Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st December 2004

Welcome to 2005

2005, at present shaping up to be a challenging year. 2005 has begun with a rash of VCAT and Panel Hearings, Melrose Street residents have already been to VCAT over a Dan Murphy proposal to have large semis exit into Melrose Street. Result unknown at this stage. MBCL have objected to a concrete crushing facility at 295-305 Kingston Road, Clarinda on the grounds that lead based paint and asbestos from old buildings may enter drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek. Panel Hearing to commence 21 February at Fujitsu Building. 10am. KRAMMED will be attending VCAT 14/15 February.334-337 Station St, 3 storeys 21 residential units, four retail shops and six offices. Amended plans now appear to include a 40 seat restaurant resulting in a significant increase in car parking rate required pursuant to the Kingston Planning Scheme. This design is by the same firm responsible for 541 Main Street, Mordialloc – another congestion centre in the making. suburbs. Mary Delahunty’s parting gift a three storey height limit for Melbourne suburbs. And watch out for the country dunnies sprouting from the roof tops of developments near you approved courtesy Kingston Council. (Country dunnies was a term used to describe roof decks by a VCAT Chairman!!!) Bayside Council has a policy restricting roof decks, not so Kingston Council despite requests from KRAMMED and Others.

Mordialloc Creek Water Quality

Reports of a grossly polluted Yarra reinforces our concerns about water quality in the Creek given the Very Poor rating given to water quality in MW’s Annual Report. Monitoring results have been received but raise more questions. For example water quality results are the same at Pillars Crossing and after the flow passes through the Hains wetlands. We have asked MW to carry out tests to ascertain if the wetlands are performing as promised prior to approval given for the 700 house residential development.

Photopoint Monitoring

Brian kindly offered to use his digital camera for monitoring vegetation on the foreshore and creek banks. However he had difficulty finding some monitoring points. Decision to contact Tony Collins to seek advice on replacing missing indicators and also whether a six month monitoring agenda would be of benefit to the NRA team.

Bicycle Path from Carman Road to Mordialloc Creek

After meetings with consultants in June and July 2004 it should not have been a surprise to find that the preferred options of those who attended meetings were ignored in favour of a bike path routed on the cliff tops at Mentone and a third path through the vegetation from Rennison Street to the Pier resulting in unnecessary removal of vegetation in both instances. (Yet another example of council’s failure to seriously consult with the community. See Bill’s comments below.) Submissions to the bike path strategy are due February 11. We urge members to make a sub highlighting the precedent set if a bike trail through foreshore vegetation is approved in Kingston. Friends of Patterson River have been successful, with the support of politicians in keeping the path off Seaford foreshore, and a relevant Bayside council officer does not want a path routed through the Beaumaris cliff tops due to drainage and erosion problems. Similar damage could be expected if a path was sited on Mentone cliffs.

Kingston Council Culture

Reports of council’s failure to seriously consult with, for example, environment groups were discussed. It was felt that council is an organisation not interested in dealing with the community unlike the culture pertaining when councils were smaller. Are there councils which have a more inclusive policy in decision making? Attenborough Park skateboard ramp was given as an example of where council accepted a compromise decision on the location (unfortunately in Attenborough Park) after a determined effort was made to force the proponents to include concerned members of the communty’s views to be heard. Bill will contact the VLGA for information re the role of councillors versus council officers. The issue of consultation is on the KENG agenda – meeting Feb 3rd.

Parks Reports

Stage One of Drills Land project will cost $50,000 and include an island in the lake to provide a bird refuge. Penny reported on a windy, wet working bee at the Grange.. A tree blew down but fortunately missed damaging the shelter. There is a new drive at Braeside Park. Weeding and maintenance was carried out at Bradshaw Park. Mordialloc Village Committee provided $200 to cover the cost of a pump cover in the park. Attenborough Park is losing one or two Monterey Cypresses claimed to be “reaching the end of their life”. MBCL would prefer to see judicious pruning of dangerous limbs rather than removal of these historic landmark trees. Judith reports that the magnificent European trees around the now demolished historic Mayfield will be destroyed despite being nominated for Kingston’s Significant Tree Register. Despite an on-site inspection with the relevant council officer, understorey was removed from the plantation nearest the Pier on the Peter Scullin Reserve prior to “carols” concert on the foreshore. A severe gale on the night not only drove the audience home but the remaining trees lost branches being in the direct path of the gale and having lost the supporting under-storey-which is what we predicted would happen. Rowan Woodlands was written up in Kingston your City asking for a Friends group to be formed much to the surprise of the existing Friends Group!

A Worth Award

A well deserved award to KRAMMED as Community Group of the Year was part of the Australia Day celebrations. Janelle amazes us all with her understanding of complex planning issues .Her willingness to assist distraught residents faced with appalling planning decisions despite a heavy work load and family commitments is certainly worth of the highest commendation. Congratulations!

Next Meeting of MBCL

2nd MARCH Belinda Ainley, Foreshore Co-ordinator has offered to attend the meeting. This is an opportunity to increase the flow of information about forthcoming projects. Come prepared with questions and proposals.

Mordialloc Structure Plan

Mordialloc Structure Plan was passed unanimously at the December meeting of Council.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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