 700 house development to proceed. Kingston Council had a lawyer to support their case in favour of the development.

Mordialloc Local Area Traffic Study

Surveys have been sent to some residents in the study area – not all residents received them. The Mordialloc traders want the Moorabbin Transit bus moved to the other side of the railway line to allow for more car park spaces, however this will disadvantage public transport users especially the elderly who will have to negotiate the steep railway underpass. Residents in Montgomery Street will also be disadvantaged by the traders demand for a car park on the corner of Owen Street and Montgomery Street. Residents have asked that the Owen Street end of Montgomery Street be closed to stop through traffic. The next Steering Committee meeting will address the White street, Governor Road traffic problems.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st July 1998

Kingston Lodge Wetlands Development

The Panel Hearings into the proposed 700 house residential development and wetlands on the Hains property, Kingston Lodge, has commenced at Moorabbin Council Chambers. MBCL, KCEC, Friends of Braeside Park, Edithvale Wetlands and other community groups will appear on August 11/12. The hearings are open to the public. Six of the seven Kingston councillors have voted in favour of the development.

The Park

Bradshaw Park is being subjected to a radical removal of tea-trees. According to SERCO the aim is to convert the park into a grassy woodland. Tea-trees a certain number of metres from the coast are considered to be weeds!! The removal of healthy mature trees from this park, the foreshore and the creek reserve is causing considerable angst.Are there not more important tasks to be undertaken?
Braeside Park staff organised an excellent tour of Karkarook Park and work in progress there followed by a barbecue at Braeside Park. There is some suggestion of negotiations underway between Melbourne Water and Vic Roads over the ownership of the Mornington Freeway Reservation.
Karkarook Park is taking shape although mining continues in the largest hole which will eventually become a lake suitable for some boating. The park is essentially a flood control basin to treat stormwater especially Heatherton drain flow before it enters Mordialloc Creek.

Acidic Soil Dumping Melways 93 Al

Last November 1997 acid sulphate soil was dumped on industrial land south of Governor Road abutting Dunlops Drain. The soil came from City Link tunnels and Webb Dock and is prescribed contaminated soil. It has not been removed but covered with clean fill, however the EPA advises that in the long term there will be leaching into the groundwater. These oxidation products are highly toxic to aquatic organisms and if exposed to the air can also corrode steel and concrete engineering products.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th February 1998

Panel Hearings on the Kingston Municipal Strategic Statement

Panel hearings will be heard at the Kingston Council Chambers, Moorabbin, from March 16 to 22 April 1998. These hearings are open to the public and should prove a valuable insight to possible planning changes in the municipality.
MBCL will be presenting our submission to the panel on Wednesday 18 between 12noon – 12.30pm.
Submissions will include representations about the rezoning of Beach Road to RDZ1.

The Parks

Braeside Park is under extreme pressure as the number of rangers have been reduced by three. There are now only five rangers available, therefore a number of activities have been curtailed. For example guides are no longer provided for school groups. Instead kits are sent to schools so that teachers can conduct their own tours! There will be no more train rides. Water quality analysis of the Dingley Drain, formerly a major source of leachate pollution in the Park, will not be carried out by rangers. Therefore there will be no monitoring of this drain. Weeds from the non-urban areas south of Mordialloc Main Drain and on the Hains property, are invading the Park- The most serious noxious weed is Pattersons Curse.
There is concern about the health of the river red gums which may be affected by the rising water table, an excess of fertiliser, cattle compaction or a virus.
On the positive side a new car park has been installed, as well as rabbit proof fencing. The plant propagation program has been so successful that there are many plants for sale to councils if they are interested.
Karkarook Park was officially opened by Marie Tehan, Minister for Conservation. No expense was spared although the hard working committee wasn’t invited!! Thousands of small recently planted trees were burnt. An expensive post and rail fence has been moved to allow a car park to be built for Hardware House next door to the park. The Park will lose 30 metres of parkland to enable the car park to be built!

Acid Sulphate Soil at Braeside

It was discovered recently that acidic soil from the City Link tunnels and Coode Island has been dumped as fill for industrial development south of the Woodlands Industrial Estate adjacent to Settlement drain which flows into Mordialloc Creek. The EPA is carrying out tests on the soil.

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